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Right-To-Carry & Permit Site

"Topics Covered" is listed below Introduction


For  self-defense insurance, see the following four sites: 1 . U.S. Law Shield (one can add Huntershield)--all States; 2.Self-Defense Shield Protection; 3. NRA Carry Guard;and 4. Concealed Carry Insurance -- 7 insurance companies compared. Click picture on right "Support The Case" from GOA.

Attorney & author on Firearms : Giaramita Law Offices P.C -- specializes in firearms and the justified use of force for concealed carry licensees. And the author of a book on gun rights in PA.

Pennsylvania's Handgun Ban for 18- to 20-year-olds Lifted --2024 -- After four years of legal wrangling, Pennsylvanians 18 to 20 years old may now fully enjoy their Second Amendment-protected rights. Under Pennsylvania's peculiar laws, those adults may carry a handgun openly in public without violating the law. But because Pennsylvania has been operating under a state of emergency since 2018, those under age 21 must have a concealed-carry license even though state law bans them from obtaining one. And Penn. High Court: State's Preemption Law Overrides Philadelphia's Gun Laws (2024) -- the city council in Philadelphia got slapped down for erroneous arguments against the PA state's preemption laws.

Note: Firearms FAQ (NJ State Police website) -- Question 13 as of 2023: Ammunition lacking a hollow cavity at the tip, such as those with a polymer filling, are not considered to be hollow point ammunition. An example of this can be seen with the Hornady Critical Defense / Critical Duty, Cor-Bon Pow'RBall / Glaser Safety Slug and Nosler Inc. Defense ammunition. Yes, if you have a concealed carry permit in NJ, you can carry Hornady Critical Defense/Critical Duty ammunition because it is not a hollow point bullet according to the New Jersey State Police. Update in NJ: Federal Judge: New Jersey AR-15 Ban Unconstitutional; Magazine Ban OK's (07/31/2024).

Concealed Carry in NJ & Firearms Application for Firearms ID Card & Pistol Permits

A NJ Township Police Dept. -- it will show you the links to the Official NJ websites in order to obtain a "Concealed Carry" permit and "Renewals" or permit to purchase a "Hand Gun" and "Firearms ID" and the "ORI" number of your local police dept. The NJ State Police website for carry permit: New Jersey State Police Concealed Carry Permits (you can upload documents and picture). NJ website for: Pistol Permits or Firearms ID Card.

NJ Courts Can Expung Your Court Record

New Jersey Courts: Expunging Your Court Record (Official NJ Gov. Link) -- An expungement is the removal, sealing, impounding, or isolation of all records on file within any court, detention or correctional facility, law enforcement or criminal justice agency. A court-ordered expungement can remove the following information: 1. your arrest; 2. all court proceedings related to your case; 3. your criminal or juvenile conviction; and 4. the outcome of your case, including your sentence.

You can apply for an expungement using the eCourts Expungement System. It's free. You will need your case number to get started.

Privacy -- a virtual credit card. Because of discriminatory and possible illegal tracking by credit card companies or government of purchases of law-abiding gun owners, this is a financial option to help prevent illegal tracking.

Why Firearms Suppressors should be Legal in Every State to Purchase Without Registration and the ATF Form 4

Maxim Silencer

Image credit:

Medical Journal Issues Statement supporting
Suppressors as Effective Hearing Protectionn Issues

On November 18, 2024, the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery issued a statement of support for the use of firearms suppressors as a means of reducing the risk of hearing loss. From

The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery endorses the use of firearm suppressors as an effective method of reducing the risk of hearing loss, especially when used in conjunction with conventional hearing protective measures. Click article link above.

Concealed Carry Picture from USCCALeft image: Concealed Carry Magazine -- recommended that everyone that has a concealed carry permit or all gun owners subscribe to this magazine (8 color issues per year).

We can all thank President Trump for successfully nominating three conservative Justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. This helped make possible the victorious landmark 2nd Amendment decision achieved in N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Assoc. v. Bruen.

Supreme Court Ruling on June of 2022: Concealed carry in NJ. N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Assoc. v. Bruen prevents us from continuing to require a demonstration of justifiable need in order to carry a firearm. The United States Supreme Court has reversed the New Jersey standard for the "justifiable need" requirement for carrying a concealed handgun. The State of New Jersey has stipulated training requirements which are necessary prior to submitting your concealed carry application. The New Jersey CCW training requirements are explained in N.J.A.C. 13:54-2.4(B) and 2C:58-4. Of course, this ruling applies to all states. (See "Topics Covered" below for help on getting you concealed carry pemit.)

Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse before the Great Reset SC by Dr. Peter Hammond (Video presentation). God has to come first and any war has to be Scriptural--Just War Theory. This country has forgotten God and threw out the Bible, especially with foreign policy. Dr. Hammond served in the South African Defense Force (SADF) and is a missionary. He states American Christians are very misinformed and do not understand what is happening in Russia & Ukraine. Order book entitled "When Is It Right to Fight?" by Dr. Robert A. Morey

(Cabela's, Hamburg, PA Concealed Carry Classes by Legal Heat -- PDF) & Petition PA & Prep With Mike ("..real-time list of IN-STOCK preparedness items from the Health Ranger Store, plus exclusive how-to videos and podcasts to help you get prepared." - Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.

Find Out which States honor your Resident or Non-resident Pistol Carry Permit

Find out which States honor your resident or non-resident pistol carry permit/permits by going to USA Carry & Shooting News -- Mike Adams, The Health Ranger (Natural

Sheriff's Office of York County, PA -- an excellent Sheriff's Office that has made the process easier and more secure to apply for a "License to Carry" in PA by submitting everything online. NJ residents must have a NJ "Concealed Carry" pemit in order to obtain a PA license. Also, under Title 18 § 6109 (e) (1) (ix) of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code, any resident from out-of-state cannot let their resident firearm license expire--the PA license will then be revoked. (If the firearm license is approved, then the person has to schedule an appointment at either two locations listed on their website to pick up their license; their picture will be taken at said location and issued the permit.)

Also, the Office Of The Sheriff (Lehigh County Pennsylvania) will process non-resident carry permits for PA; however, one must take the paper work to the office. Located: 455 W. Hamilton Street, Allentown, PA 18101. Ph#610-820-3368

Sig_Pro 9x19mm 
PistolSupport (Bill H.R. 9534 (2024--National Reciprocity Bill) -- Rep. Thomas Massie, KY.

Judicious use of Deadly Force (Video) by Massad Ayoob. You could use this video in court if you watched it and demand that it be should shown to the jury as your defense.

Video in danger of being instantly banned on YouTube

John Loft's Latest Study Refutes Claims That Schools With Armed Teachers Are Dangerous (05/07/19) --John Lott couldn't find a single instance of a shooting on a school campus where teachers and staff were permitted to carry concealed, going all the way back to 2000

NJ Update/Analysis of the New Gov. Murphy Gun Laws (07/09/2018)

Texas Tech Police Confirm Campus Carry Keeps School safer. "Campus carry has been law in Texas for two years now, and Texas Tech police say the law makes the university a safer place," KAMC News reports -- see Sheriff's Office (Saving Cities & Townships Millions of Dollars) -- PDF (2017/2021 Tri-fold Tract)

Las Vegas -- What Really happened in Las Vegas on 10/02/17

Caesars PalaceLeft: Picture of Caesars Palace, Las Vegas (Copyright © 07/13/17 by NJIAT)

FBI Special Agent Gunderson Tells The Truth about What is Happening in the United States

"Ted Gunderson FBI Section Chief" lays out a laundry list of Domestic Terror attacks perpetrated by different factions of the Deep State; Proving everything Infowars has been saying for years (Video)

Nevada Carry when traveling to Las Vegas.

What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas (Video;10/01/19) & THREE YEARS LATER: WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS STAYS IN VEGAS--
Share this bombshell flashback report on the deadliest mass shooting modern US history (TV Commentary, 10/01/2020)

Multiple Shooters in Mandaly Bay & Tropicana (Active Shooter), Helicopters (shooters), Four Seasons, shooter seen, (owned by Bill Gates & Prince Alaweed Bin Talal) & Possible Saudi Civil War. Scenario: Saudi Arabia was having a "Saudi Military Airforce Joint Services" Convention and there were 10,000 nationals in Las Vegas. Floors at the Mandaly hotel are owned by the crown Prince. Various Middle Eastern terrorists (witnesses confirm seeing Middle Eastern looking men) were brought in (Al Qaeda, Isis, etc.) in order to embarrass Trump (the Deep State & other bad elements in our government helped). Prince Alaweed Bin Talal (hardliner & cousin of King) was against current King Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud (the king, to his credit, is a moderate & took action against the people responsible for the attempted assassination against him & the brutal killing of Americans because of the coup). It is alleged that Steve Paddock worked as a gun runner for Prince Talal and was a pilot--Paddock probably was involved with working with one of our intelligence agencies. Guns were being shipped to the cartels and then to the Middle East. Windows were not blown out in Paddock's room at the Mandaly hotel until after the shooting stopped--over an hour later.
Note: It involved a "Saudi Civil War" and a "Deep State" operation & Paddock was a gun runner & his girlfriend Marilou Danley worked for the FBI. Also, Paddock was selling weapons to the Saudi's because they did not want them traced back to them. The recently released FBI report is a cover-up--see journalist for her investigation in the Las Vegas terrorist attack. (The Saudi King did arrest thousands and executed the people responsible for this brutal killing at the request of President Trump. So, we commend Saudi King Salman for taking action against these people--we realize that a lot of devious operations are carried out by rogue people in U.S. government intelligence and/or law enforcement agencies that use groups in their own country and foreign countries to carry out terrorist acts. Saudi Arabia should not get all the blame--the U.S. Deep State is usually behind the false flag operations.)
Note: It was alleged by that Flight Records Revealed well-planned Air Assault. There were multiple shooters and they were on the airport runway; the FBI made 30 reservations at Bluegreen Club 36 on Sept. 28, 2017 (Thursday) three-days prior to the shooting. It was also alleged from a former military intell analyst that a Saudi Arabian-based risk management company was on the ground during the Las Vegas shooting (11/03/17).Stephan Paddocks 'girlfriend' Marilou Danley worked for the FBI (08/24/18) -- Why have FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse and LVMPD Sheriff Joseph Lombardo kept the fact that Marilou Danley worked for the FBI secret from the general public from day one of the Las Vegas shooting? Saudi Deep State Prince Bandar Arrested (friend of the Bush family).

