Biblical Resources
Left: 1599 Geneva Bible
Click for Hard copy of Geneva Bible with modern spelling
Click for the Original 1560 Geneva Bible
Founders Bible (NAS) with commentary from David Barton
Below are some biblical resources that are scholarly written and uphold the Inerrancy of the Bible. Unfortunately, many so-called Christian resources are fluff and not very Biblical. Most Evangelical colleges and seminaries do not teach how to exegete the Scriptures--they use "eisegesis" to interpret the Bible instead of "exegesis." The so-called "inductive" Bible study has deceived many people into thinking what the text means to them--relating a text to your personal life is application, not interpretation. Application of a passage is subjective and personal. "Exegesis" of a text gives you the objective meaning of the passage and has nothing to do with your circumstances--the interpretation of Scripture should be based on the grammar, syntax, literary context, and cultural context of the passage in question. This method of interpretation is objective and Biblical. "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of Truth"
(II Tim. 2:15, NASB).
Bible Commentaries
New Testament Commentary by William Hendriksen & Simon J. Kristemaker
This 12 volume set is considered one of your best New Testament commentaries offered. It is also available on C/D-ROM. - Dr. Johann Peter Lange's (1802-1884) Commentary on the Holy Scriptures (24 volumes)
(Lange's Commentary offered by Logos Bible Software.) "The volume greatly differ in excellence, yet none could be spared. We have nothing equal to them as a series." --C.H. Spurgeon ( It is one of the best commentaries on the Old & New Testaments & recommended for college students. - Dr. Johann Peter Lange's Commentary --free on-line.
- Herbert C. Leupold (1892-1972) Old Testament Commentary
This is considered an excellent Old Testament Commentary. - Thayer's New Greek-English Lexicon
It is considered one of the finest Greek-English dictionaries available. It is also available on C/D-ROM. - Matthew Henry's Commentary on the whole Bible
It is considered one of the best devotional works for Christians on the Bible. (Matthew Henry--who was born on October 18, 1662, in Flintshire, Wales--was co-founder of the University of Pennsylvania, along Benjamin Franklin.) - Matthew Henry's Commentary --free on-line from
- Matthew Henry's Commentary --free on-line from
The Epistle to the Romans by Dr. John Murray (10/14/1898-05/08/1975), who was a Scottish-born Reformed theologian.
It is considered one of your best 20th century scholarly verse-by-verse exposition on the book of Romans.
- Free articles and sermons by Dr. John Murray (see external links)
- Commentary on Galatians
by Martin Luther [hardcover, ISBN 0-8007-1702-3 (Introduction by D. Stuart Briscoe--you want this specific copy)]
- Threshold--free whole Bible commentaries on the web.
- The Geneva Bible (1599) --Whole Bible free on-line.
- The Geneva Bible (1560/1599) --Original Geneva footnotes.
- The Interpretation of Prophecy by Patrick Faibairn
- Bulfinch's Mythology (The Age of Fable) -- stories of False gods
Lectures by Dr. Francis Schaeffer & Dr. D. James Kennedy (Recordings of the inaugural EPC General Assembly worship service speakers are now available in both audio and video formats. The speakers for the first Assembly were D. James Kennedy, Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and renowned theologian and author Francis Schaeffer. Kennedy spoke on "God's Purpose for His Church." Schaeffer's message was titled "To be God's Church in the Midst of the 20th Century Confusion.")
- Dr. Francis Schaeffer -- "To be God's Church in the Midst of the 20th Century Confusion." (Video)
Commentaries on Prophecy
Keil and Delitzsch OT Commentary on the Book of Daniel
H.C. Leupold of the Book of Daniel -- For arguments which refute the idea that Antiochus is being referred to by Daniel.
Church History
- History
of the Christian Church by Philip Schaff (1819-1893)
Philip was a Swiss-born, German-educated theologian and historian. It is one of your best works on church history--free on-line (see Vol. I thru VIII). - Church History by P.K. Keizer --an excellent brief history for high school and college students.
Two-Volume History of Christianity by Dr. Kenneth Scott Latourette (1884-1968)
A great work, but less detail than Philip Schaff.
- Roman Catholicism (1901-1990 AD) by Dr. Loraine Boettner
Dr. Boettner studied systematic theology under C.W. Hodge at Princeton Theological Seminary--Dr. Boettner contrasts evangelical Protestant and Roman Catholic doctrines and shows that Protestantism was not a new system to arise during the Reformation, but a return to New Testament Christianity.
- Free Articles by Dr. Loraine Boettner (For his work on Roman Catholicism--PDF).
- Meeting the Challenge of Eastern Orthodoxy (syllabus) by Dr. Robert A. Morey
- Tradition: Romish and Protestant by Dr. John Murray
- Fox's Book of Martyrs--free on-line.
