Frequently Asked Questions
Dr. Walter R. Martin (09/10/1928 - 06/26/1989) taking questions on his radio program (he was known as the Bible Answer Man ). See FAQ Questions below Mission Statement. Free Downloadable PDF file Tri-fold Gospel Tract: Will a One World Religion & Government Bring World Peace?--PDF (updated in 2017). See Topics covered below "Mission Statement" -- 51 Questions answered.
The purpose of this institute is the promulgation of truth. (Click "Worldview" tab above for a definition of truth.) Whether it pertains to religious, philosophic, scientific and political views, the institute will promote truth by sponsoring speakers, giving out books and tracts, contributing to clubs or taking out advertisements, etc.
My observation over the years is that if one repeats a lie long enough people will believe it. I am not stating that all people are lying; however, people can be misinformed about subjects. If you are brought up to believe something is true, it is unlikely that you will question it. The New Jersey Institute for the Advancement of Truth will encourage people to ask, "Why I believe what I believe in?"
I do not determine truth by some universal idealized abstract concept of human "Reason" (Rationalism), which was refuted by David Hume (Scottish philosopher (1711-1776) and Emanuel Kant (German philosopher (1724-1804), human "Experience" (Empiricism), human "Feelings" (Mysticism) or human "Faith" (Fideism), but according to an objective standard called the Bible (Sola Scriptura)--not Sola Ratione. (I reject the premise that some aspect of finite man can establish--from his/her limited ability to reason--an infinite, abstract concept/principle for determining truth, justice, beauty and morals outside of "Special Revelation" (Proverbs 3:5-6; 28:26; Romans 3:11.) Everyone starts with a priori presuppositions. My a priori begins with the assumption that God is the measure of all things--a humanistic philosopher begins with the assumption that man is the measure of all things. When someone states that he or she is objective or neutral, it is not true. Not even science is objective or neutral. Each person is guided by their own set of presuppositions. The person assumes that his first principles are a priori truths.
It is my sincere desire that people will analyze their worldview and compare it to the Christian worldview and the true God as stated in the Bible. For information on what a valid worldview should consist of, click "Worldview" tab above for explanation of what is a valid worldview.
In Yeshua Ha-Mashiach's name (who is the Supreme Ruler of the Universe & Only Savior),
Didymus, President
Topics Covered (54 Questions Answered; Click to go to the answer):
1. Are all Relgions equally true?; 2. Is it Intolerant to claim that the Biblical Jesus Christ or Yeshua Ha-Mashiach is the only way to be saved and true religion?; 3. Are we to judge? What about "Judge not, lest ye be judged?" (Matt. 7:1); 4. What about the use of Humor, Ridicule and Mocking of False Religions in the Bible?; 5. Are Christians guilty of "Circular Reasoning" when quoting from one book in the Bible such as Isaiah 7:14 to show the fulfillment in another book such as Luke 1:26, 27, 30 & 31?; 6. How Should we Interpret the Bible?; 7. How is One Saved and What is the Gospel? and Original Sin; 8. Is Old Testament Salvation the same as New Testament Salvation?; 9. Christ said, "The Father is greater than I" (John 14:28). What does this mean? The Jehovah Witnessess like to point this out to Evangelicals. 10. From which of David's sons was Jesus descended? Luke 3:31 it is traced through Nathan and in Matthew 1:6 Jesus' ancestry is traced through Solomon.; 11. Did Jesus Weep over Jerusalem (Matt. 23:37)?; 12. What is the difference between "Judicial forgiveness" and "Parental Forgiveness"? Should true Christians still confess to God even though they are saved and written in the Book of Life? Is this important for Evangelism?; 13. Who are the Nephilim?; 14. Is the Cabal Biblical or an abomination to Yahweh?; 15. What about appealing to the Conscience in Evangelism? Is this Biblical?; 16. Why Christian Clubs on College and University Campuses should not invite guest speakers who have been indoctrinated in " Natural Theology" and "Natural Law"-- many adhere to "Thomas Aquinas" (1225 - 1274 AD) who got his philosophy from Aristotle (384 - 322 BC); 17. Why are Jesuit-trained apologists on the college circuit?; 18. Comments for the Christian Leadership on College/University campuses regarding the recent Supreme Court Ruling (Christians Legal Society v. Martinez); 19. Does a Nation's Culture Reflect its Worldview? (beliefs, values, morals, etc.); 20. Students Should be Warned of so-called Christian Psychological Counseling & Why Outlawing Psychiatric Drugs is important -- why were all the high school shooters on some kind of Psychiatric Drugs that causes violent behavior?; 21. Women Elders in the Early Church?--the answer might be a surprise to both sides of the issue (they could be both wrong); 22. Dr. Peter Hammond answers the question: As a Calvinist do you Preach the Gospel of Free Choice or The Gospel of Election?; and Responding with Reason: A response To An Attack On Calvinism by Dr. Robert A. Morey--It is a response to George Bryson's book 23. Dr. Peter Hammond Answers the question: How the New World Order is Hijacking Civilisation. This is one of the reasons why people and students are being deceived?; 24. What is Ecumenism?; 25. Shai Linnie, Rapper, answers the question on YouTube: Mission Accomplished--Christ and Particular Redemption; 26. Is Jesus (an incorrect translation for Yeshua) mentioned in the Talmud (Mishnah & Gemara)?; 27. A Critique of Modern Youth Ministries by Christopher Schlect; 28. What about the 7 Year Tribulation Theory and Daniel's 70th Week?; 29. Can Christians Remarry after a Divorce?; 30. What is the Difference between Legalism and Being in a Cult?; 31. Are there 4 Covenants in the Old & New Testaments (a literary document)?; 32. Were the Gentile Nations judged on the Moral Laws or the Old/Mosaic Covenant? & 32A. Is infant baptism based on Christianity being a sacaral religion? 32B. Baptism of the Holy Spirit? ; 33. Is Abortion Murder in the Bible? What about Capital Punishment?; 34. What the Bible Teaches about Self-Defense & Protecting your family by the use of Weapons (Guns, Swords, etc.); 35. What does the Bible Teach about Hunting? ; 36. What were the Refomers' position on the Roman Catholic Church? What was the main issue between Protestants and Rome? It is not meant to offend anyone: Don't forget that Rome condemned the Protestants as heretics in the Council of Trent-- What about the Manhattan Declaration? ; 37. What is the "Deep State?" 38. Understanding the Gift of Tongues; 39. What Proof Exists That Jesus Rose From the Dead?; 40. Did Apostle Paul say in Phil. 2 "every knee will bow'? and "name above all names" is not Jesus?; 41. An Examination of Exclusive Psalmody; 42. Did Old Testament Saints have the Holy Spirit "in" Them? What about Pentecost? Did the Holy Spirit only came "upon" believers? (John 7:39); the answers will suprise many Christians that the Old Testament Saints were saved the same way as in the New Testament. 43.Is the Sabbath a Creation Ordinance? or was it instituted under the Mosaic Covenant, which is now defective & obsolete? Is it binding on Christians in the New Covenant? 44. Is The Gospel Message Written in the Stars? Did the Magi use astrology to find the infant Christ in Matthew 2 by means of a horoscope? 45. Could Christ Sin? 46. Was Christ a Nazirite? 47. Spiritual Gifts and the Different Offices in the Body of Christ: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Elder, Deacon--so much confusion, nonsense, arrogance, etc. being taught in the Evangelical Churches 48. What does the Bible say about the perpetual virginity of Mary? 49. Does Satan Know he has a short time or a limited time here on earth and God will throw him (Satan) & the Demons into the Lake of Fire? 50. Is Gog and Magog Russia & China in Revelation 20:7-8? Are the Evangelical Churches in America Totally Misled and Ignorant of this Verse? 51. Is Man made up of Three Separate Entities (Trichotomist)? or Two Entities (Dichotomist)? I Thessalonians 5:23 52. Article V Convention being promoted by Citizens for Self-Governance, who launched the project under the name "Convention of States Action (COS)" is a fraud; in the 230-plus years of American history since our Constitution has a convention ever been used to propose all 27 amendments to the Constitution including the first 10 (the Bill of Rights) 53. Term Limits Will Not Work 54. Closed Primaries are Essential for a Secure Ballot Box
A Christian Student’s Survival Guide
(New Edition--2018--has color pictures in every chapter and has been expanded and the book's size has been reduced in dimension ( 6 x 9), 514 pages)).
The book is for college and high school students and there is no other book like this one.
Click for Larger Picture "A Christian Student's
Survival Guide"--PDF. Book can be purchased at Xulon Press in a hardcover or softcover located at
A Christian Student's Survival
Guide (6 x 9) (order from Xulon Press)
Q1: Are all religions equally true?
(Aztecs & human sacrifices) (A windowed Hindu woman being led to the funeral pyre to be burned)
This may be a very popular held idea in today's society; however, it is not a rational belief. If such an idea were true, then the opposite would be true, that is, all religious beliefs are not true. You have only two logical choices: 1. Either they are all false; or 2. There is only one true religion.
Q2: Is it intolerant to claim that the Biblical Jesus Christ or Yeshua Ha-Mashiach is the only way to be saved and true religion?
Apostle Paul witnessing in Athens that Christ is the only true God and Way & Apostle Paul arrested (1900s)
No, it is not intolerant to claim something is true to the exclusion of other claims. If we cannot test truth claims, then truth loses all meaning or value. We believe in "legal" tolerance and "social" tolerance, but not "uncritical" tolerance.
Q3: Are we to judge? What about "Judge not, lest ye be judged?" (Matt. 7:1)
The Beheading of Apostle Paul by Enrique Simonet, 1887
What about: "Judge not, lest ye be judged"? in Matt. 7:1. Christ was rebuking the hypocrites who were practicing the same things that they were condemning other people and Christ was not speaking to His disciples (Matt. 7:5). For example, you cannot condemn someone for committing adultery when you are committing adultery. Jesus tells us to judge certain kinds of people as being wild savage dogs and pigs (Matt. 7:6). He tells us to judge people as being false prophets (Matt. 7:15). We are told to "judge with righteous judgment" (John 7:24). Note: Unfortunately, some Christians use this verse (Matt.7:1) to escape their biblical responsibility to judge between truth and error. Cowards.
Examples below in reference to "judge with righteous judgment":
8 But Elymas the sorcerer (for so his name is translated) withstood them, seeking to turn the proconsul away from the faith. 9 Then Saul, who is called Paul filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him 10 and said, "O full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord? 11 "'And now, indeed, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a time." And immediately a dark mist fell on him, and he went around seeking someone to lead him by the hand. (Acts 13:8-11).
"Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men oppose the truth. They are depraved in mind and their faith is a counterfeit. But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those two men, their stupidity will be plain to everyone." (II Timothy 3:8-9, International Standard Version.)
It appears the apostle Paul was not an "Evanjellyfish." The Apostle Paul repeatedly warned us not to let people deceive us (I Cor. 6:9-11; Gal. 5:19-21). If they are pagans, we should judge them so. If they claim to be Christians but disobey God's law, John tells us to judge them as "liars" (I John 2:4).
A quote from The Bible, Natural Theology And Natural Law: Conflict Or Compromise?, pages 5-6, by Dr. Robert A. Morey (the book can be purchased at,
We Must Judge Doctrine
But, while we cannot judge their hearts, we can judge their theology and philosophy by Scripture to see if it is "Christian." This point must be absolutely clear. We have the Biblical
responsibility to critically judge whether the teachings of someone are in line with Scripture. In 1
Cor. 14:29, after Paul permitted several people to speak, he adds,
The word means to evaluate what is taught under the categories of Biblical "truth"
and "morals.
It does not matter whether it is your daughter or son that happened to make a false confession of faith when they were 10 and were baptized. A lot of parents deceive themselves that their daughter or son is saved even if their daughter or son does not pray, does not read their Bible, does not witness, does not confess their sins, never gives a testimony, no joy in Christ, no fruits, etc. (the loving thing to do is tell your daughter or son the truth that they are their way to hell and they need to repentant and accept Christ as their Lord and Savior and pray that God will grant them repentance--salvation is not by inheritance or baptism). If you cannot judge if someone is saved or not, then no one would be baptized or join the church--there would be no church discipline or appointment of elders either. It is unfortunate that the Church and especially the Christian college clubs on campuses have been affected with the heresy of non-judgmental, positive-thinking relativism. For further details, see the article entitled The Cost of Discernment (HTML)
Note: You have some Evangelical pastors teaching that Christians cannot judge because judging in the New Testament is not eternal, but temporary. This is like saying that because marriage is not eternal (at the resurrection there will be no marriage or sex--Matt. 22:30) therefore marriage is nullified and no longer valid today--this is absurd. The Greek word for “judging” is diakrinó (to distinguish, to judge); the original Greek word is διακρίνω. Now the Greek word κρίσις 'krisis' meaning 'judgment' is the Greek word used in John 7:24, "Stop judging by appearances, but judge with righteous judgment!" (ISV). See article entitled Is Judging Always Wrong? A Closer Look at Matthew 7:1 and Forms of the Word 'krisis' in Greek
Q4: What about the use of Humor, Ridicule and Mocking of False Religions in the Bible?
Picture of Elijah the prophet (9th century BC--approx. 869 BC) killing the prophets of Baal (I Kings 18:38-40) by Gustave Dore (1865). After Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal and fire came down from heaven and devoured the sacrifice, Elijah then killed the false prophets (see I Kings 18:20-40
And God Mocked Them (Click to hear Audio by Dr. Robert A. Morey)
Do not allow the world to mold you (Rom. 12:1), this has caused many Christians to adopt the heresy of "political correctness". There are times when God will lead Christians through the Holy Spirit to use humor, ridicule, and mock false religions. This was practiced by Christ (Matt. 23), the Prophets (I Kings 18:26), Apostles (2 Peter 3, Gal. 5:12), Reformers [Martin Luther (11/10/1483 - 02/18/1546) called the false divinity teachers "senseless asses"], etc. Here a few Bible quotes on divine humor & ridicule:
- "The wicked plots against the righteous, and grinds his teeth at him. But the Lord laughs at him because he sees that his day is coming!" (Psalm 12-13 ISV).
- "Everyone is stupid and senseless. They follow worthless instruction from a piece of wood!" (Jeremiah 10:8 ISV).
- "John would say to the crowds that were coming out to be baptized by him, 'You children of serpents! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?'" (Luke 3:7 ISV).
- "The righteous will fear when they see this, but then they will laugh at him, saying 'Look, here is a young man who refused to make God his strength; instead, he trusted in his great wealth and made his wickedness his strength.'" (Psalm 52:6-7 ISV).
- "But Elymas the occult practioner (that is the meaning of his name) continued to oppose them and tried to turn the proconsul away from the faith. But Saul, also known as Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked him straight in the eye and said, `You are full of every form of deception and trickery, you son of the devil, you enemy of all that is right! You will never stop perverting the straight ways of the Lord, will you?’" (Acts 13:8-10, ISV).
- “Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men oppose the truth. They are depraved in mind and their faith is a counterfeit. But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those two men, their stupidity will be plain to everyone." (II Timothy 3:8-9, ISV).
- “And so it was, at noon, that Elijah mocked them and said, `Cry aloud, for he is a god; either he is meditating, or he is busy, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is sleeping and must be awakened.’” (I Kings 18:27, NKJV).
- “Listen to this message, you fat cows from Bashan, who live on the Samaritan mountains, who oppress the poor, who rob the needy, and who constantly as your husbands for none more drink!” (Amos 4:1, ISV).
- "Because the shepherds are stupid and don't seek the Lord, therefore, they don't prosper, and their flock is scattered." (Jeremiah 10:21, ISV).
- "Everyone is stupid and without knowledge. Every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols, for his images are false. There is no life in them." (Jeremiah 10:14).
Of course, this is not a license to go around insulting people and acting obnoxious--there is a time and place for everything and one must be led by the Holy Spirit. (For further information, see And God Mocked Them (Click to hear Audio by Dr. Robert A. Morey) Also, see the free video presentation The Names of God by Dr. Robert A. Morey (The Names of God presentation describes what the correct translation is for "Jesus", "Christ", "Joshua", etc. Too many ignorant Christians. Christians have whitewashed many of the Greek and Hebrew words because of political correctness. For example, Hebrews 5 actually says in the one verse (a paraphrase) "there are many things I would like to explain, but you are imbeciles." The correct translation.)
Q5: Are Christians guilty of "Circular Reasoning" when quoting from one book in the Bible such as Isaiah 7:14 to show the fulfillment in another book such as Luke 1:26, 27, 30 & 31?
No, they are not--this is applied to all scientific research. The Bible is not one book, but consists of a library of 66 books written by more than 40 authors over several thousand years. It would be "circular reasoning" if you quoted from the "Qur'an" to prove the "Qur'an" or quoted from the "Book of Mormon" to prove the "Book of Mormon" because it is one book.
Definition of Circular Reasoning: A formal fallacy that should be avoided when constructing a simple syllogism. If you assume in your premise what you are trying to prove in your conclusion, you end where you began.
Everyone begins somewhere with something, which is called in Greek philosophy "first principles" or "starting points." A materialist begins with the assumption that all is matter--he does not prove that this is true. His denial is a deduction from his first principle of materialism. They assume evolution or materialism, etc. (They are taking these things from faith and deducing from them the rest of their system.
Dr. Greg Bahnsen in some of his tapes is actually referring to what is called in philosophy a "hermeneutical circle." In geometry we begin with maximums or theorems that are assumed as true. For example, geometry is built upon these theorems.
Recommended material on Logic: A Course in Logic--5 CD series (includes Booklet) and The Bible From A to Z--6 CD series .
Q6: How should we Interpret the Bible?
Left: 1599 Geneva Bible
Click for Hard copy of Geneva Bible with modern spelling
Click for the Original 1560 Geneva Bible
The Bible is the Word of God and the Prophets, Apostles were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the Bible in the language of their day. The Bible has many different types of genres such as historical narrative, prose, poetry, dialogue, apocalyptic literature, etc. One's hermeneutics (understanding and use of those literary and linguistic principles) should be not be different for the Bible than any other piece of literature. Since the Bible is composed of different types of literature, it should be interpreted by the looking at the syntax and grammar and the intent of the author. The Bible is Rabbinic literature, not Western European literature. I am often asked the following question, "Do you interpret the Bible literally?" This is a stupid question, which was answered above. Many people think you can interpret the Bible any way you want--I told them that they should take English 101. I also asked them if they read and interpreted the newspaper any way they want. For example, a red car hit a tree--can we interpret this as an airplane hit a tree? There are wrong ways and right ways of interpreting the Bible--see 2 Peter 3:16 ; 2 Timothy 2:15 . See article: Hermeneutics--How to Interpret the Bible for all it's worth.
Q7: How is One Saved And What is the Gospel?
"Since that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23), we need a savior. "Indeed, there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who never sins." (Eccles.7:20). By nature, sin renders us guilty before the Law in the sight of God. We are born into sin as a result of Adam and Eve. Ezra confesses sin in terms of being guilty before God (Ezra 9:6-13). James mentions "whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, has become guilty of all" (Jas.2:10). Those individuals who trust in their own good works to get them to heaven will not have eternal life. You will be condemned to hell. Praying to Mary, and the saints will not save you! It is idolatry and necromancy--prayer is offered to God, never to any created thing (Rev. 19:10, I Sam. 28 & Lev. 19:31). "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (I Timothy 2:5).
Also, see Q8 (Is Old Testament Salvation the same as New Testament Salvation?) & Q42( Did Old Testament Saints have the Holy Spirit "in" Them?)
Did you know that the rosary came from Buddhism?--the Catholic Missionaries adopted it when they went to Asia. The ungodly are justified "solely" (i.e. "only") through faith in Jesus Christ. It is "imputed righteousness." Day after day every priest stands and repeatedly offers the same sacrifices that can never take away sins. But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, "he sat down at the right hand of God." Since that time, he has been waiting for his enemies to be made a footstool for his feet. For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified. (Hebrews 10:11-14, ISV.)
Rome teaches that Christ dies every time the Mass is prepared. Dr. Scott Hahn (a Roman Apologist) gave a lecture at Princeton University in 2001 and stated that Christ's sacrifice on the cross was not enough! He also bashed the Protestants on their understanding of salvation; however, he could not prove biblically that one has to work for their salvation. Whether you are Protestant or Catholic, the ultimate authority is the Bible. It was finished at the Cross. "It is finished" (John 19:30). That Greek term (tetelestai) was written on bills of sale during the time period of our Lord, and it translates, "Paid in Full!"
What is the Gospel? The good news is,
that is, sin entered the world in the Garden of Eden (Adam and Eve, who were created perfect and had no sin disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit (rebellion; Genesis 2 & 3 )--Eve was deceived by Satan); as a result, all of humanity has been 'imputed" with Adam's sin and thus guilty before a holy righteous God. Man lost the ability to obey God perfectly (His law). Only by the Messiah's blood sacrifice on the cross can man be reconcilied to God. One must repent (turn from our ways) and accept the Messiah. We are justified "solely" (i.e. "only") through faith in Yeshua Ha-Mashiah--it is "imputed" righteousness. You cannot earn salvation. Your so-called good works are like filthy rages before a Holy Righteous God (Isa. 64:6).
A person has to accept Christ as Lord and Savior to be saved and He is the only way of salvation-- “nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12 NKJV). It is about what He has done on the cross. You cannot earn salvation by your works, but will have good works as a result of being regenerated. You must repent (turn from your evil ways) and accept in the Messiah.
Any witnessing should done by the power of the Holy Spirit--it should not be scripted (see the Witnessing Tab for information on how to witness).
Original Sin ( Original Sin the Atonement and Justification--PDF (Peligian and semi-Peligian views of Original Sin is heresy).
Original Sin. A quote from How the Old & New Testaments Relate to Each Other by Dr. Morey on page 132 (can be obtained from, "Two damnable heresies have been revived today. The 'New View of Paul' and the 'Open View of God' both deny the Gospel. Instead of the free grace of God imputed to us through the righteousness of Messiah, N.T. Wright and his followers preach the works-centered message of the Counter Reformation Papal Council of Trent, which revived the Pharisees' doctrine of self-justification. I give a biblical defense of justification through the imputation of the merits of the person and work of Christ in my book, Studies in the Atonement."
Adam's sin, guilt and condemnation to his descendants resulted in the universality of death and depravity. This is clearly revealed in Romans 5:12-21. Romans 5, "Therefore, just as through one-man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned--for until the Law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the offense of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come."
Yes, even the unconverted (not Born from Above) are still in the image of God, that is, an image-bearer of God and has intrinsic worth and dignity (Genesis 1:26-27). God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to our likeness." Cross reference this to James 3:9, "[We] have been made in the likeness of God." Mankind's image is marred by sin, but did not loose it--Martin Luther was not correct when he thought mankind lost his image completely.
Comment: Two heretical teachings on Original Sin. First heresy: Pelagianism--which is Aristotelian-- was condemned as a heresy at the 418 Council of Carthage (Augustine rejected Pelagianism) which stated that man is intrinsically good and does not have a fallen nature and his will is completely free of sin (his mind). In other words, Pelagius thought that humans were not wounded by Adam's sin and can keep God's law perfectly (100%) like Adam and Eve before the fall--what a joke! Second heresy: Semi-Pelagianism was condemned at the 441 & 529 Council of Orange. Semi-Pelagianism states that you and God are working together for your salvation. Pelagius (390- 418 AD) was a pious monk and born around 360 AD.
