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Video & Audio Lectures from Dr. Robert A. Morey

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Audio: Prophecy

Audio Topic: Daniel's 70th Week (66 Minutes)

Jewish Apocalypticism And Biblical Prophecy (HTML)

Bible Prophecy (HTML)


Nebuchadnezzar's Faith in Healing - 1987


Elisha and the Bears - 1982


Daniel's 70th Week

FAQ Tab, Question 28, "What about the 7 Year Tribulation Theory and Daniel's 70th Week?"

Daniels 70 weeks CD by Dr. Robert A. MoreyThe End of the World According to Jesus by Dr. Robert A Morey

The End of the World According to Jesus by Dr. Robert A. Morey. Book can be purchased from XulonPress.

The Seventy (70) weeks in Daniel 9:24 is referring to the Jews, Holy City and the Messiah's first coming to make atonement for our sins. It is not the church. Let's look at the following points made in Dr. Robert A. Morey's Daniel's 70th Week CD (listen to the lecture above):

1. Verse 24 states,...For Your people and for your holy city...It does not say the people. It is referring to the Jews--your people. It is not referring to the church--the dispensationalists are wrong on this point.

2. Verse 24, ...To finish the transgression,...It means to complete all that is necessary to deal with transgressions. Your sins.

3. Verse 24,...To bring everlasting righteousness,...And To Seal up Vision and Prophecy (Is. 53:10)...And to anoint the Most Holy (Ps. 45:7). This is justification by faith alone thru Christ alone and the New Testament would be the last canon. The Messiah took the sacrifice (Himself) to Heaven.

4. Verse 25...That from the going forth of the command...The counting is from the decree--no one has ever found the decree.

5. Verse 26,...And after sixty-two weeks...The Messiah will be cut off and put to death.

6. Verse 27,...Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;(Matt. 26:28)...He (the pronoun) is the Messiah. The antecedant of the definite article goes back to the Messiah--it is just about understanding Hebrew grammar!

7. Verse 27,...But in the middle of the week, He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate. The 1 week (7 days (3 1/12 days and 3 1/2 days) ). Christ's ministry began around (27 A.D.). The sacrifices were finished (the Messiah was cut off in the middle of the week and then resurrected 3 days later--Matt. 27:51) and the temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. The Romans desecrated the temple by unclean sacrifices (Luke 21:20).

Note: The 70 weeks is subdivided into three periods of 7 weeks (Daniel 9:25): 62 weeks (verse 25), 1 week (verse 27). 7+62+1=70. 70 weeks = 490 days and the 70th week began after the Babylonia captivity during the reign of Medo-Persia and ended at the sacrifice of Yeshua (middle of the 7 years, (verse 27) and the resurrection. And the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D. by the Romans (Titus).

Journalist David Van Biema referred to John Nelson Darby who lived in England during the 1800s , "the man with the plan" who introduced into the 19th century British and American Christianity "a radical new eschatology" which included belief in "a seven-year, hell-like Tribulation." (SCPJournal, vol. 37:3-37:4, 2014, page 50).

Matthew Henry says this about Daniel 9:27: "By offering Himself a sacrifice once and for all He [Jesus] shall put an end to all the Levitical sacrifices". It was never applied to a future 7 year tribulation at a later time.

Daniel 9:26-27 was fulfilled by the Messiah and Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus in 70 A.D.. For many Evangelicals to be dogmatic and take part of a verse (Daniel 9:24) to prove a 7 year tribulation theory that is not in any of the Gospels, not in the Epistles, not in the Book of Acts and not in the Book of Revelation except by misapplying one verse in Revelation to come up with the 7 year tribulation theory, especially the Pre-Trib position is very foolish and ignorant--the 7 year tribulation theory has been around less than 200 years (see articles on Bible Prophecy by Dr. Robert A.Morey; Dr. Morey's updated The End of the World according to Jesus has been updated 2016 that includes two appendices on the Daniel's 70th week and the false 7 year Trib.).

Double or Second Fulfillment: False Theory.

The following problems would arise:

1. Problem with this theory of a second fulfillment is that you will have an infinite regression--a flawed dispensational hermeneutic. It is a loophole to try to defend their positions.

2. The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem? If it can have more than one fulfillment, then it could be Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, etc. and then the Book of Mormon would kick in.

3. Apostle Peter in Acts 2:16-18 said this is the fulfillment of Joel 2. One prophecy fulfilled by one person at one time. Acts 2:16, "This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel."

4. Malachi 4 was fulfilled in John the Baptist , who was the Elijah to come.

Pre-Tribulation Fraud ExposedThe End of the World According to Jesus by Dr. Robert A Morey

Satan is working behind the scenes to set up a one-world government and one-world religion in preparation for the Antichrist. He has also deceived modern evangelical Christians into believing that they will be removed from this earth before the great tribulation takes place. This doctrine, known as the pre-tribulation rapture, teaches that Christ may return at any moment, and that there will be no signs of his coming. As a result of this deception, most Christians are completely unprepared for what the Bible has warned us is coming. Yes, Christ is coming back (the second coming).

In this hard-hitting documentary, film-maker Paul Wittenberger (What in the World are They Spraying? and The Great Culling), Pastor Steven L. Anderson, Pastor Roger Jimenez, and creation scientist Kent Hovind, prove from the King James Bible that the rapture will take place AFTER THE TRIBULATION but before God pours out his wrath upon this earth. They also expose Satan's plans for a global government and new world order.

Note: The problem with his theory is that the whole Trib theory (Pre, Mid and Post) is also wrong and not in the Bible--yes, they are correct that many Christians will go through the tribulation, which might go on for 30 years. We do not know. KJV Bible is not the only bible you can use--see Our Bible--Where did it Come From? -- PDF

Recommended books: 1. The End of the World According to Jesus by Dr. Robert A. Morey has been updated 2016 that includes two appendices on the Daniel's 70th week and the false 7 year Trib--Spiritual Warfare Pt 6: Sons of God & the Nephilim, Genesis 6:1-4 (Appendix C of The End of the World According to Jesus covers who where the Nephilim., 2. Commentary of Daniel by Dr. Edward J. Young ,who knew over 23 languages and a Stanford graduate, 3. Modern Apocrypha (a Refutation of the Apocrypha) by Edgar J. Goodspeed (1871 -- 1962), 4. Interpretation of Prophecy by Patrick Fairbain (Patrick Fairbairn (1805-1874) studied at Edinburgh University from 1818 to 1826. In 1853 he was appointed to be Chair of Theology in Aberdeen, and in 1856 became Principal of Free Church College in Glasgow. His published works include his 1845 'Typology of Scripture' as well as his posthumous 'Pastoral Theology'), and 5. Prophecy and The Church by Oswald T. Allis.

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Dr. Robert A. Morey

In Memory of Dr. Bob Morey (11/13/46 -- 01/05/19)

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