History Sites
Image credit: Ramon de Elorriaga, circa 1899 (Public Domain). George Washington's Inaugural Address (April 30, 1789)
Today's history is politically-correct, revised, and edited to such a manner to exclude any references to God. Many famous Godly leaders go virtually unacknowledged. Revisionism is employed to subvert American culture and society-- the revisionist will either not use primary sources or leave out important sections to give a different opinion then what author or founder intended to convey. Many of our founding fathers were devout Christians that practiced their faith and did not establish a secular Republic (see Top Ten Reasons George Washington was a Man of Prayer). John Adams declared: "The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity." John Calvin (July 10, 1509--May 27, 1564) was a French Protestant theologian during the Protestant Reformation and his teachings were instrumental in the founding of this
If the average American citizen were asked, who was the founder of America, the true author of our great Republic, he might be puzzled to answer. We can imagine his amazement at hearing the answer given to this questions by the famous German historian, Ranke, one of the profoundest scholars of modern times. Says Ranke, 'John Calvin was the virtual founder of America.'
Also, the phrase "separation of church and state" appears in no founding document, but the social activists still like to invoke the phrase. (Thomas Jefferson was an ambassador in France when the Constitution was framed! He was not part of the constitutional Convention. Yes, Jefferson was not an exclusive authority on the First Amendment.) This is a recent phenomenon by the Courts in quoting Thomas Jefferson on the First Amendment.
The First Amendment simply states:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
The true history of this country was taught in American textbooks for the last 150 years.
(Note: There were some teachings by the founding fathers--who were influenced by the "Enlightenment"--that were humanistic in nature such as our rights were "natural and inalienable." The Biblical idea is not natural rights, but imputed rights. These are compatible with liberty and justice--natural law is a failure because "oughts" cannot be derived from "ises." In other words, the conclusion of an argument cannot have any terms that are not found in its premises).
Image credit: Justice Lifts the Nations by Paul Robert in 1904. The mural presides in the former Supreme Court building in Lausanne, Switzerland. There are twelve judges surrounding her as she looks up to God for guidance and her right hand lifts the scales signifying judicial fairness. Her left hand holds a sword pointing to a Bible that is open and accessible to judges and litigants alike. Natural law was rejected.
How the Reformation Changed the World
The Swiss Reformers symbolized Lady Justice with no blindfold and her sword pointing to the open Bible at her feet--the Reformers believed Revealed law (sola scriptura) is the only way for a nation to have moral laws. Natural (i.e. secular) law was a fraud--the pagans always had a blindfolded Lady Justice.
See Dr. Robert A. Morey's book entitled: The Bible: Natural Theology, Natural Law: Conflict or Compromise? from Xulonpress.com & free articles and audio & Video lectures below.
Natural Theology: Is It Biblical? (Audio 8 Part Series)
Yes, juries in a civil or criminal case have the power to judge the facts and the law in a particular case. If a juror believes the law is unjust and unconstutional, the juror can and has the authority to ignore it--in other words, nullify the law. The whole concept of a jury nullification goes back to the Magna Carta (1215) --this limited the corrupt power of the king's courts. This was an important element in our common law. The United States would not even have freedom of press without jury nullification. Do you remember the Zenger trial of 1735? Jury nullification was also practiced in trials of abolitionists, who were prosecuted for helping slaves escape and to drinkers during the Prohibition era. It does not matter what instructions a judge gives to the juries, they still retain the power to apply the law or disregard it in the case. A quote from John Adams (second President of the United States (1735 - 1826), "It is not only of law, but his duty...to find the verdict according to his own best understanding, judgment and conscience, though in direct opposition to the direction of the court." (See the website titled Fully Informed Jury Association and left click the picture "Citizens Rule Book" to order.) & Nullification: The Rightful Remedy (Video) -- The Rightful Remedy. Produced by Jason Rink and the Tenth Amendment Center, the film is a concise, articulate, and engaging examination of how, as the title suggests, nullification is the "rightful remedy" to unconstitutional federal actions. And The real history of the Declaration of Independence (video).
