Historic Movies & Lifestyle Choices for Families
If you are a student or non-student and struggling with Gender Identity Disorders or Homosexual Attractions , click Lifestyle Tab for articles or videos that offer you help. Don't allow a high school or college counselor to tell you there is nothing wrong with any lifestyle-- you are being misled into destruction. There are thousands of people who quit the homosexual lifestyle such as Michael Glatze, who was the founding editor of Young Gay America magazine and got sucked into the lifestyle at age 14 ( & 'Gay'- Rights Leader Quits Homosexuality & Gives Testimony on his New Freedom).
Note: Prominent Conservative Activist Milo Yiannopoulos announced in LifeSite interview published March 9, 2021 that he went straight--Milo went back to his faith and has renounced his former homosexual lifestyle. "Conversion therapy" does work according to Milo, albeit not for everyone.
God is the one who determines what is right or wrong and only His ways will bring you healthy relationships. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).
Trump vs. Biden (2020) Non-Globalist Presidential Voter Guide -- PDF & Trump vs. Clinton (2016) Presidential Voter Guide - PDF & Donald Trump & the Corrupt Financial Establishment (a 6 minute speech 10/2016) and The Truth about BLM -- Herschel Walker & Larry Pinkey, founder of the original Black Panther Party, speaks out against BLM & The Truth about the Election (2020)
The Gospel,
that is, sin entered the world in the Garden of Eden (Adam and Eve, who were created perfect and had no sin, disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit (rebellion; Genesis 2 & 3 )--Eve was deceived by Satan); as a result, all of humanity has been "imputed" with Adam's sin and thus guilty before a holy righteous God. Man lost the ability to obey God perfectly (His law). Only by the Messiah's blood sacrifice on the cross can man be reconcilied to God. One must repent (turn from our ways) and accept the Messiah. We are justified "solely" (i.e. "only") through faith in Yeshua Ha-Mashiah--it is "imputed" righteousness. You cannot earn salvation. Your so-called good works are like filthy rages before a Holy Righteous God (Isa. 64:6).
A person has to accept Christ (the Annointed One) as Lord and Savior to be saved and He is the only way of salvation-- “nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12 NKJV).
Other religions will not get you to heaven such as Atheists, Wiccans ,Hindus ,Buddhists, Muslims,Judaism, etc. Nor will being a member of a Protestant or Roman Catholic Church automatically save you, especially if they teach a works based salvation that is a false Gospel (baptism and membership will not save you)--yes, there are born again Christians in both the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Churches that accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. See Roman Catholicism Today and Mother Teresa and Biblical Christianity.
16mm Bell & Howell Movie Camera (Auto Master) that was used for the movies below
(some are on 8mm).
Historic Family films from the 1940s thru to 2004 (most of the family members in movies passed away) to illustrate when families were strong and also points out some of the problems when God is rejected. For Motorcycle movies, see the Motorcycle Tab and for Cross Country movies at Hunterdon Central High School, see High School Tab (NJIAT has permission by the copyright owner to post these movies).
Family Movies (permission granted by copyright owner to post these movies & pictures on NJIAT)
Obituaries and Memorials: Bonnie Leone-Higgins Memorial (2021) & Richard and Allene Smith Memorial (2017 & 2019) & Walt Van Gilson (2021) & Vince Mitterando Memorial (2019) & Martin Romano (2021)
Note: The most important thing in life is giving God (Yeshua Ha-Mashiach/the Christ) the glory and accepting Him as Lord and Savior. There is no other way of Salvation (John 14:6) . He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the promised Messiah spoken about in the Tanakh (Old Testament). Life is short and everyone will face judgment before the mighty & awesome God (eternal life or eternal condemnation). Repent of your sins & accept the Messiah for the forgiveness of sins (Colossians 3:17 & John 3:3 & John 1:12 & Revelation 17:14 & Psalm 2:2).