Always verify States' Law--PA as an example

Also, a permit holder should check the respective states' laws; for example, see Pennsylvania's Attorney General's "Firearm Reciprocity Agreements" & Hot Zones: Where a PA LAGO can and cannot Carry & Local Authority to Regulate Firearms in Pennsylvania (and this is from an anti-gun group stating that PA has Preemption Laws regarding firearms) -- Pennsylvania law provides that "[n]o county, municipality or township may in any manner regulate the lawful ownership, possession, transfer or transportation of firearms, ammunition or ammunition components when carried or transported for purposes not prohibited by the laws of this Commonwealth."1 (Title 18 Pa. C.S.A. § 6120a).

The case law, including from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, has been “crystal clear” that only the General Assembly can regulate firearms and ammunition, as the entire field is preempted. SeeNat’l Rifle Ass’n v. City of Philadelphia, 977 A.2d 78, 82 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2009). In FOAC v. Lower Merion Township, the Commonwealth Court held that, inter alia, the township’s discharge ordinance was unlawful due to state preemption. SeeFOAC v. Lower Merion Township, 151 A.3d 1172 (Pa. Cmwlth. Ct. 2016) (petition for allocatur denied July 11, 2017 ). (Also, see Firearms Industry consulting Group.)

"Preemption laws" are very good for the citizens because it prevents discrimination, especially against minorities who want to protect themselves in big cities such as Philadelphia.

It is a disgrace that the PA Attorney General's Office would issue a letter to citizens stating that Philadelphia is not in their jurisdiction regarding firearms, which contradicts PA Statutes (see email from PA Office below). Really? What are the jurisdictions for the PA Attorney General? This is a "Civil Rights" violation and a disregard to the PA State Legislature.

Does PA honor New Hampshire non-residence permits?

As of May (2018), New Hampshire non-residence permits are not honored by PA anymore (see Pennsylvania's Attorney General's "Firearm Reciprocity Agreements") -- the Attorney General Josh Shapiro should not have done this against NJ; however, in all fairness, NH passed a law that residents do not need to get a "carry permit" in NH and this screwed up the agreement between PA and NH. Since NJ will not give a "carry permit", it is de facto a State that does not have "right to carry" and thus the NJ residents should be allowed to apply for a PA carry permit per PA Statute--this is not relevant now since the Supreme Court Ruling in 2022. Email from PA Office of the Attorney General regarding NH Non-Residence permits dated 07/24/17 -- PDF & Email from PA Office of the Attorney General dated 07/25/17 regarding Philadelphia Concealed Carry Laws -- PDF & (County of Berks, Pennsylvania says a "PA Concealed Carry Permit" is valid in Philadelphia) & Hot Zones: Where a PA LAGO can and cannot Carry

Are PA Concealed Carry Permits honored in all counties and cities such as Philadelphia?

The City of Philadelphia has to honor "Concealed Carry Permits" authorized by the Statutes passed by the State Legislature in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania -- see resolution from the City of Philadelphia (Res#110745); although the City is against the pending "National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act" in Congress (Bill H.R. 38 (2017) that should be supported by all citizens & States, it does acknowledge that they honor all reciprocity agreements (25) from the PA Attorney General's Office. The City of Philadelphia also modified its procedures for "Concealed Carry Permits" because of a class action lawsuit in Doe, et al. v. City of Philadelphia (Title 18 Pa. C.S.A. § 6111 (i)). The City of Philadelphia (License to Carry Firearms) -- official site. Yes, even other PA County Sheriffs' Offices (see County of Berks, Pennsylvania says a "PA Concealed Carry Permit" is valid in Philadelphia) understand that the law is uniform throughout PA because of the State preemption law.

(Caveat: Always check the current laws, this is for informational purposes and not legal advice and laws change. NJIAT takes no responsiblity.)

There are millions of law-abiding citizens, law enforcement and military personnel who are either hunters, competition shooters or both and believe in the original intent of the 2nd Amendment.

Citizen Armor Civvy vestThere are millions of law-abiding citizens, law enforcement and military personnel who are either hunters, competition shooters or both and believe in the original intent of the 2nd Amendment. There are 40 "Right-To-Carry" States (RTC)--36 have "shall issue" laws, which establishes uniform standards established by the State legislature. The States that have "Right-To-Carry" (RTC) have an impeccable record with their licensees. According to John Lott and David Mustard--authors of the book entitled Crime, Deterrence, and Right To Carry Concealed Handguns--States that passed concealed handgun laws their county murders fell by 8.5 percent, and rapes and aggravated assaults fell by 5 and 7 percent. (A Houston, Texas young lady could have been either raped or murdered if she did not pull out her .38 revolver when she was being approached in a parking lot at night--fortunately, the man fled when he realized she was armed!) Gun-free zones (see American Gun Facts & Gun Facts & Texas Firearms Freedom) are open invitation for terrorists or thieves--you should never prevent law-abiding citizens, who have a "concealed handgun" permit, from carrying in a school, university, park or church. (The Virginia massacre might have been prevented if the university did not prohibit students, who have a "concealed handgun permit", to have their weapons on campus--there was a gun incident 5 years ago [Jan. 16, 2002] at Virginia Tech where one student was killed and three others wounded by a 43-year-old student from Nigeria--however, the shooter was subdued by two law-abiding armed students, Tracy Bridges and Mikael Gross; they both had to run to their vehicles to retrieve their firearms.)

Read the excellent article in America's 1st Freedom (NRA publication), Feb. 2017, pages 39-41, entitled National Right-To-Carry Won't Trample States' Rights Because Your Second Amendment Rights Don't End At The State Line. See full article on National Right-To-Carry--PDF. A quote,

...In 1866, Congress passed the 14th Amendment, and it was ratified by the states in 1868. Section 1 of the 14th Amendment bars state or local government infringement of civil rights, such as those enumerated in the Bill of Rights. McDonald, requiring state and local obedience to the Second Amendment, was part of a long line of cases enforcing Section 1....

For example, three secular humanist, God hating States (California, New York and New Jersey) refuse to enter into reciprocity agreements with any of their sister states, and they have no provision allowing a non-resident to apply for a carry permit. Note: The recent 2022 Supreme Court ruling opened the door for non-residents and residents to obtain a carry permit in those respective states.

Topics Covered

Topics covered: 1. What does Objective Medical Research Show?; 2. Recommended Book on NJ Gun Laws for Law Enforcement and Sportsmen, Official PA and NJ Attorney General's Firearms' Website & Hollow Point bullets in NJ; ; 3. "Gun Laws when Traveling thru different States", "How to Obtain a Concealed Carry Permit", "How to Obtain Concealed Carry Insurance" and "Armed Security Training", ("2nd Amendment" & "Concealed Carry Organizations" to belong to" ); 4. How Should United States Citizens prepare themselves?;. 5. How to Survive a Theater Style Shooting; 6. NJ residents must have a "Firearms ID" card; 7. How Long will the ID card application take?; 8. Address Change for "Firearms ID" card; 9. How to Obtain a Carry Permit in NJ (Updated Information as of June 2022); 10. Can a New Jersey or other State resident obtain a permit to carry from another State?;11. How to Obtain a Utah Concealed Carry license & New Hampshire & Texas12. How to obtain a Florida Concealed Carry license;13. Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (18 U.S.C.§ 926B) & Shaneen Allen and Sheriff David Clarke (African-Americans fighting for their rights); 14. A List of Licensing, Training (Concealed Carry; Legal Heat at Cabelas, Hamburg, PA), Ranges, Hand Gun Models and Accessories such as Holsters, Fanny Packs, Belts, Gun Purses, Body Armor, Cleaning Kits, Lasers, etc. & List of NJ & PA Gun Stores & Las Vegas, NV; and Bulletproof Backpacks for Students 15. Airsoft and Paintball Guns; and 16. International Shooting Competition Organizations. See 2nd Amend Tab for history of self-defense and pro 2nd Amendment organizations to join such as NRA, GOA, JPFO, etc. 17. Shop privately and securely. Use Privacy to shield your real card information with automatically generated virtual cards; 18. Vetter Holsters -- great pocket carry holsters (custom molded from Kydex®) that have trigger guards--Alien Gear no longer offers pocket carry holsters; 19. EMP Shield -- they make EMP shields for truck batteries, generators, etc.

What does Objective Medical Research Show?

In the Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia  Dr. Edgar A. Suter and Dr. Miguel Faria, Jr., a medical professor at Mercer University, published separate articles proving that guns, rather than causing deaths, actually reduce both crime and medical costs.  A few facts from the articles:

  1. 75 lives are protected by a gun for every life lost to a gun;
  2. As many as 5 lives are protected per minute;
  3. Defense with a gun results in fewer injuries to the defender (17%) [any other method including] than evasion (34.9%), physical force (50.8%), and not resisting at all (24.7%);
  4. Jurisdictions which have enacted stronger restrictions on the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms generally have higher violence and therefore experience higher medical costs;
  5. After Washington, D.C. implemented in 1976 some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation, its homicide rate skyrocketed from 26.9 (per 100,000 people) to 80.6—eight times the national average.1

Centers for Desease Control & Prevention (CDC) --study conducted by CDC and carried out by the Institue of Medicine and National Research Council found that individuals involved in violent crimes who defended themselves using techniques other than carrying a gun were more like to be injured when compared to those who were carrying a concealed firearm (06/27/13).

The Real Statistics on the Homicide rates done by Firearms from the FBI (2005-2009)

Note:  Many anti-gun groups use statistics in misleading ways such as not counting a criminal frightened away as defensive, only if the criminal is shot or if a woman shoots a stalker, who was an ex-boyfriend, the anti-gun groups include this as a “domestic homicide” rather than a lawful self-defense. Also, see Gun Saves Lives--see the Self Defense Map of the United States.

1 Robert G. Heinritz, Jr., J.D. “Concealed Carry Saves Lives--Part Two
: Research and History” Concealed Carry Magazine, Vol. 5 (July 2008): 26-30.

“Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunder in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them.”   --Thomas Paine, Thoughts on Defensive War, (1775)

“Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence.”–George Washington

“I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people…To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”—George Mason, during Virginia’s ratification convention, (1788)

“In Switzerland, where the citizens are most armed, they are most free.”—Nicollo Machiavelli

Recommended Book NJ Gun Law Guide for Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Sportsmen & U.S. Concealed Carry Laws

NJ Gun Law Gun Guide

Federal & State links for Gun Laws

US Handgun Laws

Other Gun Law Web Sites: Bloomfield Press & USCCA

Transporting Firearms: When transporting firearms, they should be locked in a container with no ammunition in the firearm or magazines. Also, the ammunition should be in a separate locked container, not in the same case as the firearm--always check your State Law. For Interstate Transportation of Firearms, see Police/Sportsmen Tab and go to sub-heading titled Interstate .

Caveat: The book and resources mentioned above are not a substitute for professional legal advice, but is very helpful for understanding New Jersey’s gun laws and gun laws in othe states.

Legal Disclaimer: One should always verify that the NJ gun laws or other State guns laws quoted above and other places on this website have not changed--laws constantly change. The NJIAT President takes no responsibility for the accuracy or legal implications that may result--the laws quoted below are for general information only and is not intended as a substitute for the law or for professional legal advice.

Click link below to the State of New Jersey, Department of Law & Public Safety, Office of the Attorney General
Topic: Weapons/Firearms

Click link below to the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General
Topic: Firearm Reciprocity Agreements

"The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned."

Article I, Section 21 (Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania)

What about Possession and Transporting Hollow Point Bullets in New Jersey?

Yes, but only by the way of exemptions under N.J.S. 2C:39-3.g.2 and N.J.S. 2C:39-6f. (i.e, dwelling, land owned or possessed; while hunting, fishing or target shooting; place of purchase). The exemptions are:

1. N.J.S. 2C:39-3. f., possession of hollow nose ammunition is prohibited unless a person is engaged in activities pursuant to N.J.S. 2C:39-6f. that includes target shooting and hunting.

2. N.J.S. 2C:39-3 subsection g.2, a person can keep this ammunition at his dwelling, premises or other land owned or possessed by him and may carry such from the place of purchase to the above locations. Law enforcement and military are also exempt.

Also, New Jersey alllows magazine capacity of (15) rounds (N.J.S. 2C:39-1y)--this limited magazine capacity is unfortunate. Note: This has been recently changed in 2018 to (10) rounds, but is currently being appealed in court.

There have been false arrests by Officers because they are unaware of the exemptions. For more detailed information on the above, see the New Jersey State Police Site on Hollow Point Bullets or The New Jersey Office of the Attorney General for further information on weapons/firearms.

"Gun Laws whenTraveling thru Different States", "How to Obtain a Concealed Carry Permit", "How to Obtain Concealed Carry Insurance" & "Armed Security Training" and " 2nd Amendment & Concealed Carry Organizations to Join"

I firmly believe in training and safety, especially for "concealed carry" permit holders--see Licensing and Training sub-tab for Firearms Training, item#14 on Topics Covered above. For legal help with firearms issues, go to the Christian Legal Help Tab.


USA Map of Gun Laws

Credit: (see link below--old map above before Supreme Court Ruling in 2022)

Gun Laws when traveling thru States

HandGunLaw.US--a listing of Gun Laws in Every State

AllStays Travel

NRA-ILA (Gun Laws)

Download from Legal Heat --State Firearm Laws using IPHONE/ANDROID APP

How to Obtain a Concealed Carry Permit in your State and Concealed Carry Insurance

How to Obtain a Carry Permit in your State

United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA)-- The Self-Defense Shield is a newly offered Insurance for "concealed carry" permit holders--insurance up to $300,000 for civil liability and $75,000 for criminal liability.

NRA also has "Firearms" insurance

Armed Security Training and Permit in PA & NJ

Security Guard in Copenhagen in 2009Citizen Armor Civvy vest

Armed Security Guard in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2009 & Citizen Armor Civvy Concealed Armored Vest

Lethal Weapons Training for Security Personnel in PA (Act 235)

PA Act 235 Psychological Examination

PA Act 235 Physical Examination

New Jersey Firearms Academy

New Jersey State Police Security Applications

Pennsylvania Oath Keepers

I recommend as a concealed carry permit holder or just a firearms owner that you belong to some of the 2nd Amendment organizations listed below:

Home Defense: An Argument for Advanced AR Carbines in the Home (especially for Women)-- PDF

Note: Links listed above highlighted in orange are also listed below. Also, for more extensive information on firearms and accessories, click the "Police/Sportsmen" link or see the link on bottom.

Legal Disclaimer: One should always verify that the NJ gun laws quoted above and other State gun laws have not changed--laws constantly change. The NJIAT President takes no responsibility for the accuracy or legal implications that may result--the above is for general informational only and is not intended as a substitute for the law or for professional legal advice.

See the Homeland Security Tab and the subtitle " How should United States Citizens prepare themselves?" for information on what guns and other items a citizen should have.

How should United States Citizens prepare themselves?

Mossberg Survival Kit

Recommended: Mossberg Survival Kit for Family located at :

Empowered Woman with M4

Credit: Infowars. Empowered Woman "Lee Ann McAdoo" with 5.56/.223 Rifle (Reporter).

Home Defense

Home Defense: An Argument for Advanced Carbines in the Home, especially for women--PDF

(Special Report: Female Reporter, Lee Ann McAdoo, discovers real Feminist Empowerment (see video at gun range--04/01/14))

A Girl & A Gun (Womens Shooting League) --Allentown, PA Chapter (chapters across the country)

Other Resources to Prepare yourself from a Biblical Perspective

Faith and Firearms--citiizens & husbands are commanded to defend their families per Bible.

Being Prepared, that includes having a Gun, by Dr. Peter Hammond, a South African Missionary

Gear.News -- Mike Adams from Natural News

Armed Citizen Project (ACP)--Deterring Crime by Empowering Neighborhoods

American Survival Guide--an excellent guide for what to do when a natural disaster hits.

Gun Control Fact Sheet

Bulletproof Backpacks and Jackets

Body Guard -- bulletproof backpacks that will stop a rifle shot--recommended for students; Level 3 will stop a rifle round. . Headquarters in NJ.

Bullet Proof Vests and Jackets

Every Law-Abiding Citizen should have the following:

Gas-Piston Rifles and Direct Gas Impingement Rifles

A semi-automatic sporting rifles [a 5.56 x 45 mm NATO (.223 Rem) or 7.62 x 39 mm are offered in either "gas-piston" or "direct gas impingement" models.

Direct gas impingement rifles shoot with more carbon build up and are less reliable and do not shoot as clean as a gas-piston semi-automtic rifle; this is not implying that direct impingement rifles are not reliable if properly cleaned--it depends on your budget and there are some great deals on direct impingement rifles.

Direct impingement

Direct Impingement was devised by Eugene Stoner. The Propellant gas is bled through a small hole located in the barrel, which is then channeled through a very small tube where it can proceed to directly contact (or impinge) the bolt carrier mechanism. The gas is then pushed to the rear of the rifle, and the spent case is extracted and ejected.

Gas Piston

Mikhail Kalashnikov (11/ 10/1919 - 12/23/2013) was born in Russia and the first to use the gas piston technology in modern firearms such as the AK-47. While similar to direct impingement systems, there are a few key differences in operation. The firing process again begins with propellant gases being bled into the barrel. However, instead of being forced into a tube as it is in a direct impingement system, it is contained in a separate cylinder. The cylinder contains a piston, which the gas moves the piston and then pushes the bolt carrier rearward. You can shoot a 100 rounds out of a gas piston rifle and the barrel is clean and cool.

See the following rifles below:

1. Kel-Tec (.223 &.308-Bull Pup) -- great rifles for the price, but hard to purchase because of availability.

2. Sig Sauer, MCX is a great AR Rifle.

3. LWRC (one of your best AR gas-piston rifles on the market),

3. POF USA (excellent gas-piston rifles),

4. Ruger,

5. DPMS-Panther Arms,

6. Stag Arms,

7. PTR Rifle (7.62 x 51mm),

8. K-Var Corp -- they sell Arsenal rifles (7.62 X 39mm) that are very high quality. Every person should have this rifle in their inventory because the caliber round is the most widly used in the world--invented in Russia.

9. (WPA) VEPR 7.62 X 54R , a great Russian Hunting Rifle.

There are many great manufacturers that make high quality .223 caliber rifles. The gun manufacturers listed above make compliant rifles for NJ, NY, MA and Hawaii with restrictions on magazine capacity--this is unfortunate. You pay for what you get--the higher priced rifles are better quality. Kel-Tec makes high quality and reasonably priced gas-piston rifles, but there is usually a long waiting period. The rifles mentioned above can be used for hunting in many states (the rifles are multi-purpose). Very large animals usually require .308 or high caliber rifles.

Shotguns, Pistols, Gas Masks and Other Items

1. Shotguns and Pistols (Mossberg, Glock , Sig Sauer, Springfield Armory USA and (ARMSCO -- Otus Arms, Orthos Arms, U-235 Armory - Black River MFG. Located in 55 Bradrock Dr., Des Plaines, IL 60018) are a few popular and reasonably priced guns--there are many others great manufacturers that make great shotguns and pistols. What pistol caliber should I get? I would either get a 9mm or .45 ACP caliber pistol--the ammunition is more available and less expensive. There is nothing wrong with getting a .40 or .357 Sig caliber pistol--you can use the same magazine on a Sig Sauer pistol (just change the barrel); .40 ammunition is about the same price as .9mm. You can get some nice revolvers from Ruger. The caliber of a firearm is determined by the diameter of the Caliber).

2. U.S. Survival AR-7 (.22 caliber) made by Henry Arms.

3. sells some of the best storable food on the market. Food that has a shelf life of 20 to 25 years (see the Homeland Security Tab and go to the subtitle Survival Sites for the United States Citizen).

4. OFFGRID Magazine --the creators of Recoil Magazine (additional information for

5. NATO SGE 150 Survival Gas Mask from Mira Safety or C50 First Responder Kit Gas Mask (used by all branches of U.S. military) from ReadyMadeResources or MCU 2P Navy/Air Force Issue Gas Mask from JRH

6. During A Total Collapse, Learn the Safest Places to Live in North America -- by Joel Skousen

7. A Bible (the most important) and a few books such as A Christian Student's Survival Guide (6 x 9) (order from Xulon Press) and One World. True peace, safety and freedoms in any nation can come only through submitting and fearing the Supreme Ruler of the Universe (Yeshua Ha-Maschiach--the only true God and only way of salvation). Democracy, civil rights and liberties, constitutional government, religious liberty, private property, helping the poor and alleviating poverty, hospitals, etc. have their roots in the Protestant Reformation (1517). If United States wants no God, then they will have no freedom! Russia and Ukraine wants the Bible taught in their schools -- this will help their country become very strong.