From Mike Gendron's newsletter Proclaiming the Gospel dated Dec. 19, 2019
Statement: Catholicism teaches that Catholics are saved by grace.Response: The Catechism of the Catholic Church has redefined "grace." According to paragraph 2027, "Moved by the Holy Spirit, we can merit for ourselves and for others all the graces needed to attain eternal life." We must ask Catholics, "How can anyone merit the unmerited favor of God?" According to God's Word, "if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace" (Rom. 11:6).
Note: Man’s condemnation comes from the inherited depravity of Adam (Rom. 5:12-21). Thus the presence or absence of Torah does not determine the condemnation of sinners. We are “born in sin and conceived in iniquity” (Psa. 51:5); we are “already perishing” (
) from the moment we are conceived (1Cor. 1:18); we are “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2-1-2). Yes, we are guilty from birth because of Adam's imputation of sin.
Q8: Is Old Testament Salvation the same as New Testament Salvation?
Left: Picture by Gustave Dore (Abraham and God and Two Angles (1852))
Unfortunately, the original Scofield Bible taught erroneously that people in the Old Testament were saved by works. This is false. Job, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, King David, Samson, etc. believed in the same God that the Apostles believed in (Paul, Peter, Mark, John, etc.) and were saved the same way--that is, they were justified through faith in Yeshua. Yes, the Old Testament saints were saved the same way. For example, Romans 4: 1-5 (NKJV),
1 What then shall we say that Abraham our father has found according to the flesh?
2 For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something of which to boast, but not before God.
3 For what does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness."
4 Now to him that works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt.
5 But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness.
Also, see Galatians 2:16, Hebrews 11 and Romans 3:28.
The God of the Old Testament is same God of the New Testament. The object of faith has always been the same: The Lord Jesus Christ. Just because there were varying degrees of understanding and knowledge does not imply that the object of Old Testament saints was God the Father and in the New Testament had the Son of God as their object. Jesus (Yeshua) has always been the object of saving faith for the Old Testament saints.
Let's ask the following questions: 1. Did not the preincarnate Christ walk and talk with Adam and Eve in the Garden and preached the the Gospel to them (Gen. 3: 1-15)? 2. Did the preincarnate Christ appear in human form and wrestle with Jacob (Gen. 32:24)? 3. Did not Christ exist from all eternity before His incarnation? 4. Did not the preincarnate Christ appear to Abraham in human form with the two angels and promised him a son (Gen. 18:13, 17-33 of John 8:56-58)? and 5. Did not the Old Testament prophets speak about Christ "by the spirit of Christ which was in them" (1 Pet. 1:11)?
Although the Old Testament saints did not have as clear as picture as the New Testament saints, they were saved and believed in the preincarnate Christ. Read Psalms 2: 10-12 if you have any doubt about this, "Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, And rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him."
Endnotes: Studies in the Atonement by Dr. Robert A. Morey, pages 267-271 and also read his Trinity book entitled The Trinity: Evidence and Issues showing that the ancient Rabbis as stated in the Targums not only believed in a triune God but that the Messiah would be God. The book also shows how the Hebrew language taught a triune God--One God, but 3 distinctions. To purchase books go to Xulon Press at Studies in the Atonement. Also, recommended: Commentary on Galatians by Martin Luther (ISBN#0-8007-1702-3).
Q9: Christ said, "The Father is greater than I" (John 14:28). What does this mean? The Jehovah Witnesses like to point this out to Evangelicals.
The word greater as used in the Bible was used in terms of office and work and not in reference to being or nature. By being an obedient servant, Christ was under the Father's authority. John 14:28 is in reference to the economical Trinity, not the ontological Trinity. If the word better was used in the Bible, then it is contrasting superior and inferior beings. Christ is "better" than the angels (Heb. 7:19; 8-6). Yes, Christ is God (Heb. 1:3). Endnotes: Studies in the Atonement by Dr. Robert A Morey, page 73. Also, see The Trinity: Evidence & Issues by Dr. Robert A. Morey. The Trinity: Evidence & Issues (order from Xulon Press)
Q10: From which of David's sons was Jesus descended? Luke 3:31 it is traced through Nathan and in Matthew 1:6 Jesus' ancestry is traced through Solomon.
Picture: King Solomon: Judgement of Solomon by Gustave Dore (1832 - 1883)
Joseph was a descendant of King David as well as Jesus. Matthew 1:1-16 gives this genealogy. Since Jesus was Joseph's adopted son, He became legal heir at least for inheritance reasons. Verse 16 in Matthew states: "And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ" (NASB). Joseph is never mentioned as having begotten Jesus--Joseph is referred to as "the husband of Mary", of whom [feminine genitive] Jesus was born. In other words, the contrast is clear--Abraham begat [egennesen] Isaac, etc., but Joseph never begat Jesus. In Luke 3:23-38, the genealogical line is Mary. The record traces her genealogy to Adam (the commencement of the human race). Verse 23 in Luke 3 states that, "Jesus...being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph". This indicates that Jesus was not really the biological son of Joseph (the phrase "as was supposed"). Jesus sole human parent was Mary--her genealogy starting with Heli, who was actually Joseph's father-in-law, in contradistinction to Joseph's own father, Jacob (Matthew 1:16). Mary's line came through Nathan. Nathan was a son of Bathsheba according to 1 Chron. 3:5, the wife of David. Yes, Jesus was descended from David naturally through Nathan and legally through Solomon. Endnotes: Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties by Dr. Gleason L. Archer, page 316.
Q11: Did Jesus Weep over Jerusalem (Matt. 23:37)?
The Siege and Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD (David Roberts, 1850)
Let's first correctly quote the passage since it is wrongly quoted 99% of the time: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not ." It does not say "How often I would have gathered you but you would not." You have to the take the passage and the entire chapter as a unit. Who is speaking? Jesus (v.1). Jesus is addressing his discourse at the temple and is speaking to disciples and multitudes (vv. 1-12). Christ is speaking to the Scribes and Pharisees in (vv.13-39). Christ condemned the Scribes and the Pharisees because they were the spiritual leaders and guides to Israel (vv. 1, 2, 7, 10, 16, 24). Christ cursed the Scribes and the Pharisees because they killed the prophets (vv. 31-35) and they were hindering men from entering the kingdom (v. 13).
So what did the word "Jerusalem" mean in this context? Jesus was referring to the Scribes and Pharisees. Look at the parallel passage in Luke 13:31-35. The condemnation in v. 38 is repeated from v.36 and applied to them (Matt. 21:43-45). There is no univeralistic interpretation here. You cannot infer that "Jerusalem" refers to all the inhabitants of the city--whom does "thy children" refer? No, Christ was not in an emotional state when He called the Scribes and Pharisees "Jerusalem". Christ, in righteous anger, pronounced a curse upon them and there were no tears and no sobs! Endnotes: Studies in the Atonement by Dr. Robert A. Morey, pages 286-288.
Q12: What is the difference between Judicial forgiveness and Parental Forgiveness? Should true Christians still confess to God even though they are saved and written in the Book of Life? Is this important for Evangelism?
Heard of the Lord's Prayer? Forgive us our sins (Matthew 6:8-13). You have heretics, who do not know the Greek, going around telling Christians they do not have to ask for forgiveness and stating that the Greek phrase in Matthew 6, verse 12 meant we are forgiven--when you parse the Greek word in verse 12, it does not mean this. Unfortunately, you have misguided Christians mixing up justification (past, present and future sins are forgiven--positional forgiveness) with sanctification (relational forgiveness) and stating that Christians do not have to confess their sins or repent. [See Dr. John MacArthur's article on "Confessing Sins" and Dr. Robert A. Morey's free sermons on the Book of Romans (justification by faith alone through Christ alone)].
In The Book of Revelation and the letters to the churches, every church except the Philadelphia Church gets a warning to repent if guilty of that sin (see Revelation 2 & 3). Do you remember King David? A man after God's own heart--when King David was confronted by Nathan the prophet about his murder of Uriah and adultery with Bathsheba (See 2 Samuel 11:14), he confessed his sins to God (see Psalm 51 & 2 Samuel 12:13). King David possessed the same Holy Spirit that New Testament Christians have and was justified the same way as the New Testament saints--that is, justifiied "solely" (i.e. "only") through faith in Yeshua Ha-Mashiah (it was his faith of the Christ/Messiah to come--the 2nd person of the Trinity--and King David could not loose his salvation). And Christ Himself says: "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad." (John 8:56 NKJV) (See Acts 15:10, 11, I Corinthians 10:4, Hebrews 11 and Martin Luther's Commentary on Galatians--ISBN#0-8007-1702-3 and chart on Judicial Forgiveness vs.Parental Forgiveness in the book entitled Studies in The Atonement by Dr. Robert A. Morey, page 183 and Do Christians have to keep asking for Forgiveness?) Also, Christians can resist the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51). If you are convicted of sin from the Holy Spirit (3rd person of the Trinity) and do not repent--that is resisting the Holy Spirit (John 16:8). See the Witnessing Tab for information on why this is necessary for Evangelism.
Yes, God is Sovereign (God has predetermined the elect and is in total control) and man is Accountable--our finite minds will not be able to reconcile the two statements that are both true. True Christians will face the judgment seat (I Corinthians 3:10-23, 2 Corinthians 5:10)--it is called judgement of the saved or BEMA judgement where you get your rewards and are judged on what you did as Christians on this earth (this is not condemnation, which is the judgement of the lost; see Rev. 20:11-15).
Note: At death a believer's spirit or soul is at once completetely perfected and purified. The saints are "the spirits of justified men made perfect" (Hebrews 12:23). Then believers bodies are completely sanctified at the Second Coming of Christ at the resurrection (see I Thess. 5:23, Phil. 3:20-21, I Cor. 15:35, I Cor. 15:44, I Cor. 15:49, I Cor. 15:51-57, Rom. 8:30, I Cor. 2:7, Rom. 9:23). In other words, the saints are being sanctified during their life time, but at the glorification of the saints when God creates a New Heaven and New Earth were righteousness dwells the saints are perfected free of God's curse on man and the earth (Gen. 3:17, cf Rom. 8:18-23; 2 Pet. 3:3-13). Yes, the saints will not be able to sin--it will be impossible for the perfected saints to sin anymore because they were rendered perfectly righteous and all sins are completely eradicated by Almighty God ! Nothing defiled or unclean can enter heaven (Rev. 21:27). Adam and Eve were made perfect, but were not perfected.
Q13: Who are the Nephilim? (Genesis 6)
Nephilim are always referred to as "mighty men of old", "men of renown", "giants" or "fallen ones". Why were the males called "sons of God" and the women "daughters of men"? If the women were all unbelievers, why were they called "daughters of men"? This seems to emphasize that the "sons" were not of "men", but from another world. I do not think that the flood was a result of male descendants of Seth married some unbelieving women, but rather the result of demons coming down and mating with humans and produced half-human/half-demon mutants (the Nephilim). This is also found in many ancient legends and many Rabbis interpreted "the sons of God" (Genesis 6:2;Psalm 29:1,Daniel 3:25) in the Bible as referring to messengers/angels--the phrase did not change its meaning until much later. (See 2 Peter 2:4, 5.) Since Moses wrote Genesis and the only Biblical book in existence, then Moses understanding of the term "sons of God" would be "fallen angels". Endnotes: Satan's Devices/Breaking Free From the Schemes of the Enemy by Dr. Robert A. Morey, pages 79-84. and see The End of the World According to Jesus by Dr. Robert A. Morey that can be purchased from ( Also, see Return of the Giants (A Dark Tale of the Nephilim) by Robert T. Brooke & YouTube By TV host of PrisonPlanet Lee Ann McADoo on the movie" Noah: The Fallen Angels are Good Guys?" and the Nephilim--perverting the story of Genesis (04/01/14)
Q14: Is the Cabal Biblical or an abomination to Yahweh?
Left: The Kabbalistic Tree of Life with the names of the Sephiroth and paths in Hebrew by Rabbi Nehuniah ben HaKana (1st century)
The historic hermeneutic principles of grammatical exegesis was thrown out by the Cabalists . Cabalism (that which is received) arose in Germany around 1200 A.D. (12th century) among the European Hasidic Jews. It is an occultic form of mysticism and a deliberate rejection of Moses Maimonides and was always considered by Orthodox Jews as occultic. This is why "Bible Numerics" is a fraud. The origins can be traced back to Greek philosophers such as Pythagoras --pantheism, astrology, magic, sorcery, gnosticism, reincarnation, numerology can be attributed to the influence of Greek philosophy. The monstrous Golem and Tarot card were invented by the Cabalists. Yes, the Cabal is an abomination to Yahweh ( see I Samuel 15:22-23.) Endnotes: Bible Numerics: Facts or Fiction? (HTML) by Dr. Robert A. Morey, pages 6 & 9.
Q15: What about appealing to the Conscience in Evangelism? Is this Biblical?
The Bible, Natural Theology And Natural Law: Conflict Or Compromise? by Dr. Robert A. Morey
An excerpt from Chapter 11, pages 331-333 from the book entitled The Bible, Natural Law, and Natural Theology: Conflict or Compromise? by Dr. Robert A. Morey:
The Biblical Concept of the Conscience
The word English word “conscience” carries a great deal of cultural and philosophical baggage that has been collected down through the centuries. Natural Law theorists naively assume that the word refers to the Stoic idea of an infallible divine faculty resident in “human nature.” They do not define or defend their assumption. They simply assume that is what the word means.
The biblical concept of the “conscience” has nothing to do with Stoicism. The Hebrew Old Testament never refers to the “conscience.” There isn’t even a Hebrew word for it. No one in the Torah ever appealed to it as an inner judge of right and wrong. Since the Jews had the Torah, they did not need a conscience.
In the New Testament, the word never appears in the Gospels and is never referred to by Jesus or the Twelve. In the Epistles, the Greek word simply means “joint”, “knowledge” (
) and has no ontological reality. It simply meant to be sincere in what you say and do. This is why it is used as the opposite to lying in Rom. 9:1.
I am telling the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my
conscience bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit,
Barclay and Nida point out that the word,
Conscience may be variously translated, depending
upon the particular set of associations connected with
certain terms or phrases—for example, “my heart,”
“my innermost,” “that which speaks within me,” or
“the voice in my heart.”
In Acts 23:1 Paul said,
And Paul, looking intently at the Council, said,
"Brethren, I have lived my life with a perfectly good
conscience before God up to this day."
Newman and Nida analyze the word (“conscience”) in this text to mean “in my heart I have no serious questions about my whole life before God.” Vincent’s Word Studies in the New Testament defined
in the following way.
In scripture we are to view conscience, as Bishop Ellicott remarks, not in its abstract nature, but in its practical manifestations. Hence it may be weak (1 Cor. 8:7, 12), unauthoritative, and awakening only the feeblest emotion. It may be evil or defiled (Heb. 10:22; Tit. 1:15), through consciousness of evil practice. It may be seared (1 Tim. 4:2), branded by its own testimony to evil practice, hardened and insensible to the appeal of good. On the other hand, it may be pure (2 Tim. 1:3), unveiled, and giving honest and clear moral testimony. It may be void of offence (Acts 24:16), unconscious of evil intent or act: good, as here, or honorable (Heb. 13:18). The expression and the idea, in the full Christian sense, are foreign to the Old Testament, where the testimony to the character of moral action and character is borne by external revelation rather than by the inward moral consciousness.
As Walvoord and Zuck point out, the post-lapsarian conscience of man,
is not an absolutely trustworthy indicator of what is right. One’s conscience can be “good” (Acts 23:1; 1 Tim. 1:5, 19) and “clear” (Acts 24:16; 1 Tim. 3:9; 2 Tim. 1:3; Heb. 13:18), but it can also be “guilty” (Heb. 10:22), “corrupted” (Titus 1:15), “weak” (1 Cor. 8:7, 10, 12), and “seared” (1 Tim. 4:2). All people need to trust the Lord Jesus Christ so that “the blood of Christ” might “cleanse [their] consciences” (Heb. 9:14).
When Natural theologians interpret the word as a reference to the pagan Greek concept of a divine faculty resident in “human nature,” they are guilty of reading pagan ideas back into Scripture. Scripture should be interpreted while standing on Mt. Zion, not Mt. Olympus.
1 The KJV translates the Hebrew word (heart) is mistranslated “conscience” in a few places. When one Natural theologian demanded that
be interpreted to mean the “conscience,” I pointed him to Pro. 28:26, which says that whoever trusts in his
is a fool. If he wants
to refer to the conscience, then Scripture forbids us to trust the conscience!
In other words, the conscience is unreliable to determine what right or wrong is—this is why the law (special revelation) is preached to show people they are guilty before God and need to repent of their sins. The conscience cannot be used to establish universal laws. Otherwise Apostle Paul would not have stated that he would not have known what sin is if the law was not revealed to him.
What should we say, then? Is the law sinful? Of course not! In fact, I wouldn’t have known sin if it had not been for the law. For I wouldn’t have known what it means to covet if the law had not said, “You must not covet.” (Romans 7:7, ISV)
It should also be noted that the “law is not written in the hearts” of the unconverted. Romans 2:15 (NKJV) states, “who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them.” It is the work of law, not the law written in their hearts! Only when a person becomes converted/regenerated that the law is written in their hearts (see Hebrews 8:7-13).
Man’s condemnation comes from the inherited depravity from Adam (Rom. 5:12-21). Thus the presence or absence of Torah does not determine the condemnation of sinners. We are “born in sin and conceived iniquity” (Psa. 51:5); we are “already perishing” () from the moment we are conceived (1Cor. 1:18); we are “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2-1-2). Yes, we are guilty from birth because of Adam and Eve’s imputation of sin. Apostle Paul never tells us that Creation can lead us to salvation. Creation is sufficient to condemn us, but not sufficient to save us. The Gentiles have the light of Creation but suppress (
) the witness of Creation and worship the Creation instead of the Creator (Romans 1:25) because they cannot do otherwise unless God reveals Himself through Special Revelation and grants them repentance and faith. General Revelation is not Natural Law, but God’s activity of revealing Himself (Romans 1:19). However, man’s depravity does not allow God’s revelation to get through. Apostle Paul states that we all,
suppress the truth in unrighteousness
(Rom. 1:18)Recommended CD lecture series below:
Biblical Evangelism (10 Part Series:Audio--click to listen) by Dr. Bob Morey
A Christian Student’s Survival Guide (New Edition--10/21/16-- has color pictures in every chapter and has been expanded and the book's size has been reduced in dimension (7.44 x 9.69), 384 pages)). Student's Survival Guide"--PDF
Q16: Why Christian Clubs on College and University Campuses should not invite guest speakers who have been indoctrinated in Natural Theology and Natural Law--many adhere to Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274 AD) who got his philosophy from Aristotle (384 - 322 BC)
Aquinas, an apostate, by Gentile da Farbriano (1400 A.D.) Vs. The Reformation, True Men of God
Evangelical theologians have historically believed that:
1. The Bible is the Verbal, Plenary, Inspired, infallible, Inerrant Word of God;
2. Rejected the Roman Catholic concept of the “doctrine of invincible ignorance” (see Catholic Catechism, 1994) that states that the Heathen could discover enough truth either from nature or human reason/rationalism, observation/empirism, etc. outside of special revelation (the Bible) to be saved, which mainline Protestants adopted during the 1920’s as part of their liberalism;
3. Evangelicals believed that the Heathen must hear of and believe in Jesus Christ and His Gospel to be saved;
4. All religions developed outside of or in total isolation from Biblical religion were wicked, idolatrous, violent, vile, perverted—examples: cannibalism and human sacrifices of Native American religions, Central and Southern American Religions such as the Mayans, Zapotecs, Mixtecs, Aztecs. Central and Southern Africa and Asian religions were just as evil;
5. Common ground with all people via Creation, Fall, and Redemption, not humanistic common grounds such as the misnomer that Apostle Paul used pagan philosophy on Mars Hill as common ground between him and the unbelievers, he actually insulted their belief system. Apostle Paul never appealed to reason or rationality in Acts 17, but reasoned or “argued with them from the Scriptures”—the Apostles and Prophets, preached the Gospel to Gentiles and Jews, which included sin and repentance (see the Witnessing Tab for article titled Paul’s Purpose at Athens & The Problem of “Common Ground” by Dr. Wright on this subject); and
6. History has a beginning and an end and is progressing to a predetermined end (the earth will be burned, people resurrected for judgment—eternal life or eternal condemnation--and then a new heavens and new earth will be ushered in by the Lord), not that there is a positive progress in history and everything is getting better that has led to such heresies as evolution, Marxism.; this is why the philosophies of Lenin, Marx, Darwin and Hegel falls apart if history is not progressing toward a good end.
During the 1980’s, the Evangelical community did not have a solid commitment to the authority of the Bible, many so-called Evangelicals have adopted the Roman Catholic view that the Heathen could be saved without accepting Jesus Christ as their savior—this is also known as the “The wideness of God’s mercy” coined by John Sanders, Clark Pinnock, and Robert Schuler (Billy Graham even agreed with this doctrine on his TV program—see YouTube on the Witnessing Tab). This has caused many Protestants to convert to Roman Catholicism.
Protestant Apostates & Christians Misled by Natural Theology (a few of the listed speakers below are not Apostates, but are just misled; hopefully they will not become Apostates)
Note: Frank Beckwith (Apostate)
Apostacy: Open Letter to Roman Catholic Friends & Roman Catholicism Today or in PDF format: Open Letter to Roman Catholic Friends - PDF & Roman Catholicism Today -- PDF & The Papacy—was Peter the first Pope by Dr. Walter R. Martin?--PDF & Ten Reasons Why Christians and Catholics Do Not Agree & See Free 7-part video of a scholarly debate between Protestant Apologist Dr. Robert A. Morey and Roman Catholic Apologist Dr. Robert Fastiggi entitled Geneva vs. Rome
A list of Protestant Apostates: Peter Kreeft, author of Ecumenical Jihad, Handbook of Christian Apologetics [published by InterVarsity Press (IVP)], J. Budziszewski, Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. Frank Beckwith (who taught a Princeton University), etc.
It should be noted that Dr. Frank Beckwith was on the faculty of Princeton University as a Visting Research Fellow in the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions in the Department of Politics (2002 - 03) and the NJIAT President confronted Dr. Beckwith twice about his false teachings--once on the street while a group of Evangelicals (that included myself) were witnessing in Princeton (Dr. Beckwith with is wife stopped to take the two-question Heaven Test, "If you were to die tonight, would you go to Heaven"? (they also made false allegations against Dr. Robert A. Morey--they did not realize I (NJIAT President) had read most of Dr.Morey's books) and at a James Madison conference at Princeton University. Alvin Plantinga was also a speaker at the conference. Dr. Beckwith back then claimed to be a Protestant, but adopted Roman Catholic theology/Natural Theology. I told Dr. Beckwith at the James Madison lecture that you cannot get truth from "human reason." Of course, he would quote a verse from the Bible out of context, such as Acts 17:2-3, "he reasoned with them from the Scriptures" to prove the pagan Greek concept of "human reason." The Bible never defines the word "reason" with the pagan Greek abstract concept of "human reason." What did the Apostle do? "He reasoned from What"?--the Scriptures, not man's reason!
