Global Warming or Hysteria?
Did the global flood (approx. 2348 B.C) occur because of man-made global warming? Will this event occur again in the 21st century? See answer on bottom of page. And see Censoredscience & Cold Fusion Now! & Climate Depot & GeoEngeering Watch & Climate change is being exploited by "mega billionaires" to tyrannize the planet, warns RFK Jr. (2023) & No, carbon dioxide is NOT a pollutant and it DOESN'T control the planet's temperature -- Read or download the Light, Issue 34, June 2023 -- PDF & We Are Not Breaking Temperature Records: See The Proof MSM Lying To Terrorize Public (TV, 07/08/2023) & Scientists from Princeton, MIT confirm that new EPA climate regulations are based on "hoax" pseudoscience (08/21/2023) & Tennessee Senate passes bill to ban chemtrail spraying while corporate media pretends geoengineering doesn't exist & CLIMATE FACT CHECK: Study reveals sea surface temperature, not human emissions, drives atmospheric CO2 levels (09/2024) & Chemtrails no longer a conspiracy theory, as globalists call it an essential part of their battle against "Climate Change" -- So, what’s really in these chem-trails? Why are they so toxic to humanity, including humans, animals and agriculture? A woman (Kristen Meghan) who served 9 years in the U.S. Air Force has blown the whistle and told the world EXACTLY what most chemtrails contain, and it will blow your mind.
Image Credit: President Putin.
Russian President Vladimir Putin says global warming is being used as an economic weapon against his country. Globalists want to undermine the Russian thriving energy sector -- many groups and government officials in the United States and Western Europe are not telling the truth; it is about global control (One - World Government/Religion) and greedy Wall Street making money at the expense of the poor and middle class. The globalists want to control the energy in Russia & Ukraine. People should thank God that He has raised up leaders like President Putin to stand up against evil. Is he perfect? No. (See Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse before the Great Reset SC by Dr. Peter Hammond (Video Presentation.) President Donald Trump also did a lot of good, except for "Operation Warp Speed" (promoting the deadly Covid vaccines), saturating his administration with Deep State CFR globalists instead of true Constitutionalists or freedomists, supporting red flag gun confiscation laws amoung other things. Every person is born into sin because of Adam and Eve, which is called original sin (see Romans 5:12-17; Gen. 6:5; 8:21; 25-22-26; Psa. 14:1-6; 51:5; 58:3; Rom. 3:23; Eph. 2:1-3). Leaders who purposely try to hurt, promote wickedness or destroy their own nation are evil and have given themselves over to Satan. Where are our leaders in the United States? -- promoting sexual perversion to our young people? Starting needless wars? China & Russia & Hungary & Middle Eastern countries, etc. are not promoting destructive and sinful policies against young children and destroying the family.
President Vladimir Putin of Russia: Anthropogenic Climate Change Is A Geostrategic Weapon
Left mage credit: evgonetwork (eVgo Network). Original image was trimmed and retouched (lighting and color tones) by User:Mariordo.This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
You are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work, etc. Nissan LEAF charging at the Freedom Station in Houston, TX. This is an eVgo Network station with both Level 2 and DC fast chargers--02/07/2010.
Problems with Electric Cars and No Carbon Dioxide (CO2) will Kill Mankind--Climate Change is a Fraud
The power grid that works off of natural gas (clean burning), coal, hydro, etc. cannot handle too many electric cars charging at the same time. Also, battery life of cars is 10 to 20 years (major pollution and cost to replace the batteries) and if a electric car catches fire, it cannot be extinguished. Also, you need diesel fuel for trucks, trains, heavy equipment, etc. Plant life needs carbon dioxide (see below for further discussion, especially on Climate Change). See 7 Reasons why the electric vehicle is not ready for mass consumption (2023)
Hydrogen/Solar Powered Houses and Vehicles
Left image credit: NJIAT,04/23/2022. Mike Strizki in a presentation to a group of people, including many MIT alumni, on how his hydrogen House Project works and hydrogen vehicles.