- Fox's Book of Martyrs --free on-line from
- Treatise on the Right Use of the Fathers in the Decision of Controveries existing at this Day in Religion by John Daille -- Hard copy being sold at Faith Defenders website.
- Works of Flavius Josephus--free on-line.
- Canons of Dort (11/13/1618-05/09/1619)--response to Arminius
- Brief biographical sketches of major figures in Protestantism
- Saint Irenaeus Against Heresies Complete
- Early Christian Writings
Text of Old & New Testament
- Text and Canon Seminar (Lectures 1 thru 4--click to listen) - by Dr. Robert A. Morey
Dr. Morey is considered your top theologian in the world that is still living. (Listen for Free on Faith Defenders or NJIAT's website.) - Click the FAQ Tab: Are there 4 Covenants in the Bible? And What is the difference between Testaments and Covenants? Christians confuse the two.
- The Bible: Intelligent Design or Chance? -- by Dr. Robert A. Morey
- The Journey from Texts to Translation -- The Origin and Development of the Bible by Paul D. Wegner
- The Text of the New Testament by Bruce M. Metzger (1851 - 1921)
- Revelation and Inspiration by B.B. Warfield
- NT: Its Background Growth and Content by Bruce M. Metzger (1851 - 1921)
- Introduction to the Apocrypha--Introduction to the Apocrypha by Bruce M. Metzger
- Concise Survey of the Bible -- by G. Cambell Morgan
- Explore the Bible -- by J. Sidlow Baxter
- The Progress of Doctrine in the New Testament -- by Thomas Dehany Bernard
- The Unfolding Drama of Redemption -- by Dr. W. Graham Scroggie
- The First New Testament by David Estrada and William White, Jr. (ISBN 0-8407-5121-4 by Thomas Nelson Inc. 1978) This book on the fragments--Cave 7/Dead Sea Scrolls--shows how the record of events of Jesus' ministry began so very close to the time of His ministry that there was no time for the development of myths and legends put forth by liberal critics such as Rudolph Bultmann. For example, Fragment 7Q61 dates around 50 A.D. and cites Mark 4:28.
- How the Old & New Testaments Relate to Each Other by Dr. Robert A. Morey--this is the best book on tackling these issues. (Listen to the audio presentation on Faith Defenders or NJIAT's website.)
- Modern Apocrypha (a Refutation of the Apocrypha) by Edgar J. Goodspeed (1871 -- 1962)
Sabbath Controversy: What does the Bible teach regarding the Sabbath by Dr. Robert A. Morey?
Resources Exposing the Heretical Teachings of Natural Theology--it is sola scriptura vs. sola ratione.
Dr. Bob's famous "Journal of Biblical Apologetics(JBA)," 2002--2008, below: Natural Theology Vol. 1 & 9; Roman Catholicism Vol. 3 & 4; General Theism Vol. 4; Islam Vol. 5, 6, 7 & 8; Acts 17 (Does it support Natural Theology?), Thomas Aquinas, Calvin, etc. Vol 9; A Review of To Everyone an Answer, The Divine Essense/Engery Dichotomy, Jungian Analysis of Rick Warren's Shape Personality Profile, etc. Vol. 10; and Da Vinci Code: Historical Fact or Historical Fiction, The Renaissance of Natural Theology, etc. Vol. 11. Hard copies can be purchased at
- The Journal of Biblical Apologetics (JBA) --you can also purchase a hard copy of the JBA.
- The Bible, Natural Theology And Natural Law: Conflict Or Compromise? By Dr. Robert A. Morey. This is probably the most important books written in the 21st century exposing this destructive heresy in our churches and society. See JBA articles above for free articles on Natural Theology and Natural Law.
- Natural Theology--8 CD series with booklet
- Battle of the Gods by Dr. Robert A. Morey
Refutes the open view of God & process theology-recommended by Dr. D. James Kennedy.
- Religion, Reason, and Faith by Dr. Gordon H. Clark (08/31/1902 - 04/09/1985) Dr. Clark is considered one of the most brilliant Christian philosophers in the 20th century. He received his bachelor's degree and doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania. His work on refuting Greek philosophy and presenting the Christian view in all areas of life is unequalled.
- Free MP3 downloadable lectures on apologetics by Dr. Gordon H. Clark (16 lectures)--See Collection 6.
- Free MPS downloadable lecture titled Introduction to Philosophy from a Christian Perspective by Dr. John W. Robbins (15 lectures) Dr. Robbins received his Ph.D. in Political Philosophy from the Johns Hopkins University. He is a former chief of staff to a Member of Congress and has lectured at Harvard University, the University of Colorado, University of Texas, etc.