List of Movies: 1. In Memory of Dawn Etchells; 2. General Frank Leone (1971); 3. Italy (Hunterdon Central High School--1981); 4. Birthday Party for Sam Leon at the Higgins Farm; 5. Kiwanis Club of Hopewell Valley -- Pennington; 6. Craig and Donna Lea Wedding (04/16/2005, Houston, TX); 7. Karate demonstration by Walt Van Gilson (1977); 8. Boy Scouts Parade (06/01/76); 9. Picnic of Leone Family Farm (08/12/1972); 10. Lester Higgins & Family and Relatives (Grandfather John and Grandmother Carmella) in Long Island, NY (1948); 11. John Leone (08/29/1877 - 07/21/1968) has Birthday Party at Leone farm -- 1954; 12. Part I: Christmas Party 1952. Part II. Cousin Frank, Uncle Andrew and Aunt Dorothy 1954 A. Cookie and Camille with dogs and Aunt Bonnie (a Born Again/Born from Above Christian) and her Nephew (who is a Born Again Christian) both witnessed (the True Gospel) to her brother Andrew Leon ,who might have accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior before he passed away; Andrew was happy to hear that God would forgive him for any sins and that Salvation is a free gift, not by works)) and kids (1953); 13. Russel Leone (04/16/1926 -- 02/13/1982) & Jean's wedding (1959); 14. Damon Family takes cruise on an Italian ocean liner and stops in Bahamas and then goes to Cuba before the Castor-led revolution (1958/1959); 15. Christmas Party at Zollo's House, Birthday Party (Anthony Damon (1949), Wedding (Anthony Damon and Dorothy Merkovich -- 1962); 16. Leone Farm Shed 1981 (Anthony Leone, Russell Leone, Harry Horvath, Tom), Nursery, Dick and Debbie on horses and Anthony Leone gets tractor stuck; 17. Christmas Party at the Flemington Baptist Church (Spanish Congregation in December 2004).
Historic Movies Below by Number List Above
1. In Memory of Dawn Etchells (06/17/61 to 10/16/15). Hopewell Valley Central High School graduation & family Party (1979). 1. Etchells House 10/02/2005 (PDF); 2. JoeTomRichard 2005 (PDF);3. Etchells House Oct. 1974 (PDF) ; 4. Etchells (Christy) (PDF); 5. Aunt Anna (50th) (PDF); 6. Dick onTractor 1980 (PDF); 7. Farm Barn 1980 (PDF) ; and Christmas Party at Camille's House: 1. Christmas Party (PDF) ; 2. Christmas Party (PDF); 3. Christmas Party (PDF); 4. Friends (PDF); 5. Christmas Party (PDF); and 6. Friends 1970s.
2. General Frank Leone (Italian Air Force) with his wife visits family in Oceanside, NY. Many of the family members came from Flemington, NJ (1971)
1. Leon's Sod Farm 1987 (PDF); 2. Union Hotel 1987 (PDF); 3. Court House 1987 (PDF); (Family members of the General visit New Jersey-- two medical doctors from Italy.) Hunterdon County Board of Agriculture's 106th Anniversary at Leon's Sod Farm: 4. Leon's Sod Farm 106th (PDF); 5. Leon's Sod Farm 106th (PDF); 6. Leon's Sod Farm 106th (PDF); 7. Leon's Sod Farm 106th (PDF).
Click Motorcycle Tab for Air Force pictures of General Leone.
3. Italy -- Hunterdon Central High School Trip (1981).
Other schools used the same Italian Tour Guide that Hunterdon Central used. So you will see other people from different high schools in the movie.
Florence, Italy (1981) picture of HCRHS & other high school students - PDF.
For videos of the Hunterdon Central High School Cross Country team (1979), see High School Tab.