Solar Panel Systems for your home (Hydrogen/Solar powered houses by Mike Strizki or vehicles), or Commercial Buildings
Hydrogen cars is a better option if you produce your own hydrogen from solar or other means. This is why Mike Strizki's system is better--you can fill up immediately. However, it should be based on self-sufficiency and cost savings, not because of the false religion of global warming.
Genmounts Solar Racking System -- Installing solar systems. Strizki Systems at 472 ROUTE 31 NORTH, RINGOES, NJ 08551. Phone: (908) 788-7750
Hydrogen House Project -- you can run a house with a hydrogen/ solar unit invented by Mike Strizki and you can fill a motorized car or truck, if modified, with hydrogen or use a vehicle that has fuel cells. The main reason would be for having this system is that if the grid goes down because of a natural disaster, war, etc. you will have a self-sufficient home. Your house can still be hooked up to the grid to sell back electricity. Yes, you can make your own hydrogen and store it safely in tanks--it is very difficult to ignite or blowup a hydrogen tank even if you used a rifle to shoot through the tank; hydrogen dissipates very fast in the air unlike propane and natural Gas. Note: Actor Johanny Depp had Mike install a Hydrogen/Solar unit in his house.
Nuclear Energy or Cold Fusion?
A quote from Mike Adams: "Despite the persistent attempts by criminal governments and arrogant academics to crush the field of cold fusion, a commercial breakthrough has just been announced that marks a revolution for the future of our world. The Brillouin Energy Corp. has announced a breakthrough Hydrogen Hot Tube (HHT) Boiler System which uses solid-state low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) to produce controlled excess heat through the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium, releasing no emissions, no radiation and no "spent" radioactive fuel material like what we see in the nuclear power industry." Situation Update (Audio from Mike Adams on Cold Fusion--07/21/2022)
Note: The future is nuclear energy unless Cold Fusion is developed. Small modular reactors such as NuScale offer safety, low cost and energy independence, but the bureaucrats stand in the way. However, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved the NuScale small modular reactor in August 2020, opening the door for the United States to benefit from the updated technology--small modular reactors generate up to 300 megawatts of electricity and they are compact and can be shipped on a truck (it can supply 20,000 homes). Unfortunately, China is surpassing the United States in the next-generation nuclear power. Russia has two reactors on its cruiser, Akademik Lomonosov, that powers the village of Pevek and mining project north of the Arctic Circle. Imagine using these nuclear units to power "desalination plants" to supply water to states such as California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, etc. What is the U.S. doing? Sending billions to corrupt foreign nations such as Ukraine.
Image Credit (Left): Looking west as Engine 4 backs in from 8th Ave after a midday run during Jan 2016 snowstorm. By Jim Henderson (Jan. 23, 2016). This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. You are free:
to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work per author on (
Also, New York City in 2018 has not seen snow storms since the 1880s).
Is a Warm Arctic to Blame for New York's Snowy Winters?
Texas Deaths
Blamed on Lethal Green Policies; Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is not a Pollutant--3.5 percent of all carbon dioxide is man-made
Limiting greenhouse gases does nothing to help the planet. CO2 is not a pollutant is beneficial to life on planet Earth. For example, the U.S. National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) stated in 2016 that "a quarter to half of Earth's vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide." NASA is crediting CO2 "fertilization" for 70 percent of the increased vegation. Nitrogen is 9 percent according to NASA although gas makes up up nearly 80 percent of the atmosphere and CO2 accounts for a mere 0.04 percent. The National Center for Policy Analysis states that man-made CO2 amounts to 3.5 percent of all carbon dioxide in the Atmosphere. So, 96.5 percent comes from natural sources: ocean release, respiration, and decomposition. Even if human contribution doubled, it would only be seven percent of 0.04 percent!
Terraforming: Why are these One-Worlders (Globalists who support a world government or federation of nations stronger than any individual nation & are implementing this program) doing
this to Planet Earth, who are condemned from the foundation of the world?