(Also, see the Police/Sportsmen Tab detailed information on many guns.)

It is impossible to protect your family or nation from heavily armed gangs, terrorists or an invading army with only a shotgun or pistol --you need a semi-automatic rifle (.223 or higher caliber). You should also have a gun safe (NJ exempts gun safes from sales tax). Of course, you should also have a generator (gas, propane or diesel generators are recommended) and other essential items such as the Gunnar Kiermaier's U.S Marine Survival Kits (see the heading below entitled Survival Sites for the United States Citizen on the Homeland Security Tab for detailed listing of survival equipment and generators).

If husbands are not armed to protect yourself and family from terrorist attacks, gangs, looting, national disaster incidents, or a national invasion, then you have not taken Homeland Security seriously and have abdicated your responsibility in protecting your family and country and have disobeyed the Bible. Read article for further details on a citizens' responsibility of being armed entitled Faith and Firearms by Dr. Peter Hammond—PDF or FirePower and Faith.

How to Survive a Theater Style Shooting

YouTube--How to Survive a Theater Style Shooting (The Century Movie Theater May have Violated Colorado's State Law by having "Gun Free" zones known as "Kill" zones) and see article entitled How to Survive a Theater Style Shooting

Caveat: The information below is for general purposes only. NJIAT takes no responsiblity for the accuracy of the law--one should always check your state laws on what is legal or illegal. Gun laws change.

New Jersey residents must first apply for a "Firearms Purchaser ID Card" (which went into effect in 1966) in order to purchase firearms or Obtain a Permit

Note: We can all thank President Trump (2017-2029) for successfully nominating three conservative Justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. This helped make possible the victorious landmark 2nd Amendment decision achieved in N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Assoc. v. Bruen.

HOW TO GET YOUR NEW JERSEY CARRY PERMIT -- click the link to see Evan Nappen (attorney). In NJ, the gun process is done online as of 2024, which makes it easier. The Sheriff's Office should actually be processing concealed carry applications like PA, but it is being by the NJ State Police.

Concealed Carry in NJ & Firearms Application for Firearms ID Card & Pistol Permits

A NJ Township Police Dept. -- it will show you the links to the Official NJ websites in order to obtain a "Concealed Carry" permit and "Renewals" or permit to purchase a "Hand Gun" and "Firearms ID" and the "ORI" number of your local police dept. The NJ State Police website for carry permit: New Jersey State Police Concealed Carry Permits (you can upload documents and picture). NJ website for: Pistol Permits or Firearms ID Card.

Also, you have to go to a shooting range such asTactical Training Center in Flemington, NJ or Heritage Guild in Easton, PA to meet the qualifications for concealed carry.

Once you obtain your New Jersey concealed, a NJ resident then can apply for a PA concealed carry permit through a county Sheriff's Office.

Concealed Permit:
Shall Issue to Residents and Non-Residents in the State of New Jersey

The New Jersey Attorney General Law Enforcement Directive No. 2022-07 lays out the new requirements for New Jersey concealed carry permits which do not include having to “demonstrate a justifiable need to carry a handgun.” This directive went into effect immediately when it was issued on June 24, 2022.

Updated instructions (2022) from a New Jersey Twp. Police Dept. for a Firearms Application or Pistol Permi or Concealed Carry -- NJ Pistol permits are now done on-line.

New Jersey residents have to apply for a "Firearms Purchaser ID Card" in order to purchase rifles, shotguns or handguns under N.J.S. 2C:58-3.


You will receive a form from the police department when you submit your application to schedule an appointment to be fingerprinted through Safran MorphoTrak (formerly known as Sagem Morpho) . NJ should change the law to allow a citizen to pay fee and use the Sheriff's Office, who have electronic fingerprinting.

Transfer of a Rifle, Shotgun, etc. in the State of New Jersey

One must fill out Certficate of Eligibility form and keep it for your records and the Purchaser would also have a copy--a NJ resident must have a Firearms ID to purchase/transfer a Long gun from/to a private person in NJ and he/she cannot transfer a hand gun (must go through a Firearms dealer). This only pertains to long guns. Note: The law on transfers has changed (2018) with long guns in NJ and now requires that the purchaser and seller go through a licensed firearm dealer--check the NJ State Police website. This is unfortunate.

How long should it take for an application to be approved or denied?

The applicant should be approved or denied "within 30 days form the date of receipt of the application for residents of this State and 45 days for non-resident applicants." This law is under N.J.S. 2C:58-3(f).

Pennsylvania residents can buy a gun without a special card in PA (they have to show valid identification)--they are still run through an extensive background check via the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) by the licensed dealer and are either approved, denied or put on pending status. The "NICS" was started in 1988 and is operated by the F.B.I.--the operations in NJ are run by the State police.(A licensed firearms dealer must contact the "NICS" via telephone or facsimile and then will receive determination of whether the prospective purchaser would violate Federal or State law.)   Applications for a PA resident “License To Carry Firearms” (LTCF) must be submitted to their county Sheriff’s Office, with exception of Philadelphia where they are handled by the Gun Permits & Tracking Unit of the Philadelphia Police Department. All permits issued by one county must be honored by all counties including Philadelphia.  If the resident or non-resident is approved, they are issued a permit that is valid for 5 years--this should be the method in New Jersey.  T he process of obtaining a PA LTCF is very thorough in making sure that permits are not granted to people that may be irresponsible or pose a danger to others. (See Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association for more information on concealed carry.)

New Jersey makes it harder and more expensive for law-abiding citizens to purchase a firearm; the background check is no different than Pennsylvania's background check when going into a licensed dealer to purchase a firearm (the person is run through "NICS"). Remember that the Nazi Weapons Law (March 18, 1938) is the source of the U.S. Gun Control Act of 1968 (see "Gun Control's" Nazi Connection).

Address change for New Jersey Firearms Purchaser Identification Card (FPIC)--it is called "duplicate firearms purchaser identification card", which has been combined into one form in 2015 (check appropriate block(s))--Always check current NJ Law.

Under New Jersey Administrative Code 13:54-1.11, a holder of a NJ Firearms Purchaser Identification Card must apply for a change of address with 30 days of such change of address. How to does a person change his/her address and/or a name change? One applies to the Chief of Police in the municipality where the applicant currently resides (new address) or to the Superintendent of the State Police if they police your area. What form must be filled out? Ask for an application for a "duplicate firearms purchaser identification card" and a consent for a mental health records search--this is all that is required under the New Jersey Administrative Code 13:54-1.11 (b). It is not the same application for a Firearms Purchaser Identification Card (you already have the card). To get the two correct forms from the official New Jersey State Police website, click the following: Application for Duplicate Firearms Purchaser Identification Card (no longer used--The Application for Duplicate Firearms Purchaser Identification Card has been combined into one form that has "check appropriate block(s)"--see Firearms ID Cards and Handgun Purchase Permits (STS-33)) and Consent for Mental Health Records Search. These are the only two forms you need. The applicant pays a small fee. Some police departments such as Clinton Twp. Police Dept. were erroneously making people with a FPIC, who recently moved to Clinton Twp., apply for a new FPIC This is stupid and a violation of the law. The Clinton Twp. Police Dept. is also making township citizens, who are applying for a FPIC, to sign a waiver if it takes more than 30 days--this is very unethical. Make sure the police are giving you the correct forms. It should look like the official NJ State Police forms above. If you are having problems with your local police, contact the Association of NJ Rifle & Pistol Clubs of New Jersey.

How to Obtain a Concealed Carry Permit in the State of New Jersey?

Update: June, 2022: Concealed carry in NJ. N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Assoc. v. Bruen prevents us from continuing to require a demonstration of justifiable need in order to carry a firearm. The United States Supreme Court has reversed the New Jersey standard for the "justifiable need" requirement for carrying a concealed handgun. The State of New Jersey has stipulated training requirements which are necessary prior to submitting your concealed carry application. The New Jersey CCW training requirements are explained in N.J.A.C. 13:54-2.4(B) and 2C:58-4.

We can all thank President Trump for successfully nominating three conservative Justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. This helped make possible the victorious landmark 2nd Amendment decision achieved in N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Assoc. v. Bruen.

In the section on reviewing concealed carry permit applications, NJ Attorney General Platkin's directive on June 24, 2022 that says:

"In reviewing an individual's application for a permit to carry, the applicable law enforcement agency shall continue to ensure that the applicant satisfies all of the criteria of N.J.S.A. 2C:58-4d and N.J.A.C. 13:54-2.4, except that the applicant need not submit a written certification of justifiable need to carry
a handgun."

NJ State Police website to Apply for Concealed Carry & Pistol Permits

The NJ State Police website for: New Jersey Concealed Carry Permits (you can upload documents and picture).

NJ State Police website for: Pistol Permits or Firearms ID Card.

A NJ Township Police Dept. -- it will show you the links to the Official NJ websites in order to obtain a "Concealed Carry" permit and "Renewals" or permit to purchase a "Hand Gun" and "Firearms ID" and the "ORI" number of your local police dept.

Also, you have to go to a shooting range such asTactical Training Center in Flemington, NJ or Heritage Guild in Easton, PA to meet the qualifications for concealed carry.

Once you obtain your New Jersey concealed, a NJ resident then can apply for a PA concealed carry permit through a county Sheriff's Office.

Updated Training Requirements for New Jersey Concealed Carry Permit: Check the Department of Law and Public Safety and the NJ State Police websites for new requirements in 2023. The NJSP, in conjunction with the Office of the Attorney General, is working to establish a new comprehensive training program for applicants who are applying for, or renewing, a permit to carry a handgun, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 58-4(g)(1) and (g)(2). See also N.J.S.A. 2C:58-4(d)(3).

  1. Are Tasers legal in New Jersey? Can I carry one?

    Yes, an October 20, 2017 Memorandum from the State of New Jersey Office of Attorney General reviewed the findings of a Supreme Court decision and a Consent Order signed into effect by the State of New Jersey states that Stun Guns in New Jersey are legal for sale and possession with only two restrictions.  You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase or possess and you must not be a certain persons prohibited against purchasing or possessing one as per N.J.S.A. 2C:39-7(a). Click NJ State Police Website.