Christianity and the Constitution: The Faith of Our Founding Fathers
By John Eidsmoe - Baker Book House (1995) - Paperback - 480 pages - ISBN 0801052319
In this book, Dr. Eidsmoe shows clearly how most of our founding fathers were not secular men, as we often hear today. He explains how the influence of Calvinism gave rise to our republican form of government. He also documents how our founding fathers embodied several biblical principles in the Constitution. This book is recommended for anyone who wants to learn about our nation's truly Christian heritage, which has been virtually expunged by the secular revisionists. - from the Forward.
The Great Emancipation -- learn the truth about the history of our Founding Fathers.
Tearing Down Statues of Real Heroes -- what is the truth about or Statues?
Original Intent & Christianity and the American Commonwealth & A Nation Adrift
Trump Gives New Life to Bill on Birthright Citizenship (What does the 14th Amendment say?) --excerpt from the article above in The New American website (08/22/15):
...A proper understanding of the 14th Amendment requires an examination of the clear wording of the amendment, the historical context in which the amendment wasdrafted, and the intent of the Framers, as expressed during the legislative debate and discussion on the amendment in 1866. It is also helpful to examine how the amendment was interpreted by judges in the first few years after its adoption, before modern liberalism warped that interpretation, as it has so much of the rest of the Constitution.
The amendment states, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof [emphasis added], are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." The phrase “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” has, of course, been ignored by those promoting the concept of open borders. Clearly, the Framers of the 14th Amendment intended that only children born "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States are considered natural-born citizens. This would, by the clear wording of the amendment, not include the children of illegal aliens, because they are under the jurisdiction of foreign governments, not the U.S. government.
Before the War Between the States, slaves were regarded as non-citizens by the Supreme Court decision Scott v. Sanford of 1857. To correct this court decision, and to protect the civil rights of hundreds of thousands of former slaves, Congress enacted the 14th Amendment. Without the Civil War and the resulting collapse of slavery [legally by the 13th Amendment], the 14th Amendment would not have been even considered. Its clear purpose was to confer citizenship on the former slaves, not children of illegal aliens...
The 14th Amendment was about former slaves.
The Truth about the Confederate Flag and Slavery
The Truth about the Civil War by Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD, former US Department Assistant Deputy Secretary of State (Video) and A History Of Enslavement & The Land Of The Free & The Great Emancipation & Tearing Down Statues of Real Heroes & America Did Not Invent Slavery — It Ended Slavery
Flag Left: The Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia--it represented St. Andrews Cross (symbol of Apostle Andrew, who was martyred by crucifixion by an X-shaped Cross and was the brother of Apostle Simon Peter).
The Civil War was not about slavery--Abraham Lincoln did not like black people and only made it about slavery when he was afraid the French were going to join the South. General Robert E. Lee hated slavery and to dishonor him is an injustice because he did not fight in the Civil War to keep slavery since General Lee was opposed to slavery. Very few whites owned slaves (less than 2% of the population in the South owned slaves), which was a terrible thing. Former President Thomas Jefferson outlawed in 1808 the importation of slaves. Also, the Conferderate Flag did not represent slavery, but St. Andrews Cross (symbol of Apostle Andrew, who was martyred by crucifixion by an X-shaped Cross and was the brother of Apostle Simon Peter). See the Flag of Scotland for further history on the Confederate Flage--most citizens in the South were of Scotish and Irish descent. It is unfortunate that you have ignorant people using the Conferderate flag to promote racism. These people are ignorant of themselves of the history of the flag.
The flag had nothing to do with slavery. British Ships bearing the Union Jack shipped over 5 million African slaves to many countries around the world--what flags were flown? The Spanish flag, Dutch flage, Portuguese flag, etc.
You had Cherokee Confederates , who met in New Orleans, 1903 and black Confederate soldiers. It was unfortunate that after the Civil War that the Supreme Court sanctioned legal separation (segregation) in 1896. (The Democratic Party elites were against all Civil Rights' amendments for black people unlike many of the leaders of the Confederacy who wanted to end slavery and most of the Republican Parties in the states were started by black people--see Video: The Inconvenient Truth of the Democratic Party by Professor Carol Swain (African-American)). There were other horrible things going on against the black people--this was part of reason the NRA was started in 1871 by a two Union Army veterans of the Civil War to help arm the black people so they could defend themselves against some of the evil Southern Democrats, which denied Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a pistol permit.