Image credit (Left): This is a poster for the 2013 superhero film Man of Steel. The poster art copyright is believed to belong to the distributor of the
film, Warner Bros. Pictures, the publisher, Warner Bros. Pictures / Legendary Pictures / DC Entertainment / Syncopy, or the graphic artist (Fair Use). See, Man of Steel poster (Fair Use). Source: Imdb. Provide critical commentary.
Note: When the "Man of Steel" movie was released on June 10, 2013, starring Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill & Amy Lou Adams, General Zod (the enemy of Superman) was portrayed as trying to "terraform" planet earth. It would have exterminated man. How prophetic! See Man of Steel.
Bible note: This is part of Satan's agenda to exterminate the human race because mankind is made in the image of God (man is fallen as the result of Adam and Eve in the Garden and, as a result, people are imputed with Adam's sin from birth--people sin because they are sinners from birth. However, fallen man is still in the image of God (James 3:9)--click FAQ#7 (Romans 5:12-21). Satan uses human instruments to carry out his plan; however, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe (Yeshua Ha-Maschiah) will put an end to his evil and man's evil. Is terraforming happening in the United States? Biden Regime to Spend $1.2 Billion to VACUUM Carbon Dioxide From The Sky (2023)
A quote from Natural News article entitled Decarbonization TERRAFORMING of planet Earth is now under way… giant machines to be installed in Iowa to suck "life molecules" out of the atmosphere and cause global crops to FAIL (11/10/2021)
Stripping CO2 out of the atmosphere cripples photosynthesis, the foundation of carbon-based life on Earth All plants need CO2 in order to carry out photosynthesis, the single most important biochemical process for life on Earth. Without CO2, all life on the planet ceases to exist.
Photosynthesis has three inputs: Sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. From these three inputs, plants produce energy to grow and flourish. Without CO2, all plants die across the entire planet.
Image credit (below): Natural (Photosynthesis) Source: BBC, Science Aid, University of Arizona (see ).
Image Credit (below): Natural (Haber Process)
The war on carbon is a war on carbon-based life… and that's us! "Decarbonization" is depopulation. Eliminating carbon means eliminating the human race. An actual CO2 pipeline is being constructed across five U.S. states to transport liquefied CO2 and bury it underground. The pipeline cross Iowa and has branches in South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska and Illinois--see the website for this project at
The current world population depends on the "Haber Process" to eat. Half of the world population could starve to death.
(See the article from The New American magazine entitled Texas Deaths Blamed on Lethal Green Policies (2021)
NASA admits that climate change is the result of the Earth's solar orbit (10/31/19) -- NASA admits that climate change occurs because of changes in Earth's solar orbit, and NOT because of SUVs and fossil fuels
ls the Warm Artic Weather to Blame for New York's Snowy Winters? -- 2018
Breaking News: Climate Scare Is Over! (12/10/16) -- Lord Christopher Monckton breaks down how to disprove global warming myth. MIT President's "Scientific Consenus" Demolished by Realists (08/24/17)
Posed: Gov't Climate Change Data 100% Fabricated by NOAA (TV, 12/29/16) -- False information released by the U.S. government & Antarcitc Expeditions Confirm No Global Warming (TV, 12/01/16)-- Sea ice extent nearly same as 100 years ago (President Donald J. Trump is more than skeptical of man-made Global Warming--he knows it is a lie).
Image Credits: Copyright©2018 of the Flemington Speedway (Collage 1976) by Paul Hoffman (Click Flemington Speedway Collage by Paul Hoffman (Copyright©2018) -- PDF for bigger picture). See him on Facebook at Paul Hoffman Wildlife Artist San Ramon Costa Rica & InstagramPaulHoffman3902
Easing of Obama Fuel Economy Mandates is a Good thing President Trump is doing (2018)--Obama's fuel Increase was based on a Lie. They would outlaw car racing.