Listing someone as a Protestant Apostate does not imply that the person(s) are evil or immoral, but rather that they have abandoned the historic Protestant Reformation theology such as justification by faith alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone; that is, saved “solely” through faith in Christ. It is “imputed” righteousness, not “infused” righteousness, which is a works-based salvation--they are under eternal condemnation by God. This is a false Gospel condemned in the book of Galatians--the Bible is the ultimate authority in all matters. For a list of Evangelicals who have fallen prey to Natural Theology and Natural Law see Review to Everyone an Answer by EDS below and for other reviews go to Book Reviews on the Apologetics Tab. Recommended book on this subject: The Bible, Natural Theology And Natural Law: Conflict or Comprimise? by Dr. Robert A. Morey.
Recommended articles and reviews for college/university students and the misled Christian leadership on college/university campuses, especially at Princeton University:
- Review to “Everyone an Answer” by EDS. Beckwith, Craig, and Moreland (Find out what is wrong with this apologetic book) - PDF
- Is Natural Theology A Form of Deism?
- Roman Catholicism Today & Open Letter to Roman Catholic Friends - PDF & Roman Catholicism Today -- PDF
- Free 7-part video of a scholarly debate between Protestant Apologist Dr. Robert A. Morey and Roman Catholic Apologist Dr. Robert Fastiggi entitled Geneva vs. Rome
- The “Manhattan Declaration” Selling Out the Reformation?--Part I
(12/20/09) by Dr. Robert A. Morey - The “Manhattan Declaration” Selling Out the Reformation?—Part II
(02/01/10) by Dr. Robert A. Morey - Rome & Politics--what has the Vatican been doing to overthrow the Protestant Reformation?
- The Lost Soul of Dr. Scott Hahn
- Dr. J. Budziszewski (of Focus on the Family) lied to me by Val Lee
- Journal of Biblical Apologetics (JBA)--read free PDF versions of volumes 1-9
Dr. William Lane Craig in the early 2000s--sponsored by the Veritas Forum at Princeton University--on the topic "Does God Exist"?
Note: Dr. William Lane Craig (just has a misunderstanding on Natural Theology/Greek Philosophy)
Dr. William Lane Craig & Aristotle (384 BC to 322 BC)
I (NJIAT President) was at a lecture given by Dr. William Lane Craig in the early 2000s--sponsored by the Veritas Forum -- Princeton University--on the topic "Does God Exist"? During the question and answer session, a Muslim student asked the following question, "Why is Christianity true and the other religions false"? The other students started to applaud--the students were not interested in whether God existed or not, but which God is true. Unfortunately, Dr. Craig did not want to engage the students on this topic. Dr. Craig is a nice guy--however, he has been misled by natural theology. The NJIAT President also asked him the following question, "How can you get the message of Christ crucified by nature, that is, looking at the sky?" Dr. Craig did admit that you need to preach the Gospel. This is a perfect example of "political correctness" on university campuses--there was no preaching of the Gospel of Christ and the heathen religions were not refuted as Apostle Paul did in his preaching. A Princeton University Jewish student in the audience did speak to the NJIAT president after the lecture and asked him, "Do people who do not accept the Messiah go to hell?" Yes, the NJIAT president did answer the student, but first explained what a true follower of Yeshua Ha-Mashiach is and not everyone who grows up as a cultural Christian is going to heaven--in other words, everyone is in the same boat, not just the Jews. Most cultural Christians, especially in the United States, are not true followers of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and will be eternally condemned--they are not "born from above" like Moses, King David, the Prophets, Apostles, etc. (The Old Testament saints believed in the preincarnate Christ and were saved the same way (justified by faith alone) as the New Testament saints; Moses spoke to the Word in the burning bush-see FAQ--Q8.) The NJIAT President also explained to her that there was no Roman Catholic Church, Baptist Church, etc. in 1st century Christianity and that Christianity is really a sect of Judaism (the Way)--the first converts were Jewish. She thanked me (NJIAT President) for giving her an honest answer.
It is unfortunate that Veritas Forum will not sponsor real Protestant Evangelicals, who are not adherents to Greek philosophy/Natural Theology or Intelligent design (because they do not believe what the Bible says on creation and therefore will not defend the Book of Genesis), and can actually defend the Bible intellectually and refute Greek philosophy and non-Christian religions and present the Gospel. Most of the speakers invited at Princeton University that call themselves Protestant are really Roman Catholic in their theology and philosophy--they are Thomists (adherents to Thomas Aquinas, who was an heretic). They are really Roman Catholics--see Roman Catholicism Today. Dr. Cornelius Van Til, Dr. Gordon Clark, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, Dr. Carl Henry, Martin Luther, John Calvin, the Apostles and so on condemned Greek philosophy/ Natural Theology as anti-biblical.
Princeton University invites Dr. Mark Knoll from Wheaton College, who is an adherent to Aquinas’ Natural Theology & Natural Law (a secret Thomist) Sponsored by Manna Christian Fellowship on 03/05/05
Note: Dr. Mark Knoll (Apostate)
Dr. Mark Noll & Thomas Aquinas (1225-74 AD) in Ascoli Piceno, Italy by Carlo Crivelli (15th C)
Dr. Mark Noll from Wheaton College, who is now teaching at Notre Dame (a Jesuit college) and a Thomist, gave a lecture on 03/05/05 entitled Problems with Present Systems: Reasons for Voting None of the Above at Princeton University (he was sponsored by Manna Christian Fellowship --Princeton University, a respectable Bible based Evangelical club on campus consisting of mostly Chinese students, who had good intentions). Dr. Mark Noll defended Thomas Aquinas and Natural Theology when confronted with a question by the President of NJIAT that Natural Theology is anti-Biblical. Dr. Noll got very defensive and stated, "are you putting down 'Thomas Aquinas'?" and then some of the Princeton University Christian students in the audience started to laugh. I also told him that Aquinas was called the "dumb ox". It was sad and unfortunate that many of the Princeton University students attending this lecture were ignorant to the fact that Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) was a heretic, who renounced his philosophical work and refused to write anything else on natural theology at the end of his life--Aquinas declared, "all my work is like straw!" Aquinas denied justification by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, apart from works; justification is that act of God in which the imputed righteousness of Christ is credited to your account--he believed in infused righteousness, which is a works based salvation in addition to other heresies (see what Aquinas wrote in his Summa Theologica, ii, 1, question 100, article 12)]. It was Aquinas who took Aristotle's false dichotomy of form/essence and refined it into the secular/sacred dichotomy that opened the doors for secular humanism to take over Western philosophy, science, ethics, art, politics, and theology. It also opened the doors to the "Purpose-Driven Humanist Seeker Church" movement (Christians should look to the needs of the community instead of the Bible when it comes to the structure of the church). Evangelical ministries should not be promoting or endorsing Natural Theology, Thomas Aquinas (a heretic) or sponsoring speakers who are humanist apologists (Natural Theologians)—Dr. Cornelius Van Til, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, Dr. Gordon Clark, Dr. Carl Henry, Martin Luther, John Calvin and so on condemned Natural Theology and Thomas Aquinas. Recommended material for Manna Christian Fellowship:
2. Roman Catholicism Today ; 3. Review to “Everyone an Answer” by EDS. Beckwith, Craig, and Moreland (the review gives a brief summary/history on how Greek Philosophy/Natural Theology is contaminating the 21st century Evangelical church) - PDF; 4. Q & A part 6 video lecture series by Dr. Robert A. Morey given to an Evangelical Chinese (CEM) audience at DeSales University in 2011; click DeSales University--part 6 and watch video on how to answer tough questions; and 5. Creation tab--yes, you can defend the Book of Genesis against the humanists.
“Can there be morality without God?” Princeton University had a debate between Mr. Dinesh D’Souza and Dr. Peter Singer that was co-sponsored by Christian Union and The Fixed Point Foundation on December 3, 2008 (see website located at Princeton University Info Ticket Flyer--PDF)
Note: Mr. Dinesh D'Souza does not claim to be an Evangelical, but is misled on Natural Theology and Roman Catholicism. He does stand up for what is right.
Dr. Peter Singer, who is the Ira W. DeCamp professor of Bioethics at Princeton University & in 2004 was recognized as the Austrialian Humunist of the Year
Dinesh D'Souza
Unfortunately, many so-called Christian guest speakers invited by college and university Evangelical clubs such as Princeton University have been a disaster because the so-called Christian was an adherent to Thomas Aquinas, Natural Theology and Natural Law, ecumenical, worldview was not based on Sola Scriptura (the Bible alone), but on Greek Philosophy—which God has declared human philosophy “foolishness” (1 Cor. 1:20)—and do not believe that the Bible is the Verbal, Plenary, Inspired, infallible, Inerrant Word of God, and adopted the Roman Catholic concept of the “doctrine of invincible ignorance” that states the heathen can discover enough truth from “nature” to be saved without hearing or believing in Jesus Christ and His Gospel.
This is why the debate co-sponsored by Christian Union and The Fixed Point Foundation on December 3, 2008 at Richardson Auditorium, Alexander Hall, Princeton University between Mr. Dinesh D’Souza and Dr. Peter Singer was a big disappointment. Many true blue Protestant apologists such as Dr. Robert A. Morey (About Faith Defenders & profile on Dr. Robert A. Morey) could have easily refuted Dr. Singer and Christ would have been glorified that evening and the students would have had intelligent Biblical answers to their questions—Dr. Gordon Clark, Dr. Van Til, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, and the other great true blue Protestant apologists, if alive, would have also easily defeated Dr. Singer or any other person with a non-Christian belief system.)
Note: Dinesh D'Souza is a great individual that fights for what is right socially and politically and is currently being persecuted by Anti-God President Obama. D'Souza says Obama represents a new low in American politics. He has produced a new movie entitled 2016: Obama’s America and has released a new book. See interview video on the Alex Jones Show on 06/09/14.
There are a few problems with movie/book America/Imagine a World Without Her.
Mr. D'Souza served for a period of time as a John M. Olin fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute that adheres to a neocon worldview, which Jonathan Clarke, a senior fellow at the Carnegies Council for Ethics in International Affairs. His book did expose warrentless searches by the Obama Adminstrative and his disregard for the Constitution, but did not mention America being involved with arming Al-Qaeda. Mr. D'Souza did acknowlege that Progressives want to bring America down, but did not want to acknowlege that the Globalists want to submerge the United States into a new world order of global governance and did not mention the influence of globalist foundations such as Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, etc. The world-government promoting Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) was not even mentioned in his book or movie. See Review of America/Imagine a World Without Her by The New American (book or film)--07/24/14.
Evangelical Clubs at the College of New of New Jersey (TCNJ) Sponsor Evangelical apologist (Frank Turek) to debate Christopher Hitchens (Atheist) on March 31, 2009 (see the TCNJ Flyer--PDF)
Note: Frank Turek (misled on Natural Theology and Natural Law)
The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) on, March 31, 2009, held a debate between Frank Turek (a nice guy, but brain washed by the Thomists --who adhere to the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas-- and Christopher Hitchens. You basically had two humanists arguing with each other, but Christopher Hitchens was smart enough to know that Paley and Rationalism (David Hume refuted Rationalism and the mechanistic worldview) had been discredited a long time ago. Christopher Hitchens also exposed Mother Teresa as a fraud (see Mother Teresa and Biblical Christianity). The NJIAT representative witnessed confrontion with Frank Turek after the lecture on his adherence to Natural Theology and Natural Law--he did not want to listen to correction. See TCNJ Frank Turek is confronted by a Skeptic (04/01/09;YouTube) -- the person arguing with Turek was a Bible believing Christian who was trying to explain to Turek that he was a Natural apologist instead of a Biblical apologist. The Natural apologist appeals to their own reason, feelings, experience, and faith as the ultimate standard of turth and morals--they begin with man as the Origin of truth, justice, morals, meaning, and beauty. A Biblical apologist starts with God and the Bible--God is the measure of all things. Dr. Francis Schaeffer stated , “A Christian humanist is a humanist.”
Q17: Why are Jesuit-trained apologists on the college circuit?
Aquinas & Plato & Aristotle & Apostle Paul witnessing in Athens & refuting Greek Philosophy
Dr. Norman Geisler was the first to openly break with the historic evangelical position on Aquinas. In his small book defending Thomas Aquinas, he stated that since the previous generation of Protestant apologists, such as Carl Henry, Francis Schaeffer, Van Til, etc. were now dead, the time was now ripe for him and other secret Thomists to come “out of the closet.” These Jesuit-trained Thomists would have had their sorry asses kicked out of the evangelical circuit (especially at Princeton University) by the great Evangelical scholars, if they were alive, such as Dr. Van Til, Dr. Gordon Clark, Dr. Carl F. Henry, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, etc. They all rejected Aquinas’ Natural Theology and Natural Law. They understood that the doctrine of sola scriptura was the basis of the Reformation—that is, Scripture alone. See Apologetics Radio Presentation: Warning of the Apostacy with your modern so-called Evangelical Apologists (a 2 minute video) & Review to “Everyone an Answer” by EDS. Beckwith, Craig, and Moreland (Find out what is wrong with this apologetic book) - PDF
Q18: Comments for the Christian Leadership on College/University Campuses regarding the recent Supreme Court Ruling (Christian Legal Society v. Martinez)
There recent decision by 5 wicked Supreme Court Justices against Christian clubs (Christian Legal Society v. Martinez) was the result of secular humanists judges being appointed to the Supreme Court —elections have consequences and look at who appointed the Supreme Court Justices that ruled against Christians. The ACLJ represented the following Christian campus ministries that operate across the nation: The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Campus Crusade for Christ, the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Campus Bible Fellowship International, Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, Young Life (through its Young Life College program), the Navigators, ReJOYce IN JESUS Ministries, Inc., and the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS). The ACLJ also represented Alpha Delta Chi, a national Christian sorority, and Alpha Gamma Omega, a national Christian fraternity.
I would ask these groups the following question: “Are they teaching the students to apply the Lordship of Christ to politics and voting?” Take the test: How would God Vote?--PDF. The recent voting record for the 2008 & 2012 Presidential election and Congressional races (Voting Index for your U.S. Senator & Congressman) of many of the college Christian leadership on campus reveals they are either misinformed, secular humanists in their worldview or just stupid. (See Dr. James Manning, black radio host and Christian Bible believing minister in Harlem, NY who states that the illegal occupant President is a quasi-Muslim, an anti-Christ and a homosexual deviant and he also exposes the false conservatives such as Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, etc. and how the black and white Evangelical community is misled about what is really happening in politics, etc. Listen to his live radio: The Manning Report. Weekdays from 3PM to 6PM ET located at ( Call 646-845-9707 or download on iphone.) Consult the ACLJ on the recent decision—they are located at or see the Christian Legal Help Tab. Also, see the Politics/Voting Tab in order to understand what is happening in this country and to understand what the two-party system is doing. Shame on the college ministries for promoting one of the most anti-Christian Presidents in the history of the United States named Barack Obama.
If the college students are so interested in social justice, why are they not standing against the "so-called free trade agreements" that are creating a slave labor class and eliminating the middle class--Obama has been pushing "free trade agreements" relentlessly (see Sorry Protesters: Your Jobs are being sent to China--Obama does what the Bankers tell him to do & Banker-Owned Obama considers Corporate sponsorship and the NDAA that was passed by Obama that basically eliminated your 4th and 5th Amendments (a human rights issue) and supporting terrorists groups (that both administrations did) around the world such as Al-Qaeda to overthrow Syria and Libya). The insurance companies wrote most of Obamacare, not the health care providers--see Obamacare to Bankrupt Families and Businesses. Even the ACLU is suing Obama.
Q19: Does a Nation's Culture Reflect its Worldview? (beliefs, values, morals etc.)
Parmenides (515/540 BC) & Heraclitus (535 BC) by Johannes Moreelse (1603 - 1634)
A nation’s culture reflects its worldview (beliefs, values, morals, etc.) A culture is judged on the basis of its laws, which are codified beliefs, values, and morals (Jeremiah 6:22-23; Titus 1:12-13). Pre-Christian Greek and Roman pagan cultures codified anti-biblical laws supporting infanticide, abortion, child abuse and rape, suicide, incest, murder for entertainment, etc. These laws were changed after the Christians became involved in the culture-forming process in the Roman Empire. There are no secular/sacred, nature/grace (Thomas Aquinas), mind/matter (Plato), form/essence (Aristotle) and phenomenal/noumenal (Emmanuel Kant) dichotomies taught in the bible—Christ is Lord over all of life as taught by the Bible and Reformation, which believed in sola scriptura (special revelation) in deciding truth, morals, justice and beauty. Yes, all of life is under the Lordship of Christ—all of life is religious and there is no secular realm. Unfortunately, Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274 A.D.) embraced Aristotle’s philosophy [although his intention was to defend Christianity] and the return of the dichotomistic thought of “Essence/ Form” that became “Grace/ Nature”— reason vs. faith, which was renamed “nature” and “grace”; some things were true according to reason and some things were true according to faith. This is not Biblical. The real debate is between “special revelation” vs. “human reason”, “experience”, etc. in determining truth—one cannot have absolutes without a sovereign God.
(In other words, it was an attempt by the Greek philosophers to reconcile the contradictory philosophies of pre-Socratic philosophers Parmenides (6th-5th century B.C. and “The Father of Rationalism”), which taught:
- Reality is what you think it is (human autonomy, ontological thinking)
- Being is static and eternal—does not move or change, no such thing as rust
- Reality is perfect
- There are no particulars—the car is not separate from the parking lot
- The crippled guy is an illusion; this is what Hinduism--whose origins can be traced to a mysterious tribe of Europeans called the Aryans, who invaded and conquered Northern India between 1500 BC and 500 BC (the light skinned Brahmins of Northern India claim to be their physical and spiritual descendants)--Zen Buddhism, Christian Science Church teach; that is--there is no evil, there is no pain, there is no death, reality is an illusion, etc. and,
Heraclitus (6th-5th century B.C. and “The Father of Empiricism” and “Skepticism”), which taught:
- Knowledge is related strictly to the senses—it comes by way of the senses (touch, taste, smell, hear and feel)
- Knowledge is reduced to things experienced from the five senses
- No such thing as being
- Everything is changing (in flux)—nothing remains the same
- Change is real; permanence is an illusion1
1Dr. Robert A. Morey, “The Ancient Philosophers,” A Modern Day Apologist, A Collection of Classics 1972 to 2007, 35th Anniversary Anthology (Christian Scholars Press) pages 271-283. (
The Failure of Greek Philosophy
The Bible, Natural Theology And Natural Law: Conflict Or Compromise? by Dr. Robert A. Morey
Both Parmenides and Heraclitus’s philosophies were failures and all subsequent philosophies thereafter except Biblical Christianity (special revelation). Absolute idealism does not correspond to experience, which is the final test. Pour hot water on an idealist who says there is no pain and you will discover there is pain. Also, if every thing is one, perfect, and all is God, where did evil come from? Senses are not trustworthy either and hence you end up with no knowledge. Individuals (adhering to empiricism) are assuming that only thru your senses you can have knowledge and they realize you cannot have certain knowledge because one’s senses can be unreliable like looking at an oar in the water—to be certain there that there is no certain knowledge is self-refuting
Aquinas opened the door for secular humanism to take over politics, ethics, science, Western philosophy, art, and theology in Europe and America. This is why the secular humanists want to root out all sacred symbols from our society such as “In God we trust” on our coins. Also, American Christians developed an inward focus on personal piety—as a result of the Fundamentalist-Liberal debate in the 1920’s--to the exclusion of any concern for the culture-forming process. (This extreme separationism was in clear violation of Apostle Paul’s explicit statements in I Cor. 5:9-13.) It is sad that many so-called Christians in the 21st century would not know a Christian World and Life View if it bit them on the “ASS”.
[For further information on Greek philosophy (Natural Theology), see the Apologetics tab on this website. Apostle Paul was hostile and caustic towards Greek philosophy, “See to it that no one enslaves you through philosophy and empty deceit according to human tradition, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ” (Colossians 2:8, ISV).]
Q20: Students Should be Warned of so-called Christian Psychological Counseling & Why Outlawing Psychiatric Drugs is important--why were all the high school shooters on some kind of Psychiatric Drugs that causes violent behavior
Click For Audio lecture on "The Psychologizing of the Church--Parts 1 & 2" by Dr. Robert A. Morey and Psychiatry.News
Click Free ebook Study Materials for Christians Misled by so-called Biblical Counseling -- all the free ebooks are listed in the above pictures. Recommended Free ebook: Against "Biblical Counseling" For the Bible
PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries--the Christian ministry of Dr. Martin and Deidre Bobgan
Anti-psychiatry demonstration in Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2005 (Photo By Legolam, via Wikimedia Commons)
Don't Let Your Child See a Psychiatrist Ever. and School Shooter Adam Lanza likely on Meds; labeled as 'Personality Disorder'--why don't the "senseless asses" in Congress outlaw psychiatric drugs and Ban Prozac And Other Mass Murder Drugs Not Guns!--short video (12/15/12) and Proven Solutions to Ending School Shootings--advise from the Israelis and Gun Control Kills Kids--Israel has learned from experience that terrorists stopped shooting kids at schools when ordinary citizensstarted to carry concealed pistols. (See Homeland Security Tab and subtitle What can be done to Prevent School Shootings? for further informaiton on this subject.) Psychiatry in Charge of GUN CONTROL: Utter Diaster (09/05/19)
The Puritan Christians were using the Bible effectively for what they called 'soul care'. Why has the Evanglelical Church turned to counseling based on psychology and therapy whose ideas came from Sigmund Freud, which is contrary to the Bible? See DVD's entitled Counterfeit Counseling and Psychological Seduction.
Citizens Commission on Human Rights—Watchdog Investigating & Exposing Psychiatric Human Rights Violations
(Also, see PDF on Psychology & the Church below; one will find some great books written on this subject such as PsychoHeresy that examines four commonly-held myths about psychology, analyzes attempts to integrate psychology with the Bible, reveals research exposing the fallacies of psychological counseling, and encourages a return to Biblical foundations for Christian living by Dr. Martin & Deidre Bobgan—recommended by Dr. Jay E. Adams, Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, and Dave Hunt & T.A McMahon).
Christian psychologists justify visualizing "Jesus" as a necessary "inner healing" therapeutic technique for dealing with "traumas" that are supposedly buried in the unconscious. This is nothing more than shamanism (witchcraft)--visualizing "inner guides" that are also used in self-improvement techniques. What happened to prayer, repentance, obedience, faith, filling of the Spirit, etc.?
Did you know that occult and New Age authors boldly brag that the human founding fathers of Psychotherapy and Psychology received their understandings from “familiar spirits”? Did you know that some pastors today are taking over churches and church bank accounts and then selling the land and the church? James Sundquist, author of Who’s Driving the Purpose Driven Church? and Rick Warren’s Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan, and David Bay reveal how the Emerging Church and Purpose Driven Church movements are destroying Christianity in the United States. (See the following website: The Perfect Peace Plan and Why is every human emotion classified as a mental disorder? )
Psychology and the Church - PDF
Secular Psychology and Christian Psychology vs. Biblical Counseling
Articles exposing the false teachings of so-called Christian Psychology.
Q21: Women Elders in the Early Church?--the answer might be a surprise to both sides of the issue (they could be both wrong).