The institution of slavery did not end until the 13th Amendment was ratified on December 6, 1865. President Lincoln authored his on 13th Amendment (the only one ever proposed by a sitting U.S. President) that PRESERVED the institution of slavery--it was written in March of 1861
No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give Congress the power to abolish or interfere within any state with the domestic institutions thereof, including that a person's held to labor or service by laws of said State.
Drafted black men under Lincoln from the North served in a segregated Union Army. Southern blacks were fighting voluntarily side-by-side with white men and in the same units. There were over 300,000 slave owners fighting in Lincoln's Union army during the Civil War. (Mildred Lewis Rutherford, “Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederate States, and Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States,” 1861-1865, p. 35)
A quote from Churck Baldwin's article entitled My list of the Ten Worst Presidents: "Abraham Lincoln destroyed the Washington/Jeffersonian model of American government and replaced it with an imperial White House. His own statements prove that he cared absolutely nothing for the black race and was indeed himself a racist--unlike many leaders of the Confederacy, such as Robert E. Lee, T.J. “Stonewall” Jackson, et al., who publicly and adamantly spoke in support of ending slavery and NEVER said anything remotely derogatory or racist against the black people".
The war with the southern states was over the Union subjecting them to a 40% tariff on their exports. The South was paying 70% of the nation's taxes. It had nothing to do with slavery since President Abraham Lincoln never intended to end the institution of slavery--this was stated by the U.S. Congress by an unanimous resolution in 1861.
Also, see The 10 Causes of the War Between the States & Dr. James Manning (Black Pastor from NYC) on the Stupidity of taking down the Confederate Flag (Video-2015) and The Confederate flag needs to be raised, not lowered & My List of the Ten Worst U.S. Presidents by Chuck Baldwin.
Note: How about the Barbary slave trade, under which over 1 million white Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa until the middle of the 18th century? Also, the Bible never taught a " race based" slavery. In other words, slavery in the Bible was never based on race and slaves could get their freedom in ancient Israel after 7 years. The New Testament set the stage for ending slavery.
Image credit: Portrait of General Robert E. Lee by Julian Vannerson (1827-1875), Public Domain
Robert E. Lee: Answering his Critics
Proof President Abe Lincoln Was a Racist? (07/19/15) --TV interview (the Alex Jones Channel) with Pastor Chuck Baldwin discusses the Confederate flag controversy and how slavery was on its way out because of machines. It was the abolitionists, who were Bible believing Christians, that got slavery ended. The slave ships flew the British flag. See Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik (Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and CIA Operative) YouTube on "The Truth About The Civil War" 2017.
General Robert E. Lee (right) --1807 - 1864), hated slavery. Robert E. Lee letter dated December 27, 1856: ...There are few, I believe, in this enlightened age, who will not acknowledge that slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil...
General Ulysses S. Grant, a northern slaveholder, maintained possession of his slaves after the war between the States concluded. Confederate General Robert E. Lee freed his slaves BEFORE hostilities between the North and South broke out.
Obama and Hillary Both Had No Problem Using the Confederate Flag During Presidential Campaigns (06/24/15). Former President Bill Clinton and Vice President Gore used it. Although it might not have been officially sanctioned, it was never denounced Clinton or Obama. They understood it was about heritage and not about promoting slavery or racism
Now, suddenly the flag 'belongs in a museum. Stupid Americans--the flag is a cultural symbol and most people are not using the flag against black people--it was a protest against the North for what they did after the Civil War. Of course, there is no excuse for the segregation and disarming of black people that occured after the "Civil War" by the Southern Democrats. Since the public was distracted over the flag, Fast-Track was passed. Brains! Amazon Staff: Government Ordered us Not to Sell Confederate Flag (06/25/15) --Company sales reps say they were "instructed" by feds to ban rebel flag.
In Barton’s book on race relations, “Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White,” he wrote:
Immediately following the Civil War, Republicans became the political majority in the southern (that is, the former Confederate) states. Most of the Republican parties in those states were started by blacks more so than whites. … Those Republican legislatures, over unified and vehement Democrat opposition, moved quickly to protect voting rights for African-Americans, prohibit segregation, establish public education, and to open public transportation, state police, schools, and other institutions to black Americans.