Why? It puts American consumers first, especially the poor and middle-class, and protects the environment. Carbon dioxide represents 94 percent of all motor vechicle greenhouse gas emissions--CO2 is not pollution and is essential for human and plant life. If Obama's mandate to raise the fuel mileage to an obsurd 54.5 miles a gallon, manufacturers would have to produce 30 percent of vehicles that are electric, which need power to charge them, and that would result in a regressive tax on less-expensive vehicles. Thus making it unavailable to working class individuals such as waitresses or other individuals at minimum wage jobs--why should the poor and middle-class subsidize Tesla? California Governor Jerry Brown is an idiot to state that the new standards would cause asthma in children (his mandatory vaccines will cause autism and asthma to children). Refuting Leftists' claims are official estimates of the EPA based on models of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The changes pushed by former President Obama would have avoided about 0.0008 C degrees of warming by 2100. In other words under the President Trump era EPA and NHTSA, "atomospheric carbon dioxide concentration would reach 789.76 parts per million in the year 2100 instead of 789.11 ppm -- an 8/100th percent increase." Also, see Study: Electric Cars Emit More CO2 than Diesel Vehicles (04/22/19) -- Production of car batteries – and charging them for use – must be factored in, say study's authors and Electric Car Charging Stations such as Austin, Texas (Video, 2021) -- it takes 3 times more carbon to build an electric car and they loose half of the electricity from the power lines to the charging station. People do not want them. Carbon is very beneficial to Planet Earth.
Image credit (right): Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign in Las Vegas, Nevada by Thomas Wolf, -- this file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. You are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work per author on Welcome_to_Fabulous_Las_Vegas.jpg)
Scientists Converge on Las Vegas Climate Skeptics Conference (07/07/14)
Thousands of scientists sign formal declaration: "There is no climate emergency" (08/23/2022)
Billionaires and Communists Plan "People's Climate March" (09/16/14) --organized by the Rockefeller-funded alarmist organization, who wants a UN global warming regime. This march occurred in NYC on Sept. 22, 2014. The UN 'climate dignitaries' arrive on the 22nd to plot carbon taxes, energy rationing, mass wealth resdistribution from Western taxpayers to Third World dictators--this will devastate the poor and empower the UN.
Note: Predatory financial class the problem, not carbon. The Environmental Left is controlled by the elite and their Globalist Gatekeepers with ties to establishment foundations. Former President Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic called "environmentalism a religion." CNN Interview: Weather Channel Founder: Man-Made Global Warming Is 'Baloney" (11/03/14)--"Science isn't a vote, science is about facts". John Coleman, a founder of the Weather Channel, appeared on CNN Sunday to reiterate his stance that "climate change is not happening."
Fracking Myths Exposed
Fracking Mythbuster (11/05/14) --the flaming faucet belonging to Weld County, Colorado exposed as a fraud.; Colorado's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) stated in their analysis that the biogenic gas was not related to oil and gas activity, but the well being drilled that penetrated several coal beds that released methane into his well--also, see the article Fracking Boom and the Development of America's Energy Resources (11/05/14). And Magazine on Fracking.
TV and Radio Interviews Exposing the Global Warming Fraud
Dr. Patrick Moore (one of the founders of the ecology movement in the 1970s) states Greenpeace is anti-science and anti-human and parted ways with them.
Dr. Sabastian Luning, a German scientist, challenges Global Warming.
Global Warming and The Absurd Level of Lying (02/15/14)--Video
'I Recant' says author of Infamous Seventies Newsweek 'Global Cooling" Article (05/24/14) --the author, Peter Gwynne, of the much-quoted 1975 Newsweek article predicting catastrophic global cooling now says it was a big mistake (the earth is now warming). See Climate Depot.
Rebellion At NASA Against 'Global Warming' and Global Warming or Global Governance? (DVD)
Warning: Lies Exposed over Consensus for Global Warming
Climategate 3.0: Blogger Threatened for Exposing 97% "Consensus" Fraud (05/20/14)
Climate Science in Shambles: Real Scientists Battle UN Agenda--2012
Dr. Roy Spencer--climatologist, author and former NASA scientist.
SPPI--Science and Public Policy Institute
CBS featured 'futurist' who promotes paranormal phenomena of 'Telepathy' Telekinesis, & Mind reading' as climate expert blaming record cold on 'global warming' (02/14/14)--brains!
