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B. What is the Deep State?

One world religionThe Wicked Shall be turned into hell, And all the nations that forget God (Psalm 9:17, NKJV) "...He will crush kings on the Day of His wrath. He will judge nations, heaping up the dead and crushing the rulers of the whole earth" (Psalm 110:5-6)

What is the "Deep State?" It is a state within a state, a shawdow government, that manipulates policies of the visible government without regard to the U.S. Constitution, laws enacted by the Congress and the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, who is going to remove them from Planet Earth. They (military, intelligence officials, DOJ, government officials, etc. that sold out -- there are still many patriots and God Fearing people that work in government such as the CIA, FBI & NSA that have not sold out) want to submerge the United States into a New World order (One-World Government/One World Religion -- the Mark of the Beast (666)), which is oppossed to President Trump. And the Deep State behind the Deep State are (1) The Council on Foreign Relations, (2) the Trilateral Commission, (3) Bilderberg and more. Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones are powerful elements (funded by very very rich individuals and corporations). See articles by the John Birch Society on the "Deep State" below. Interview: Pople Francis, the False Prophet, Calls for Infowars to be Shut Down (05/05/18) --
Globalists want to silence all dissenting voices

Special Presidential Alert Below on the Deep State & Its War on President Trump (45th) & the American People (Continuation of Breaking News Below Presidential Alert)

Deep State

Michael Savage Asks: Is Dr. Ford Tied To The CIA? (09/29/18) -- Syndicated host asks a series of questions on Twitter (she was in charge of the CIA undergraduate internship program at Stanford?)

CIA Honeytrap Set--Kavanaugh Accuser Has CIA Ties? (09/29/18) -- What if this incident was a total fabrication, part of a CIA Honeytrap? 3 Witnesses just admitted that they lied!

cyberwarObama Caught Meeting with Tech Giansts Ahead of Internet Censorship (08/28/18) -- Planned destruction of free speech in America is here

Breaking! Tech Companies Meet in Secret To Steal 2018 Election (08/25/18) -- Left desperate to win midterms; & Emergency! Deep State/Democrats Preparing False Flag Attacks Against Media/Big Tech to Steal Election (08/16/18) -- Next stage of media censorship agenda set to begin.

NJ Seal

Alex Jones Predicted It: Trump Set to Go After Deep State Cronies (2018) -- President retweeted image of Obama cronies -- including Comey, Hillary, Podesta -- behind bars

President Trump: release all the emails. What in hell are you waiting for? The Truth About Robert Mueller (12/04/2018) -- Exclusive report exposes the man leading the Russia witch-hunt

Election Fraud Expert: Brenda Snipes Allowed Illegal Aliens and Felons to Vote; Ilegally Destroyed Ballots (11/12/18) -- This should alarm anyone hoping for fair and accurate election returns & Trotskyite Ben Shapiro to Replace Top Rated Michael Savage

The Purge (08/06/18) -- the real reasons why Infowars was banned by Paul Watson; Big tech collusion is deciding 1st Amend. Apple is a joke. Right Image credits:YouTube Screen Shot --(Gab & Lifesite De-platformed; Leftists Threaten 2 More soon (10/31/18) & Gab back online (11/05/18); Censorship of Conservatives, Libertarians & Christians won't stop anytime soon. Soros and SPLC behind censorship that was alleged by David Knight of Real News.

(Leaked Memo Touts UK-Funded Firm's ability to Create 'Untraceable' News Sites for 'Infowar Campaign' (12/15/18) -- Operation includes ability to conduct 'naming and shaming' campaigns targeting 'allies' of 'Russian disinformation'; see Cyberguerilla.)

New Jersey Update

NJ SealNJ Update/Analysis of the New Gov. Murphy Gun Laws (07/09/2018) -- unconstitutional & union members not happy with 10 round limitation & Federal Court Upholds Decision to Block California's Magazine Ban (07/17/18) & CDC Buried Survey Indicating Americans Used Guns Defensively 2.4 Million Times Per Year (04/24/18) --the results were hidden for over two decades by "The Centers for Desease Control" (CDC) just like the harmful effects of vaccinations. Watch: Ex-military Teacher Exposes Parkland Shooting Narrative (TV;03/11/18) & Facist NJ is going to modify the current law to allow off-duty law enforcement to carry 17 rounds or less--the new law made this illegal. Is not this nice of NJ--most States you can have any round magazine (12/20/18). February 19, 2019: Today, the U.S. Supreme Court required the State of New Jersey to file a brief in response to ANJRPC's petition asking the High Court to hear its challenge to NJ's carry laws. Under the Supreme Court's order, the State of New Jersey is required to file papers by March 21, arguing why the High Court should not agree to hear ANJRPC's appeal. NJ had previously ignored the appeal.

Flag of China

Special Report: Has China Taken Over America? (Video; 09/29/18) -- America fighting to resist Communist China's massive influence (President Trump Condemned China at the UN for Meddling in our 2018 Elections) & Giving China to the Communists

History Background: John Birch, an Army Officer and Christian in World War II, which the John Birch Society got its name, was tortured and betrayed by the U.S. government in China. Our government (United States) then turned over China to Mao Zedong (1893 -- 1976) in 1949. Mao, who ruled from 1949 -- 1976, was a communist mass murderer (45 million people). When the Air Force aided the CIA in the turnover of North Korea to China, the Army in the 1950s got very angry and suspicious of the CIA and then started "stay behind net-works" around the world. Obama Quietly Signs The "Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act" Into Law for 2017. It passed the Senate on Dec. 8, 2016 and then was inserted in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act that put 3 billion in a CIA leftist group and then they hired the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, etc. to lie about President Trump, Roger Stone, etc. according to Alex Jones of Infowars.

See Obama Quietly Signs The "Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act" Into Law & Poverty, Crime And Human Feces: The Worst Cities in America Are The Ones Being Run By Democrats (09/27/18) -- If we keep doing what we have been doing, we are going to keep getting the same results.

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from 12:00 to 3:00 PM EST (Infowars)

Alex Jones

Dr. Robert A. Morey

In Memory of Dr. Bob Morey (11/13/46 -- 01/05/19)

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[NJIAT (a NJ Nonprofit Education Corporation) is not affiliated with any political party. The information is to help students and non-students learn the truth.]