So great were the gains of blacks through the Republican Party that Democrats began to fight back not only through the manipulation of laws and election results, but also to fight back – literally – as they did in Louisiana … [I]n 1866, Democrats – in conjunction with the city police and the Democratic mayor of New Orleans – physically attacked the Republican Convention in that city, killing 40 blacks, 20 whites, and wounding 150 others. Then in 1875, Democrats rushed the floor of the Louisiana Legislature to seize power – by force – away from the elected black Republicans, but federal troops arrived to restore peace and return African-Americans to their lawfully elected positions. Similar violent and often deadly attacks by Democrats against Republicans occurred in other southern states.
After the Civil War, blacks started most of the Republican parties in the Southern States.
Background on Slavery through the ages
Abolition in America pre-dated almost the entire world. Georgia made slavery illegal in 1733 then is was reversed in 1750. Vermont, after it became independent republic in 1777, abloshed slavery. Pennsylavania abolished slavery in 1780. New Hampshire and Massachusetts in 1783. Connecticut and Rhode Island in 1784. New York and New Jersey: 1799 and 1804. Foreign countries that abolished slavery: Bolivia in 1851; Ecuador in 1852; Netherlands in 1863; Paraguay in 1869; Cuba in 1886; Brazil in 1888. Slavery did not end in other parts of the word until much later such as Saudi Arabia, Korean, Yemen and China (of course, China is still practicing slave labor). It should be noted that slavery has existed since ancient times such as the Israelites in ancient Egypt (1786 B.C. & before) and ancient Sumer (3500 B.C.) in what was known as Mesopotamia (now modern Iraq). The Code of Hammurabi of Bablyon mentions slavery laws (1860 B.C.). Slavery involved many societies in history such as India, Egypt, China, Persia, Greece, Roman Empire, Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, Guinea (gold and silver mines of Hispaniola (1595) that is now Haiti/Dominican Republic) and kingdoms of Africa. There were different reasons for slavery that included punishment for crimes, child abandonment, prisoners of war and debt slavery.
Image credit: The poster art copyright is believed to belong to Quality Flix. The image is used for identification in the context of critical commentary of the work, product or service for which it serves as poster art. It makes a significant contribution to the user's understanding of the article, which could not practically be conveyed by words alone. Fair Use. 2018
Movie Review of "Death of A Nation" (see The New American magazine, Sept. 17, 2018, pages 30 -- 31, article entitled "Undoing the Democratic Narrative" and "His Film Exposes Democrats' 'Big Lie'" pages 25 -- 29. Interview With Dinesh D'Souza: His "Death of a Nation" Exposes Democrats "Big Lie" (09/11/18) -- Hear the audio interview
The movie is generally accurate, but a few errors.
D' Souza position on the Civil War was fought to end slavery. D'Souza needs to review his histor of the Civil War. First, Alexander Stephens was not a Democrat, but rather a Whig (just as Abraham Lincoln was in the years before the creation of the Republican Party). Second, D'Souza confuses secession with the causes of the Civil War. Yes, South Carolina cited the issue of slavery as the cause for secession, but there were more slave states still in the union when Lincoln took office in March 1861.
Many of the Southern States rejected secession: Virgina, Tennesse, Arkansas and North Carolina until LIncoln called for 75,000 volunteers to invade the seven seceded states.
Slave states that never left the union: Delaware, Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 never proposed to touch slavery in those Union states. Also, the tariff issue played a significant role in Lincoln's decision--federal revenue was derived from the collection of the tariff in Southern ports.
Factual information
The American left does have much in common with Italian Fascists and the German Nazis. Benito Mussolini was a Marxist and edited the socialist newspaper and appealed to nationalism. Franklin D. Roosevelt admired Mussolini and Mussolini stated that FDR was "one of us." Roosevelt's director of the fascist National Recovery Act, Hugh Johnson, admired Mussolini. Hitler also merged nationalism with socialism in Germany. Don't forget Nazi stands for "National Socialism." Hitler liked socialism, but did not like the communists because they had an allegiance to Moscow. Hitler used typical leftist policies against the wealth of Jews. Also, D'Souza exposes the myth that Hitler was a "Christian" -- Hitler wanted to exterminate the Christian religion in Germany. The fountainhead of the Nazi movement in Germany was Bavaira in south Germany, Roman Catholic Germany, not Protestant north Germany. Over half of Hitler's troops were Roman Catholic. Hitler hated Biblical Protestant Christianity. (See Ecclesiatical Megalomania: The Economic and Political Thought of the Roman Catholic Church by Dr. John W. Robbins.
