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Audio Lectures from Dr. Robert A. Morey

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Audio Topic: Natural Theology--Is It Biblical? (Parts 1 thru 8) below.

Natural Theology Study Outline--PDF; JBA (Vol. 1)--PDF; JBA (Vol. 2)--PDF; JBA (Vol. 9)--PDF; JBA (Vol. 10)--PDF

The Bible, Natural Theology and Natural Law: Conflict or Chance? by Dr. Robert A. Morey

Dr. Bob's books including the book entitled The Bible, Natural Theology, And Natural Law: Conflict Or Compromise? can be purchased from


[Part 1] Lean Not on Your Own Understanding
1. Lean not on Your Own Understanding (3:38)
2. The Futility of Trusting in Our Own Human Philosophy (5:13)
3. There is None Who Seek after God! (8:22)
4. Were There Religions All Over the World Before Christianity? (4:56)
5. Only a Fool Would Put His Full Confidence in His Heart (5:47)
6. Instead, the Precepts of the Bible is the Only Reliable Source for Answers (2:20)
7. Everything Outside of Israel was Darkness (2:56)
8. How Can You Get God's Truth from a Rock? (4:54)
9. The Fear of YHWH is the Beginning of Philosophy (:50)
10. What is the Definition of Natural Theology? (6:50)
11. What Do the Terms, "Universal Truth," "Self Evident," and "Intuitive" Mean? (7:08)
12. How Do Naturalists Deal with Universal Truths Not Being Universal? (5:34)
13. Christians are Already influenced by Scripture or Philosophies in Christendom (4:31)
14. This is a Form of Humanism: Natural Theology Begins with Man, not God (8:08)
15. Natural Theology Ends in Apostasy; Revealed Gives Us the Mind of God (3:56)
16. You Can't Have Natural Theology and Sola Scriptura! (1:30)
17. A Challenge for Defenders of Natural Theology to Ponder (2:58)

Natural Theology: Is It Biblical?-- Part 1: For a listing of topics covered in audio lecture, see the Index Part 1 above.

[Part 2] To Dream the Impossible Dream!
1. "Nature" is a Slippery Term and Rarely Defined (7:37)
2. Another Example of a Commonly Used but Undefined Term (4:04)
3. Man is the Origin of Truth, Justice, Morals, Meaning, and Beauty? (1:36)
4. A Brief History of the Many Different Kinds of Natural Theologies (6:25)
5. Natural Theologians tend to Follow the Prevailing and Popular Mentality (2:02)
6. Some Historical Examples of This (9:07)
7. Rationalism Lured Christians in its Heyday (6:49)
8. The Emergence of Empiricism (4:55)
9. Then Came Existentialism (2:36)
10. Alfred North Whitehead's Process Philosophy (5:26)
11. After the Failure of These Came Fideism (1:14)
12. The Forgotten Option: Revealed Theology (1:51)
13. A Curious Contradiction between RC Sproul and William Lane Craig (5:00)
14. The Folly of Saying a Philosophy is True Because it is "Compelling" (4:57)
15. Natural Theology in Evangelism Actually Aids and Abets the Enemy of God! (3:22)

Natural Theology: Is It Biblical?-- Part 2: For a listing of topics covered in audio lecture, see the Index Part 2 above.

[Part 3] The Roman Catholic Connection
1. The Great Reformation: The First of Threee Historic Movements of the Era (3:30)
2. The Counter-Reformation: Rome's Response to the Reformation (3:08)
3. The Renaissance: The Secular alternative of Returning to Greece's Golden Age (1:26)
4. Roman Catholic Apologists Recognized Three Things (7:29)
5. The Roman Catholics' Attempt to Overturn Sola Scriptura (3:45)
6. Dr. Morey's Debate with Monsignor Duffy (1:46)
7. Roman Catholic Universities: The Trojan Horse into the Minds of Protestants (2:35)
8. Digression: Islamic Jihad against Europe and Thomas Aquinas' Response (3:52)
9. The Anglican Theologians' Response (2:36)
10. Some Definitions of Natural Theology (5:23)
11. From a Material Rock to the Invisible God? (3:33)
12. Why Roman Catholicism is Being Taught in Today's Bible Colleges (2:53)

Natural Theology: Is It Biblical?-- Part 3: For a listing of topics covered in audio lecture, see the Index Part 3 above.