Judge and Prophetess Deborah (1,200 -- 1,124 BC; Book of Judges) by Gustave Dore
Dr. Robert A. Morey answers the question about Women Elders in the Early Church? (HTML) Click the blue highlighted title above for a detailed article.
The early church did have women deaconesses and elders (mature women/spiritually mature—1 Timothy 5:9-13, Titus 2:3-5, the presbutidas-i.e., women elders); however, the women elders discipled the young women and they did teach in the church (I Corinthians 11:5).
A quote from the New Testament commentary by William Hendriksen & Simon J. Kistemaker, page 369, 1993, July 2002 4th printing, ISBN#0-8010-5260-2 on I Corinthians 11:5):
a. "But every woman who prays or prophecies." Verses 4 and 5 are parallel and reveal the equality of men and women in the church. In the Old Testament era, not the woman but the man received the sign of the covenant (e.g., Gen. 17). He served as representative for the woman. But in the New Testament era, male and female are one in Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:28). That is, both man and woman are equal before the Lord. This becomes evident when Paul ascribes the religious functions of praying and prophesying to both man and woman. Both men and women know that their prophesying consists of teaching and preaching God's revelation or exhorting and counseling others from the Scriptures (see Acts 18:26).
Note: Matthew 5:17-19 is misinterpreted by the liberals and legalists. Answer to liberals: Christ was contradicting the rabbinic interpretation of the Torah, which had externalized it. Answer to legalists from an excerpt on page 208 from the revised 2018 A Christian Student's Survival Guide:
Note: Legalists also twist Matt. 5:17-19 to bring people back into bondage with the "Old/Mosaic Covenant" such as Sabbath keeping, food laws, women cannot teach or hold an office (see I Cor. 5:11 & I Timothy 13:5-9), etc. However, even under the "Old/Mosaic Covenant" there were women Prophetesses (Miriam (Exodus 15:20-21), Huldah (2 Kings 22:14), Noadiah (Nehemiah 6:14), Isaiah's wife (Isaiah 8:3) and Judges/Leaders (Deborah; Judges 4:4-5)). The New Testament has Anna & The daughters of Philip as examples of Prophetesses under the "New Covenant" (Luke 2:36 & Acts 21:9) and Presbutidas (women elders that "teach the women"; see Titus 2: 3-5) and Deaconesses (who were women; see Romans 16:1). Yes, men are still the "head of the household" (this is a different sphere -- the family: see Ephesians 5:22-24). The Bible tells us "do not be under the beggarly elements" of the Old/Mosaic Covenant (Heb. 10:1). For example, Matt. 5:17-19 is not referring to individual laws, but the Scriptures. Christ was establishing a "New Covenant", not the Old/Mosaic Covenant polished--there are 4 Covenants in the Old Testament (the Noahic Covenant, the Abrahamic Covenant (the land promise is part of the Abrahamic Covenant), the Mosaic Covenant (David & Solomon are personal applications of the Mosaic Covenant), and the New Covenant); only the Mosaic Covenant was defective and obsolete. The other covenants are still valid. The (4th) "New Covenant" is everlasting. (See my book entitled How the Old and New Testaments Relate to Each Other.)
Women in the Old Testament were Prophetesses, Judges, Queens, heads of armies, business owners, etc. (see Judges 4:1-23; Proverbs 31:15-31; Kings 22:14-20; and Exodus 15:20-21).
A Quote from Dr. Robert A. Morey (a Hebrew and Greek scholar): "When I translated the Psalms for the ISV I discovered that Psalms 68:11 was mistranslated in the KJV: The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. The Hebrew Text actually says: great was the company of women who proclaimed it."
Pastor did not exist in the 1st century (it is a corporate position). The elders in the 1st century did not go around performing marriages, devising marketing plans, etc. The Protestant Church has, unfortunately, adopted many Roman Catholic doctrines when it comes to women and the church and doctrine. This is sad.
Note: This is not referring to the headship of man in a marriage. The husband is still the head of the family. There is no exegetical evidence in the Bible to negate this command. This is another sphere: The family.
Q22: Dr. Peter Hammond answers the question: As a Calvinist do you Preach the Gospel of Free Choice or The Gospel of Election? & Responding with Reason: A Response To An Attack On Calvinism by Dr. Robert A. Morey -- PDF
Q23: Dr. Peter Hammond answers the question: How the New World Order is Hijacking Civilisation. This is one of the reasons why people and students are being deceived?
Q24: What is Ecumenism?--are the churches and college ministries being deceived?
Q25: Shai Linnie, Rapper, answers the question on YouTube: Mission Accomplished--Christ and Particular Redemption
Q26: Is Jesus mentioned in the Talmud (Mishnah & Gemara)? -- and Jesus or Yeshua? Jesus is an incorrect translation. If they were going to be consistent, the translators should have at least used Joshua. The correct translation for Joshua is "Yeshua."
See Jesus In The Mishnah And Talmud--PDF (The late Dr. William White, one of the greatest Hebrew scholars of the 20th century, had Dr. Morey retrieve the statements about Jesus in the Mishnah and the Talmud that were taken out by the Polish Rabbis. This research cannot be found elsewhere. It provides us with further historical documentation for the life and teachings of Jesus).
Q27: A Critique of Modern Youth Ministries by Christopher Schlect.
Exerpt from book: Even in the church, we have established a pattern of perpetual regress that is tearing down the last vestiges of maturity that our fathers laboured to achieve. Evangelical churches are honouring divisions that have existed in our culture for less than a century – divisions which have no basis in either Scripture or common sense. These divisions breed immaturity because they hinder young people from associating with, and learning from, their elders.
Rather than admonishing our young people with Paul’s mandate, “Flee youthful lusts” (2 Timothy 2:22), we provide a forum for youthful lusts to be pursued. We have compromised standards in the name of relevance.
We must therefore reject the appalling notion of the model youth minister as a recently graduated extrovert who looks and acts just like a high schooler himself. Responsible youth ministry in the church involves teaching and exhorting parents to raise their children Biblically (Deuteronomy 6:7; Ephesians 6:4).
...Youth should attend "adult" bible studies and prayer meetings, especially those that their parents attend...
Q28: What about the 7 Year Tribulation Theory and Daniel's 70th Week?
Daniel's 70th Week (Click to listen to Audio, 66 minutes, by Dr. Morey) & The End of the World According to Jesus by Dr. Robert A. Morey. Can be purchased at XulonPress.
The Seventy (70) weeks in Daniel 9:24 is referring to the Jews, Holy City and the Messiah's first coming to make atonement for our sins. It is not the church. Let's look at the following points made in Dr. Robert A. Morey's Daniel's 70th Week CD:
1. Verse 24 states,...For Your people and for your holy city...It does not say the people. It is referring to the Jews--your people. It is not referring to the church--the dispensationalists are wrong on this point.
2. Verse 24, ...To finish the transgression,...It means to complete all that is necessary to deal with transgressions. Your sins.
3. Verse 24,...To bring everlasting righteousness,...And To Seal up Vision and Prophecy (Is. 53:10)...And to anoint the Most Holy (Ps. 45:7). This is justification by faith alone thru Christ alone and the New Testament would be the last canon. The Messiah took the sacrifice (Himself) to Heaven.
4. Verse 25...That from the going forth of the command...The counting is from the decree--no one has ever found the decree.
5. Verse 26,...And after sixty-two weeks...The Messiah will be cut off and put to death.
6. Verse 27,...Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;(Matt. 26:28)... He (the pronoun) is the Messiah. The antecedant of the definite article goes back to the Messiah--it is just about understanding Hebrew grammar!
7. Verse 27,...But in the middle of the week, He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate. The 1 week (7 days (3 1/12 days and 3 1/2 days) ). Christ's ministry began around (27 A.D.). The sacrifices were finished (the Messiah was cut off in the middle of the week and then resurrected 3 days later--Matt. 27:51) and the temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. The Romans desecrated the temple by unclean sacrifices (Luke 21:20).
Note: The 70 weeks is subdivided into three periods of 7 weeks (Daniel 9:25): 62 weeks (verse 25), 1 week (verse 27). 7+62+1=70. 70 weeks = 490 days and the 70th week began after the Babylonia captivity during the reign of Medo-Persia and ended at the sacrifice of Yeshua (middle of the 7 years, (verse 27) and the resurrection. And the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D. by the Romans (Titus).
Journalist David Van Biema referred to John Nelson Darby who lived in England during the 1800s , "the man with the plan" who introduced into the 19th century British and American Christianity "a radical new eschatology" which included belief in "a seven-year, hell-like Tribulation." (SCPJournal, vol. 37:3-37:4, 2014, page 50).
Matthew Henry says this about Daniel 9:27: "By offering Himself a sacrifice once and for all He [Jesus] shall put an end to all the Levitical sacrifices". It was never applied to a future 7 year tribulation at a later time.
Daniel 9:26-27 was fulfulled by the Messiah and Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus in 70 A.D.. For many Evangelicals to be dogmatic and take a part of verse (Daniel 9:24) to prove a 7 year tribulation theory that is not in any of the Gospels, not in the Epistles, not in the Book of Acts and not in the Book of Revelation except by misapplying one verse in Revelation to come up with the the 7 year tribulation theory, especially the Pre-Trib position is very foolish and ignorant---the 7 year tribulation theory has been around less than 200 years (see articles on Bible Prophecy--PDF & Bible Prophecy (HTML) & listen to Daniel's 70th Week lecture above by Dr. Robert A.Morey).
Double or Second Fulfillment: False Theory.
The following problems would arise:
1. Problem with this theory of a second fulfillment is that you will have an infinite regression--a flawed dispensational hermenuetic. It is a loophole to try to defend their positions.
2. The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem? If it can have more than one fulfillment, then it could be Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, etc. and then the Book of Mormon would kick in.
3. Apostle Peter in Acts 2:16-18 said this is the fulfillment of Joel 2. One prophecy fulfilled by one person at one time. Acts 2:16, "This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel."
3. Malchi 4 was fulfilled in John the Baptist , who was the Elijah to come.
Comment on Daniel 12:1-3. A quote from Death and the Afterlife by Dr. Robert A. Morey, pages 136-137,
Let us examine Dan. 12:1-3, which is the only clear passage in the Old Testament which speaks of the final state of both the righteous and the wicked.
"Now at that time, Michael, the great prince who stand guard over the sons of your people, will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people , everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but others to disgrace and everlasting contempt. And those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever." (Dan. 12:1-3)
In Daniel's vision of the end times, he describes the rise and fall of the Antichrist (11:40-45), who is called the "king of the south." He will appear at the end of the present order of things and will bring about "a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation" (12:1). That Daniel is describing the Antichrist and not Antiochus Epiphanes is clear from the fact that this is how Christ himself interpreted this passage in Matt. 24:22.
During this time of distress, Satan will seek to destroy the church by launching a worldwide persecution (cf. Rev. 13:7, 8). Because of the magnitude of Satan's persecution against the church, Michael the archangel will arise to protect the people of God from occultic forces (Dan. 12:1). That the "Michael" referred to in Dan. 12:1 is the archangel and not Christ is clear from Dan. 10:13 and Rev. 12:7.
Satan is working behind the scenes to set up a one world government and one world religion in preparation for the Antichrist. He has also deceived modern evangelical Christians into believing that they will be removed from this earth before the great tribulation takes place. This doctrine, known as the pre-tribulation rapture, teaches that Christ may return at any moment, and that there will be no signs of his coming. As a result of this deception, most Christians are completely unprepared for what the Bible has warned us is coming. Yes, Christ is coming back (the second coming).
In this hard-hitting documentary, film-maker Paul Wittenberger (What in the World are They Spraying? and The Great Culling), Pastor Steven L. Anderson, Pastor Roger Jimenez, and creation scientist Kent Hovind, prove from the King James Bible that the rapture will take place AFTER THE TRIBULATION but before God pours out his wrath upon this earth. They also expose Satan's plans for a global government and new world order.
Note: The problem with his theory is that the whole Trib theory (Pre, Mid and Post) is also wrong and not in the Bible--yes, they are correct that many Christians will go through the tribulation, which might go on for 30 years. We do not know. KJV bible is not the only bible you can use--see Our Bible--Where did it Come From? -- PDF.
Recommended books: 1. The End of the World According to Jesus by Dr. Robert A. Morey has been updated 2016 that includes two appendices on the Daniel's 70th week and the false 7 year Trib--Spiritual Warfare Pt 6: Sons of God & the Nephilim, Genesis 6:1-4 (Appendix C of The End of the World According to Jesus covers who where the Nephilim., 2. Commentary of Daniel by Dr. Edward J. Young ,who knew over 23 languages and a Stanford graduate, 3. Modern Apocrypha (a Refutation of the Apocrypha) by Edgar J. Goodspeed (1871 -- 1962), 4. Interpretation of Prophecy by Patrick Fairbain (Patrick Fairbairn (1805-1874) studied at Edinburgh University from 1818 to 1826. In 1853 he was appointed to be Chair of Theology in Aberdeen, and in 1856 became Principal of Free Church College in Glasgow. His published works include his 1845 'Typology of Scripture' as well as his posthumous 'Pastoral Theology'), and 5. Prophecy and The Church by Oswald T. Allis.
Q29: Can Christians Remarry after a Divorce?
Unfortunately, most pastors and Christians have not studied the issue of marriage, divorce and remarriage and are totally ignorant on the subject and take stupid and unbiblical positions. Dr. Jay E. Adams' book below is highly recommended to pastors who care what God says about the issue.
A quote from article below by Betty Miller: "The sin of divorce is not the unpardonable sin. No matter what sin we have committed in our lives, whether it be lying, cheating, stealing, murder or divorce, Jesus made a way for us to be cleansed and forgiven. When the Lord forgives sin, He also ceases to remember it. God's love and forgiveness is so different from man's." Hebrews 10:17 says, "And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more." Yes, a person can remarry.
See the article entitled What the Bible Says about Divorce and Remarriage by Betty Miller and What is the Reformed Doctrine on Divorce in the Church? and Is Man the Head of the Household? by Dr. Robert A. Morey (Video). Recommended book: Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the Bible by Dr. Jay E. Adams.
Q30. What is the Difference between Legalism and Being in a Cult?
Legalism and being in a cult are two different things although most cults that call them themselves Christian are Legalistic the difference being is that a cult has a "False Gospel", which makes them a "False Church"; in other words, a cult will deny some major doctrine such as justification by faith alone thru Christ alone, the ontological trinity, must obey the leader instead of Christ (they put themselves above the Bible in authority), etc.
Apostle Paul in Athens by Raphael (1483-1520) & Studies in the Atonement
If a Christian wants to keep the Sabbath (Saturday or Sunday--the real Sabbath is on Saturday) and not eat certain foods, this is allowed per Bible (do not violate your consciense). Keep the day to the Lord. However, when Christians start telling other Christians they have to keep these things, they are in the wrong. There are many dedicated true Christians that keep the Sabbath (Sunday or Saturday) and believe they are justified soley (i.e. only) throught faih in Christ (imputed righteousness--Romans 4:8 & 4:22-24), by grace alone and accept the full deity of Christ/Yeshua and the triune God. And believe that Yeshua, after He was crucified on the cross, was raised from the dead on the 3rd day with a glorified body and sits on the right hand of the Father. No salvation is possible by any other name under Heaven except Yeshua and the wicked will be eternally condemned (Acts 4:12).
The danger is when people think salvation is only possible if you keep the Sabbath (Saturday) or have to be baptised as an infant or baptised only thru their organization and this is taught in many cults such as Herbert Armstrong (all Sunday worshipers had the Mark of the Beast 666 according to Armstrong and one had to be baptised in his organization to receive the Holy Spirit and could be annihilated if one did not obey his government) and the splinter groups of the Worldwide Church of God.
Note: The Jewish Sabbath was kept from Sunset to Sunset (Leviticus 23: 27-32) and it cannot be kept in the North and South Poles because 6-months out of the year the sun appears above the horizon; of course, some Sabbatarians will argue that the Sabbath could just mean a 24-hour period--either way it was ceremonial and is not binding on all people, but was part of the Old Covenant giving to ancient Israel only. The Sabbath is not a creation ordinance--God never commanded man to keep the Sabbath in Genesis. See Apologetics Tab and scroll down for 9 Part Series on the Sabbath in HTML or PDF and Spanish
If a person thinks they are justified by keeping the law and obeying some leader or organization (the leader puts themselves above the authority of the Bible) and deny the fundamentals of the Christian faith (the Bible) such as the Trinity (deity of Christ), the death and resurrection of Christ for our sins, eternal torment of the unbeliever, deny that a person is justified solely (i.e. only) through faith in Christ (imputed righteousness), not by works, then they are not saved and are on their way to eternal condemnation (see FAQ tab, Question 7 & 8). Yes, you have to be born again/born from above.
If a true Christian who was justified by faith, but is trying to be sanctified by the law before Christ instead of living by faith, then the Christian is basically living under the law--in other words, a Christian was saved by grace, but trying to be sanctified by the law. This does not imply living without the law, which is sin (see below for further details). Matthew 5:17, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." (KJV, Cambridge Edition). This verse was not referring to individual laws, but the Scriptures. A misunderstanding by many in the Evangelical community.
It is retrogressive to turn back to the Old Testament laws and be under the "beggarly elements". The ceremonial law is not a reflection of God's character. It is didactic in the prophectic sense of prefiguring the work of the Annointed One--the ceremonies are said to be "only a shadow of good things to come and not the very form itself" (Heb. 10:1) and "imposed until a time of reformation" (Heb. 9:10). Included in the Old Covenant was the Sabbath (it is not a creation ordinance and was never commanded in Genesis) that was given only to ancient Israel--the universal/moral laws (it reflects some aspect of the moral character of God and is universally binding on all men in all ages) were given by "Yahwah" for all mankind, not just ancient Israel and these existed before the Old/Mosaic Covenant. See Commentary on Galatians by Martin Luther [hardcover, ISBN 0-8007-1702-3 (Introduction by D. Stuart Briscoe--you want this specific copy) that covers what these false divinity teachers taught (Luther rightfully called them "senseless asses"). Martin Luther (11/10/1483 to 02/18/1546).
Q31. Are there 4 Covenants in the Old & New Testaments (a literary document)?
How the Old and New Testament Relate to Each Other & The Bible: Intelligent Design or Chance? & The Biblical Discipleship Program for Women by Dr. Anne Morey
There were 4 Covenants given by Yahweh: 1. The Noahic Covenant, 2. The Abrahamic Covenant (the land or so-called Palestinian Covenant is part of the Abrahmic Covenant, not a separate Covenant), 3. The Mosaic Covenant (the so-called Davidic Covenant and Solomon are personal applications of the Mosaic Covenant, therefore, they are not separate Covenants), 4. The New Covenant (everlasting).
Note: The other Covenants such as the New Covenant does not nullify the other Covenants--the only Covenant nullified was the Mosaic Covenant as stated in the New Testament (see Matt. 26:27-28; Heb. 3:1-6). Click to Listen to Audio of "How the Old & New Testaments Relate to Each Other - 1 thru 4 by Dr. Robert A. Morey
There were 4 Covenants given by Yahweh to man: 1. The Noahic Covenant, 2. The Abrahamic Covenant, 3. The Mosaic Covenant, and 4. The New Covenant. According to Dr. Robert A. Morey in his book entitled How the Old and New Testament Relates to Each Other, page 70, "Most despensationalists simply assert that there are eight (8) covenants but they never tell us how they relate one to another. Neither do they supply any exegetical proof for the existence of the Edenic and Adamic covenants. I have yet to receive an answer to the question, 'Since the Bible nowhere mentions an Edenic or Adamic covenant, where is the exegetical justification for listing them?' " Many dispensationalists use the Scofield Reference Bible to prove such nonsense. Covenant theology also makes the mistake of denying the diversity of the biblical covenants. There is nothing in Scripture which speaks of an "everlasting covenant of grace" made in heaven between the Father and the Son. A covenant is a space/time event and entered in with a specific person. Only the New Covenant is called "everlasting" because it will never become obsolete like the Old Covenant or Mosaic Covenant (Jer. 32:40 & Heb. 13:20). Charles Hodges listed 4 covenants in the Bible. It depends on how you divide things.
"However, in the past, when you did not know God, you were slaves to things that are not really gods at all. But now you turn back again to those powerless and bankrupt basic principles? Why do you want to become their slaves all over again? You are observing days, months, seasons, and years. I am afraid for you, lest somehow my work for you has been wasted!" (Galatians 4:8-11 ISV.) The Old Covenant or Mosaic (a legal contract made in time/space) was defective, not the Old Testament (a literary document). The Israelites were under a tutor/law--they were told how to dress, what to eat, how to cut their hair, how to worship by a highly structured liturgy, etc. This is not in the New Testament. The New Testament gives believers moral directives to apply to all of life, but does not give us minute directions as in the Old Testament. Galatians states:
"Tell me, those of you who want to live under the law: Are you really listening to what the law says? For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave woman and the other by a free woman. Now the son of the slave woman was conceived according to the flesh, but the son of the free woman was conceived through a promise. This is being said as an allegory, for these women represent two covenants. The one woman, Hagar, is from Mount Sinai, and her children are born into slavery. Now Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to present-day Jerusalem, because she is in slavery along with her children. But the heavenly Jerusalem is the free woman, and she is our mother". (Galatians 4:21-26 ISV.)
If a true Christian who was justified by faith, but is trying to be sanctified by the law before Christ instead of living by faith, then the Christian is basically living under the law--in other words, a Christian was saved by grace, but trying to be sanctified by the law. This does not imply living without the law, which is sin (see below for further details).
Matthew 5:17, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." (KJV, Cambridge Edition). This verse was not referring to individual laws, but the Scriptures. (It is not case law.) A misunderstanding by many in the Evangelical community. A quote from Dr. Robert A. Morey's book entitled Experiencing God in the Psalms, page 355 (,
...Sixth, the Western philosophic tradition that divided life into a secular versus sacred dichotomy viewed the word "law" in the Bible in terms of legal case law in the context of the courtroom.
The Western Gentiles world knew nothing of the biblical concept of "Torah" that embraced all of life. The biblical authors did not believe in a secular dimension in life. To them YHWH was King over all of life. Every square inch of the earth is YHWH's and the fulness therein.
We have translated various Hebrew words such as "law" as "Torah" to indicate that all of life is to be lived for the glory of God. Psa. 119 takes on a deeper meaning when you understand that David loved the all-embracing Torah.
Too many Gentile readers automatically assume that when David said he loved the "law," he meant the Ten Commandments. This has caused confusion as, who in their right mind, would "love" dry, cold legal codes? No. by "law" David meant the all embracing Torah of life and blessing....
It is Retrogressive to turn back to the Mosaic Covenant
It is retrogressive to turn back to the Old Testament laws and be under the "beggarly elements". The ceremonial law is not a reflection of God's character. It is didactic in the prophetic sense of prefiguring the work of the Annointed One--the ceremonies are said to be "only a shadow of good things to come and not the very form itself" (Heb. 10:1) and "imposed until a time of reformation" (Heb. 9:10). Included in the Old Covenant was the Sabbath (it is not a creation ordinance and was never commanded in Genesis) that was given only to ancient Israel--the universal/moral laws (it reflects some aspect of the moral character of God and is universally binding on all men in all ages) were given by "Yahwah" for all mankind, not just ancient Israel and these existed before the Old Covenant/Mosaic Covenant. See Commentary on Galatians by Martin Luther [hardcover, ISBN 0-8007-1702-3 (Introduction by D. Stuart Briscoe--you want this specific copy) that covers what these false divinity teachers taught (Luther rightfully called them "senseless asses"). Martin Luther (11/10/1483 to 02/18/1546) .
