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New Jersey Board of Education Elections

Are the New Jersey Board of Education elections non-partisan? No. The reason a person cannot run under a politcal party (Republican or Democrat) is because the radical left totalitarians (fascists) can fool the people in the conservative and moderate areas and thus take over the school system. Pennsylvania allows a Board of Education candidate to run under a political party. Scroll down below to see Board of Education candidates for Nov. 7, 2023 election under the subtitle "New Jersey Board of Education Elections (Nov. 7, 2023) and Some of the Candidates Running."

Warning to Government Leaders in New Jersey and Other States from the "Supreme Ruler of the Universe" (Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, Yahweh who spoke with Moses)

New Jersey State Attorney General Matthew Platkin has filed civil rights complaints challenging parental notification policies that three New Jersey school boards adopted this week regarding transgender and nonbinary students, his office announced on Thursday (June 22, 2023). Attorney General Plattkin and Governor Murphy do not have the authority from the "Supreme Ruler of the Universe" (Yeshua Ha-Mashiach) to usurp parental rights. This is wickedness and child sacrifice and ancient Israel and the Gentile nations in the Bible brought severe punishment on themselves. (Jeremiah 7:31; 19:4-5; 19:12; Ezekiel 20:26; Isaiah 30:30; Judges 16:23 and Mark 9:45.) The Bible contains many examples of child sacrifice practiced in the name of Molech (also spelled Moloch or Molek), a god of the Ammonites

Jeremiah 7:31, "They have built high places at Topheth in the Valley of Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire. I didn't command this, and it never entered my mind!" (ISV)

Unprecedented numbers of children have been “sacrificed” at the hands of abortionists for the sake of convenience around the world. Transgender operations for children/minors is an abomination to Yahweh (child sacrifice). Our children are exposed to sexual perversion from the LGBTQ+ agenda and given harmful vaccines and fed GMO's, etc. (this is child sacrifice). See the Whole Health Tab and Covid-19 Information: Legal Help, Where to get Ivermectin, Are the Vaccines Safe?

Governor Murphy and Attorney General Platkin are in violation of penal codes Rom.  13:1-7; 1 Pet. 2:13-17, etc. which supercedes U.S., UN, or any other countries' laws on planet earth including any other laws on planets in the universe. So, citizens and parents are not obligated under God to obey this law or ruling. A federal law should be passed that outlaws transgender operations in the United States and any doctor who performs such a wicked act on minors should get the death penalty.

Note: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday (July 25, 2023) signed a law that bans legal and surgical sex changes, a move that prevents Russian minors and adults transgender operations. The law also bans individuals who have undergone gender reassignment from adopting children and annuls marriages in which one of the partners is transgender.  (This is a good and God fearing President.)

What Authority Does the State of New Jersey or Any Other State have Delegated to Them?

A Christian Student's Survival Guide

A Christian Student's Survival Guide (the chapter entitled A Biblical Political Science, page 212), by Dr. Robert A. Morey about the State’s authority over citizens (Book published at Xulon Press that even has a picture of the Hunterdon Central High School's famous dedication stone):

  • All authority resides in God (Dan. 4:28-37; Matt. 28-18).
  • All human authority is delegated authority, which means God will hold the person or institution accountable to Him for how they used their authority (Rev. 20:11-5).
  • No person or institution has absolute or intrinsic authority by God (John 19:10-11).
  • God’s delegated authority is only valid to leaders according to Scriptural guidelines and functions within Scriptural limits. The Scriptures recognize four (4) sovereign spheres of authority
  1. Church (1Thess. 5:12-13; Heb. 13:17, 24 etc.)
  2. State (Rom.  13:1-7; 1 Pet. 2:13-17 etc.)
  3. Family (Eph. 5:22-29; Eph. 6:1-4, etc.)
  4. Business (Eph. 6:5-9; 1 Pet. 2:18-19, etc.)

What is happening in the Hunterdon County and Other Counties' Board of Education Elections in New Jersey?