[Part 4] Is Natural Theology Taught in Scripture?
1. Bad News First, Then the Good News (4:13)
2. There Are Many False Conversions Today Because We Present it Backwards (3:14)
3. What Is the Bad News? God is Angry! (6:34)
4. Greg Koukl and His Roman Catholic Radio Guest (4:46)
5. There is None Who Seek God! (3:43)
6. But What About Buddha? (1:28)
7. There is No Fear of God Before Their Eyes (2:17)
8. And Excerpt from "Lectures Natural Theology," by P.A. Chadbourne (4:14)
9. How Can You Deduce the True God by Environment and Experience? (9:14)
10. We Will Begin to Look at the Pre-Christian World to See if They Found God (2:14)

Natural Theology: Is It Biblical?-- Part 4 : For a listing of topics covered in audio lecture, see the Index Part 4 above.?

[Part 5] Natural Theology in the Pre-Christian Americas
1. A Look at the North American Religions (7:32)
2. Their View of the Spirit World (2:02)
3. Gods and Goddesses (4:00)
4. Guardian Spirits (2:07)
5. Ghosts and Rituals (3:51)
6. Trickster Myths, Spirits, and Gods...Including Spiderman! (2:36)
7. Ritualized Cannibalism was Widely Practiced among North American Tribes (2:54)
8. Natural Theology Simply Did Not Work in Pre-Christians North America (4:07)
9. The Mayans: Corn, Corn, and More Corn! (4:47)
10. Principal Beliefs of the Mayans (2:13)
11. Principal Beliefs of the Zapotecs (3:09)
12. Principal Beliefs of the Mixtecs (1:06)
13. Principal Beliefs of the Aztecs (1:28)
14. A Common Thread: These Religions were Based on Fear (1:28)
15. The "Noble Savages" Were Not So Noble (1:15)
16. Therefore the Natural Theologian Faces a Problem (3:22)

Natural Theology: Is It Biblical? -- Part 5: For a listing of topics covered in audio lecture, see the Index Part 5 above.

[Part 6] Natural Theology and the African continent
1. Why Natural Theologians Avoid Psalm 147:19-20 (5:14)
2. You Mean, Only Israel? (3:27)
3. The Acrostic, S.T.U.P.I.D. (:56)
4. The Natural Theologians of Africa (1:07)
5. Opening Principle #1: Don't Insert Biblical Ideas inot Native Religions (2:00)
6. Opening Principle #2: Certain Biblical Concepts are Not Universally Understood (3:31)
7. The Mayan Example (1:12)
8. Opening Principle #3: There is no Uniform "African" Religion (:57)
9. The Advanced Culture of the Egytians (3:09)
10. Did Egypt Ever Find the True Biblical God? (1:20)
11. Some Natural Theologians Cheat at This Point (3:16)
12. Central and Southern African Religions (2:09)
13. I Corinthians 1 & 2 Warns Us to Stay Away from Things Like Natural Theology (2:35)
14. What Does This Mean for Us as Evangelists? (2:05)

Natural Theology: Is It Biblical? -- Part 6: For a listing of topics covered in audio lecture, see the Index Part 6 above.

Natural Theology: Is It Biblical? -- Part 7: Natural Theology as developed in England in the 17th century and taught that you can learn everything about God apart from the Bible. Really? They divided themselves into four categories: Rationalists, Empiricists, Mystics, and Fideists. It reached its climax in the 18th century in England. In the 19th century it was dead on arrival in America because of the Theory of Evolution. It is only the latter 20th century that American Evangelicals such as Dr. Norman Geisler, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Dr. William Lane Craig, Dr. J.P. Moreland, etc. revived Natural Theology and Natural Law. None of the Evangelicals would debate Dr. Morey--they ran for the hills.

Natural Theology: Is It Biblical? -- Part 8: Lean on your own understanding always fails. The History of Natural Theology's demise and collapse just before the 20th century was the result of them digging their own grave. A Worldview has ripples in society.

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Dr. Robert A. Morey

In Memory of Dr. Bob Morey (11/13/46 -- 01/05/19)

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