Concealed Permit: Shall Issue to Residents and Non-Residents in the State of New Jersey and Qualification Requirments

The New Jersey Attorney General Law Enforcement Directive No. 2022-07 lays out the new requirements for New Jersey concealed carry permits which do not include having to “demonstrate a justifiable need to carry a handgun.” This directive went into effect immediately when it was issued on June 24, 2022.

Updated instructions (2022) from a New Jersey Twp. Police Dept. for a Firearms Application or Pistol Permit or Concealed Carry -- NJ Pistol permits are now done online.

Concealed Carry paper work required: 1. 3 copies (double sided) of form S.P. 642 (Rev. 07/22) that have to be signed by 3 references (all 3 copies) and notorized; 2. Mental Health Consent Form that has to be signed in front of an Officer; 3. Four 1.5 x 1.5 passport pictures; 4. CCW qualification training certificate; 5. Copy of the purchase of Pistol that you qualified with--if recently, the copy will be emailed you from the Police Dept.; 6. Copy of Driver's license and Passport or birth certificate; 7. IdentoGO -- the police dept. or NJ State Police will give you an ORI#NJ0000000, Source Code and Case Contributor when you submit your paper work in person. The ORI number has to be inputted on IdentoGo and then schedule an appointment at one of their locations. The directions and paper work are on the New Jersey State Police website.

Qualification Courses--Check Current NJ Law (it changes)

The qualification course includes shooting at a maximum distance of 25 yards on the FBI Q Target. You must pass and hit at least 40 out of 50 shots (80%). You will be required to demonstrate safety and familiarity during the duration of the qualification. See TTC -- Concealed Carry Classes in NJ Note: There have been changes in 2023. New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety--Use of Force Interim Training For Private Citizen Concealed Carry-- (09/15/2023) and

New Jersey Civilian Carry Assessment and Range Evaluation as of 2023

3yd, 5yd, 7yd, 10yd and 15yd

NJ Old Standards Concealed Carry--2022

5yd – 5 shots standing, 1 hand support hand
5yd – 5 shots standing, 1 hand strong hand
7yd – 10 shots from low ready position
10 yd – 10 shots from high ready position
15 yd – 10 shots standing
25 yd – 10 shots standing

Federal (H.R. 218) and NJ State law permits Retired Police Officers to carry firearms.

Old New Jersey Requirements for Concealed Carry Permit prior to June 24, 2022 (item 3 is gone)

Under N.J.S. 2C:58-4d., a person must satisfy the Court that he/she is:

1. a person of good character and not subject to the disabilities of N.J.S. 2C:58-3c;

2. thoroughly familiar with the use and safe handling of handgun;

3. able to demonstrate "justifiable need."

Unfortunately, New Jersey's Carry Permit law is like the old Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) Constitution where you appear to have rights that in reality you do not have. It should be noted as the U.S., Canada, Britain and Western Europe are throwing the Bible and morality out of the schools, Russia and the Urkraine governments have mandated that Bibles be supplied to all their elementary and secondary school children. In February 2009 Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev noted publicly that Biblical moral education should be required in all Russian schools. Former President Medvedev should be complimented along with President Putin--they are on the right path to establishing a strong and prosperous Russia. Russia and Urkraine are granting more rights to their citizens and the United States is taking more rights away from its citizens. Unfortunately, if the U.S. does not change its ways (repent of its sins), it will keep on declining.

A New Jersey resident has to have "justifiable need" under New Jersey law-- justifiable need is an arbitrary and subjective standard which is "judge made law" via a series of anti-gun decisions. The anti-gun judiciary has defined the term under N.J.A.C. 13:54-2.4. This is very shameful, especially in light of the threat of terrorism and illegal and legal immigrant gangs such as MS-13 in our country. If you are citizen, please support bill S. 388, which Senator John Thune of South Dakota introduced--under S.388, if such other State issues licenses or permits to carry concealed firearms, the person may carry a concealed firearm in the State under the same restrictions which apply in the carrying of a concealed firearm by a person to whom the State has issued such a license or permit. You should also lobby your New Jersey State Assembly and Senate over this issue.

Can a New Jersey and other State Residents obtain a Permit to Carry from another State?

Yes, a New Jersey and other State residents can obtain a "Concealed Weapon or Firearm" license from certain States such as Florida (a "shall issue" State). The permit will not be recognized in New Jersey--however, other States such as Ohio, Texas and so on do recognize non-resident Florida concealed carry permits--see Florida Department of Argiculture and Consumer Services official website for reciprocity agreements. Pennsylvania no longer recognizes Florida's "non-resident carry" permits under the reciprocal agreement it has with Florida--PA will recognize a "resident" Florida carry permit. A PA resident must have a valid PA concealed carry permit in order to carry in their State. This was not they case before Feb. 2013 when PA honored non-resident Florida concealed carry permit holders. New Hampshire concealed carry permits for non-residents are not recognized by PA as of May 2018 because New Hampshire changed its law and does not require a permit for it residents--this screwed up the PA agreement. See New Hampshire Departmen of Safety (Permits & Licenses).

Note: If you obtain a NJ Concealed Carrry License, you can obtain a PA license.

One must have a State issued CFP or CCW from the State they reside in if that State recognizes the validity of the Utah CFP or has reciprocity with Utah in order to obtain the Utah CFP. PA recognizes Utah's CFP; in other words, PA does not have a formal reciprocity (written agreeement) with Utah, but PA recognizes Utah's CFP Statutorily under 6106(b)(15) of the Uniform Firearms Act--it is considered a Statutory Reciprocity. This is no longer the case according to the PA Attorney General--see letter to Utah's Department of Public Safety from Robert A. Mulle, Chief Deputy Attorney General dated May 06, 2014.

(Requirements are stricter for the Utah permit--one has to go thru training only by a certified Utah instructor and an extensive background check. Utah also prohibits concealed CFP holders--in Utah--from carrying concealed carry permit badges.) See list of non-resident concealed carry permits that will be honored in other States.

The previous Pennsylvania Attorney General's Office has made it emphatically clear that there is no change in the reciprocity policy between the two states and that Florida non-resident carry permits will continue to be honored in Pennsylvania--this is no longer the case in PA as of Feb. 2013 unless you are a dual resident or a resident of Florida or other States listed in the reciprocity agreements. You cannot be a "non-resident" permit holder for the State of Florida. (See Office of Attorney General (2013 firearm reciprocity agreements.)

Warning: As of Feb. 4, 2013, PA no longer recognizes "non-resident" Flordia concealed carry permits. The current PA Anti-gun Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane changed the policy--the super PAC funded by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who's anti-God and anti-Constitutional positions are a disgrace to this nation, spent $250,000 (see NYC Bloomberg Super PAC ) to help boost Democrat Attorney General Kane in 2012. You now have to be a resident of Florida for PA to honor the concealed carry permit or a dual resident. You cannot be a New Jersey resident and use your Florida concealed carry permit in Pa. See PA Office of Attorney for new ruling (2013) and Memorandum Agreement between Pa & FL (02/04/13) & Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane Refuses to Enforce DOMA Law (07/22/13).

Former PA Governor Tom Corbett and the PA General Assembly should have intervened and stoped or Impeached the former PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane from rescinding reciprocity agreements (especially Utah's carry permit) and permits recognized statutorily without the Approval of the PA General Assembly

This is what happens when PA elects an Attorney General that does not believe in the original intent of the Constituion and Bill of Rights and is a God-Hater [rejects what the Bible says about right and wrong such as marriage between a man and a women (a creation ordinance in Genesis 2:24)--yes, God determines right and wrong, not man!].

Some non-resident concealed carry permits were still honored by PA such as Utah's Concealed Firearms Permit (CFP) until the former Atttorney General Kathleen Kane in (May of 2014) rescinded non-resident Utah permits in PA (that might be illegal under PA law) according to the blog located at An excerpt from the article:

The Attorney General’s office, under state law, has an duty to sign reciprocity agreements in 6109(k):

(k)  Reciprocity.–

(1)  The Attorney General shall have the power and duty to enter into reciprocity agreements with other states providing for the mutual recognition of a license to carry a firearm issued by the Commonwealth and a license or permit to carry a firearm issued by the other state. To carry out this duty, the Attorney General is authorized to negotiate reciprocity agreements and grant recognition of a license or permit to carry a firearm issued by another state.

(2)  The Attorney General shall report to the General Assembly within 180 days of the effective date of this paragraph and annually thereafter concerning the agreements which have been consummated under this subsection.

I’d argue that concurrent with that duty is not to exit reciprocity agreements that have been negotiated under this subsection.

And by clarifying 6109(k) to make clear that the Attorney General may not revise or rescind existing agreements unless the reciprocal state requests it, or there has been a change in the reciprocal state’s statutory law. Most importantly, I think we all need to work to make sure Kathleen Kane becomes a one-term Attorney General.

See letter to Utah's Department of Public Safety from Robert A. Mulle, Chief Deputy Attorney General dated May 06, 2014 & Attorney Joshua Prince to Testify before PA House of Representatives on Impeachment of Attorney General Kane (05/5/14)

Note: Not all local law enforcement in PA is aware of the current reciprocity agreements (PA Attorney General's Official website) with the various States--it is advisable to carry a current copy of the reciprocity agreement with you (with pertinent provisions highlighted) while carrying in Pennsylvania with a Utah or other non-resident permit. If a person is going to carry in PA, I recommend you obtain a copy of the "Pennsylvania Laws Relating to Firearms."  Former PA State Senator John Pippy (37th Senatorial district and West Point Grad) was kind enough to supply a hard copy of the PA laws relating to firearms upon request. Click PA Laws Relating to Firearms prepared by Legislative Reference Bureau (02/02/06) for PDF version and PA Office of Attorney General—Reciprocity Agreements for PDF version.

How to Obtain a Utah "Concealed Carry" license

The Official site of the State of Utah

Utah Certified Firearms Instructors for all States

PA recognizes Utah's CFP Statutorily under 6106(b)(15) of the Uniform Firearms Act (PA does not recognize a non-resident permit in violation of this statute).

Concealed Carry Classes in Easton, PA

How to Obtain a "Concealed Carry" license from New Hampshire

New Hampshire Department of Safety (Permits & Licenses) -- non-resident permits were recognized in PA unitl May of 2018.