Typical examples of legalism (under the law—see Rom. 3:20, 28; 7:1-6; Gal. 3:1-5; 4:4-5):
1. Sabbatarianism, which the Reformers such as Calvin and Luther believed it was ceremonial and no longer binding--don't misunderstand, there is nothing wrong if a Christian or congregation wants to set a day apart for worship, but it should not be a burden----see Apologetics Tab and scroll down for 9 Part Series on the Sabbath in HTML or PDF and Spanish.
2. Abstinence from alcohol (see Alcoholic Beverages in the Bible-PDF or Alcoholic Beverages in the Bible (HTML); Prohibition began on Jan. 19, 1920 (the 18th Amendment); as a result, it tripled alcoholism. Unfortunately, the FBI--according to ListVerse documents--deliberately poisoned alcohol by adding methane, formaldehyde, ammonia, and even arsenic and kerosene in attempt to enforce prohibition laws (see Infowars Magazine, Vol. 3. Issue 2, Oct. 2014, page 22.) Young people should be taught moderation--Spain is a good example.
3. Cannot eat Shellfish or Pork (see Is it okay for Christians to eat pork and shellfish?--Mark 7:18)--also, see Whole Health Tab;
4. No dancing; and
5. Cannot go to the movies (probably influenced by a false strain of Platonic thinking).
The above does not imply "antinomianism" (without the law), which is sin (see John 14:15) or "perfectionism" (above the law)--see 1 John 1:8-10), “Positionalism” (no holiness in life-see Heb. 12:14; I John 2:4, 6), “Passivism” (let go, let God—see Phil. 2:12; Col. 1:29; Gal. 2:20), “Mysticism” (over-emphasis on Holy Spirit—see Isa. 8:20; John 16:7-15), “Rationalism” (under-emphasis on the Holy Spirit—see I Cor. 2:14; Eph. 5:18), and “Carnal Christianity” (heresy—see Gal. 5:19-21; Eph. 5:5-7;1 John 3:7-8).
A quote from Martin Luther from his book entitled "Commentary on Galatians" (ISBN#0-8007-1702-3, 1924, 1988), pages 269-270,
10--Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.
...But Paul here instructs the conscience; therefore, he speaks not of that Gentile custom of observing days, which pertains only to the body, but he speaks of the law of God, and of the observation of days and months according to the law of Moses; that is to say, concerning religious days, months, and seasons, which the Galatians taught by the false apostles observed for justification. For Moses had commanded the Jews to keep holy the Sabbath day, the new moons, the first and the seventh month, the three appointed times or feasts (namely the Passover, the Feast of Weeks, and of the Tabernacles) and the year of Jubilee. These ceremonies the Galatians were constrained by the false apostles to keep as necessary to righteousness. Therefore, he says that they, losing the grace and liberty which they had in Christ, were turned back to the serving of weak and beggarly elements. For they were persuaded by the false apostles that these laws must be kept, and by keeping them they should obtain righteousness; but if they kept them not, they should be damned. Contrariwise, Paul can not allow men's consciences to be bound to the law of Moses, but always delivers them from the law. " Behold, I Paul," (says he, a little after in the fifth chapter), "say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing"; and, "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days" (Colossians 2:16). So says our Savior Christ: "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation" (Luke 17:20). Much less then are men's consciences to be burdened and snared with human traditions. ...
Example of a 20th century false apostle: False apostle and senseless ass Herbert W. Armstrong of the Worldwide Church of God taught that people had to keep the Mosaic Covenant/Law of Moses) such as the Feast Days (Passover, the Feast of Weeks, the Feast of Tabernacles, etc.). Of course, it was selective laws in the Mosaic Covenant that he chose.
No Christian church is perfect and you might have dedicated and Godly people that were not given the amount of grace or understanding in certain areas--they are called blind spots. However, Christians should correct themselves if God (by the Holy Spirit and Bible) is giving them understanding and clarification on Biblical doctrine in those areas mentioned above. The Holy Spirit never contradicts the Bible. The Bible is the ultimate authority/ final authority for doctrine. (Recommended book on this difficult subject entitled How the Old & New Testaments Relate to each Other by Dr. Robert A. Morey.)
Note: There is a distinction between legalism and a cult--legalism and being in a cult are two different things although most cults that call them themselves Christian are legalistic the difference being is that they have a "False Gospel", which makes them a "False Church"; in other words, a cult will deny some major doctrine such as justification by faith alone thru Christ alone, the ontological trinity, must obey the leader instead of Christ (leaders have limited authority per God--go to the Voting/Politics Tab and see What about the State's Authority over a Citizen?), etc.
Q32. Were the Gentile Nations judged on the Moral Laws or the Old/Mosaic Covenant?
Left: Picture of The Seventh Plague of hail and fire by John Martin (1823). Exodus 9:13-35.
Gentile nations surrounding Ancient Israel were judged on the Moral Laws, not the Ceremonial Laws in the Old/Mosaic Covenant--there were 4 Covenants given by Yahweh mentioned above.
The Gentile nations were not judged on the ceremonial parts of the law [the ceremonial law is not a reflection of God's character. It is didactic in the prophectic sense of prefiguring the work of the Annointed One--the ceremonies are said to be "only a shadow of good things to come and not the very form itself" (Heb. 10:1) and "imposed until a time of reformation" (Heb. 9:10)] included in the Old/ Mosaic Covenant such as the Sabbath that was given only to ancient Israel, but were judged on the universal/moral laws (it reflects some aspect of the moral character of God and is universally binding on all men in all ages) given by "Yahwah" for all mankind, not just ancient Israel and these existed before the Old/Mosaic Covenant. Sodom and Gomorrah and many other Gentile nations were judged by "Yahwah" on the moral laws-- murder, sodomy, bestiality, adultery, stealing, fornication, child sacrifice, child sex, idolatry, sorcery , corrupt judicial system, oppressing the poor and so on. (See the following books written Dr. Robert A. Morey who is a Greek and Hebrew scholar and a Talmudic scholar entitled How the Old and New Testament Relate to Each Other, The Trinity: Evidence & Issues (order from Xulon Press) ,Studies in the Atonement, The End of the World According to Jesus, Death and the Afterlife and Dr. Bob's free sermons and articles on these important subjects located at Faith Defenders.)
Q32A. Is Christianity a sacral religion under the "New Covenant"? What about the concept of a national “covenant” that was pervasive in pre-biblical ancient Middle Eastern societies, especially ancient Israel (under the Mosaic Covenant). They were called Suzerainty covenants. Is this used to promote infant baptism? See Dr. Morey's article below on infant baptism.
Q32B. Baptism of the Holy Spirit? Could both sides be wrong on the issue?
Historic Pentecostal theology is in error when it states: a. Old Testament saints were not indwelt by the Holy Spirit. b. I Cor. 12:13 is not an experience of all Christians. c. There is a "Second Work of Grace" called "the Baptism of the Holy Spirit" (non-repeatable) and the only sign of it is speaking in tongues.
Historic anti-Pentecostal theology is in error when it states: a. The I Cor. 12:13 experience is all there is to the Christian life. There is nothing more. b. The "baptism with the Holy Spirit" was fulfilled in its entirety at Pentecost. c. We don't need to seek any deeper experiences with God. We got all we will ever need at regeneration.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit (HTML) by Dr. Robert Morey
Sermons by Dr. Bob Morey: See number #30 sermon entitled: Baptism of the Holy Spirit by Dr. Robert Morey.
Q33. Is Abortion Murder in the Bible? What about Capital Punishment?
Left: Image credit: Infowars. Cecil the Lion controversy outstrips Planned Parenthood organ harvesting scandal
Powerful: Abortion Supporters Change Minds After Shown Gruesome Abortion Procedures --video, 2022
Is Abortion Sin?
Family Watch International -- working in countries around the world promoting family values per Bible.
Horror: Intact Fetus Moves Arms, Legs Outside Womb In Latest Planned Parenthood Video (08/19/15) -- a fully intact human fetus is seen moving its arms and legs outside of the womb, in the latest damning Planned Parenthood sting video released by the pro-life Center for Medical Progress.
Report Exposes Hillary's Close Relationship with Planned Parenthood -- Hillary Clinton praises eugenicist and founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger, who is a racist and hater of black people, as reported by the Federalist 2014. Hillary Clinton also received the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood on March 27, 2009 and praised Sanger.
- Does the Bible class abortion with murder?—by Dr. Gleason L. Archer --PDF
- Does the New Testament teach pacifism or the abolition of capital punishment?—by Dr. Gleason L. Archer --PDF
- How can John 8:11 be reconciled with Romans 13:4 in regard to capital punishment?—by Dr. Gleason L. Archer --PDF
- Death Penalty Website
Q34. What the Bible Teaches about Self-Defense & Protecting your Family by the use of Weapons (Guns, Swords, etc.)
The Brown Bess (.75 caliber/19.1 mm) was the most widley used rifle by the American Revolutionaries (citizens/militia) and the standard rifle for the British (Red Coats)--it was the equivalent to our M-16. (For further information, see the 2nd Amendment Tab.)
"When Is It Right To Fight" by Dr. Robert A. Morey on "RemnantXRadio--Refuting the Pacifists" with Worley And Bowling. The book entitled "In His Steps" is an unbiblical book that feminized Christianity according to Dr. Bob Morey. Go directly to Dr. Bob Morey's Faith Defenders' website for audio interview on When Is It Right to Fight.
The book entitled "In His Steps" by Charles Monroe Sheldon in 1896 took an unbiblical position on defending yourself that also contributed to a feminized Protestant Christianity in America. This is why the Irish Catholics filled the police departments because the Protestant men became brainwashed by this teaching--it is not Christian to be a policeman, military soldier or have a gun at home to defend your family! Let your wife be raped--what a husband! All Christians should have rifles (semi-automatic) and handguns at home and should obtain a "concealed carry license". See Right to Carry and Police/Sportsmen tab on this website. Also, see Self-Defense and ownership of Guns by Dr. Wayne Grudem.
Note: There was a recent article published by The Washington Post entitled John Piper: Why I disagree with Jerry Falwell Jr. (12/23/15) that twists Scriptural passages out of context and violates every Hermeneutical principle. Unfortunately, John Piper is post-evangelical and has embraced liberal doctrines--he is an idiot. John Piper's position/doctrine left the Holocaust of the Jews and now wants Christians to walk into the ovens for their Holocaust by not defending themselves. Also, read another misguided and ignorant so-called Evangelical, Rob Schenck (Evangelical Church Alliance), who is against gun ownership and does not understand that self-defense is taught in the Bible. We can now understand why the Christians in America are so dumbed down.
Q35. What does the Bible Teach about Hunting?
"Cush begot Nimrod; he began to be a mighy one on the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord; therefore it is said, 'Like Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord.'" (Genesis 10:8-9, NKJV) & "So the boys grew. And Esau was a skillful hunter, a man of the field; but Jacob was a mild man, dwelling in tents" (Genesis 25:27, NKJV) & "The deer, the gazelle, the roe deer, the wild goat, the mountain goat, the antelope, and the mountain sheep. And you may eat every animal with cloven hooves, having the hoof split into tow parts, and that chews the cud, among the animal" (Deuteronomy 14:5, NJKV).
Note: Since we are not under the "Mosaic Covenant" (which was defective and obsolete, not the Old Testament) but the "New Covenant," all animals are good for food as stated in Genesis and reiterated in the "New Covenant." There were four covenants in the Bible (see Question #31 & Genesis 9:3 gave the mandate to Noah: "Everything that lives and moves will be food for you"). The other three covenants are still valid today. Also, animals before the fall, were eating other animals outside the "Garden of Eden." The "Garden of Eden" was a zoological park surrounded by walls and only domesticated animals were with Adam and Eve. (See The Bible, Natural Theology And Natural Law: Conflict Or Compromise? by Dr. Robert A. Morey.)
A. Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Poor
B. Bows in Arrows of the Bible by Keith Jennings
C. Hunting & The Bible by Tom Rakow
Christian Sportsmen & Sportswomen: 1. The Christian Outdoorsman ; 2. Fellowship of Christian Sportsmen ;3. God's Great Outdoors ; 4. Rockdove Publications.
Q36. What was the Protestant Reformers' position on the Roman Catholic Church? What was the main issue between Protestants and Rome? Below is the historic position. It is not meant to offend: Don't forget that Rome condemned the Protestants as heretics in the Council of Trent.
It is unfortunate that you have Reformed churches who do not even know what the Reformation was about. Many do not even know what a "false gospel" is. See the sell out below by churches:
- The "Manhattan Declaration" Selling Out the Reformation?--Part I (HTML)
- The “Manhattan
Declaration” Selling Out the Reformation?--Part I
(12/20/09) by Dr. Robert A. Morey--PDF - The "Manhattan Declaration" Selling Out the Reformation?--Part II (HTML)
- The “Manhattan
Declaration” Selling Out the Reformation?—Part II
(02/01/10) by Dr. Robert A. Morey--PDF - See Free 7-part video of a scholarly debate between Protestant Apologist Dr. Robert A. Morey and Roman Catholic Apologist Dr. Robert Fastiggi entitled Geneva vs. Rome
- Open Letter to Roman Catholic Friends - PDF & Roman Catholicism Today (HTML) or Roman Catholicism Today -- PDF and How Can You Claim That The Catholics Banned The Bible? Everybody Persecuted Somebody. Henery VIII Persecuted Catholics Like Thomas More. Lutherans Persecuted Anabaptists. Protestants Randomly Burned Witches -- by Dr. Peter Hammond
Sub-topic A: What was the Historic Protestant position on "Justification" and "Roman Catholicism?"
The historic Protestant position is quite clear. Both Catholicism and Orthodoxy
are false and apostate churches because they teach a works-based salvation and deny the Gospel that we are saved by grace alone,
through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone. This can also refer to “main-line” Protestant churches who
have officially rejected their original confession of faith and replaced them with a works-based social gospel and do not believe
in the inerrancy and authority of Scripture and are now apostate churches. Note: This does not imply
that there are no true Christians in the Roman Catholic Church or Eastern Orthodox Churches. We know Roman Catholics and
Eastern Orthodox members who trust in the person and work of Christ alone as the only basis of forgiveness and do not worship idols,
saints or Mary and we expect to see them in Heaven.
See the comparison below and quotes the Bible and then the Roman Catholic Catechism's response.
1. Justification is by faith in what God accomplished in Christ (Rom. 5:1). Rome
says initial justification is by water baptism (1992).
2. Justification is by grace apart from works (Titus 3:7; Rom 11:6). God justifies those who do
not work (Rom. 4:5; Gal. 2:16). Those justified receive the gracious gift of Christ’s righteousness (Rom. 5:17). Rome says
justification must include good works (2010). “If anyone says that the sinner is justified by faith alone, let him be anathema” (Trent, Canon) 9). Rome says re-justification must be merited by making satisfaction for sins through works of mercy, prayer, service to neighbors, etc. (1459, 1460, 2027). This is a false Gospel by Rome!
3. Justification is by imputation or crediting of Christ’s completed righteousness
to one justified (2 Cor. 5:21; Rom. 4:5). Rome says justification is by infusion of God’s righteousness which renews the
interior man (1989).
Left picture: The Office of the Inquisition was set up
by the Roman Catholic Church in order to be systematic and train carefully sadistic men to torture real Christians or anyone who went against their
doctrine--this was done in secret rooms whereas executions were public.
(See Fox's Book of Martyrs
not Corrupted.)
The Council of Trent condemned "Justifying Faith" millions of Bible believing Christians; they were martyred during the Middle Ages, especially in the "Inquisition" (run by the Jesuits) under the Roman Catholic Church--3 million Protestants killed and the "30 Years War" where millions were killed. (See Roman Catholicism Today -- PDF by Dr. Robert A. Morey.)
Here are some of the curses from Rome if one believes that you are “justified” through grace alone, through faith
alone, in Christ alone. See The Council of Trent's positions at the the following link (CARM)
If anyone shall say that justifying faith is nothing else than confidence in the divine mercy which remits sins for Christ’s sake, or
that it is this confidence alone by which we are justified: let him be anathema [cursed].13
If anyone shall say that by the said sacraments of the New Law, grace is not conferred from the work which has been worked [ex opere operato]
but that faith alone in the divine promise suffices to obtain grace: let him be anathema.14
For further information, see
As stated above this does not imply that there are no true Christians in the Roman Catholic Church or Eastern Orthodox Churches. We know Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox members who trust in the person and work of Christ alone as the only basis of forgiveness and do not worship idols, saints or Mary and we expect to see them in Heaven.
Sub-topic B. What did the Reformers and 20th century Protestant theologians say about Roman Catholicism and the Pope?
Dr. Gerstner (1914 -- 1996, a graduate from Harvard University) , Dr. Charles Hodge (1797 -- 1878) and Rick Warren (false teachings)
and the Council of Trent
Men and women, this involves the very Gospel of Jesus Christ itself, which Warren as a pastor who would be sent by the Lord is supposed to
preach publicly, not just privately affirm while meeting with his critics. The doctrine of salvation is no minor issue and Warren also happens to
be a pastor with the Southern Baptist Convention, which is still—at least for now—reputed to be a Protestant denomination. Further Warren has also
even claimed he is a “Kuyper-Calvinist.”
A quote from Dr. Gerstner (1914 -- 1996) from his article entitled History of the Doctrine of Justification
(The History of
Justification by Dr. Gerstner ), that was published by AMP, begins:
“The doctrine by which the church stands or falls.” So said Martin Luther about justification by faith alone.
John Calvin agreed, calling justification by faith the “hinge” of the Reformation.
Dr. Gerstner then correctly informs us:
It was not until the Council of Trent (1545-1563) that justification was officially confirmed as a process based on human
merit derived through divine grace. This was the article in Session VI, Canon 7 of the Council of Trent which led the Roman Catholic Church away from
the orthodox teaching on justification.
Dr. Charles Hodge (1797 -- 1878)
The doctrine of justification speaks to what happens because Christ Jesus rescues from death and Hell all sinners who will believe. Let
me give you a little working knowledge as we get set to wrap up this message. Here is a good brief definition for what the historic orthodox Christian
Church means by justification. Dr. Charles Hodge (1797-1878) esteemed professor of theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, before the
Cult of Liberal Theology swallowed it whole, writes:
Justification is defined in the Westminster Catechism, “An act of God’s free grace, wherein He pardoned all our sins, and accepteth
us as righteous in His sight, only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, and received by faith alone”
(Systematic Theology, Vol. III, 114).
As simply as it can be stated—the Bible teaches that justification happens the nanosecond a human being through God’s grace alone,
truly places his complete trust in Christ alone by faith alone. And it is the act whereby God as the righteous Judge declares a guilty sinner
instantaneously absolved of his sins by crediting the merit of perfect life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to the believer.
A quote from Apprising Ministries about Rick Warren and the Gospel:
But this proper Biblical Gospel preached by Christ’s Apostles is literally cursed by the Roman Catholic Church.
As our expert witness I’ll call in Dr. Ron Rhodes, who even praises Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life,
and could hardly be considered a hostile witness. In his book Reasoning from the Scriptures with Catholics Dr. Rhodes
tells us, “One of the greater challenges in engaging in discussions with Roman Catholics involves the issue of salvation.”
Dr. Charles Hodge (12/27/1797 - 06/19/1878, Presbyterian Theologian and taught at Princeton)
Charles Hodge, who was not part of the Reformation, stated that the Reformers believed the Roman Catholic Church was a false church. A quote
from Hodge (1846),
Professor Thornwell very correctly remarked, in his effective speech before the General Assembly, that
it is very plain that though the Reformers denied Rome to be the true church, they admitted her to be in some sense a church.
The fact is, they used the word true as Turrettin does, as implying conformity with the true mode or standard. They made a distinction
between a description of a church including all the excellencies such a body ought to possess; and a definition including nothing but what is essential
to the being of a church. It is to the danger of confounding between these two things, that the foregoing remarks are directed.
Note: Dr. Charles Hodge was arguing baptism and debating the statement that her to be in some sense
a church--yes, there are true Christians in the organization. The Reformers saying that Rome is an apostate church is not implying that there were
no true Christians in the Roman Catholic Church or it does not have some true mode—the elect always existed, which is the true
church. The elect can be in a heretical organization and still belong to the true church,
which are all the true believers. However, this does make the official Roman Catholic Church a true church and not apostate.
It is an apostate church or super cult. For example, Worldwide Church of God during the reign of Herbert Armstrong was a cult and it did have
a false Gospel. Where there true Christians in the organization? Yes. But many were deceived and went into perdition.
Martin Luther (11/10/1482 -- 02/18/1546, one of the great Reformers and his 95 theses)
A quote from "Luthers's works,"
I believe the pope is the masked and incarnate devil because he is the Antichrist. As Christ is God incarnate, so the Antichrist is
the devil incarnate. The words are really spoken of the pope when it’s said that he’s a mixed god, an earthly god, that is , a god of the
earth. Here god is understood as god of this world. Why does he call himself an earthly god, as if the one, almighty God weren’t also on the earth? The kingdom of the pope really signifies the terrible wrath of God, namely, the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place. (Luther’s Works, vol.54, Table Talks, No.4487, p.346) (source)
Also, read Martin Luther’s "Commentary on Galatians." The Reformation was about “Justification.”
Martin Luther made this clear that Galatian’s 1:8 was referring to a false gospel that Rome was preaching. New American Standard Bible
"But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be
Martin Luther,
It’s also beyond question that Martin Luther himself considered Roman Catholicism apostate. And…um, I’m actually being quite kind to put it that way. Here’s a small sample of what Luther said about the Church of Rome:
Since the papal church not only neglects the command of Christ but even compels the people to ignore it and to act against it, it is certain that it is not Christ’s church but the synagogue of Satan which prescribes sin and prohibits righteousness. It clearly and indisputably follows that it must be the abomination of Antichrist and the furious harlot of the devil.[2]
John Calvin (07/10/1509 -- 05/27/1564, French theologian and Reformer in Geneva, Switzerland)
A quote from an article: CSM is producing a sappy sentimentalism trying to pass for the genuine and robust Christian faith. This article is designed to bring you some historical fact to cut through this postmodern fog. For example, following is the position of Church Reformer John Calvin who said of the Roman Catholic Church:
[F]alsehood prevails under the Papacy. Hence the Papacy is not a Church… There, instead of the ministry of the word, prevails a perverted government, compounded of lies, a government which partly extinguishes, partly suppresses, the pure light. In place of the Lord’s Supper, the foulest sacrilege has entered, the worship of God is deformed by a varied mass of intolerable superstitions; doctrine (without which Christianity exists not) is wholly buried and exploded, the public assemblies are schools of idolatry and impiety…
Therefore while we are unwilling simply to concede the name of Church to the Papists we do not deny that there are churches among them. The question we raise only relates to the true and legitimate constitution of the Church, implying communion in sacred rites, which are the signs of profession, and especially in doctrine. Daniel and Paul foretold that Antichrist would sit in the temple of God, (Dan. 9: 27; 2Th 2: 4); we regard the Roman Pontiff as the leader and standard-bearer of that wicked and abominable kingdom.
Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones ( 12/20/1899 -- 03/01/1981, a great Bible believing Welsh Protestant minister and medical doctor that was a minister at Westminster Chapel in London and opposed liberal (false) Christianity. He told Evangelicals in the Anglican church and other organizations to leave if they were going against the Bible on important matters. Dr. Lloyd-Jones also rebuked Billy Graham for preaching a watered down Gospel and psychologically manipulating the audience to make a commitment--Graham filled the churches with unregenerate people. Graham modeled his preaching on Charles Finney, who was considered a heretic.
A quote from Apprising Ministries: That is the question you have to face. For myself I do not hesitate about the answer. This system is altogether more dangerous than is Communism itself, because this is a counterfeit, this does it in the “name” of Christ…
No, the Protestant Reformers were not just bigoted zealots, they were not just fools. These men had their eyes opened by the Holy Spirit.
That is what happened to Luther, that is what happened to Calvin, that is what happened to Knox, that is what happened to all of them.
These men had their eyes opened, they saw it, they saw this horrible monstrosity depicted in the Bible in the warnings against it, and at the risk of even losing their lives they stood up and they protested. They said that it was not true.
So they began to assert justification by faith, the supreme, final, adequate authority of the Scriptures, the universal priesthood of all believers and so on. They were ready to die for those truths, and many did die for them! (Online source) D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
What did J. Gresham Machen (07/28/1881 -- 01/01/1937), a Presbyterian theologian in the 20th century who formed the Westminister Theological Seminary because Princeton went liberal and the OPC churches, have to say
about Rome?
Gresham Machen on Unity of the Church--he stated you cannot have unity with Rome or Liberal Protestant Churches, especially with their doctrine on "the Vicarious Atonement" or "The Church" --in other words, they define the Church differently than the Bible. It is their organization.
...For example, it is not narrow to reject the Roman Catholic doctrine that there is no salvation outside the Church. It is not narrow to try to convince Roman Catholics that that doctrine is wrong. But it would be very narrow to say to a Roman Catholic: “You may go on holding your doctrine about the Church and I shall hold mine, but let us unite in our Christian work, since despite such trifling differences we are agreed about the matters that concern the welfare of the soul.” For of course such an utterance would simply beg the question; the Roman Catholic could not possibly both hold his doctrine of the Church and at the same time reject it, as would be required by the program of Church unity just suggested...
...But to suppose that a man can hold to the vicarious sacrifice of Christ and at the same time belittle that doctrine, to suppose that a man can believe that the eternal Son of God really bore the guilt of men’s sins on the Cross and at the same time regard that belief as a “trifle” without bearing upon the welfare of men’s souls − that is very narrow and very absurd...
Gresham Machen wrote Christianity and Liberalism in the 1920s to defend orthodox Christianity against liberalism.
Gresham was dealing with liberalism in Christiandom and dealt with laws against Christian schooling (Gresham Machen had his churches use the Westminster Confession, which condemned Rome) Here are some quotes from an article entitled "Gresham Machen Friend to Catholics?" :
Mistakenly thinking the great Presbyterian theologian J. Gresham Machen had written a book on Catholicism and wanting to give it as an example of Protestant apologetics in yesterday’s item , I googled the subject and found that he didn’t, but he did say this in his book Christianity and Liberalism :
Far more serious still is the division between the Church of Rome and evangelical Protestantism in all its forms. Yet how great is the common heritage which unites the Roman Catholic Church, with its maintenance of the authority of Holy Scripture and with its acceptance of the great early creeds, to devout Protestants today!
We would not indeed obscure the difference which divides us from Rome. The gulf is indeed profound. But profound as it is, it seems almost trifling compared to the abyss which stands between us and many ministers of our own Church. The Church of Rome may represent a perversion of the Christian religion; but naturalistic liberalism is not Christianity at all.
He had some thoughts on how such divided Christians could face their division, noted by our friend Darryl Hart . Machen’s thoughts appear in a discussion of pernicious laws against Christian schooling — which he called the clearest “attack upon tolerance in America” — being proposed in the mid-twenties:
Against such tyranny, I do cherish some hope that Jews and Christians, Roman Catholics and Protestants, if they are lovers of liberty, may present a united front. I am for my part an inveterate propagandist; but the same right of propaganda which I desire for myself I want to see also in the possession of others.
Former Priests
A few quotes from Berean Beacon, Reformed Forum on Roman Catholicism,,, etc.
What happened in the hearts and minds of Roman Catholic priests during the time of the Great Reformation continues today just as in every succeeding generation. Eyes and ears are opened to the truths proclaimed in the infallible authority of the Holy Scriptures. Watch the remarkable stories of these priests and nuns who have taken a stand on the Word of God.
Articles of Confession in the Reformed Angelican Church and the Westminster Confession in the Presybeterian Church?
There is nothing wrong with creeds, but the Bible still has to be the "ultimate authority." The 39 Articles of Confession in the Reformed Angelican Church do not say whether Rome is a true or a false church. Also, the Anglican Church used to have 42 Articles (1552) that condemned "Universalism" and "Annihilationism" in 1552 and then removed it 10 years later--I guess they took the high view. Richard Hooker, who was not a Reformer, but was considered a compromiser. He was heading back to Rome and was an adherent to Aristotle (Greek philosophy that the Apostles and Reformers rejected). I would suggest reading the book entitled "The Greatest Century of Reformation" by Dr. Peter Hammon.
Mary Tudor suppressed the 42 Articles when she returned England to the Catholic faith; however, Cranmer's work became the source of the 39 Articles which Elizabeth I established as the doctrinal foundations of the Church of England. There are two editions of the 39 Articles: those of 1563 are in Latin and those of 1571 are in English.
3 Articles Removed were: 40. Condemned soul sleep or Annihilationism, 41. fable of Heretickes called Millenarii, be repugnant to holie Scripture, and 42. Against Univeralism.
40. The soulles of them that departe this life doe neither die with the bodies nor sleep idlie.
41. Heretickes called Millenarii.
42. All men shall not bee saved at the length.
The status of the Thirty-nine Articles varies in the several churches of the Anglican Communion. Since 1865 Church of England clergy have had to declare only that the doctrine in the articles is “agreeable to the Word of God.” In the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, where the articles were revised in 1801 to remove references to royal supremacy, neither clergy nor laity is required formally to subscribe to them. In 1977 the articles were relegated to an appendix in the revised prayer book. Also, see Reformed Episcopal Seminary -- 39 Articles and History
Note: The Westminster Confession is more detailed and does condemn Rome-- (see page 76, VI).
Beware of John Piper's "Final Salvation" and the decline of Sola Fide at the Last Day. Piper's 2006 book entitled "What Jesus Demands from the World"
When Protestants Err on the Side of Rome: John Piper, "Final Salvation," and the Decline and Fall of Sola Fide at the Last Day (Part I)
Beware of John Piper's "Final Salvation" and the decline of Sola Fide at the Last Day. Piper's 2006 book entitled "What Jesus Demands from the World" states in Demand #21 that Jesus will send some "believers to hell because they really failed to love their follow believers." Piper means "final justification" when he speaks of "final salvation." Piper twists Matthew 7:21-23 into requiring good works from believers for them to attain heaven. However, the bible says something different: Christ condemns these professing believers because they present their works as their hope of "attaining heaven at the last judgment. The heart of the Protestant doctrine of justification contradicts Rome's analytic or subjective justification. Romans 3:10-20 teaches Christ's righteousness which is extra nos outside of us (imputed) in contrast to Rome and the Council of Trent. Piper affirms his false teaching that "love and obedience--inherent righteousness" is required for heaven. Just like Rome, Piper teaches" inherent righteousness" and "good works" at the last judgment will determine if you get to heaven--so he affirms forensic justification, but contradicts himself because his view on believers cannot be forensically justified now, but must wait until the final judgment for God to evaluate their personal works of holiness and be legally declared worthy of entering heaven. False. God legally paradons a sinner and is also referred to as "synthetic justification--irreversible. (Romans 8:1, I Peter 2:24 and John 19:30.)
Warning: If you have so-called Evangelical and Reformed Churches saying that the doctrine of "justification" was just a semanitc mistake (and the Reformation was not over justification, yes, there were other issues involved such as the Bible as the "ultimate authority", "indulgences", "Election",etc.) and Rome is not preaching a false gospel, then the pastor is either ignorant or he is going liberal or apostate. If your Bishop, especially from a Reformed church, tells you that Rome is in error over "infused righteousness," but still a valid church and then brings up a false comparision that we fellowship with Baptists and other Christians denominations even " though we do not agree on everything" is an Apostate and an idiot. A Bible believing organization will never deny the essentials such as "justification is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone." That is why different denominations can fellowship with each other--they agree on the essentials that includes the Bible is the ultimate authority, Trinity, original sin, and that you are saved by Christ's "imputed righteousness." The above is referring to the organization not every individual in the Roman Catholic Church; we realize that there are true believers in the organization and that they believe Christ saved them by His sacrifice alone and reject a works-based salvation.
Q37. What is the "Deep State?"
Left image: President Trump fights the "Deep State." Trump is not a globalist.
The Wicked Shall be turned into hell, And all the nations that forget God (Psalm 9:17, NKJV) "...He will crush kings on the Day of His wrath. He will judge nations, heaping up the dead and crushing the rulers of the whole earth" (Psalm 110:5-6)
What is the "Deep State?" It is a state within a state, a shawdow government, that manipulates policies of the visible government without regard to the U.S. Constitution, laws enacted by the Congress and the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, who is going to remove them from Planet Earth. They (military, intelligence officials, DOJ, government officials, etc. that sold out -- there are still many patriots and God Fearing people that work in government such as the CIA, FBI & NSA that have not sold out) want to submerge the United States into a New World order (One-World Government/One World Religion -- the Mark of the Beast (666)), which is oppossed to President Trump. And the Deep State behind the Deep State are (1) The Council on Foreign Relations, (2) the Trilateral Commission, (3) Bilderberg and more. Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones are powerful elements (funded by very very rich individuals and corporations). See articles by the John Birch Society on the "Deep State" below. Interview: Pople Francis, the False Prophet, Calls for Infowars to be Shut Down (05/05/18) -- Globalists want to silence all dissenting voices
Religion & False Churches Update: The Reformation at 500 & The Evangelical Deep State & Liberals May Win control of Largest U.S. Protestant Denomination & The Purge (08/06/18)
Note: The "Deep State" Democrats with the help of some Neo-con Republicans (false Republicans, who are really far left Democrat globalists) are deplatforming conservative, Christian, Constitutional, Libertarian, etc. social media sites and cancelling their payment processors--if you are a dumb Christian, please read what is going on and also read the Book of Revelation. The U.S. Deep State is working with the EU and China to institute a totalitarian/fascist state and one-world government.
Who are the People behind the Media Scene? Excerpt from an article entitled Deep State & Fake News by William F. Jasper from The New American Magazine dated May 08, 2017,
"The public sparring between the "intelligence community" and Donald Trump -- first as president-elect candidate, and then as president -- has exposed the dangerous consequences of congressional dereliction in allowing the intelligence agencies to run for decades without accountability. Equally important, it has exposed the degress to which the MSM (CNN, the New York Times, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.) have become mere adjuncts of the CIA, NSA, DNI, FBI, etc. However, there is another three-letter acronymn that gets short shrift, but is of paramount importance, in all the heated discussion over the currently unfolding Deep State machinations: CFR, for Council on Foreign Relations, the globalist Brain Trust for Deep State operations. While critics on the Right and the Left denounce the surveillance abuses, invasions of privacy, political interference (at home and abroad), secret wars, assassination, and other immoral and illegal "intelligence community" practices, they evince a curious and stubborn reluctance to mention the CFR, the 500-lb gorilla in the room."
Ruling Class Journalist: The Washington Post's David Ignatius (CFR/CIA), a frequent "expert" commentator on many MSM platforms, epitomizes the media elites who shill for the globalist New World Order.
..."Left-wing journalist and Deep State crtic Glenn Greenwald perceptively Tweeted:"'Very significant it's David Ignatius who broke story of Flynn talking to the Russians since he's long been [an] all-but-official CIA media spokesman"'....
..".How many of the above-named newshounds and their hundreds of CFR brethren are actually paid operatives of the intelligence agencies? That is a very important question, since recent history shows that a great many influential media folk have been in bed with the "intelligence community." Although the existence of the CIA’s Project Mockingbird was known for decades, it was not officially confirmed until 2007. In the past few years and months, several million more documents have been released by the CIA, thanks to leaks and FOIA lawsuits, revealing the alarming degree to which the CFR-run intelligence community is politicized and how, in turn, the CFR-CIA Deep State operatives weaponized the American media into a fearsome propaganda network. The list of those who were key participants in that network reads like a Who’s Who of America’s “prestige press” during the 1950s, '60s, and '70s: the owners, publishers, and editors of the Washington Post and New York Times; magazine and television network executives and reporters; nationally syndicated columnists; and news wire services"...
Obama Caught Meeting with Tech Giansts Ahead of Internet Censorship (08/28/18) --
Planned destruction of free speech in America is here
Breaking! Tech Companies Meet in Secret To Steal 2018 Election (08/25/18) -- Left desperate to win midterms; & Emergency! Deep State/Democrats Preparing False Flag Attacks Against Media/Big Tech to Steal Election (08/16/18) -- Next stage of media censorship agenda set to begin.
Special Report: Has China Taken Over America? (Video; 09/29/18) -- America fighting to resist Communist China's massive influence (President Trump Condemned China at the UN for Meddling in our 2018 Elections) & Giving China to the Communists
History Background: John Birch, an Army Officer and Christian in World War II, which the John Birch Society got its name, was tortured and betrayed by the U.S. government in China. Our government (United States) then turned over China to Mao Zedong (1893 -- 1976) in 1949. Mao, who ruled from 1949 -- 1976, was a communist mass murderer (45 million people). When the Air Force aided the CIA in the turnover of North Korea to China, the Army in the 1950s got very angry and suspicious of the CIA and then started "stay behind net-works" around the world. Obama Quietly Signs The "Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act" Into Law for 2017. It passed the Senate on Dec. 8, 2016 and then was inserted in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act that put 3 billion in a CIA leftist group and then they hired the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, etc. to lie about President Trump, Roger Stone, etc. according to Alex Jones of Infowars. See Obama Quietly Signs The "Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act" Into Law --by ZeroHedge & Stay Behind Net-Work & What Obama did with the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act & Poverty, Crime And Human Feces: The Worst Cities in America Are The Ones Being Run By Democrats (09/27/18) -- If we keep doing what we have been doing, we are going to keep getting the same results.
Q38. Understanding the Gift of Tongues
The PDF article gives a biblical exegesis (hard rules of grammar and syntax ) of Scripture on the topic.
Understanding The Gift of Tongues-- PDF
Q39. What Proof Exists that Jesus Rose From the Dead
What Proof Exists That Jesus Rose From the Dead?--PDF
Q40. Did Apostle Paul say in Phil. 2 "every Knee will bow"? And the "name above all names" is not Jesus but "Lord" (Kurios/YHWH)?
A quote from Dr. Robert A. Morey from his book entitled How the Bible is Mistranslated, Misquoted, and Misapplied by Those Who Claim to Love It Most, page 12:
I have preached on verse abuse in some of the great evangelical churches in America. This has sometimes resulted in my not being asked back to preach!
I was asked to fill the pulpit of a well-known evangelical church while the pastor was away. I hold him in the highest esteem as a pastor as a man of God. I preached on Phil. 2 and demonstrated that the “name above all names” is not Jesus but “Lord" (Kurios/YHWH) and that Paul did NOT say “every knee will bow” but “every knee SHOULD bow” (aorist subjunctive hina clause). Every mouth and every tongue “ought to” right now acknowledge Jesus as Lord.
Paul did NOT say in Phil. 2 that everyone “WILL” one day acknowledge Jesus as Lord. So, all the sermons you have heard or preached that, “Even on the hot pavement of hell everyone will confess Jesus is Lord” are WRONG!
When the pastor returned, some of the old ladies in his church were very angry over my statement that “Jesus was NOT the name above all names.” Even though I cited the support of the best Greek scholars, it did not matter. The pastor submitted to the little old ladies who cried out, “Jesus is “the name above all names.”
I sent that pastor many pages from great commentaries and Greek grammar books, but his response shocked me, “Bob, I don’t care what the Greek says. In this church Jesus is the name above all names.”
Dear Pastors, it is your responsibility as a good shepherd to teach your people the truth as it is in Jesus. Don’t let man-made traditions silence you. If you must choose between what the Bible teaches and what a song says, go with Scripture. Conform the song to the Bible, not the Bible to the song.
Q41. Does the Bible teach Exclusive Psalmody?
The issue of church music must be approached with great carefulness and seriousness because it concerns a very personal aspect of the worship of God. Read the small book below on PDF.
An Examanation of Exclusive Psalmody -- PDF
Q42. Did Old Testament Saints have the Holy Spirit "in" Them? Excerpt from Studies in the Atonement, by Dr. Robert A. Morey, pages 275 - 278 (Book can be obtained at
Objections Answered
The Holy Spirit did not indwell people to salvation in the Old Testament? Until Pentecost, the Holy Spirit only came "upon" believers. John said that the Holy Spirit had not been given before Pentecost in John 7:39. If this is true, how could salvation in the Old Testament be the same as in the New Testament?
It is not true that the Holy Spirit is said to only come "upon" Old Testament believers. If you turn to Gen. 41:38 you find that the Holy Spirit was "in" Joseph. If you compare Numbers 27:18 with Deuteronomy 34:9 you will find that the Holy Spirit came "upon" Joshua because the Holy Spirit was "in" him beforehand. Daniel was a man in whom the Holy Spirit indwelt (Dan. 4:8, 9, 18; 5:11,14; 6:3). The Apostle Peter states plainly in 1 Peter 1:11 that the Spirit of Christ was "in" the Old Testament prophets. The Apostle Paul in 2 Cor. 4:13 clearly quotes Psalm 116:10 as proving that David along with New Testament believers possessed the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist had the filling of the Holy Spirit from a child (Luke 1:15). Jesus taught that Old Testament believers experienced regeneration by the Holy Spirit for not only does he invite Nicodemus to receive the new birth (John 3:3, 5) but he also tells him that it is Old Testament teaching (John 3:10). In John 14:17 Jesus said that the Holy Spirit already indwelt his disciples. The King James Version reads "shall be in you" but the better Greek reading shows "is in you." J.C. Ryle comments, "He is actually in you now, and shall always be in you, and never leave you." In John 20:22, Jesus communicated the Holy Spirit to His disciples. In addition to the above plain statements of Scripture, Romans 8:9-11 and 1 Corinthians 2:10-16 make the indwelling of the Holy Spirit essential to salvation. No one could be saved without the indwelling of the Spirit.
It is not true that Pentecost was the first occasion of the indwelling of the Spirit or that salvation for the disciples began at Pentecost.
We must understand the meaning of Pentecost as follows:
The words of Jesus - (Luke 24:46-49; Acts 1:8)
Jesus taught that Pentecost would mean power for the preaching of the Gospel. Not once is salvation or the indwelling of the Holy Spirit mentioned in connection with Pentecost. The disciples were already saved (Luke 10:20; John. 15:13, 4, 5; 17:14, etc.)
The account given in Acts - (Acts 2:1-4)
There is not one word about salvation or the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The key phrase of Pentecost is found in verse 4 - "filled with the Holy Spirit." The phrase means they were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and does not mean the indwelling or sealing of the Holy Spirit for salvation. Examine the following passages:
• The same group of disciples were again "filled with the Holy
Spirit" in Acts 4:31.
• Stephen was a man "filled with the Holy Spirit" and that meant he was filled with spiritual power (Acts 6:5 of 6:8, 7:55, 56).
• Peter was "filled with the Holy Spirit" for his preaching (Act 4:8). Throughout Acts there are numerous examples.
• Paul commands us as Christians "to be filled with the (Holy) Spirit" (Eph. 5:18).
• A Biblical theological approach would see a gradual unfolding of the concept of being Spirit-filled in order to speak God's word. Notice the
connection between "filling" and "speaking" in Numbers11:25; Luke 1:15; Matt. 3:16, Acts 51:8; 4:8 and Ephesians 5:18, 19.
John did not in fact say that "the Holy Spirit was not yet given
because Jesus was not yet glorified," because the word "given" is not in the Greek. Thus, John was not referring to the normal saving operations of the Spirit in bringing sinners to salvation. But rather, he was
referring to the unique and special outpouring of the Spirit of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit was poured out abundantly by Christ as
His reward from the Father for His obedience in life and death (Acts 2:32, 33). It is better to read John 7:39,
"The Holy Spirit had not yet been poured out."
The Old Testament saints were under the Old Covenant/Mosaic Covenant while we are under the New Covenant. It only stands to reason that they could not have partaken of New Covenant blessings before the New Covenant was instituted.
• The New Covenant was revealed in the Old Testament, thus it is not uniquely a New Testament Truth (see Jer. 31:31-34; Ezk. 11:19-21; 36:26, 27).
• The Old Testament believer received New Covenant blessings from God by virtue of the eternity of the cross, because to God these blessings were secured for them in Christ.
1. Did not the believer in the Old Testament experience regeneration; (see John 3:3. 10; Deut. 10:16 cf. Col. 2:11; Deut 30:6,
Jer. 4:4; Ezk.
18:31, etc.).
2. Did not God write His Law on their hearts (see Psa. 37:31;
40:8; lsa. 57:7)?
3. Did they not receive forgiveness of their sins (see Psa. 32:1. 2. 103:1-14, 10-12, 130:4, lsa. 1:18, 38:17; Micah 7:19. 8:18, etc.).
Scofield taught that the sins of Old Testament believers were not really forgiven, but that they were only "covered" until Christ died (see N. 1 p. 110 and N. p. 649).
But if "covered" does not mean unconditional and full forgiveness, then we are not yet forgiven because James 5:20 says,
Let him know, that he who converts a sinner from the error of his way shall save
a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.
4. Did not God preserve His saints in Old Testament times (Psa. 37:23-28)?
5. Were not the Old Testament saints "in Christ" as we are told that the Spirit of Christ was "in them" and that they received life from Christ (1 Pet. 1:11; 1 Cor. 10:4)?
Was it not by virtue of their union with Christ that they were saved? They were "in Christ" thousands of years before He came, just as truly as we are "in Him" thousands of years after He died, even from all eternity.
In summary, Old Testament saints possessed New Covenant blessings by virtue of their union with their Covenant Head, the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no Biblical warrant for the teaching that Old Testament saints were saved by works and that they did not possess the same essential salvation as we do today. They were saved by faith alone in Christ alone.