Image credit: Earth Inc Wildlands--No Human Access. The Sleuth Journal
Banksters Align Behind Globalist Climate Change Agenda (09/19/14)--see TV commentary on Agenda 21.
Background History of Climate Reporting in the Last Century
We have all been bombarded with the media lately that man-made global warming is causing the oceans to rise, droughts, tornadoes, etc. High school and grade school students are being taught that this is scientific fact and they should take action. One should be aware of that for the last century the media has predicted a global climate crisis four different times--the media in the 1970's was promoting global cooling, other times it was global warming and they warned that "billions will die" with lower crop yields. An excerpt from Time magazine in its June 24, 1974 edition titled "Another Ice Age?":
As they review the bizarre and unpredictable weather pattern of the past several years, a growing number of scientists are beginning to suspect that many seemingly contradictory meteorological fluctuations are actually part of a global climatic upheaval. However, widely the weather varies from place to place and time to time, when meteorologists take an average of temperatures around the globe they find that the atmosphere has been growing gradually cooler for the past three decades. The trend shows no indication of reversing. Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age.
U.S. Senator James Inhofe stated the following in regards to journalists' reporting on climate change: "for more than 100 years, journalists have quoted scientists predicting the destruction of civilization by, in alternation, either runaway heat or a new Ice Age."
Political Reasons for Supporting Global Warming
Image credit: By David Dees.
Since communism/socialism, the left's system for global domination, has been repudiated with its 150 millions dead under its system, the left/elite class have all gravitated toward radical environmentalism. The ideology has been more effective than communism because it appeals to our survival on earth. When Soviet communism collapsed, the progressives, liberal Democrats, RINO Republicans and other anti-God parties pushed the green movement to the forefront, which is red communism in disguise. (Green is now the new red communism.) This why Dr. Harold Lewis, emeritus professor of physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara tendered his letter of resignation in 2010 to the president of the American Physical Society (Curtis G. Callan Jr., Princeton University). Dr. Harold Lewis stated: "Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudo-scientific fraud I have seen in my long life." To quote from an article titled "Why all the Hysteria?" in Whistleblower (03/07) edition on the true intentions of the environmentalism movement:
Environmentalism is socialism revived; the Greens are the Reds incarnated, writes columnist Ilana Mercer, who quotes economist George Reisman as explaining: "A global central planning authority is implicit in all potential international efforts to combat alleged global problems."
Don't be fooled by the propaganda--it is about global governance that is anti-Western, anti-democratic, anti-capitalist, elitist and greedy--see the Personal Finance/ Economic Issues Tab on what the Bible teaches on economics--it is not guerrilla capitalism. [ Most Democrats and Republicans are Corporatists (soft fascism, which is Oligarchic) and this is what the international bankers and corporations promote; that is, fascism and so-called free trade (Karl Marx promoted free trade because it would lead to socialism) is what the elitists are implementing in the U.S. and Western Europe in order to have slave labor, loss of sovereignty and total control of the economy and people, which today's Russia has rightfully rejected.] The politicians don't even hide their agenda. French President Jacques Chirac stated the following about the "Kyoto" agreement: "represents the first component of an authentic global governance." Spiritual Counterfeits Project --see pamphlet entitled Global Warming: Religion, Science and Politics by Tal Brooke, President.
Are there Monetary Reasons for Promoting Global Warming?
Video: Climate Change, The Trillion Dollar Heist (04/05/14)
Yes, the corporations have been steered--by U.S. environmental groups--towards redefining social responsibility and created the Climate Action Partnership and an emerging Enviro-Industrial Complex. These radical activists can then use climate fears to raise billions of dollars. Morgan Stanley with the Environmental Defense (ED) are trying to promote emission trading systems. This would give ED direct monetary and policy stakes in the political arenas, banking, investment and any cap-and-trade or carbon allowance programs that could eventually be enacted by Congress. Corporate ethics could be redefined by these radical environmental humanists. Companies such as BP and DuPont could get money for biofuels, ADM for ethanol, Lehman Brothers (which was acquired in 2008 because of bankruptcy) for emission trading and GE for climate protection equipment.