4. Birthday Party for Sam Leon (01/03/1929 -- 07/29/2010) at Higgins Farm in Sergeantsville, NJ on Jan. 2004. Sam was the founder of Leon's Sod Farm in 1968. Sam owned just a regular farm for years before starting the Sod Farm, which is now 300 acres. His wife Irene Verity-Leon passed away on 12/02/2021 (10/04,1927 - 12/02/2021) -- she was 94 years old. Above picture: Hunterdon Republican Dinner at the Hunterdon Hill Playhouse, Hampton, NJ (Sam and Irene Leon) 10/25/2005.
Sam Leon was a WWII Army Veteran who served in the in the pacific theatre as an Army paratrooper--Sam was the first group of U.S. troops to land in Japan after the U.S. droped the automic bombs on August 6 & August 9, 1945 (troops landed around Sept. 23, 1945; the Army landed in Horoshima). Andrew Leon (02/12/1923 -- 11/21/2006), Sam's brother, a WWII Navy Veteran who served as a Seabee in Guam and Bikini Atoll.
1. Sam & Irene at Republican Dinner at the Playhouse 10/25/2005 - (PDF); 2. Higgins (4 Aunts) 1998- (PDF); 3. Higgins (Uncle Lester--02/17/1921 - 10/07/99) around 1998 - (PDF); 4. Higgins (Family) 1998 - (PDF); 5. Higgins (Linda's daughter) on 1998 - (PDF) ; 6. Higgins (Cathy) 1998 - (PDF); 7. Higgins (Cousin Eddie) 1998 - (PDF); 8. Andrew and Vee 1998 ; and 9. Anthony and Lester Jr. Oct. 1981 (PDF)
5. Kiwanis Club of Hopewell Valley -- Pennington
Picture above: Kiwanis Club of Hopewell Valley -- Pennington holding a Pancake Fundraiser at the Hopewell United Methodist Church in Pennington, NJ in early 2000s. Second person from left: Nick Tatler and third person from left: Jim Ahlbach and last person Jack Zaifman. Kiwanis Club Picture of Pancake Fundraiser - PDF.
In memory of James F. Ahlbach, Jr. (1941 - 10/22/2011), Capt. in the Navy, Edgar Tatler Sr., (1932 - 05/08/2015) , Navy Veteran and Mason & Jack Zaifman (03/02/1925 - 05/25/2016), Holocaust Survivor, who spoke at Hunterdon Central High School on 03/26/2014. Click Jack.
1. Kiwanis Hopewell Club (PDF); 2. Kiwanis Hopewell Club (PDF); 3. Kiwanis Hopewell Club (PDF); 4. Kiwanis Hopewell Club (PDF); 5. Kiwanis Hopewell Club (PDF); (It might be 1998 or 1999.)
Part I: Beach party at Ocean Gate (06/12/04).
Part II: Christmas party (12/2004)
Part III: Christmas party (12/2003)
6. Craig Schulze and Donna Lea Smith Wedding on April 16, 2005 in Houston, TX. Pictures of family below. Picture: NRA Convention 2005 (Richard & Gun rep.)
1. Wedding 2005 (PDF); 2. Wedding 2005 (PDF); 3. Wedding 2005 (PDF); 4. Wedding (Irma's) 2005 (PDF); 5. Wedding (Irma's )2005 (PDF); 6. Wedding (Stadium) 2005 (PDF); 7. Wedding (Restaurant) 2005 (PDF) ; 8. Wedding (NRA) 2005 (PDF) ; 9. Wedding (NRA-Family) 2005 (PDF) ; 10. Wedding (NRA&Richard) 2005 (PDF); 11. Wedding (Church) 2005 (PDF); 12. Joe,Tom,Richard 10/02/2005 (PDF); 13. Richard, Charlie, Tom at McDonald's 09/21/2015-- (PDF);
Richard E. Smith passed away on February 04, 2019 (Huntsville, TX)
Sam Houston Memorial Funderal Home (information on Richard E. Smith's memorial date)
Mr. Richard E. Smith grew up in Flemington, NJ and graduated from Flemington High School in 1955. He moved to Texas in the early 1960s. He served in the Air Force and was a Korean Veteran and worked for Eastern Airlines--he leaves behind 3 daughters and one son and 3 grandchilderen. Mr. Smith attended a Baptist Church. His wife, Allene Kay Jenkins--Smith passed away on June 27, 2017 -- Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home. Richard E Smith (large picture-PDF) -- Air Force.