Note: Page 262, "Since the death of Christ is a fact from all eternity because it is a fact of time, the redemptive effects of Christ's work are applied to sinners before Christ came as well as after he came. It is just as easy for God to save an Old Testament saint two thousand years before Christ came as it is to save you or me two thousand years after He came. The benefits of Christ's death are equally applied before and after it was historically accomplished. The Old Testament saints experienced the same salvation as we do today, i.e. the salvation which flowed from the work of Jesus Christ. The Old Testament saints were not saved by their works, but by the work of Another. If salvation were possible through obedience to the Law, "Christ died in vain" according to the Apostle Paul in Gal. 2:21. The eternity of the cross guarantees the same salvation in all ages." Page 260, "God sees all of time from beginning (A) to end (Z). Everything which we call "past" and "future" is present to Him who sees all. Thus each incident which happens in time is, at the same time, a fact of eternity. God does not have to wait until something happens before He can know about it. God's omniscience guarantees that He knows about everything past, present, and future." (See Battle of the Gods for a complete statement.)
Q43: Is the Sabbath a Creation Ordinance? or was it instituted under the Mosaic Covenant, which is now Defective & Obsolete? Is it binding on Christians in the New Covenant?
We are not under the
"Mosaic Covenant"-- there are four (4) covenants in the Old Testatment (see Q31 titled: There are four (4) Covenants in the Bible that most Christians do not understand) and see the 9 Part article series on the Sabbath below.
A quote from the book entitled How the Old & New Testaments Relate to Each Other, pages 151 & 152 (see by Dr. Robert A. Morey,
The hard-exegetical facts are that there is not a single command, example or explanation for Sabbath-keeping in the Creation account. There is absolutely nothing in Genesis 1-3, or elsewhere, to warrant the assumption that Sabbath-keeping was a creation ordinance. This Sabbatarian argument is not based on Scripture.
"But isn't the Sabbath creation ordinance found in Genesis 2:1-3?" Answer: No, the word "Sabbath" does not appear in the text. A biblical--theological approach would show that Genesis 2:1-3 is Moses comment looking back to the creation period within the context of his own understanding of the Ten Commandment and not a reference to Adam's understanding at the beginning of history.
It does not say in the text that "man" or "animals" sactified the day or that they rested. It is a simple statement that God's immediate creative acts were over. That God "rested" is clearly an athropomorphic [i.e., atributing human characteristics to God] statement., for God does not get tired and hence does not need rest.
"But the seventh day is mentioned. Doesn't this prove that it is a creation ordinance?" Answer: Not necessarily. Nudity and vegetarianism are also part the creation account. But who would claim these elements as creation ordinances just because they are mentioned? Besides, the seventh day was hallowed, not the first day after the Sabbath (Greek, mia sabbaton) which is Sunday.
Q44: Is the Gospel Message written in the Stars? Did the Magi use Astrology to find the infant Christ in Matthew 2 by means of a Horoscope?
Image: Crab Nebula by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope (first recorded by the Japanese and Chinese in 1054 AD)
The Bible, the Judaism of the Old Testament and the Christianity of the New Testament opposed any form of astrology. What about the Wise Men? Where they not astrologers and used the horoscope? The Living Bible mistranslated "wise men" in Luke 2 by using "astrologers." With the reintroduction of Greek Philosophy by Thomas Aquinas (via Aristotle) back into favor, the Roman Catholic Church, that grew more corrupt, turned to the old pagan foundations of Western culture. By the time of the Renaissance, the Roman Catholic royal class and ignorant masses adopted "astronomy and astrology" as one and the same science. In many Protestant countries, astrology was forbidden by law, but influenced Queen Elizabeth I and the royal class in England.
First, this is the result of ignorant Christians and pastors such as Kenneth Taylor by assuming the wise men were pagan astrologers. The star that appeared was supernatural because it disappeared, reappeared and remained stationary according to Matt. 2:2, 7, and 9. It was not a conjunction of planets.
Second, the Magi were Gentile converts to Judaism who understood Balaam's statement in Num. 24:7: "A star will come out of Jacob and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel" as a reference to the Messiah. When the Babylonian captivity of the "House of Judah" (starting in 597 B.C.) took place, the Jews took the Torah with them. The prophecy in Num. 24:17 was always interpreted by the Jews as referring to the coming of the Messiah. This interpretation was put into the text of the Targums. Herod was advised by the Rabbis that the text was messianic (see Dr. Robert A. Morey's book entitled "The Trinity.")
Third, these "wise men" (Gentile philosophers) who left paganism and converted to Judaism were led to Israel and found the Messiah by Scripture, not astrological or astronomy charts.
Fourth, the Magi knew about the evil intent of Herod by an Angel warning them to flee (Matt. 2:12). (See the book entitled Horoscopes and the Christian/Reincarnation and Christianity.)
Finally, The Gospel in the Stars is contrary to the Bible's assertion that no one understood God's complete plan of redemption before Christ came (Rom. 16:25-26; 1 Cor. 2:7-8; Eph. 3; Col. 1:26-27; 1 Pet. 1:10-12). Romans 10) makes it clear that the gospel is proclaimed by "Christians preaching the Gospel" (v. 14) who are "sent" (v. 15), referring to Christians on planet earth, not stars in the sky.
Note: (The idea of seeing the gospel message in the stars was popularized by the writings of E.W. Bullinger, a Anglican minister (1837-1913) and J.A. Seiss during the 1800s and Miss Frances Rolleston, 19th century English Classicist & Linguist is credited with formulating the so-called "Gospel in the Stars" theory--12 Zodiac signs pictured in the constellations.) See the following articles: The Gospel Message Written in the Stars by Dr. Danny R. Faulker and Is the Gosepl spelled out in the stars? and The Gospel in the Stars Theory by CRI. A good book: Astronomy and the Bible by Dr. Don DeYoung (Physics)--see Answers in Genesis.
What about General Revelation in the Stars and Sky? Is General Revelation Natural Law?
Man’s condemnation comes from the inherited depravity of Adam (Rom. 5:12-21). Thus the presence or absence of Torah does not determine the condemnation of sinners. We are “born in sin and conceived in iniquity” (Psa. 51:5); we are “already perishing” () from the moment we are conceived (1Cor. 1:18); we are “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2-1-2). Yes, we are guilty from birth because of Adam's imputation of sin. Apostle Paul never tells us that Creation can lead us to salvation. Creation is sufficient to condemn us, but not sufficient to save us. The Gentiles have the light of Creation but suppress (
) the witness of Creation and worship the Creation instead of the Creator (Romans 1:25) because they cannot do otherwise unless God reveals Himself through Special Revelation and grants them repentance and faith. General Revelation is not Natural Law, but God’s activity of revealing Himself (Romans 1:19). However, man’s depravity does not allow God’s revelation to get through. Apostle Paul states that we all,
suppress the truth in unrighteousness
(Rom. 1:18)
For further information, see Q15.
Q45: Could Christ Sin?
There are three theories: 1. Impeccability (from the Latin phrase, non posit peccare--"not able to sin"), 2. Peccability (from the Latin term meaning "sin"); and 3. the 7th Day Adventist Position.
Impeccability (A Historic Reformed Position--a Dialetic: "Yes" and "NO" at the same time). This position states that the Messiah had two attributes "Human" and "Divine." It is known as the hypostatic union (one person of Yeshua/Jesus had two distinct natures) and communicatio idiomatum (the attributes of both the divine and the human nature were ascribed to the single person known as Yeshua/Jesus). He was man of very man and God of very God--Yeshua is worshiped (see Matthew 2:2, 11; 14:33; Hebrews 1:6) and He worshiped the Father (John 17). He was called God (John 20:28; Hebrews 1:8); yet he was also called a man (Mark 15:39; John 19:5). In other words, in this One person we see two attributes: Divine and Human. The man Yeshua was not born into sin--he had no earthy father, but his Father was in heaven and thus He had no imputed sin. He knew no sin and was the spotless Lamb of God (2 Corinthians 5:21 and Isaiah 53:12).
Dr. Robert A. Morey gives the following illustration (Listen to his audio Topic 17 "Could Christ Sin"?) As the man Yeshua (the second Adam), he was capable of temptation, pain, emotions, etc. and capable of sin (Matthew 4:1-11); however, because He was God of very God, He could not sin (His divine nature). What does this mean? Take a pipe cleaner that is welded to a steel beam. Can the pipe cleaner be bent if it is welded to a steel beam? No. Could the pipe cleaner, if speaking in the abstract, be bent if it was not welded to the steel beam? Yes. And another analogy. It is like a tuning fork. When the devil hits the tuning fork of sin in us (created humans in the image of God, but fallen), you vibrate--with Christ it does not vibrate (bounces right off of Him because He was also God).
Note: You also have to take into consideration "Prophecy" and "Eternal Decrees" of God. When God says something is going to happen, it is a 100% certain. There is no chance or probability that is it will not happen! The Lamb of God was "slain from the foundation of the world" (Rev. 13:8). Even what we consider to be chance or luck is under the sovereign control of God (Pro. 16.33). Some translators slip the word "chance" into the English Bible when it never appears in the original text (example 1 Sam. 6:9). The classical words for "chance" and "luck never appear in the Bible....the Hebrew word found in 1 Sam. 6:9 is found elsewhere and is translated "fate" (Ecc. 2:14, 15; 3:19; 9:2), which is the opposite of chance! (See, pages 235--236, The Encyclopedia of Practical Christianity by Dr. Robert A. Morey (
Peccability (a position that states that the "Messiah" had the possiblity of sinning). Most Christians who adhere to this teaching do believe that Christ was without sin and did not sin and God (the 2nd person of the Trinity) cannot sin; however, some think that there was a probability that the man "Yeshua/Jesus" could of sinned. He had the ability to sin. And if the man "Yeshua/Jesus" did sin, God would have to destroy the earth and all humans! This is what Herbert W. Armstrong (1892 - 1986) taught in the Worldwide Church of God! A cult leader--for further information on Armstrongism, click Worldwide Church of God. Liberal Christians believe that Christ could sin and did sin. Also, some Christians misapply Romans 8:3 and think that Christ had a sinful nature on earth and overcame sin by the Holy Spirit--this is a false doctrine. Likeness of sinful nature is not the same thing as having a sinful nature.
Note: The problem with their understanding is that the Messiah was both "man" and "God" and One person. It seems they are separating the two natures/attributes in such a manner as that they are not One person with two natures and do not realize because He (2nd personality of the Trinity) was fully God bonded with the man "Yeshua" (the God Man) and this prevented any temptation from becoming sin. Christ was the fullness of God.
7th Day Adventist Position
The 7th Day Adventists according to Ellen G. White believe that "Yeshua/Jesus" was capable of sin and was born into sin! In other words, they believe "Yeshua/Jesus" had a sinful nature. The Bible states that the Messiah had no sin (2 Corinthians 5:21 and Isaiah 53:12). You have no savior if Christ was a sinner. Ellen G. White (11/26/1827 -- 07/16/1915) is their official prophetess and founder. For further information on Ellen G. White, click the link 7th Day Adventism.
Q46: Was Christ a Nazirite?
Image Left: The Death of Samson (Judges 16:25-34) by
Gustave Doré
(1 January 1866). Samson died when he grasped two pillars of the Temple of Dagon and "bowed himself with all his might"
(Judges 16:30, KJV). Samson was from the Tribe of Dan and was also a Judge of Israel for 20 years. He was a prophet.
Yeshua/Jesus was a Nazarene (e.g., Mark 10:47 and Acts 22:8), but He was not a Nazirite. A reference to Nazarene means one who lived in the town of Nazareth. It was not referring to a "Nazirite." Nazirites are persons who took a Nazirite vow in the Mosaic Covenant. Some were born Nazirites such as Samson or John the Baptist. Numbers 6 gives the details of the Nazirite vow such as abstaining from wine and anything from the vine, cannot shave their head, etc. Yeshua/Jesus drank wine and thus could not be a Nazirite--see the marriage in Cana (John 2:1–11) and the Last Supper Jesus drank wine (Luke 22:17–18), which would not be permitted if He was a Nazirite!
Note: Showing Christ with long hair looking a like an effeminate male is not the Messiah of the Bible. Also, many Christians or pastors use the "false Jesus was a Nazirite doctrine" to try to defend their "abstence from alcohol doctrine" that is unbiblical or other legalistic teachings--living under the law is condemned in the Book of Galatians. It is retrogressive to turn back to the Old Testament laws and be under the "beggarly elements". The ceremonial law is not a reflection of God's character. It is didactic in the prophectic sense of prefiguring the work of the Annointed One--the ceremonies are said to be "only a shadow of good things to come and not the very form itself" (Heb. 10:1) and "imposed until a time of reformation" (Heb. 9:10) --see Q31 for full analysis. The Book of Hebrews tells us that the Mosaic Covenant was defective because it could not provide a redeemed heart to fear God. It was carnal, legal covenant that dealt with such external things as land, wealth, health and one's children (Hebrews 7:18-8:13); What was lamented throughout the Old Testament?,
Oh, that they had such a heart in them, that they should fear Me, and keep all my commandments always, that it may be well with them and with their sons forever! (Deuteronomy 5:29)
The New Covenant is superior in nature and everlasting and it provides man with a new heart to fear God--the law is written into the hearts of the True Saints (Born again believers)--the Old Testament Saints also had the Holy Spirit in them (the Apostle Peter states plainly in I Peter 1:11 that the Spirit of Christ was "in" the Old Testament prophets; see Prince Daniel (Dan. 4:8, 9, 18; 5:11, 14; 6:3), King David (Psalm 116:10) and Joseph, who was second-in-command of Egypt (Gen41:38) all had the Holy Spirit in them--they experienced regeneration and they knew they were born with original sin (Psa. 51:5, 10 & Jeremiah 31:31-33; 32:38-40 & Hebrews 8:8-13; 10:11-18).
There are true Christian believers that adhere to food laws in the "Mosaic Covenant" (there are 4 Covenants in the Old Testament) even though it is not required under the "New Covenant"; this could be for various reasons such as some do not understand the liberty they have under the "New Covenant" and do not have an educated conscience or they just choose not to eat certain foods (personal preference, cultural background or it violates their conscience)---however, Christians (including Pastors) are not authorized per Bible to tell other Christians what they can eat or drink (Alcoholic Berverages) -- see Colossians 2:16 & Romans 14 and the article entitled Alcoholic Beverages in the Bible--PDF or Alcoholic Beverages in the Bible (HTML) that includes an Audio Sermon on the topic of Alcohol and the Bible.. The dumb downed churches in the United States should be more concerned about their members taking dangerous anti-depressant drugs and getting vaccinations, not what they eat or drink! (Prescription Drugs Now Factor in Highter Percentage of Fatal Car Crashes Than Alcohol or Marijuana--Government ignores big pharma dangers.) For further information about this matter and how the 4 Covenants shed light on this topic, see the FAQ Tab--Questions 30, 31 & 32).
Q47: Spiritual Gifts and Are the Offices in the New Testament still Valid Today? Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Elder, Deacon, etc.
Go to for Dr. Robert A. Morey's book entitled The Encyclopedia of Practical Christianity on the topic of Spiritual Gifts and many other topics.
Spiritual Gifts & Offices in the Body -- a 22 page PDF article by Dr. Robert A. Morey & Spiritual Gifts' Sermons (Audio)
There is so much confusion in the bible believing Protestant Churches over offices in the church. I will try to summarize the following points in Dr. Robert A. Morey's article entitled "Spiritual Gifts" above that shows from the Bible (this is the ultimate authority for all true Christians) and commentaries what the offices, titles and gifts are in the body of Christ.
Unfortunately, many of the churches reject many of the offices because they see all these false "apostles" and "prophets" in the so-called Evangelical Church--just because there are counterfeit $100 bills does not mean that real $100 bills do not exist. Calvin called Martin Luther an "apostle." Francis Schaeffer would be an example of an "apostle and prophet" in the 20th century church and gifted church planters, missionaries and apologists as "apostles" today (Schaff, vol. 1, pp. 488--489). The original Twelve (12) Apostles was a one time deal, who formed part of the historic foundation of the church (Eph. 2:20) and ended after their death; however, apostle Paul was not part of the original 12 and other "apostles" are mentioned in the New Testament. See detailed explanation in the above article.
Note: The Office of Evangelism or Apostle or Prophet (some gifted Theologians/Apologists) usually have their own ministry and are distinct and are not under the control of a pastor. The apologist and prophet has to do the dirty work (expose false doctrine, heresy and call out the false apostles, prophets and ministers in the church). A pastor has no authority from God to tell an Apologist or Evangelist where he can preach or control their ministry--we are talking about individuals that actually hold the Office or Title that God has ordained for them (they have their own ministry or organization set-up that is not under the control of a local church. Examples in the 21st century who have the Office of Evangelism or an apostle: Steetlight Ministries with Chuck in NJ that has been Evangelizing for years in such areas as Princeton, NJ, Living Waters (Ray Comfort -- an Evangelist), Frontline Fellowship (Dr. Peter Hammond -- a missionary who is an apostle & Evangelist and was friends with Dr. Robert A. Morey; see Dr. Hammond's lecture on the "Sudan" in CA at Faith Defender's Community Church under College and High School Students (Audio) ) and so on. It is pride on part of any pastor/elder to think being an bishop or elder is the highest title or the most honored in the New Testament no matter what century the church is in. Yes, an elder is to be highly honored in the Bible, but the others 3 titles are more honored when God raises them up.
Let's summarize the ministry offices and gifts:
1. Apostleship (Eph. 4:11)
A. Old Testament Background: In its verb and noun forms, the word "apostle" is used in the Septuagint about 800 times. When used of an office, it referred to people sent forth with delegated authority to teach or govern the people (example: 2 Chron. 17-7-9).
B. Intertestamental Judaism: Between Malachi and Matthew, "apostles" were Jewish missionaries who traveled in the gentile world to teach Jews and convert gentiles.
C. Basic Meaning of "Apostle": Someone "sent out" to be a traveling teacher/missionary.
D. Four Groups of "Apostles" in the New Testament (this is often where the confusion is in the 21st century church). See the article above for a detailed analysis
2. Prophet (Eph. 4:11)
Much confusion has arisen because of the failure to distinguish three different issues.
3. The Office/Position of Prophet
A. The Motivational Gift of Prophecy
B. The Ministry Gift of Prophecy
(See the article above for a detailed analysis.)
4. Evangelist (Eph. 4:11)
A. The Office (Acts 21:8) & (Eph. 4:11)
B. The Ministry (we are not all called to the office of evangelist, but are all called to evangelize their relatives, friends, fellow-workers, etc. (Matt. 28:19: Acts 8:4).
(See the article above for a detailed analysis.)
5. Pastor and Teachers (Eph. 4:11)
A. Paul used two words to describe one office in the church. The grammar of the Greek text reveals that "teachers" cannot be separated from pastors.
B. The New Testament uses different terms to describe the office of "pastor" (Exo. 3:16-18, I Tim 3:2--all pastors must teach, Acts 20:28, I Pet. 5:2).
C. The qualifications: 1 Tim. 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, & I Pet. 5:1-4)
The terms elder, bishop, pastor and teacher are used interchangeably in the New Testament. Example: Acts 20:17, cf. 20:28. (See the article above for a detailed analysis.)
6. Deacons or Deaconesses
Qualifications: Acts 6:1-6 & Phil. 1:1, I Timothy 3:8-13 & I Timothy 3:11
Men: Acts 6:1-6 & Phil. 1:1, I Timothy 3:8-13,
Women: I Timothy 3:11 (Deaconesses), not to be confused with "widow" (women elders who discipled the women in the church, that is, the presbutidas that are called women elders that corresponds with I Timothy 5:9-13 and parrellels closely with the male elders (I Timothy 3:1-7). The "widows" and "deaconesses" are always spoken of as two distinct bodies in Scripture and church history. See Alford, III, p. 347.
Note: The Apostolic Church was very creative in its approach to church offices. The Early Church was dynamic and not static. The 21st Century Church has "Assistant Pastor," Youth Pastor," "Minister of Music," "Board Member," etc. in order to fulfill various cultural needs. These are positions of honor if done Biblically. However, the Church should be careful to maintain "permanent offices" as Elder and Deacon, which are supra-cultural offices and a valid way to relate to every culture. Of course, there seems to be a lack honor in the American Evangelical Churches for the gifts and offices of "apostle", "prophet" and "evangelist"-- American Evangelicals do honor many false apostles and prophets in the church--how sad. Dr. D. James Kennedy gave honor to Francis Schaeffer (a 20th century apostle and prophet) and he spoke in his church and we do give honer to the real missionaries, not the so-called amateur vacation missionaries--see What does it Take to be a Missionary in Frontline Fellowship? & Amaturisation of Missions. If Apostle Paul came to visit the U.S. in the 21st century, he would not be invited in the majority of the Bible believing Churches--he would puke at all the erroneous teachings.
Q48: Did Mary remain a virgin after the birth of Christ? Did Mary have siblings after the birth of Christ? What does the Bible say about the perpetual virginity of Mary?
Image credit: Vladmir Eleusa Icon. Created in the 12th century. File:Vladimirskaya.jpg, Public Domain
We will use the New American Bible (NAB), which is a Catholic translation, to see whether the perpetual virginity of Mary is taught in the Bible. Matthew 1:25 NAB tells us, "He had no relations with her until she bore a son, and he named him Jesus." He, Joseph, did not have sexual relations with her, Mary, UNTIL after she bore a son, Jesus." The meaning of this Scripture is crystal clear. Joseph and Mary did not have sexual relations until after Jesus was born. In Matthew 13:55-56, the New American Bible (NAB) declares, "Is He not the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother named Mary and his brothers James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas? Are not His sisters all with us?" Roman Catholics claim, correctly, that the Greek terms for "brothers" and "sisters" in these verses could also refer to male and female relatives, not necessarily literal brothers and sisters. However, the intended meaning is clear, they thought Jesus to be Joseph’ s son, the son of Mary, and the brother of James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas, and the brother of the unnamed and unnumbered sisters. Father, mother, brother, sister. It is straining the meaning of the text to interpret “brothers” and “sisters” as "cousins" or "relatives" with the mentioning of Jesus’ mother and father. See A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature on the meaning of "Adelphoi" below. Adelphoi can also refer to biological brothers and sisters. Bauer and Danker provide several examples of this usage in non-biblical texts in A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 3rd Edition (BDAG) s.v. ἀδελφός. (Their use of bold and italics.)The pl. can also mean brothers and sisters (Eur., El. 536; Andoc. 1, 47 ἡ μήτηρ ἡ ἐκείνου κ. ὁ πατὴρ ὁ ἐμὸς ἀδελφοί; Anton. Diog. 3 [Erot. Gr. I 233, 23; 26 Hercher]; POxy 713, 21f [97 A.D.] ἀδελφοῖς μου Διοδώρῳ κ. Θαΐδι; schol. on Nicander, Ther. 11 [p. 5, 9] δύο ἐγένοντο ἀδελφοί, Φάλαγξ μὲν ἄρσην, θήλεια δὲ Ἀράχνη τοὔνομα. The θεοὶ Ἀδελφοί, a married couple consisting of brother and sister on the throne of the Ptolemies: OGI 50, 2 [III B.C.] and pap [Mitt-Wilck. I/1, 99; I/2, 103–7, III B.C.]).
Also, a quote from the Bible Hub:
([2] Jesus isn’t just the firstborn of male Christians. So I’m fairly certain that “brothers and sisters/siblings” is Paul’s intended meaning in his use of adelphoi in Romans 8:29 and in numerous other verses in his letters. Romans 8:29 can be compared in several conservative English translations here:
A quote from CARM.ORG,
Words mean what they mean in context
Context is the most significant thing we must look at when determining the meetings of words. The context of Matt.1:25 is, “Now all this took place that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet might be fulfilled, saying, 23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which translated means, “God with us.” 24 And Joseph arose from his sleep, and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took her as his wife, 25 and kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name Jesus.” Matt. 1:22-25). See See article on Hermeneutics by Dr. Robert A. Morey.Why do Catholics believe in the Immaculate Conception?