A report published by the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Minority Committee titled, "A Look Ahead to EPA Regulations for 2013" for Senator James Inhofe (R-OK). The report shows numerous regulations put on hold by Obama until after the election that will spell doom for an already bad economy. The Obama administration is averaging 68 new requirements per day. Obama is circumventing the stopgap measure of Congress by executive decree as FDR did to impose policy across the land. Estimates show these new regulations alone would cost the United States economoy some $700 billion. Why is this being done? Because the bankers are running the show and Obama like Mitt Romney are beholden to the banking interests. Under green policies ( CO2 taxes, which is about control and profis, not saving the environment), an artificial supply of carbon credits is created because companies and individuals can bid up the price for the right to pollute (carbon taxes). Who benefits? The bankers, carbon traders, and connected politicians such as former Vice President Al Gore, who would become a "carbon billionaire" under cap-and-trade schemes that were devised by Al Gore and Goldman Sachs. The actual concept came from President Clinton's Council of Sustainable Development that was founded in 1993. Al Gore worked with CEO Ken Lay of Enron and other energy companies to figure out a way to profit from environmentalism. HSBC Holdings Plc. proposal of carbon taxes is the lastest information that Obama using. HSBC is under investigation for money laundering activity--aiding Mexican drug cartels, etc.
(It should be noted Environmental Defense (ED) led the campaign to ban DDT, which resulted in millions of deaths from malaria in Africa. ED along with the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Union of Concerned Scientists and other groups still post deceitful information on their websites about DDT. They are blaming global warming on this disease instead of admitting that their wicked actions caused it.)
Is There Conclusive Scientific Proof that Global Warming is Man-Made?
A hundred distinguished scientists met in Leipzig, Germany on July 10, 1996 and released a joint statement:
There is still no scientific consensus on the subject of climate change. On the contrary, most scientists now accept the fact that actual observations from earth satellites show no climate warming whatsoever.
Robert Giegengack--a Geologist and professor at the University of Pennsylvania--told his undergrad students at the University of Pennsylvania in February: "Every single one of you knows more about [global warming] than Al Gore." The professor thought that Gore's understanding of climate science was very poor.
James Spann--Meteorologist--stated in January that he does "not know of a single TV meteorologist who buys into the man-made global warming hype" and noted that "billions of dollars of grant money is flowing into the pockets of those on the man-made global warming bandwagon."
Richard Lindzen--MIT scientist and former U.N. IPCC reviewer--called the fears of man-made global warming "silly" in January and equated concerns to "little kids" attempting to "scare each other."
Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov--head of Space Research at Pulkovo Observatory in Russia--stated in January 2007: "It is no secret that increased solar irradiance warms Earth's oceans, which then triggers the emission of large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. So the common view that man's industrial activity is a deciding factor in global warming has emerged from a misinterpretation of cause and effect relations."
Henrik Svensmark and Eigil Friis-Christensen--two climate scientists--in 1997 presented their theory and its data on a possible link between galactic cosmic rays and global warming to the U.N. environmental agencies. The two scientists observed a direct correlation between the levels of cosmic radiation contacting our planet and low-altitude cloud formation. The low-altitude clouds contribute greatly to what is known as the "greenhouse effect". Henrik and Eigil were both ostracized with the academic community--however; scientists are now paying attention to this new research.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper describes the Kyoto Protocol as a "socialist scheme" designed to suck money out of rich countries.
(It should be noted that land-based volcanoes are the greatest contributors to atmospheric CO2. Carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole have been shrinking for the last three summers, which data was taken from the NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions in 2005. The warming trends seem natural and not man-made.)
Recommended resources and articles on global warming
- Comments on Draft Technical Support Document for Endangerment Analysis for Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the Clean Air Act by Alan Carlin of NCEE/OPEI in the EPA Office 03/09/09--PDF
- U.S. Senate Report: over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007—Senate Report Debunks “Consensus” (Report released on December 20, 2007)--PDF
- Global Warming…Science or Politics?--by a Honeywell International, Inc. engineer (Ret.)--PDF.