Who did Hitler and the Nazis praise in America? The 20th-century progressives such as Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood and a proponent of eugenics. Joseph Mangele was an abortionist.
D' Souza also exposes that organizer for "Unite the Right" Jason Kessler was actually a supporter of both Barack Obama and the leftist Occupy movement.
The Democratic Party was behind the following: 1) Democrats were behind Slavery and the Ku Klux Klan--Republicans opposed and shut down the Ku Klux Klan (many of your current Ku Klux Klan or Nazi parties in the U.S. are run by the "Deep State" and includes the FBI); 2) Segragation and Jim Crow laws; 3) Segregation; 4) the Dixiecrats numbered between 100 and 200 that were senators, congressmen and governors--they joined the racist Dixiecrat party or voted aginst the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965; and 5) How many Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act? Two. All the racist Dixiecrats remained in the Democratic Party. It was the Republicans who got the Civil Rights Act passed and it was the Republicans who were against segregation; and 6) The Nazis who were drafting the Nuremberg laws (it made the Jews second-class citizens) had in their hands the laws of the Jim Crow South; D'Souza got this from a Yale legal scholar by the name of James Whitman who wrote a book entitled Hitler's American Model--yes, the Democrats are the one's who institituted segregation laws and the Nazis just crossed out the word "black" and wrote "Jew" for their Nuremberg laws based on Democratic South.
Why the Sheriff's Office is the most important Law Enforcement Agency in the Country
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of United States (03/04/1801 -- 03/04/1809). Image credit: by Rembrant Peale (1778-1860) 1800-public domain. Sheriff's Office Tri-fold Tract 2017-- PDF
President Thomas Jefferson stated in his work entitled "The Values of the Constitution" called the Sheriff's Office, "the most important of all executive offices of the country. The Sheriff's power and authority are from the people who elect him. The citzens should control the office of Sheriff."
(It should be noted that President Thomas Jefferson included bold anti-slavery language in the original Declaration of Independence, which was removed. He did get passed by Congress in 1807 a bill outlawing the importation of slaves--it took effect in 1808. The U.S. Constitution provided that Congress could ban the importation of slaves into the country in 1807. Former President Thomas Jefferson urged the Congress to stop it, which they did on March 2, 1807.)
Also, former President Thomas Jefferson tried to insert a condemnation of the slave trade into the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson spoke often of the evils of slavery: "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever." George Washington freed his slaves. The Fugitive Slave Law wan unpopular in many states that abolished slavery. So, the states resorted to "nullification." Nullification was a doctrine advocated by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison--they opposed Congress trying to suppress freedom of speech and freedom of the press in 1798. It supported the states to interpose themselves between citizens and the federal government via nullification when it tries to enforce unconstitutional laws. (Endnotes: The New American Magazine, article entitled America Did Not Invent Slavery--It Ended Slavery, May 10, 2021, pages 33-38.)
First African-American Sheriff Elected in 1869 in Texas
Because you can elect the Sheriff, there was more opportunity for diversity. A case in point is Burton Walter Moses (1829 - 1913), who was the first African-American Sheriff elected in 1869 in the State of Texas in Fort Bend County. Also, he was a Texas State Senator and a member of the Republican Party.
History of Sheriff's Office
The Sheriff can be traced back not only to the Magna Carta (1215), but to the Book of Daniel 3:2 when King Nebuchadnezzar II (634--562 BC) was reigning. The Sheriff was brought over to North America around 1634 and President Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) called the office of the Sheriff " the most important of all executive offices of the country." [See Sheriff David Gee of the Florida Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office established in 1845 (HCSO has over 4,000 employees that conists of 2,022 Deputy Sheriffs and Corrections and 1,375 civilians) for further details. It should be noted that Mr. Joseph M. Demarest, Jr., former Assistant Director in charge of the FBI's New York Division, was employed as a Deputy Sheriff for the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office ]. Also, see Sheriff & Magna Carta. David Barton, a historian and the author of “The Jefferson Lies” sets the record straight about President Jefferson.