How to Obtain a "Concealed Carry" license from Texas

Texas Department of Public Safety (License to Carry a Handgun) -- non-residents recognized in PA (check the current law--it may of changed) & other states. However, one must take the training course in TX.

How to obtain a Florida "Concealed Carry" license

To apply for a "concealed carry permit" in Florida via internet, go to the following website:

On the form/pamphlet request do the following:

  • Input your address on top.
  • Click "Concealed Weapon or Firearm Application" on the form/pamphlet, which is below the name and address part.
  • Input your e-mail on bottom and submit your request for packet.
  • This in not an on-line application, but a packet that is mailed to you that includes the information you need in order to obtain a "Florida Concealed Carry permit," which is extensive (application forms, Florida's gun laws, proof of training certificate, passport photos, finger prints done by law enforcement, paper work must be notarized, etc.). Florida conducts a background check using the FBI's NICS system.

It usually takes up to 3 months for "Florida's Division of Licensing" to issue a permit. There was no so-called " Florida gun permit loophole" in PA. The media and Attorney General Kane used a misleading term. There were some PA residents that legally carried without a PA LTCF--they were carrying a legally obtained nonresident Florida gun carry permit (FL LTCF), which has a more stringent process to obtain than a PA LTCF.

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will mail you a complete packet. Included in the packet will be a set of cards for fingerprinting, which can be done at your local police department.  You will be required to take a "pistol safety" course unless you served in the military. (See Association of NJ Rifle & Pistol Clubs of New Jersey for class announcements--the website is listed below under the "Licensing, Ranges and Training" link. You will go through a strict background check and, if you are approved, will be issued a high quality ID card with picture on it. It is good for seven (7) years before renewal.

New Jersey Sheriffs' Offices should be allowed to offer Electronic Fingerprinting for Citizens for a Fee & Process Concealed Carry Permits

Sheriff Badges

Most Sheriffs' Offices around the country including New Jersey have electronic fingerprinting (digital image), which can be done for concealed carry permit holders as an alternative to the paper fingerprint card or using Safran MorphoTrak for a fee in many states; however, New Jersey will only allow the Sheriffs' Offices to use electronic fingerprinting for criminals being processed, not for law abiding citizens applying for a concealed carry permit, firearms ID or for employment. This law in New Jersey should be changed immediately allowing citizens to pay a fee to the Sheriff's Office for electronic fingerprinting. All right-to-carry permits in NJ should be processed by the Sheriff's Office like other states. See the links below on how to set up an appointment for electronic fingerprinting by a private company, which does not have access to your personal background check.

Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (18 U.S.C. § 926B)

HR218 BadgeCitizen Carry Badge

See to obtain badges.

Law enforcement officers and certain military personnel are allowed under this new law the Right to Carry (RTC) in any state or district in the U.S.  If a police chief or superintendent is not permitting you (the law enforcement officer) to carry in another state, the police chief or superintendent could be violating federal law—call the NRA’s division of Civil Rights Defense Fund.   [Note: The law was envisioned to be a bar to arrest and/or prosecution if you are a qualified off-duty or retired law enforcement officer and carrying in another state—however, there have been problems with states such as New York ( a gun hostile state) not obeying federal law. Two (2) recent cases where law enforcement officers were arrested in New York: 1. A Pennsylvania Constable named Rodriguez in 2006 and; 2. A Coast Guard cop named Booth in 2008. In both cases the judge ruled that Rodriguez and Booth were not guilty of a gun crime because under the Law Enforcement Officer’s Safety Act of 2004—a federal law--preempted state law. For further information see American Cop Magazine, September/October 2008 issue, page 16—website: .] See the following list below on how a retired peace officer can obtain a concealed carry license:

  • Law Enforcment Officers Safety Act of 2004 (LEOSA)— H.R. 218 and S. 1132 are not the acutal laws per se; USC 18 & 926B (specific active-duty law enforcement) and 926c (pertains to "retired" law enforcement) are the laws created and were improved through the two acts. Yes, if a officer left after vesting in retirement (service after 10 years), but before the required age to collect a retirement are now covered. In other words, you just need 10 years of aggregate service.
  • A retired cop from another state does not have to go back to his/her state to do their yearly qualifications under the LEOSA Improvement Act (a.k.a. Public Law 110-272)--they can qualify in the state they are living in. Unfortunately, the IACP has been against this law because the have their head 'you know where'. Amtrak police, the Federal Reserve and executive branch of the Federal Government are now under the umbrella of LEOSA. Police officers should look at their ID to make sure your agency is in compliance with these laws. See summary on the “Law Enforcement Alliance of America’s” website. There have been allegations that New Jersey has been violating this federal law against NJ retired law enforcement officers living in another State. See summary on the “Law Enforcement Alliance of America’s” website (
  • Retired Police CCW (Dr. Bruce Eimer in PA will help Retired Officers qualify in all 50 States under HR218.
  • Carry Permits: Retired Cop in NJ—PDF
  • NJ State Police: Concealed Carry for Retired Cops Application --you can go thru the New Jersey State Police or your local Township Police Dept. (the State Police approves or disapproves the application, not the Twp. Chief of Police). If the superintendent approves a retired officer’s application or reapplication to carry a handgun pursuant to the provisions of this subsection, the superintendent shall notify in writing the chief law enforcement officer of the municipality wherein that retired officer resides. In the event the retired officer resides in a municipality which has no chief law enforcement officer or law enforcement agency, the superintendent shall maintain a record of the approval. Current and retired law enforcement officers are eligible to obtain a permit to carry a handgun without specific justifiable need, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:39-6.l. These permits are administered by the Superintendent of State Police and not subject to judicial review unless the officer was denied and is appealing a denial.
  • Instructions for Retired NJ Law Enforcement Officers: Permit to Carry
  • Application for Retired NJ Law Enforcement Permit to Carry a Handgun
  • Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act Allows Military Police to Concealed Carry in 50 States
  • The Library of Congress (Thomas)—one can obtain copies of Law Enforcement Officer’s Safety Act (LEOSA) from the website below, which shows it is legal for law enforcement to carry out of their jurisdiction.
  • The Law Enforecment Officers’ Safety Act of 2007 (S.376)
  • Civil Rights Defense Fund

It is highly recommended that retired law enforcement personnel have the National Concealed Carry HR218 Badge to avoid friendly fire and identify yourself. Concealed Carry Citizens' badges (some law enforcement personnel do not like these badges for citizens because they look like law enforcement badges--the State of Utah does not allow concealed carry permit holders to possess them) can also be purchased. There are over 4 million law abiding citizens with carry permits in the U.S. and 1,076,897 police officers carrying pistols. See to obtain badges.

Notice to law enforcement: On October 9, 2006, President George Bush signed into law the “Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act.”  This bill, introduced by Louisiana Senator David Vitter, and then-Representative (now Governor), Bobby Jindal (R), protects gun owners’ rights during times of emergency. It passed Congress with massive bi-partisan support (322-99 in the House, and 84-16) in the Senate.  It is illegal under this new federal law for any law enforcement officer to confiscate law-abiding citizens’ firearms during a civil emergency. [The federal law was the result of Hurricane Katrina (08/29/05) where some cops, feds, and National Guard units used the complete breakdown of civil order as an excuse to harass, intimidate, and physically abuse private citizens—they also confiscated thousands of guns, leaving law-abiding residents of the city with no means of defense against bands of thugs and looters roaming the streets at night (see Soldier of Fortune, September 2008 edition, for article titled The Great Gun Grab, pages 12-18).

Legal Disclaimer: One should always verify that the NJ gun laws or other State guns laws quoted above and other places on this website have not changed--laws constantly change. The NJIAT President takes no responsibility or the accuracy for legal implications that may result--the laws quoted above are for general information only and is not intended as a substitute for the law or for professional legal advice.

Shaneen AllenImage credit: Gun Owners of America (GOA). Fair Use

Shaneen Allen, an African-American Woman, screwed by New Jersey for having a legally obtained "Concealed Carry License" from PA

A single African-American woman (Shaneen Allen) living in Philadelphia and working two jobs that had been a victim of previous robberies lawfully obtained a "concealed carry permit" in PA. Unfortunately, when she was stopped for a minor traffic violation in New Jersey, she told the Officer that she had a concealed carry firearm in her car--the idiot cop arrested her instead of just informing her that New Jersey does not offer reciprocity to PA residents. Rep. Martin Stuztman has introduced "concealed carry reciprocity" legislation to protect people like Shaneen Allen from politicians who are carrying out KKK policies from the South against African-Americans like they did to Martin Luther King, Jr. Does New Jersey honor driver's licenses from other States?

Sheriff David Clarke and Larry Pratt

Voters issue Rebuke to Bloomberg by supporting Sheriff David Clarke (08/15/14)

African-American Sheriff David Clarke (Democrat) of Milwaukee tells God-hating Bloomberg to shove it and supports the right of all people, especially African-Americans, that they can defend themselves with a firearm. Voters rebuke Bloomberg and tell him to stick his anti-gun policies up his ass.

A List of Licensing, Training, Ranges, Hand Gun Models, and Accessories: Holsters, Belts, Cleaning Kits, Lasers, Gun Cases, Gun Safes, etc.--see Police/Sportsman tab for a more extensive List of Accessories.