- Global Warming Petition Project -31,072 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,021 with Ph.D.s - APS Physics -Climate Sensitivity Reconsidered (Abstract written by Lord Christopher Monckton, the science advisor to Britain's Margaret Thatcher Administration-disagrees with IPCC's modeling)-PDF
- Is Green the new red (communism)?--10/16/10
- Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate (DAILYTECH-04/16/08). - Whistleblower (March 2007 edition)--Hysteria/Exposing the secret agenda behind today's obsession with global warming. - Sizzling study concludes: Global warming 'hot air'--08/20/07 - Anti-greenhouse religion scorched by Czech prez - Are 'climate criminals' committing 'terracide'? - U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works - Climate Momentum Shifting: Prominent Scientists Reverse Belief in Man-made Global Warming--Now Skeptics - Cold facts on global warming - Global Warming? Hot Air! by John Loeffler - Global Warming? Hot Air! by Carol Loeffler - Gore's 'carbon offsets' paid to firm he owns - Global Warming or Global Governance? (DVD)
- NASA says 1934 was the warmest year on record in the U.S., not 1998
- The Heartland Institute--Global Snowjob
Recommended Science Websites that study Global Warming and Present a Balanced View.
- SEPP - Dr. Roy Spencer--climatologist, author and former NASA scientist. - Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr. - Climate Depot - lICECAP - The Heartland Institute - Watts Up With That? - U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Publc Works - SPPI - $100,000 if you can prove global warming is a crisis
- Not Just Evil Just Wrong
Left: Picture of a Rainbow at Cabela's, Hamburg, PA (NJIAT copyright @ 09/08/17) Rainbow at Cabela's -- PDF & Rainbow at Cabela's (2nd picture) -- PDF
The answer to the two-questions beneath the picture of Noah's Ark on top is "No" to both. The earth was flooded in Noah's day because of sin, not global warming! "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually" (Genesis 6:4-5 NASB). "Then God said to Noah, 'The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence because of them; and behold, I am about to destroy them with the earth'" (Gen. 6:13 NASB). "I establish My covenant with you; and all flesh shall never again be cut off by the water of the flood, neither shall there again be a flood to destroy the earth. God said, 'This is the sign of the covenant which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all successive generations; I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth'" (Gen. 9:11-13 NASB).
Note: The Nephilim are always referred to as "mighty men of old", "men of renown", "giants" or "fallen ones". Why were the males called "sons of God" and the women "daughters of men"? If the women were all unbelievers, why were they called "daughters of men"? This seems to emphasize that the "sons" were not of "men", but from another world. I do not think that the flood was a result of male descendants of Seth married some unbelieving women, but rather the result of demons coming down and mating with humans and produced half-human/half-demon mutants (the Nephilim). This is also found in many ancient legends and many Rabbis interpreted "the sons of God" (Genesis 6:2;Psalm 29:1,Daniel 3:25) in the Bible as referring to messengers/angels--the phrase did change its meaning until much later. (See 2 Peter 2:4, 5.) Since Moses wrote Genesis and the only Biblical book in existence, then Moses understanding of the term "sons of God" would be "fallen angels". Endnotes: Satan's Devices/Breaking Free From the Schemes of the Enemy by Dr. Robert A. Morey, pages 79-84. Also, see Return of the Giants (A Dark Tale of the Nephilim) by Robert T. Brooke.
(The world's elite thinks they will become gods and this theme is promoted in such movies as the Secrets of Prometheus. One problem: it is a lie from an alien called Abaddon/Apollyon who told this to our human ancestors in the Garden of Eden. Man will never become God or gods. Abaddon's army, who are alien to this planet and the Nephilim, are no match for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe and His army that will put an end to man's rule on planet earth (the Beast, anti-Christ and False Prophet will be destroyed----see Revelation 17:1-15 & 18:1-24 and Daniel 7-8 .)
(Warning to the the UN, the European Union, the United States, and all other wicked nations on this planet: Your rule on this planet will come to an end and your time is limited. Anyone refusing to repent and submit to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe will be destroyed and cast into a prison for ever and ever. Have fun while it lasts worshiping the anti-Christ.)