An excerpt from David Barton, Wall Builders (Newsletter dated 07/02/20) Happy 4th of July,
On July 4, 1776 a group of Americans approved a document declaring the United States of America free from English rule. This document was the Declaration of Independence, the nation's birth certificate. The Declaration is currently being attacked as a racist document. Is this true?
Thomas Jefferson, the author of this document, laid out the reasons the American colonies were declaring themselves independent. One of the grievances he included in his original draft of the Declaration said:
He [King George III] has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere....Determined to keep open a market where MEN should be bought and sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce.This grievance was not included the final copy of the Declaration because of the objection of two states, but its inclusion by Thomas Jefferson shows how serious the issue of slavery was taken by our Founding Fathers.
(To learn more about the views of our nation's Founders and heroes relating to the Declaration of Independence, see this WallBuilders video!)
(See Police/Sportsmen tab about using the Sheriff's Office. Some counties have violated citizens' Civil Rights by starting a county police separate from the Sheriff's Office, which is an existing county police force--Camden County, NJ is an example of African-Americans having their Civil Rights violated by Camden County because they started a county police force instead of using the Sheriff's Office.)
History Link List
- https://www.wallbuilders.com/
Wallbuilders offers a wide variety of books on American history such as Original Intent/The Courts, the Constitution & Religion and also offers booklets/tracts on the 1st Amendment and 2nd amendment.- Into the Valley of Death Rode the Six Hundred (History of Crimea, Russia) by Dr. Hammond
- Crisis in Crimea by Dr. Peter Hammond
- Frontline Fellowship-- see Political & Social Issues that has many articles on important topics.
- Frontline Fellowship--see Film Reviews & find out about the fabrication of history in films such as King Arthur, Kingdom of Heaven , and so on.
- Frontiline Fellowship--see Reformation and Revival to learn the true history of the Reformation.
- Is America following France?
- Christ and Civilization by Dr. John W. Robbins
- Princeton University Researchers Conclude US Political System Has Been Almost Completely Usurped (04/21/14)
Image credit: Ukraine Map above of East V. West (windowstorussia.com). The Tsardom of Russia 1547-1721 (Russia expanded). The Cossack Hetmanate emerged and prospered during the 17th and 18th centuries, but its territory was eventually split between Poland and the Russian Empire. After the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 (Wall Street and London Banks funded it), the Ukrainian People's Republic was declared; however, it was always part of mother Russia.
- A Warning to America from Russia by Dr. Peter Hammond (Missionary in South Africa)
- Original Black Panther Party Member Declares Antifa Must Be Stopped (06/12/20) -- Original Black Panther member and Civil Rights activist Larry Pinkney joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the destructive disaster the violent agitators and looters are causing for the Human Rights movement.
- Video: The Democratic Party's Dirty Secret (03/08/14) --Jon Bowne investigates the mass amnesia associated with the indisputable connection between the Ku Klux Klan and the Democratic Party as well as its long history of murder, torture and voting coercion and Alex explains how the Democrat's history ties into their current race-based, divide & conquer platform.
Emperor & President Obama (recruited by the CIA while attending Occidental College in the 1980s) Arrives To Celebrite Racist Warmonger LBJ (04/10/14) -
President Lydon Baines Johnson (Democrat) 11/22/63 - 01/20/69) ) had this to say right after signing history into law: “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”
President Lyndon Baines Johnson was recorded on a White House tape conversation claiming, “I’ll have them ni#$ers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years.”
- https://www.citizensforaconstitutionalrepublic.com/John_Eidsmoe.html
Christianity And The Constitution/The Faith of Our Founding Fathers by John Eidsmoe (ISBN 0-8010-5231-9)- https://www.fija.org/
Fully Informed Jury Association--American Jury Institute- https://www.prpbooks.com/
P & R Publishing. Recommended: The Christian Attitude Toward War by Lorraine Boettner.- https://www.americanvision.org/
American Vision- https://www.faithdefenders.com/
Faith Defenders is not a history site per se; however, some of the books do relate to history or political science. I recommend: "When is it Right to Fight" (the best book on the Christians' response to war and self-defense) and history of Natural Theology, Natural Law.- The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively & Kevin Abrams--The book points out how the Nazi SS were made up of mostly sadistic homosexuals and how homosexuality was so ingrained in the Nazi Party. Also, you can read it in HTML or PDF at The Pink Swastika on PDF.