It is amazing that the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia (NACE) states, "No direct or categorical and stringent proof of the dogma can be brought forward from Scripture." Catholic teaching does put forward some biblical findings, mainly Luke 1:28, when the angel Gabriel said, "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you."The Catholic Encyclopedia is admitting that there is no direct proof from Scripture. Christ said believe His Word, which is the Bible.
Scholarly debate (Video and Audio Debate; Geneva vs. Rome) between Dr. Robert A. Morey and Roman Catholic Apologist Dr. Robert Fastiggi and other audio lectures.
Questions an Answers about the Eucharist.
Quotes below are from the "Cathechism of the Catholic Church (RCC)" Paragraph numbers are in parenthesis. All Bible
quotes are from the Roman Catholic Bible. ( Eucharist--a wafer claimed to contain the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ (1374),
that is to be worshipped, consumed, and sacrificed (1378).)
1. RCC: Denies it is finished. "The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single
sacrifice...the same Christ who offered Himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is contained and offered in an unbloody
manner" (1367). The sacrifice is "offered in reparation for the sins of the living and the dead" (1414).
Response from the Bible: "By one offering He has forever perfected those who are being sanctified" (Hebrews 10:14). "Unlike the other high priests, He does not need to offer daily sacrifices" (Hebrews 7:27, 28).
2. RCC: Teaches that Mary "did not lay aside [her] saving office but by her manifold interession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation." She " Mediatrix" (969). Response from the Bible: Jesus our Advocate and only Mediator. "God is one, one also is the mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (I Timothy 2:5, I John 2:1).Note: Transubstantiation, proclaimed by Pope Innocent III and Confession of sins to priests, instituted by Pope Innocent III(1215 AD). Also,Greek Philosophy helped contribute to the doctrine of transubstantiation. See Natural Theology Lectures.
Q49: Does Satan Know he has a Short Time or a Limited Time here on Planet Earth and God will throw him (Satan) & the Demons into the Lake of Fire?
Image credit: By David Dees.
Yes, Satan with the Demons know that they will be judged and thrown into hell for eternity. Demons know their eventual fate. Satan was defeated when Christ sacrificed Himself on the cross and rose from the dead on the third day. Unfortunately, you have some misled and stubborn Christians and/or pastors teaching that Satan and the Demons believe they are going to defeat God! This is absurd and it shows they cannot exegete the Scriptures properly. There is no salvation for fallen angels/messengers. See Matthew 8:29 & Revelation 12:12 below.
"And behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with You, Son of God? Are You come here to torment us before the time"? (Matthew 8:29). Summary: Demons know the following: 1. They know their limitations; 2.They know that there is one God (James 2:19) and Who Jesus is
(2nd personalisty of the Trinity) and must submit to Him (Mark 1:24); 3. The Demons know they will be judged and their time is limited on planet earth; 4. The Demons
know the identity of Born Again/Born from Above believers and the Saints have power over the Demons (Acts 19:15 & Matthew 10:8).
A excerpt from "New Testmanet Commentary (Revelation) by Simon J. Kistemaker (2001, Second Printing 2002), pages 365-366, on Revelation 12:12,
12. "Therefore, rejoice, O heavens, and they who dwell in them! Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is very angry, because he knows that his time is short."
a. Rejoice! The voice calls the heavens in general and the dwellers in particular to express their joy in the victory Jesus has achieved. The adverb therefore links the preceding verses (vv. 10-11) to the injuction to be glad in the triumph of the Lord. Delivered from the accuser's constant intrusion into God's presence, the heavens now rejoice. Numerous times the heavens are exhorted to express ther joy.26 The twenty-four elders, the four living beings, and all the angels experienced Satan's intrusions that have now come to an end. Thus, neither the heavens nor the saints dwelling there will hear Satan's slanderous accusations any longer. Through Christ's victory heaven itself has been cleansed.
b. Lament! Here is the dividing line between the triumphant church in heaven and the militant Church on earth that resists sin and evil. Now that Satan and his cohorts have been denied entrance into heaven and have been cast down to the earth, the devil is filled with wrath against God's people. He realizes that he has been defeated, that he has been given a limited time here on earth, and that in the short period allotted to him he must unleash his fury. On both land and sea he seeks to deceive and destroy the saints.
The "woe" addressed to the dwellers on earth should not be considered the third woe that is mentioned in 11:14. This woe stands by itself and lacks the differentiation of the definite article (see 9:12 and 11:14). It is used in a general sense, much the same as the double woes uttered by kings, merchants, and seafarers (18:10, 16, 19). The heavenly voice warns the earth and the sea that anguish and distress are coming upon them because of the devil's defeat in heaven. Defeated by the victorious Christ, he now vents his rage against the Christians (compare v. 17).27
Satan knows that the opportunity God has given him is of short duration. It is the same as the three and a half years, the forty-two months, or the 1,260 days mentioned elsewhere (11:2-3; 12:6, 14; 13:5); these indications of time are not to be taken literally but figuratively. The Apocalypse features time not in terms of chronology but as an ideal. This book presents time as an idea in summary form without quantifying it in terms of years or centuries. Not Satan but God controls time and place. Therefore the saints on earth know the limitations of the devil as they rely on God's protective care.
26. Deut. 32:43 LXX; Ps. 96:11; Isa. 44:23; Dan. 3:59 Old Greek and Theod.; Rev. 18:20.
27. Martin Kiddle writes that the devil cannot hurt believers but on "unregenerate mankind." See his Revelation of St. John (reprint, London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1943, p. 235. But in this chapter Satan and his minions war against the saints on earth.
Q50: Is Gog and Magog Russia & China in Revelation 20:7-8? Are the Evangelical Churches in America totally Misled & Ignorant in their Understanding of this verse?
Image credit left: Vladimir Putin in Pokrova Church (Turginovo)-01/07/2016. Attribute
(Russian President Putin is promoting Biblical values (such as outlawing gender operations on minors) and U.S President Biden & many in our government are promoting wickedness (an invasion of the Southern Border, which includes sex trafficking of young kids & the promotion of sex changes (transgenderism) & the promotion of the homosexual agenda for minors--an abomination to God--and trying to start a nuclear war with Russia (Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse before the Great Reset SC by Dr. Peter Hammond (Video presentation) & Is The War in Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse Before The Great Reset? by Dr. Peter Hammond (2022) & Ukraine article: PDF Version), and forced bioweapon Covid-19 vaccine injections (created by DOD and DARPA -- see Biological Weapons News) and every other evil under the sun. There was no insurrection by President Trump on Jan. 6, 2021 (many Federal Agents (FBI) and other Intelligence Officers were instigating and orchestrating violence against the Jan. 6 Americans, who were peacefully protesting (Senior FBI Officials Directed Operation With 200+ Assets Disguised as Trump Supporters On Jan. 6 ) and now Biden, who is run by CIA Operative & former President Obama, is using the Justice Dept. & other Federal Agencies to persecute & prosecute President Trump and make up false charges);however, there was an insurrection by Biden, Democrats, Neocon Republicans and the Deep State in the stolen 2020 Presidential & other elections and are trying to prevent President Trump from running in 2024.
The 2020 election was stolen--see Trump Releases 2020 Election Fraud Report For Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan & Pennsylvania and "Ted Gunderson FBI Section Chief" lays out a laundry list of Domestic Terror attacks perpetrated by different factions of the Deep State; Proves everything Infowars has been saying for years (Video Posted on 08/12/2023). Many in the Evangelical/Protestant Churches are clueless and/or cowards and say nothing. Is not the Lordship of Christ in all Areas of Life taught in the Bible?
An excerpt from the "New Testament Commentary (Revelation)" by Simon J. Kistemaker (2001 & second printing July 2002, pages 542-543), on Revelation 20:7-8,
7. And when the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison. 8. And he will go forth to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them for war, whose number is as the sand of the sea.
By showing the reader different illustrations, John first reveals what happened to the beast and the false prophet who fought a battle against Christ and lost. They were thrown into the lake of fire and burning sulfur (19:19-21). This picture reveals nothing of Satan, but a second one taken from a different point of view exhibits Satan participating in that same battle and losing it. Satan suffers the same fate by being thrown into the lake of burning sulfur. This is the same battle we read of in 19:19, and John is providing two sketches of the same event (see also 16:14).
Near the end of the period between the ascension and return of Christ, Satan will be released from his restrictions. He himself will not break loose from his prison, but God will allow him to freely deceive the nations once more as in the ages prior to the Christian era. This means that he can muster his forces to disperse falsehood worldwide, lead the masses of mankind astry, and wage war against God's people. At present non-Christian religions together with secularism are spearheading the lie, causing humanity to live in spiritual darkness, and fiercely persecuting Christians on every continent.
John writes that Satan "will go forth to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth." The devil gathers his followers from everywhere on the face of this earth, and he controls the masses with the lie. His forces are numberless and a vast army reflects his awesome power. The entire non-Chrisrtian world from east to west and north to south is at his command.
These forces like those of Gog and Magog mentioned in Ezekiel 38 and 39 are pitted against God's faithful people.19 Ezekiel predicted that a vast army from the north would come and invade Israel. The multitude of soldiers would be so large that it would cover the countryside like sand on the seashore (Josh. 11:4; Judg. 7:12; 1 Sam. 13:5). The phrase as sand on the seashore is an idiomatic expression signifying an innumerable multitude.
According to Ezekiel, the invasion takes place during the messianic age, while in Revelation John places the war of Gog and Magog at the conclusion of this gospel age. Gog is the personal name of the prince of Meshech and Tubal in Asia Minor (Ezek. 39:1) and of a descendant of Reuben (1 Chron. 5:4), and ma in Magog may mean "land of Gog" (see Gen. 10:2). The names do not refer to particular nations, for neither Gog nor Magog can be identified with any degree of certainty. They are symbolic terms that allude to extensive forces assembled from "the four corners of the earth," not from one or two nations. According to Augustine, these nations will rise up against the church in a final worldwide protest.20
19. Consult SB, 3:831-40; Dieter Sanger, EDNT, 1:267; Karl Georg Kuhn, TDNT, 1:789-91.
20. Augustine City of God 20:11. See Henry Barclay Swete, Commentary on Revelation (1911; reprint, Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1977, p. 268. Harry R. Boer (The Book of Revelation [Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1979], p. 133) observes that apart from Ezekiel, "the Old Testament does not know a nation by the name of Magog nor a king by the name of Gog. " In Revelation the names are genealogical and do not refer to a specific country and ruler.
Note: The Verse in Revelation 20:9 is referring to the camp of the Saints and the words camp and city are a double symbol describing saints on earth who face spirtual and demonic enemies on a daily basis. The so-called millenium reign (1,000-year reign) is probably referring symbolically to an indefinite period between the ascension of Jesus and his return. Apostle Paul and Peter never mentions a millennial reign on earth, but the 1,000 year reign could refer to fullness. Since Christ's resurrection, Satan has been unable to stop the advance of the gospel message of salvation. During the Old Testament era, only the nation of Israel and a few non-Israelites received God's revelation (Rom. 3:2).
The Book of Revelation is Apocalyptic literature. Dr. Robert A. Morey addresses Revelation in his article entitled Jewish Apocalypticism And Biblical Prophecy (HTML)--topics covered: 1. The failure to understand apocalyptic language to emphasize important non-apocalyptic events in history has led to two errors a. Literalism, and b. Preterism, which is heretical. Other issues addressed in article: The failure to understand this is the main error of present day millennial schemes. They run through the Bible trying to to find chronologies to fit their prophetic views. For example, a. Pre-millennialists, b. A-millennialists, and c. Post-millennialists. All three theories are wrong.
Audio: See Daniel's 70th Week (Click to listen to Audio, 66 minutes, by Dr. Morey) & The End of the World According to Jesus by Dr. Robert A. Morey. Can be purchased at XulonPress. Also, read the following article on prophecy by Dr. Moreyrt A. Morey entitled Bible Prophecy (HTML).
Image credits: Assyrian attack on the "House of Israel" in 732 BC & Babylonian Captivity on the "House of Judah" in 586 BC by James Tissot (1896), Public Domain
Since "Yahwah" is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34), judgement will come on modern Israel as well as the Gentile nations. The House of Israel was invaded by the Assyrians in 732 BC and the House of Judah was invaded by the Babylonians in 586 BC. (Under the Roman Empire In 70 AD, the future Emperor Titus invaded and destroyed Jerusalem and the Second Temple as foretold by Yeshua.) This was a result of disobediance to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe (Yeshua Ha-Maschiah, who was Yahwah). The Abrahamic Covenant & Mosaic Covenant never precluded judgement on the Israelites--they were usually judged first by Yahwah and then the Gentile nations were judged.
Q51: Is Man made up of Three Separate
Entities (Trichotomist)? or Two Entities (Dichotomist)? I Thessalonians 5:23
An excerpt from Book entitled Death and the Afterlife (XulonPress) by Dr. Robert A. Morey, 1984 and updated 2021, pages 68-69,
Since some biblical expositors have taught that man is made up of three separate entities--body, soul and spirit--we shall pause at this point to demonstrate that the words "soul" and "spirit" are actually synonyms and are just different names for the same invisible side of man.
Man's immaterial side is given several different names in Scripture. It has been called the "spirit," "soul," "mind," "heart," "inward parts," etc., of man. The names should not be viewed as referring to separate entities but as descriptions of different functions or relationships which man's immaterial side has. Thus "spirit" and "soul" should not be viewed as separate entities but as describing higher and lower functions and the relationship of man's immaterial side to God and the world. Indeed, spirit and soul are used interchangeably in various passages (Isa. 26:9; Luke 1:46, 47). The fact that they are listed side by side in I Thess. 5:23 should not be viewed in a "substantial sense" but in a functional sense." After all, does Deut. 6:5 or Mark 12:30 mean that man is made up of five parts or entities: heart, soul, mind, strength and understanding? That man's spirit and soul refer to his immaterial side can be seen from the following points:
1. Man's soul/spirit is viewed as being separate from his body (Eccles. 12:7; Isa. 10:18; Matt. 10:28; I Cor. 5:5).
2. Death is said to occur when man's soul/spirit leaves the body (Gen. 35:18; 1 Kings 17:21, 22, KJV--"life" in NASB?; Eccles. 12:7; James 2:26).
3. Man's soul/spirit is the seat of his intellect (Prov. 23:7; 29:11; Mark 2:8; I Cor. 2:11; 14:15; Phil. 1:7, 27; Heb. 12:3).
4. Man's soul/spirit is the seat of his will (Ex. 35:21; Ps. 103.1; Matt. 26:41; Eph. 6:6).
5. Man's soul/spirit is the seat of his emotions (Gen. 26:35; 41:8; Ps. 42:1-6; 2 Cor. 2:13, cf. Matt. 26:38; Mark 8:12; Luke 1:46, 47; 2:35; Acts 4:32; 17:16; 18:25; Eph. 6:6; 2 Pet. 2:8).
6. Man's soul/spirit is the place of inner worship (Ps. 51:10, 17; 103:1; 146:1; Luke 1:46, 47, cf. Matt. 22:37; John 4:24; Rom. 1:9; Phil. 3:3; Heb. 12:22-24; Rev. 6:9).
Since man is created in God's image, he is distinct from the animals. While their "life force" or "soul" perishes, man's "ego,"or "self," continues after death. Any view which states that man is no different from the brute beasts is labeled "under the sun" or humanistic thought in Eccles. 1:3; 3:19-21; 4:1; 9:3, etc.
Humanistic thought has a view of man which is too low because it reduces him to the level of brute beasts. If humanistic thought were true, then hedonism should be pursued (Eccles. 5:18; 10:19) because everything is meaningless in the end (Eccles. 1:2; 2:10, 111, etc.). But man is not an animal. He is uniquely created in God's image, and his "ego," "soul," "spirit," etc., survives after his body crumbles. Thus his spirit/soul returns to the Creator for judgement (Eccles. 12:6, 7).
Also, see footnote from New Testament Commentary (Thessalonians, the Pastorals, and Hebrews by William Hendriksen and Simon J. Kistemaker, 1995 & July 2002), pages 146-150. I Thess. 5:23 Commentary--PDF
Q52: Article V Convention being promoted by Citizens for Self-Governance, who launched the project under the name of "Convention of States Action (COS)" is a fraud; in the 230-plus years of American history since our Constitution has a convention been used to propose all 27 amendments to the Constitution including the first 10 (the Bill of Rights) -- see The New American Magazine "A Special Report" (07/11/2022) on Article V. Convention by Christian Gomez (pages 6-13)
Image credit: "Save The Constitution STOP A CON-CON by The John Birch Society (STOP A CON-CON)
The push for a Constitutional Convention under Article V is one of biggest deceptions being feed to the citizens of the United States. The following points need to be explained in order to have context on Article V:
1. Article V provides two methods for proposing amendments to the Constitution and two modes of ratification. Either Congress proposes amendments that needs two-thirds of both houses (Senate and Legislature) or a convention called by Congress who proposes amendments if two-thirds of the state legislatures apply for it. So, the proposed amendments become part of the Constitution if "ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the Several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress." Note: A new Constitution can come out of a convention and it would have its own mode of ratification.
2. COS mades false claims that Colonel George Mason (06/11/1787) said Article V should include a convention whenever Congress or the federal government becomes tyrannical or goes beyond its constitutional limits. Attorney Michael Farris on behalf of COS wrote that Col. George Mason promoted the convention and took Mason's words out of their original context. Madison warned that using amendments was a pretext to get a new constitution. Note: Robert P. George, a member of COS action's Legal advisory board, co-authored the so-called Conservative Constitution for the National Constitution Center's Constitution Drafting Project to replace the current Constitution. Also, Robert George's Conservative Constitution destroys the Second Amendment.
3. Article V is a federal convention, not a "Convention of States." "Convention of States" is not in Article V, but was falsely labeled "Convention of States" by Robert Natelson on 09/16/2010 in a speech. There is no such thing as an "Article V Convention of State." Congress calls the convention when two-thirds of the states apply. States do not call the convention. State legislatures are only guaranteed in the convention methold is that of applying or making the "Application" to Congress for the convention. Congress has the authority and power to call a convention and set its location, time, date and creating the process for the selection of delegates to the convention (See Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the U.S. Constitution (Necessary and Proper Clause).) Calling a convention is is a power vested in Congress by Article V.--the Supreme Court affirmed this in Dillon V. Glass (1921).
The John Birch Society has great lectures/videos on the Constitution at or Also, see Nullification, not Article V Convention (Video presentation). Nine key points about Article V from The New American Magazine, 07/11/2022, page 13,
1. Article V is for the correction of errors or defects in the Constitution (for example, the inclusion of the Billof Rights was a correction of a defect);
2. an Article V Convention is a federal Constitutional Convention;
3. a convention is the ultimate embodiment of the sovereign will of the people at large through their selected delegates who possess the power to rewrite the Constitution;
4. the convention methold was added so that Congress was not the only body to propose amendments -- it was never meant to rein in the power and jurisdiction of the federal government;
5. Congress calls the convention;
6. an Article V Convention is not a "Convention of States";
7. ratification by three-fourths of the states is no safeguard against bad amendments;
8. nullification, under Article VI, is the only constitutional remedy for the states to stop federal tryranny within their borders; and
9. an educated electorate is essential to safeguarding liberty.
For Republicans, Democrats or various organizations promoting an Article V Convention are either lying bastards or ignorant and have no discernment on this matter. See Socialists and Soros Fight for Article V Convention & Busting the Myth of the Convention of States' "Myth Busting"
Q53: Term Limits Will Not Work
The argument for term-limiting is a lie. The elected officials will not be more in tune with the wishes of the people. For example, Congressmen who will not be running again or cannot run again are known as lame-duck Congressmen. In other words, every Congressman who is being term-limited out of office would be a "lame duck" during the entire period of his final two-year congressional term, not just during a short post-election, lame-duck session. The following three reasons are listed below on why term-limits will not work:
1. Term limits would force solid constitutionalists out of office, not just socialists and globalists.
2. Term limits would limit the chose of voters because the voters cannot keep their Congressman.
3. Would it change the people in office? No. Unless the people have understanding of the topics, especially many Christian evangelicals or other so-called Christian churches who need to pull their heads out of their butts, they will keep electing evil people who have no regard to the Constitution or God.
Term-limits are already in place per the Constitution--a well-informed, not stupid voters, can elect better congressman; this is why primaries are so important. Get educated! (See the John Birch Society's' voter record of the Senate & Legislature, who publishes The New American Magazine.)
Q54: Closed Primaries are Essential for a Secure Ballot Box
Elections can be subverted by not having closed primaries, not just by ballot harvesting, mail-in ballots, no ID verfication, etc. The following six (6) points will be very helpful in seeing the difference and warnings between closed-primaries vs. open-primaries (that are harmful to the Republic):
1. Closed-primaries: candidates are usually selected by well-informed voters, that is, the people can actually choice a candidate with an ideology of their own political party. It is like saying that the appointments of pastors, elders and deacons in a Baptist church should be open to Roman Catholics, Methodists, etc. or that the pope should be selected by allowing Baptists to participate in the decision.
2. Closed-primaries in the Republican Party tend to be more conservative vs. the Democrat Party closed-primaries tend to be more liberal. Voters who do not participate in the primaries tend to be more "moderate" in the general election. There is a clearer choice in closed-primaries.
3. Proponents of open-primaries are usually very liberal and want to subvert the conservatives or constitutionalists--many are RINOs in the Republican Party. For example, Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt, who is a registered Republican in name only, wanted to change the state's closed primary system because he was leff-wing, God hater. His conservative Index in 2017 was 13 percent according to the John Birch Society. Another example is Mr. Mickey Edwards, who was in the legislature (1977-1993), drifted to liberalism and had some scandals and eventually lost in the Republican primary. What did he do? Mr. Edwards joined the left-leaning Brookings Institution and the globalist Council on Foreign Relations and held a high-ranking office in the Aspen Instiute. Mr. Edwards voted for CIA operative Barack Obama in 2008 and endorsed Joe Biden in 2020, who stole the election from President Donald J. Trump. Mr. Edwards is opposed to closed-primaries because he wants to move the Republican Party closer to the Democrat Party.
4. The argument that the open-primary system brings a more effective government by reducing partisanship is a bogus argument. Adolf Htiler, Mao Zedong, and Joseph Stalin had very effective governments! Our nation was founded on the idea to protect God-given liberties.
5. Jungle-primaries: all the candidates, regardless of their political party, are placed in one primary election. The candidate has to obtain a simple majority to win. If no one receives a majority, then the top two candidates advance to the general election. This is system is assanine; you can have two Democrats in the general election or two Republicans in the general election.
6. Ranked-choice voting: voters choice their first choice as well as their second choice. Total stupidity. This was the case in Alaska.
Support closed-primaries. There are organizations such as who are destroying our Republican form of government and making stupid or lying statements such as that a "Closed-Primary = Voter Suppression." They just want to elect more Democrats and are the ones guilty of voter suppression.