7. Karate Demostration by Walt Van Gilson in Lambertville, NJ (1977).
Walt Van Gilson served in the U.S. Marines (a Vietnam Veteran) and was stationed in Okinawa, Japan. He studied under the founder of
Isshin-Ryu, Shimabuku Tatso (who combined
Shorin-Ryu 90% and Goju-Ryu 10%) and received
his black belt. Isshin-Ryu also teaches the uses of
Kusarigama. Walt Van Gilson graduated from Hunterdon Central High School in the 1960's and was on the wrestling team.
8. Boy Scouts (Troop 62, Flemington, NJ), Parade on 06/01/1976 in Ringoes, NJ.
Picture right (1975): Boy Scouts Troop 62 at Yards Creek Reservation in Blairstown, NJ--PDF
This is when the Boy Scouts adhered to strick moral values and did not allow political pressure, especially from the Fascist homosexual lobby, to dictate what their beliefs are and reject God. Many Troops still adhere to Godly values and their Troops will participate in shooting sports.
9. Picnic on the Leone Family Farm on 08/12/1972.
10. Lester Higgins (02/17/1921 -- 10/07/1999 ) with family and relatives in Long Island, NY (1948).
11. John Leone (08/29/1877 - 07/21/1968) has Birthday Party at Leone farm -- 1954. It included many members of the family such as Aunt Catherine Leone (08/03/1918 -- 03/01/2015), Grandmother Carmella Grutta-Leone (02/02/1889 -- 04/14/1970), and so on.
12. Part I: Christmas Party 1952. Part II. Cousin Frank, Uncle Andrew and Aunt Dorothy 1954 A. Cookie and
Camille with dogs and Aunt Bonnie and kids (April, 1953)
13. Russell Leone & Jean get married in 1959. Jean was from Indiana and got married in NJ.
14. Damon family takes cruise to Cuba on an Italian ocean liner (leaves in 1958 and comes back to New York in 1959). The ship left New York and stopped in the Bahamas, then goes to Cuba (before the Castro-led revolution; Batista was still in power) and then back to New York.
15. Part I. Christimas Party at Zollo's House with Madlyn Verichio who lived with her brother-in-law and sister in Oceanside, NY (1946). Anthony Damon Sr. owner with his wife Rose Leone of Damon Coat Co., 663 Long Beach Blvd, Long Beach, NY had a daughter by Madlyn Verichio, who worked in the shop. Anthony Damon Sr. had one son (Cookie) two daughters, one by Rose, and one by Madlyn in 1962, the same year his son (Anthony Damon (a.k.a Cookie) got married). Part II. Anthony Damon's (Cookie) Birthday Party (1952). Part III. Wedding with Anthony Damon & Dorothy Merkovich -- April, 1962.
16. Leone Farm Shed (1981).
Anthony Leone (04/14/32 -- 08/14/85) tries to fix a collapsing wall -- it did not work. Russell Leone (04/16/26 -- 02/13/82) comes to inspect. Cousins on Nursery & Cousin Dick & Debbie on Horses and Anthony Leone gets his neighbor's (Steve Wideman) tractor stuck in the field.
17. Christmas Party at the Flemington Baptist Church (Spanish Congregation) in December of 2004.
Pastor Eddie Hatcher of the Central Hunterdon Baptist Church joins them in the Christmas celebration.
- The Biblical Discipleship Program for Women by Dr. Anne Morey --will be translated in Spanish.
- Articles on the Protestant Reformation view of the "Sabbath" in Spanish
More Wikileaks Movies to come.