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Holocaust Survivor Jack Zaifman (03/02/1925 —
05/25/2016) gives a Presentation at “Hunterdon
Central High School” on 03/26/2014
(This flyer on Nazi Germany’s worldview was handed out to the students before the presentation.)

Holocaust SurvivorLeft: Picture of Jack Zaifman after World War II in Germany & his book entitled Tailor Made For Life.

Pictures of the Event & Flyer Handout located at ( & ( )

Jack Zaifman, who was a retired tailor and resided in Pennington, NJ, was incarcerated in Dachau and Auschwitz.    Jack had never wanted to tell his children about his wartime experiences while they were growing up in Trenton in the 1960s and ’70s. Jack was born on March 2, 1925 in Radom, Poland. The beginning of Jack’s life was enjoyable and he was able to play with his cousins and have a normal childhood, but this changed when he turned 14.  His cousin died as a result of a Nazi bombing and then he had to register as a “Jew” and came close to being taken to a concentration camp that same day.

Jack owes his gratitude and life to people who helped him, which he calls “beautiful people.”  Jack makes special mention of two “beautiful people” who happened to be Nazis, one a civilian, the other a sergeant in the German army. When Jack was ill with typhoid and could barely move from his bunk in Auschwitz, the two men secreted him away to a village, where a Polish farmer hid him in a closet while he recuperated.

The many miracles Jack encountered during his ordeal are the result of God’s/Yahweh’s sovereignty—Jack gives the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the glory and praise during his long journey.

Holocaust SurvivorBackground to Nazism

What was Hitler's worldview? Nazism was based upon mystical Hinduism that included  other  religious  worldviews  such  as  Nietzsche  (10/15/1844  to 8/25/1900), Darwinism, Social Darwinism (late 19th century ideologies predicated on the survival of the fittest), the Occult, Paganism, Norse Revivalism, etc. This is why the Nazis used the Swastika. It was actually an ancient Hindu symbol (it was the Hindu symbol of unity, good luck, etc.). The Third  Reich  was  thus  built  upon  Hinduism—that  traces  its  origins  to  a mysterious tribe of Europeans called the Aryans, who invaded Northern India from 1500 BC to 500 BC—as its religious base. And this created the context of the Holocaust in which millions of men, women, and children were brutally murdered. (Politically the Nazis were Left‐Wing Darwinian Evolutionary Socialists.) Endnotes: (

Hitler and the Nazis Hated Biblical Protestant Christianity

Hitler and the Nazis in Germany hated Biblical Protestant Christianity (see European Institute of Protestant Studies). In March of 1935 seven hundred Protestant priests were arrested by the Gestapo in Prussia "for issuing condemnations of neo‐paganism from the pulpit"; the Nazis also confiscated Protestant seminaries in Wuerttemberg. The schools were targeted in a strategy to deChristianize the students and mandatory prayer in schools was stopped in 1935. The Nazis Teachers Association did not want its members to have religious instruction, but inculcated neo‐paganism. Neo‐paganism, secular humanism (atheism), etc. is also a religion.

Homosexuality was prevalent in the Nazi Party. To quote Knickerbocker: “It remains characteristic of the Germans, that they, outwardly the most brutally masculine of all European peoples, are the most homosexual nation on earth.” (H.R. Knickerbocker, Is Tomorrow Hitler’s?, 1941:34.) Just as self‐defined "boy‐lovers" have formed so‐called "children's rights" organizations such as the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in the United States in order to promote pederasty and pedophilia, the Gemeinschaft der Eigenen (Community of the Elite) was formed in 1902 by Adolf Brand—Brand was a pederast‐child pornographer and prominent writer and entertainer in Nazi Germany. You had two competing homosexual groups in Nazi Germany: the "Fems" and the "Butches". Many of the Nazis were "Butches"—the masculine homosexual. The "Butches" despised the "Fems", which is still the case in the United States where the "Butches" call the "Fems" sissies, weak and effeminate.

The so‐called "pink triangle" identified specific classes of prisoners including homosexuals; however, many of those convicted under Paragraph 175 were not homosexuals, but leaders of youth groups who perjured themselves, street hustlers from Berlin, who were caught up in a police dragnet. 6,000 of the approximately 10,000 "pink triangles" died in work camps and very few were ever gassed in the death camps—some of those who did die met their deaths at the hands of homosexual Kapos ("trustees") and guards of the SS. [See The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality In The Nazi Party by Scott Lively & Kevin Abrams for further information.]

"As a Jewish scholar who lost hundreds of her family in the Holocaust, I welcome The Pink Swastikaas courageous and timely... Lively and Abrams reveal the reigning "gay history" as revisionist and expose the supermale German homosexuals for what they were‐‐Nazi brutes, not Nazi victims." Dr. Judith Reisman, Institute for Media Education. Endnotes: (

Holocaust SurvivorNazi Germany made Everyone Register their Guns and then came Gun Confiscation

Democide (Murder by Government) always preceded gun control and gun confiscation. Dr. Rudolph J. Rummel (October 21, 1932 — March 2, 2014) was professor emeritus of political science at the University of Hawaii and estimated that there were over 262 million people murdered by their own governments in the 20th century (see his book Death By Government).

When Nazi Germany enacted  "Regulations against Jews' possession of weapons," it made every Jew register their firearms and then the SS Reichsfuhrer would do a search‐and‐seizure for any firearms in Jewish homes—it was known as the Reichskristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass) that occurred in 1938. The policies were promulgated in every country conquered by Hitler—Polish Jews were ordered by the Wehrmach in 1941 to turn in their guns or get the death penalty. The Nazi Weapon Law of 1938 made every citizen register their firearms—it was signed by Adolph Hitler. (The highly acclaimed motion picture Schindler's List left out the part when Oskar Schindler obtained guns for his workers at the Brinnlitz factory toward the end of the war.) Stalin also murdered between 10 to 20 million peasants—he wanted to exterminate the Ukrainians. The Soviet Union, with its anti‐Christian Marxist agenda, used gun registration lists to confiscate weapons in the regions of Georgia, Ukraine, and Lithuania—the Soviet Union, between 1917 and 1953, murdered 36 million peasants and Christians. Christians were not allowed to own firearms in Turkey and this led to the massacre of 1.5 million Christian Armenians in the Ottoman Turkey Empire during 1915‐1917. Over 500,000 Christian Tutsi minority groups were murdered by the Hutu Animist/Humanist government of Rwanda on April 6, 1994—this occurred after enforcing vigorous gun control! Gun licensing and other restrictions, for example, were used to suppress blacks before and after the Civil War.

Note: The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)—signed into law December of 2011 by former President Obama—was based on the Enabling Act passed by the German Reichstag in 1933 and many anti‐Second Amendment laws such as the Gun Control Act of 1968 were based on the Nazi 1938 firearms law [see Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)].

Switzerland, which has a higher rate of firearms possession than the United States, was the only European country that the Germans were afraid to invade in both world wars. They knew every man was armed. The Swiss male citizens are supplied free of charge by the government a fully automatic rifle! (The Swiss have conscription or civil protection—mandatory military service where they can start being prepared at age 16.) In addition, every Swiss male citizen is required to keep his rifle and ammunition at home, to participate in group training, and to enter shooting matches.  The Swiss have maintained their freedom for seven hundred (700) years and they had a profound influence on America's Founding Fathers regarding the Second Amendment. This was the land of William Tell, Ulrich Zwingli, William Farel and John Calvin, who had a deep mistrust of central governments. Endnotes: (

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