From the Desk of Dr. Robert A. Morey (11/13/1946-01/05/19)
In Memory of Dr. Robert A. Morey (11/13/1946--01/05/2019), who went to be with the Lord in 2019. Click to see Dr. Bob's Memorial: Biography & Testimony.
Dr. Morey was considered one of your top Protestant theologians and apologists in the world and could read up to 10 to 15 books an hour with 80% photographic memory. God blessed him with an IQ of 185. A Hebrew and Greek scholar and one of the very few Exegetical Theologians in the world with over 65 books published.
Comment: Dr. Morey was one of the few apostles/prophets (small "a", Ephesians 4:11) in the 21st century church--Francis Schaeffer was another example of an apostle/prophet in the 20th century and Calvin considered Martin Luther an apostle. They had to do the dirty work in the church because of all the false doctrines and teachings. Most Evangelicals would not invite "Apostle Paul" to their church if he were alive today.
Audio Lectures by Dr. Bob & Some of Dr. Bob's greastest Reponses Below (2nd Box)
From the Desk o Dr. Bob. Some of Dr. Bob's greatest reponses. See Dr. Bob Answers His Critics--PDF and Dr. Bob Answers His Critics (HTML)
Information on Psychiatry and Biblical Counseling
Click For Audio lecture on "The Psychologizing of the Church--Parts 1 & 2" by Dr. Robert A. Morey and Psychiatry.News
Click Free ebook Study Materials for Christians Misled by so-called Biblical Counseling -- all the free ebooks are listed in the above pictures. Recommended Free ebook: Against "Biblical Counseling" For the Bible
PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries--the Christian ministry of Dr. Martin and Deidre Bobgan
Anti-psychiatry demonstration in Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2005 (Photo By Legolam, via Wikimedia Commons)
Don't Let Your Child See a Psychiatrist Ever. and School Shooter Adam Lanza likely on Meds; labeled as 'Personality Disorder'--why don't the "senseless asses" in Congress outlaw psychiatric drugs and Ban Prozac And Other Mass Murder Drugs Not Guns!--short video (12/15/12) and Proven Solutions to Ending School Shootings--advise from the Israelis and Gun Control Kills Kids--Israel has learned from experience that terrorists stopped shooting kids at schools when ordinary citizensstarted to carry concealed pistols. (See Homeland Security Tab and subtitle What can be done to Prevent School Shootings? for further informaiton on this subject.) Psychiatry in Charge of GUN CONTROL: Utter Diaster (09/05/19)
The Puritan Christians were using the Bible effectively for what they called 'soul care'. Why has the Evanglelical Church turned to counseling based on psychology and therapy whose ideas came from Sigmund Freud, which is contrary to the Bible? See DVD's entitled Counterfeit Counseling and Psychological Seduction.
Citizens Commission on Human Rights—Watchdog Investigating & Exposing Psychiatric Human Rights Violations
(Also, see PDF on Psychology & the Church below; one will find some great books written on this subject such as PsychoHeresy that examines four commonly-held myths about psychology, analyzes attempts to integrate psychology with the Bible, reveals research exposing the fallacies of psychological counseling, and encourages a return to Biblical foundations for Christian living by Dr. Martin & Deidre Bobgan—recommended by Dr. Jay E. Adams, Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, and Dave Hunt & T.A McMahon).
Christian psychologists justify visualizing "Jesus" as a necessary "inner healing" therapeutic technique for dealing with "traumas" that are supposedly buried in the unconscious. This is nothing more than shamanism (witchcraft)--visualizing "inner guides" that are also used in self-improvement techniques. What happened to prayer, repentance, obedience, faith, filling of the Spirit, etc.?
Did you know that occult and New Age authors boldly brag that the human founding fathers of Psychotherapy and Psychology received their understandings from “familiar spirits”? Did you know that some pastors today are taking over churches and church bank accounts and then selling the land and the church? James Sundquist, author of Who’s Driving the Purpose Driven Church? and Rick Warren’s Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan, and David Bay reveal how the Emerging Church and Purpose Driven Church movements are destroying Christianity in the United States. (See the following website: The Perfect Peace Plan and Why is every human emotion classified as a mental disorder? )
Psychology and the Church - PDF
Secular Psychology and Christian Psychology vs. Biblical Counseling
Articles exposing the false teachings of so-called Christian Psychology.
Political & Economic Thought/History From a Biblical WorldView
When Is It Right to Fight? by Dr. Robert A. Morey
The book explains why Thomas Aquinas' system (based on Aristotle and adopted by the Roman Catholic Church) fails to bring economic and religious freedom..
Home Schooling
Picture: Frontispiece to Fireside Education by Samuel Griswold (Goodrich)
- Christian Liberty
- BJU Press
- Handwriting for Kids -- learn cursive writing and math for free.