Sig_Pro 9x19mm Pistol Citizen Armor Civvy vest

Sig-Pro 9x19mm Pistol and Citizen Armor Civvy Concealed Armored Vest

Licensing and Training and Carry Insurance

    The New Jersey State Police Firearms Information Site. Click "Forms to Download" for the firearms Purchaser Identification Card/Application to Purchase a Handgun—one also needs to fill out the Consent for Mental Health Records Search with firearm application and 3 personal references and bring to your local township police department. One has to make an appointment for fingerprinting.
    Legal Heat: Concealed Carry Firearms Permit Classes; offered at Cabelas in Hamburg, PA. (Cabela's, Hamburg, PA Concealed Carry Classes by Legal Heat -- PDF.)
    National Shooting Sports Foundation--find out where to shoot or hunt in the United States.
  • Tactical Training Center--indoor shooting range located at 10A Minneakoning Rd, Flemington, NJ
  • Elite Tactical Academy--a top firearm training center that offers CPR/First Aid Courses. The Founder and President, David Kotz, is also a U.S. Coast Guard Aux Officer.
  • Gunskills Training Group, NRA Certified, NJ State Police Certified for CCW, Bob Bajor, Head Instructor (610-554-4581). (Basic to Advanced and H.R. 218).
  • Freedom Centrer USA -- a firearms training center in Missouri.
  • U.S. Law Shield -- available in NJ. Recommended if you have a "Concealed Carry Permit."
    Evan F. Nappen, Attorney At Law sells a book entitled Nappen II: New Jersey Gun, Knife & Weapon Law
    The Heritage Guild--a beautiful firearms store located at 70 Hilton Street, Easton, PA (Exit 75 off Rt. 78) with a state of the art indoor shooting range with Firearms training classes. Other locations: Branchburg, NJ and Rahway, NJ.
  • Paul DeVane (former military in Ringoes, NJ) --NRA Senior Training Counselor for Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Personal Protection, Home Firearms Safety, etc. Mr. DeVane can be reached out 908-797-0267 or e-mail him at   Mr. DeVane teaches at Phillipsburg Pistol Club ( across from PA) and Somerset County Fish & Game Protective Association, 445 Milltown Road, Bridgewater, NJ 08807( Note: If you are a PA resident traveling to a NJ range with your pistol or rifle, make sure that you do not have a magazine capacity of over 15rds (the law was recently changed in Fascist NJ to 10rds, but it will be taken to court--06/13/18) and the gun and ammunition are in separate cases and locked. Also, do not have the magazines loaded while transporting into NJ. Unfortunately, the former NJ Attorney General disgraced herself again by making a ruling that if the magazines are loaded (even if they are in a separate case from the gun) violates the law in New Jersey.
    Gun PDF Manuals (downloadable) for many gun models and manufacturers.
    ATF National Firearms Act Handbook
  • Purchasing Class III Weapons
    Gunskills Training Group--Bob Bajor (NRA Certified Instructor) offers Concealed Carry course required for permit in PA and Retired Police HB 218 training in Easton, PA and Phillipsburg, NJ.
    The Heritage Guild -- a beautiful firearms store located at 70 Hilton Street, Easton, PA (Exit 75 off Rt. 78) with a state of the art indoor shooting range with training classes. Other locations: Branchburg, NJ and Rahway, NJ.
  • Ed Marcelli (FFL Dealer in Tuscon, Arizona)--NRA Certified & DPS Approved Instructor. Mr. Marcelli can be contacted at 520-744-4872 or e-mail him at
    TrainMeAZ--training citizens in Arizona.
    America's Urban Defense Institute Since 1992--Gun for Hire (CCW training classes in NJ)
    Pistol People--an indoor pistol range in Bensalem, PA (training classes available)
    Concealed Carry--instructors in every state for a pistol certificate for the concealed carry license.
    Personal Defense Solutions--requirements for concealed carry in every state such as PA.
    New Jersey 2nd Amendment Society
    New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense (Support Bill A1282 & S193)
    Carry Concealed Net—the laws for concealed carry in different states.
    Handgunlaw Us
    NRA/ILA Firearm Laws for all States.
    United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) )—should join if you have a concealed carry license (CCL); lots of resources, training material &Self-Defense Shield (insurance offered for concealed license permit holders).
    Self defense coverage from the NRA (for members only)
    Student of the Gun--can also watch on the Sportsman channel.
    International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) 
    United States Practical Shooting Association (IPSC) 
    Students for Concealed Carry on Campus
    Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)
    Second Amendment Attorneys and Foundations
    NRA-Law Enforcement Activities Division
    GunVideo offers training DVD's on various gun models.
    Laser Ammo--training technologies.


  • The bullet Bunker--portable target that traps the bullets.
  • Action Target--portable steel targets. 

  • Chamption Target--clay target and target packers.
  • Protargets--portable targets.
  • UniqueTek--portable stands.
  • Crusader Tactical--design based on 75 years military and LE experience .
  • Tannerite's Exploding Rifle Targets--great way to improve your shooting skills.

    List of Ranges in NJ & PA including Archery Ranges

    List of ranges in New Jersey--the list does not include all ranges.
  • Places to Shoot in New Jersey (Chart)—PDF
    National Shooting Sports Foundation--Find a place to shoot anywhere in the United States.
  • Archery Range Polices and Courses --The Heritage Guild, Easton, Pa and Branchburg, NJ
  • National Field Archery Association
    Bullethole--New Indoor Pistol & High Power Rifle Range and Gun Store in Belleville, NJ
    Somerset County Fish & Game Protective Association, 445 Milltown Road, Bridgewater, NJ 08807  
  • Farmers Sportsman’s Club—Ellis Road, Milford (Hunterdon County), NJ. Trapshooting is open to the public every Friday Night from February to December. Shooting is from 7:00pm to 10:00pm.  (Clubhouse number is 908-996-4862)
    List of ranges in Pennsylvania--the list does not include all ranges.      
    Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubsshould join if in NJ
    Rutgers Firearms Association--For Rutgers University Students 
    Pennsylvania Rifle & Pistol Associationshould join if in NJ
    Education & Training Site  
    (Ken Kelso from the Palouse region of Eastern Washington area started "Team Crossfire"--it is a group of Christians who shoot at USPSA events. Kelso can be contacted at .) 
    Air Transportation of Firearms' requirements by the TSA. 
    Federal Firearms Transport regulations and information about certain States that do not want to adhere to Federal law such as New Jersey and New York--see letter from Assistant Attorney General. 

Handgun Manufacturers

Accessories: Gun Holsters (see article entitled "Holsters for Self-Defense: A Guide to Carry Concealed" by, Phone Holsters, Tactical Wallets, Fanny Pack Holsters , Concealed Carry Pants, Belts, Body Armor including Bullet Proof Suits (Prescription Tactical Glasses) and Bulletproof Backpacks for Students or Military, etc.


Fanny Packs & Tactical Wallets or Phones

    Fox Tactical--tactical Fanny Pack
    Cops Plus
    -(see high quality fanny pack holsters for handguns; they sell Blackhawk fanny packs.)
  • Tommy's Gun Pack
  • Elite Survival Systems -- Marathon Gunpack. For runners.
    (they make a nice tactical wallet & a larger tactical wallet that fits a Passport.) 
    EMGEAR -- Tactical accessories, Water Proof Bags, Clothing, Outdoor Survival, Rat Wallet for ladies or young girls to hold a cell phone, wallet, keys (attaches securely to one’s belt) PDA holsters that will hold an Apple iphone and some interesting articles on world affairs.
    Digi Pouch
    --for cell phones and other equipment.  

Belts and Concealed Carry Jeans (Pants), Khakis

Pick-Pocket Pants & Concealed Carry Cargo Pants and 511 Tactical Pants for Traveling

Pocket Holsters

Appendix, IWB, OWB Holsters & Belts

Gun Purses for women

Body Armor including bullet proof suits & Prescription Tactical Glasses

    Infidel Body Armor--one of the best body armor available that can take numerous shots.
  • Legacy Safety and Security (Owned by a U.S. Marine Veteran) -- bulletproof vests (a unique soft Armored shirt with light plates to wear under any shirt--see "Armor" tab for compression shirt system).
  • Body Armor's Guide
  • Garrison Bulletproof Suits
    for executives and business personnel who are in dangerous places--bulletproof suits.
  • Hopelite Armor -- The 26605-2 NIJ06 Swimmer Plate Kit is a perfect fit for 95% of the population and comes with everything you need to protect yourself against a wide variety of high caliber, rifle threats.
  • Praetorian Guard -- Keith Barrett, CEO (Retired Maryland State Trooper (240-793-5042). Body Armor, Vests, Helmets, etc.
  • YST (Your Safety Training) --Jerry Bendon, President, USMC Veteran (904-891-5608), Body Armor, Safety Courses, etc.
  • Kitanica
    The Mark IV 1000-denier Cordura tactical utility/shooting jacket  

    that has a rifle recoil pad, rib pads, etc.
  • Sports Optical--located in 5721 Logan Street, Denver, CO 80216 (Ph. 303-237-5750). They make lenses for Rx Safety Frame (Rudy Project Rydon

Bulletproof Backpacks for High School or College students or MilitaryA Christian Student's Survival Guide

  • Body Guard/Body Armor -- bulletproof backpacks. Recommended for students; Level 3 will stop a rifle round and shotgun. Located in New Jersey.


Stun Guns and Tasers


Bryan T. Manning (Gunsmithing)--NJ Compliance Work and Guns & Ammo for Sale. 271 County Road 513, Glen Gardner, NJ. Email:, Ph#908-246-0911

Gunsmith USA -- find a gunsmith in any state.

Accessories: Cleaning Products

Accessories: Handgun & Rifle Cases or Carts

Accessories: Gun Safes, Gloves, Safety Glasses, Remington Magazines & Taipan X Pump Action Rifles

Note: Patriot Safes not longer in business.

You can obtain less expensive safes through Cabela's, Tractor Supply, Dicks Sporting Goods, Hertiage Guild in Easton, PA and New Jersey, etc. There is no sales tax in New Jersey on gun safes. It is highly recommended that a gun owner purchases a gun safe. It makes it very difficult for a thieve or children to have access to your firearms.