Many members in the Hunterdon County Republican Party are unofficially supporting the following candidates below. They oppose teaching sexual perversion to our kids such as transgenderism. Many books promoted in the school system are nothing more than child pornography & pedophilia. See N.J. Department of Education Vows To Punish Teachers If They Refuse to Teach Children About 'Gender Identity' & Anal Sex (2022) & Democrats Moving for Open Pedophilia for Children In Public, In The Classroom, Or Wherever They Can Get Access To Minors (2022) & Black Pastor Condemns the Leadership of the Democrat Party (Oct.6, 2022)

Most Democrats, Independents & Republicans do not want this taught to their kids.

Note: It is unfortunate that the Hunterdon County Republican Committee (HCRC) will not endorse good candidates and advertise on their website like the Hunterdon County Democrats (HCDC) did in 2022 (since 2023 the website is keeping a low profile and did not post any Hunterdon County Board of Education candidates because the party supports abortion, LGBTQ+, same sex marriage, restricted or no parental rights, transgender mutilation of our children, etc). Yes, a political party in NJ can post & promote Board of Education candidate/candidates on their websites (the Democrats post NJ Board Member candidates & promote them on their official websites), and a political party can give money to a Board of Education candidate. What they cannot do? New Jersey Board of Education candidates cannot run under a political party. See -- profiles on the background of our U.S. Senators, Congressmen, etc. And Trevor

The Hunterdon County Democrats (HCDC) did advertise the school board candidates they liked in order to fight the so-called evil MAGA people that are trying to take over the boards alleged by them on their website in 2022. This tells the whole story. See (link no longer on website).

New Jersey Board of Education Elections (Nov. 2, 2024) and Some of the Candidates Running are Listed Below in Hunterdon County

Flemington-Raritan Regional School Board District -- Raritan Township

The selection might not be perfect, but the following two are the best choices:

1. Ryan Cirillo

2. Laurie Markowski (conservative)

Note: It is alleged by other teachers that Michael G. Owen is hard left.

New Jersey Board of Education Elections (Nov. 7, 2023) and Some of the Candidates Running are Listed Below in Hunterdon County

Claudia Gray

Claudia Gray

Claudia Gray -- PDF. Claudia is is running for the Hunterdon Central Board of Education in Flemington, NJ. and stands for Parental Rights, Academic Excellence and Transparency.


Arce, Bentley, Birkenstock -- PDF. Jaclyn Arce, Will Bentley and Ryan Birkenstock are running for the Flemington-Raritan School Board and they stand for Parental Rights, High Quality Education, Report Cards, Field Trips, Teachers & Stafff, Fiscal Responsibility, Standardized Test Scores, Student Behavior & Discipline, etc.






2022 Hunterdon County Board of Education Elections (Raritan Twp. and Flemington Borough)

Hunterdon Central High School Board of Education Candidates--Sue Duggan, Jerry Rymar & Rebecca Petersen

Sue Duggan, one of seven candidates running for three seats on the Hunterdon Central Regional Board of Education this year, is seeking her first three-year term, running alongside Jerry Rymar and Rebecca Petersen

Middle Schools -- K through 8th

Flemington-Raritan School District Board of Education Candidate for Flemington Borough--Tiffany Jarrett; Website:

As one of two candidates representing Flemington and vying for a seat on the Flemington-Raritan Regional Board of Education, Tiffany Jarrett said she hopes she can help struggling students get back to normalcy by creating opportunities to increase socialization skills and decrease learning loss.

Flemington-Raritan School District Candidate for Raritan Twp.--Gina Criscitiello

A Raritan Township resident for 10 years and mother of three, Gina Criscitiello is representing Raritan in her bid for a seat on the Flemington-Raritan Regional Board of Education.

Flemington-Raritan School District Candidate for Raritan Twp.--Lilian Colpas

Lilian Colpas has lived in Raritan Township for nearly a decade with two children attending school in the Flemington-Raritan Regional School District (FRSD), and this year, she is running for a seat on the board of education.

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Why is this happening in American? "No Fear of God." Warning to Leave Bablyon in Revleation 18:4-6 (ISV), we read, Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her, my people,so that you don't participate in her sins and suffer from her plagues. For her sins are piled as high as heaven, and God remembered her crimes.

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[NJIAT (a NJ Nonprofit Education Corporation) is not affiliated with any political party. The information is to help students and non-students learn the truth.]