- Image taken by Friends (03/26/14). From left to right: Ms. Lindsay Warren, Ms. Melissa Mongi, (Mr. Jack Zaifman) & Ms. Meg Donhauser in the Little Theater at Hunterdon Central High School
- Hunterdon Central High School Key Club in Flemington, NJ hosted Holocaust Survivor Mr. Jack Zaifman at the Little Theater on March 26th, 2014 at 2:00 PM, who shared his story about surviving in a Nazi concentration camp --see Jack Zaifman's Holocaust Profile Flyer--PDF or Holocaust Survivor Visits Hunterdon Central High School on 03/26/14 & Exposes the Idealogy of the Nazis (HTML)
A friend gave a 10 minute introduction on the true worldview of Nazis Germany that academia and the media censors--see the two articles entitled Americans -- Like Nazi Germans -- Don't Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away & 25 Signs That America Is Rapidly Becoming More Like Nazi Germany. Mr. Zaifman's Gentile friend, whose 3 great uncles in Hunterdon County fought in World War II, also stated that a lot of teenagers could not say Hitler was wrong because they do not believe in Moral Absolutes, but would not do what Hitler did. If there is no God, then there can be no Absolutes--see article entitled Atheism and Absolutes (HTML). Mr. Zaifman and his friend are members of Kiwanis International. Because Mr. Zaifman (born in Poland) has such a nice personality, he got along with all nationalities from around the world. He was even invited to have some tea with a Prince from Saudi Arabia in Texas.
Note: Mr. Zaifman has stated to his friends privately that many liberal (secular humanist) Jews and so-called liberal (secular humanist) Christians in America are supporting the same anti-God policies and worldview as Nazi Germany--see Liberal Jews are Clueless & Christianity and Humanism--PDF & Christianity and Culture & Rabbi David Bendory (Rabbinic Director of the JPFO) rebukes the Liberal Jews in America for their Anti-gun position that Nazi Germany implemented and made the Holocaust easier & Judaism (HTML). This is why Mr. Zaifman emphasized to the students that he loved the Constitution of the United States--the historic understanding of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is now being overthrown. Modern humanists do not believe in the historic meaning of the freedom of religion
- https://www.christiancadre.org/historic.php
Christian Colligation of Apologetics Debate Research & Evangelism (Note: This website is a resource guide to many sites and topics (archaeology, church history, etc.--however, not everything on the apologetic sites is promoting "Sola Scriptura", but the false teaching of "Natural Theology." In other words, some of the authors are promoting that a person can determine truth by "Human Reason")--see website below on "Natural Theology."- https:/www.faithdefenders.com/ministry/articles/apologetics/process_theology/
Apologetics and Process Theology- https://www.historyguy.com/Mexican-American_War.html
The History Guy Website- https://www.ccel.org/s/schaff/history/About.htm
History of the Christian Church by Philip Schaff- https://bible.christiansunite.com/josindex.shtml
The Works of Flavius Josephus--free on-line.- https://bible.christiansunite.com/foxindex.shtml
Fox's Book of Martyrs--free on-line.- https://www.spurgeon.org/~phil//creeds/dort.htm
Canons of Dort (11/13/1618 - 05/09/1619)-response to Arminius- https://www.americanchristianhistory.com/default.htm
America's Christian History--Rebuilders of the Foundations of America's Christian Heritage.- https://www.foundingfathers.com/
Founding Fathers- https://www.restore-christian-america.org/index.html
Restore Christian America- https://www.godsgenerals.com/?src=overture
God's Generals- https://www.visionforumministries.org/
Vision Forum Ministries--restoration of Christian family culture.- https://www.lacconline.org/
See articles on Christian Revisionism.- https://www.reformed.org/christian_education/index.html
CRTA- https://www.reformedblacksofamerica.org/index.php
Reformed Blacks of America- https://bible.christiansunite.com/genindex.shtml
The Geneva Bible (1599)--free on-line.- https://www.nationaltreasures.org/
National Treasurers.