Accessories: Handgun Lights, Lasers, Pepper Spray Flashlight & Misc. Gear

Few NJ, PA, & NV  Firearm, Hunting, Fishing and Tactical Stores

  • General Defense Outfitters

  • General Defense Outfitters (owner former U.S. Marine and Licenced Firearms Dealer that has Class III license and can sell to Law Enforcement)--Gunnar Kiermaier's U.S Marine Survival Kits ( that includes gas masks, water filteration bottles, freeze-dried foods, tools, blankets, etc.; optional gun if qualified) and non-hybrid seeds or open-pollinated seeds that allows the gardener to collect seeds from a crop for future planting--the government has proposed regulating seeds. Great deals on firearms, knives, scopes, lasers, ammunition, airsoft & paintball guns, etc. Yes, NJ residents with a Firearms ID card can purchase rifles in PA. Located in Nazareth, Pa. Contact Gunnar at 215-297-5444 or e-mail him at Website located at
  • Jim Flynn’s Truck Repair (a licensed FFL dealer)
    2135 RT 31, Glen Gardner, NJ 08826
    The Heritage Guild -- a beautiful firearms store located at 70 Hilton Street, Easton, PA (Exit 75 off Rt. 78) with a state of the art indoor shooting range. Other locations: Branchburg, NJ and Rahway, NJ.
    Sarco Inc.--located at 50 Hilton Street in Easton, PA--exit 75. 6,500 sq. ft. store. They sell firearms and antique firearms, etc.
  • Magnum's Guns (Ammo & Accessories) 105 A James Canyon HWY82, PO Box 1320, Cloudcroft, NM 88317-1320. Ph#575-682-6677 and e-mail
    Cheyenne Mountain Outfitters -- 244 Route 130, Bordentown, NJ 08505 (Ph#609-570-8430); they offer a wide variety of firearms.
  • Dick's Sporting Goods-530 Nassau Park Blvd., Princeton, NJ 08540 (Ph#609-419-1661) & 4423 Birkland Place, Easton, PA 18045 (Ph# 610-330-0383) & locations that sell ammunition & firearms.
    Wal-Mart--3722 Easton Nazareth Hwy, Easton, PA 18045 (Ph#610-250-8603),100 East Street Road, Warminster, PA 18974 (Ph#215-442-5670), & other locations that sell ammunition & firearms. Tthe corporate leadership at Wal-Mart has disgraced itself by refusing to sell rifles to NJ residents and for not selling any semi-automic rifles that are very popular (they used to be in the stores). President Trump is in office and I hope he shoves it up the Board's rectum for all the free trade polices that they supported such as NAFTA; it has distroyed millions of jobs in the U.S.
    Sportsman’s Rendezvous—174, Rt. 31, Flemington, NJ 08822 (Ph#908-788-5828)
    Atlantic Tactical of New Jersey, Inc.--14H Worlds Fair Drive, Somerset, NJ 08873 (Ph#732-377-3297)
    Efinger Sporting Goods, Inc.--513 West Union Ave., Bound Brook, NJ 08805 (Ph#732-356-0604)
    Hunterdon Lock & Safe, Inc.--41 Mine Street, Flemington, NJ (908-788-9696)--Licensed Locksmith and sells door knobs, deadbolts, high security lock systems, under the bed Gun Safes, etc.
    Tanner's Sport Center--2301 York Road, Jamison, PA 18929 (Ph#215-343-3103)
    Ray’s Sport Shop, Inc.—.—[Indoor Firearms Range], 559 Rt. 22, North Plainfield, NJ 07060 (Ph#908-561-4400). Note: Ray’s has permanently closed shop as of March 1, 2009.
    Gun Shop Finder by Town—find a gun shop in any state; does not list all shops.
    Anvilarms—a FFL listing of dealers from all States.
    Texas Prison Museum, Inc.--see the history of the Texas Prison System
  • Cowboy Fast Draw Association
    Cabela's--100 Cabela Drive, Hamburg, PA 19526 (Ph#610-929-7000). A huge 250,000 sq. ft. store with an aquarium & museum-quality animal displays (a wonderful place to bring the family).

  • Rainbow at Cabelas

Red Robin in Hamburg, PA











Left: Picture of a Rainbow at Cabela's, Hamburg, PA (NJIAT copyright @ 09/08/17) Rainbow at Cabela's -- PDF & Rainbow at Cabela's (2nd picture) -- PDF & Right: Picture of Red Robin, Hamburg, PA (NJIAT copyright @ 09/08/17) Red Robin -- PDF

"I establish My covenant with you; and all flesh shall never again be cut off by the water of the flood, neither shall there again be a flood to destroy the earth. God said, 'This is the sign of the covenant which I am making between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all successive generations; I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth'" (Gen. 9:11-13 NASB). This is known as the Noahic Covenant -- there are 4 Covenants in the Bible.

Las Vegas, Nevada

  • Caesars Palace Left: Picture of Caesars Palace, Las Vegas (NJIAT copyright © 07/13/17)

  • Gun Safe Store in Las Vegas, Nevada

  • 1. Nevada Safes -- the largest safe warehouse in Nevada. Nevada Safes is owned and operated by Captain James Dillon, Retired, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Las Vegas, Nevada.

  • 2. 2nd Amendment Guns and Accessories -- the owners have over 32 years of military service.

  • 3. Discount Gun Source

  • 4. American Lock & Key --817 S. Rainbow Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89145. Ph#702-434-5397. If you are getting keys made for a safe, make sure you have the code (original key). If not, the duplicate key will not work.
  • 5. Gold & Silver Pawnshop -- 713 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Vegas, NV 89101. Ph#702-385-7912

    Cloudcroft, New Mexico

    Magnum's Guns (Ammo & Accessories) 105 A James Canyon HWY82, PO Box 1320, Cloudcroft, NM 88317-1320. Ph#575-682-6677 and e-mail

Women & Guns USASOC

Women & Guns

Free Online Airsoft Magazine - U.S.A.S.O.C./The Magainze

Airsoft and Paintball Guns

Organizations and Articles for help with the Airsoft and Paintball Sport in your high school. [There is no license required for paintball guns or airsoft guns--Federal law preempts State, and local law.  Under U.S.C. Title  15 §  5001, no State or locality may prohibit the sale of paintball guns, pellet-firing air guns or traditional BB guns. A person should still observe safety rules and act responsibly when using airsoft guns--do not bring to school, it can be mistaken for a real gun and is illegal [N.J.S. 2C:39-5e. (3) ]. Only a written authorization of the governing officer of the institution, high school, college, etc. exempts a person from bringing a firearm or non-lethal gun on school premises—yes, the governing officer in your high school can grant permission for students in a school sponsored club to possess airsoft guns on school premises or a real firearm for sporting purposes.  Airsoft guns, by law, are required to have an Orange Tip on the muzzle. This is for general purposes only and a person should consult with an attorney or law enforcement agencies on the current laws in your state—laws change.  There are still high schools in this nation that have their own shooting ranges and rifle clubs located on school premises—this was common in New Jersey high schools well into the 60’s.]

Airsoft and Paintball Gun Laws

Air Gun and Soft Air Gun Law in NJ (always verify the current  laws in your State; for general information purposes only)—PDF

Paintball Gun Law in NJ (always verify the current laws in your State; for general information purposes only)--PDF

Classic Army M4Airsoft Manuals

Umarex Airsoft Manuals for all models


Airsoft Manual Depot

SD Specialized Dist.


Picture above: Classical Army M4 AEG replica Airsoft gun with Aimpoint Comp 2

Note: Since replica gas airsoft guns can be expensive, it is recommended that you put them in a Pelican gun case and get locks-- see

List of Paintball & Airsoft Ranges

Airsoft and Paintball Gun Organizations

  1. United States Airsoft Practical Shooting Associates (junior division)
  2. Airsoft Competitions and Real Practice with Airsoft Guns - PDF
  3. Self-D efense (Airsoft Training)—PDF
  4. U.S.A.S.O.C (Free on-line Airsoft Magazine)
  5. Warpig  (Field Finder for Paint Ball Ranges—PA & All States)
  6. Federation of Airsoft Standards and Training (FAST)
  7. National Airsoft Tactical Operations
  8. International Airsoft Practical Shooting   
  9. The Millennium Series (paintball)— European Millennium Series.                 
  10. Action Pursuit Games—world’s leading magazine of paintball sports.                   
  11. U.S. Army Paintball
  12. Christian Paintball Players Association
  13. Extreme Simsations -- Phillipsburg, NJ

Websites to purchase Airsoft and Paintball guns and accessories

  • Airsoft Atlanta--a great selection of non-lethal guns for training or just having fun. No license required for airsoft guns--U.S.C. Title 15 § 5001 preempts State, and local law. (A person should still observe safety rules and act responsibly when using airsoft guns--do not bring to school, it can be mistaken for a real gun and is illegal.) Airsoft guns, by law, are required to have an orange Tip on the muzzle.
  • UMAREX (Arnsberg, Germany)--Gas airsoft (Elite Force 4-VI M4 & MP7 H&K, paintball/rubberball & manuals.
  • PepperBall -- highly engineered non-lethal projectile and has pointers on school safety. Of course, the citizen would just use paint balls, not pepper spray balls that law enforcement would use unless it is for self-defense, especially in the home.
  • Airsoft Outlet NW--a great selection gas operated M4's.
  • ActionVillage--one of the largest online paintballstores. This is a great way for getting teenagers interested in shooting sports. (No license required for paintball guns or airsoft guns--Federal law preempts State, and local law. Under U.S.C. Title  15 §  5001, no State or locality may prohibit the sale of paintball guns, pellet-firing air guns or traditional BB guns. (A person should still observe safety rules and act responsibly when using paintball guns.) 
  • Spartan Imports--Spartan Imports is the exclusive US distributor of high-end airsoft automatic electric guns (AEG) and products by Classic Army, Inokatsu, KWA, Tokyo Marui, Maruzen, and Marushin. We are based in the United States. New gas operated M4’s and MP5’s will be released soon.
  • X-Caliber Tactical—they make a new high-end airsoft gun (non-lethal) called the Strafer Mark 4 Model 1. The MK 4 is powered by CO2 or high-pressure air that is carried in an external tank slung on the back or stored in a pouch.
  • Airsoft Extremethey sell gas operated M4 rifles such as the WE SCAR (Green Gas or Co2—see Other Weapons) and Sigarms gas airsoft guns.
  • Real Action Paintball—T38 SplitFire marker is designed to replicate the M4.
  • Airsoft Competitions and Real Practice with Airsoft Guns - PDF
  • Game Face--they make airsoft and paintball protection masks.
  • PMI--a paintball store.

International Shooting Competition Organizations USPSA FlagsRussian flag

IDPAIPSCCoat of Arms of the Russian Federation

President Putin

Image credit: Vladimir Putin in Pokrova Church (Turginovo)-01/07/2016. Attribute

We do have to give President Vladimir Putin credit--he is a gun enthusiast, hunter, fisherman, motorcycle rider, skier, pianist, judo expert, served as a Lt. Colonel in the military, etc. A true James Bond of the 21st century. And God fearing.

Russian IPSC--shooting competition using pistols, rifles and shotguns (site in Russian or English).

Izhmash--"Izhmash" OJSC is the largest producer in Russia of firearms--OJSC was founded by the order of the Russian Tsar Alexander l in 1807.

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[NJIAT (a NJ Nonprofit Education Corporation) is not affiliated with any political party. The information is to help students and non-students learn the truth.]