- The Action Bible for Kids & The Action Bible--Study Bible (full ESV text)
The Phillips Academy -- The Phillips Academy is a unique math academy designed for home-schooled students in northern NJ - follow to learn more and see our strategy at work! Dr. Phillips is a graduate of Stevens Institute of Technology. Also, teaches at many math to many churches that have schools.
Free Bible Downloads on Android, Iphone, & Windows
- Free Bible Download Apps.
- Biblos--Bible search and study (offered free in many languages)
- Free Logos Bible Software for Android/Goggle Device to download
Books and CD's from Dr. Robert A.Morey (President of Faith Defenders) listed below on important Biblical topics, especially for University or College students, such as A Christan Student's Survival Guide, The Biblical Discipleship Program for Women by Dr. Anne Morey (Dr. Bob's wife), etc. For Electronic versions, see the following websites:
A. Solomon's Tool Box to purchase Dr. Morey's book in electronic Ebook format
B. Logos Bible Software: Logos Bible Software with the works of Dr. Robert A. Morey (33 titles) on CD-ROM for a very low price.
C. Dr. Morey's books can also be be purchased through Xulon Press
A Christian Student’s Survival Guide.A Christian Student’s Survival Guide (New Edition--2018--has color pictures in every chapter and has been expanded and the book's size has been reduced in dimension ( 6 x 9), 514 pages)). The book is for college and high school students and there is no other book like this one. Book can be purchased at Xulon Press in a hardcover or softcover located at A Christian Student's Survival Guide (6 x 9) (order from Xulon Press)
Click for Larger Picture "A Christian Student's Survival Guide"--PDF
- A Christian Student's Survival Guide--any student who studies this book will be able to intellectually refute the anti-biblical positions of even the smartest students and professors.
- The Biblical Discipleship Program for Women by Dr. Anne Morey
- The Bible: Intelligent Design or Chance?
- Biblical Evangelism--Listen to the 10 Lecture Set
- A Survey of Genesis - Click to listen to the Lectures 1 thru 10, a seminary course by Dr. Robert A. Morey
- A Christian Philosophy of Science (Parts 1 thru 3) & A Survey of Genesis - Lectures 1 thru 10, a seminary course (CBUS) by Dr. Robert A. Morey (Click to listen to audio)
- Introduction to Apologetics (Listen to the Audio 9 Part Series)
- Battle of the Ages--Lectures 1 thru Seminary Lecture Set with PDF Syllabus by Dr. Robert A. Morey (Click to listen to audio. Also, on Faith Defenders website).
- The Bible, Natural Theology And Natural Law: Conflict Or Compromise? Also, listen to the lecture series on website.
- Dr. Robert A. Morey on the John Ankerberg Show --Dr. Bob covers many Biblical topics such as as "Is the New Testament Historically Reliable"? on the John Ankerberg Show that is offered on DVD by them.
- The Encyclopedia of Practical Christianity by Dr. Robert A. Morey (700 pages on almost every topic--a valuable resource).
- Trinity: Evidence & Issues by Dr. Robert A. Morey
The most detailed exegetical work on the Trinity--recommended by Dr. Gleason Archer & Dr. John Ankerberg.
- Death and the Afterlife by Dr. Robert A. Morey
The most detailed exegetical work on eternal conscious punishment -recommended by Dr. Walter Martin. Tal Brooke, President of SCP , also wrote a recommendation for the book. - Spiritual Counterfeits Project (SCP)--great journals on refuting the New Age (Tal Brooke is a graduate of Princeton University and studied Hinduism under the great gurus of India.)
- Livingstone 200 (1813 - 2013) Missions Manual
- A Critique of Modern Youth Ministries by Christopher Schlect.
- Hermeneutics--How to Interpret the Bible for all it's Worth by Dr. Robert A. Morey
It explains how to interpret the Bible correctly--also, see free article on Hermeneutics. - Dr. Robert A. Morey's lectures at the 1991 Apologetics Conference sold on John Ankerberg's website
- Discipleship Handbook by Dr. Peter Hammond
Biblical Greek and Hebrew Software
- Biblical Greek: Greek/Hebrew Fonts
- Tyndale House Greek and Hebrew Keyboards
- Sacred Grammer by Dr. James Wilson Beaty (teach your children grammer from the Bible)
- Hebrew for Christians--see different words for God.
- BibleWorks-one can download free Greek and Hebrew Fonts for Microsoft or Macintosh word. Note: They are no longer offerring software.
- Linguist Software-- Greek and Hebrew Fonts.
- Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) -- Greek and Hebrew Fonts
- Conversion Chart for Greek and Hebrew (works in conjunction with BibleWorks above)--PDF