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Your choice between Globalism vs Sovereignty

President Trump's executive order to end political bias by Big Tech (05/28/20) & Why we are now calling for the arrest, prosecution and EXECUTION of all corporate leaders who collude with communist China to suppress human rights (2020) & Joel Skousen: Trump Needs to Shut Down Phony Pandemic Testing (07/16/20) & Breaking: States Ordered To Fraudulently Inflate COVID-19 Cases 15 Times Actual Rate (06/29/20) & New Secrets Of COVID-19 (Video) -- CDC says the test is for the entire class of coronavirus. A common cold will test positive for Covid-19 (they are not sick)--it is a fraud. & Who is Funding and Controlling BLM? & President Trump's Speech at Mt. Rushmore (07/03/20) & TRUMP DESTROYS DEMOCRAT PLATFORM IN ROSE GARDEN SPEECH (07/14/20) -- Imagine Joe Biden trying to do this without reading a teleprompter

President Trump's official website -- Union members, Black Leaders such as Dr. Alveda King, Larry Pinkney (former Black Panther Party), Black Rappers, etc. support President Trump.

VIRAL VIDEO: BLACK FEMALE STREET PREACHER GOES TO CHOP AND CALLS OUT RACIST JOE BIDEN (06/16/20) --‘You want to see black men get killed substantially like you’ve never seen before, put Joe Biden in..' And Happy 4th of July (2020) -- Learn the real history of Declaration of Independence (video) and Human Rights movement.

United States Senate SealUnited States House of Representatives Seal

Reputable U.S. Citizens running for Office (All Candidates Listed on Politics): 1. Joe Collins, Congressional 43rd District candidate in CA --he is a Black American and military veteran. 2. Laura Loomer for Congress--Florida, District 21, (Primary is August 18th, 2020 and General Election is November 3rd, 2020) 3. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai U.S. Senate Candidate in Massachusetts (Sept. 1, 2020 is the primary) -- a MIT graduate and brilliant scientist. And New Left-Wing Tyranny

Steve Pieczenik Talks

Message to President Trump: Dr. Steve Pieczenik's Emergency Warning To President Trump (37 minutes into the video 08/02/20) & WATCH THE CENSORED TRUMP INTERVIEW HERE
Big Tech doesn't want you to see this! (Fox News, 08/06/20)
-- Kids go back to school.

CIA emblemDr. Pieczenik, MD was Assistant Deputy Secretary of State under 3 Presidents & Navy Captain. DARPA invented the internet, then the CIA created "In-Q-Tel (IQT)" on Sept. 29, 1999 that funded and developed the following: Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. The U.S. people own the social media because it was developed by the CIA with taxpayer money.

And President Trump, shut down Dynology Corporation, which the CIA, NSA with Obama, Brennan & Clapper control. See Shadow Gate movie located at:: Shawdow Gate

Terrorism News Update (07/22/2020): List of 269 companies supporting Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the lines have been drawn & Communist China providing automatic weapons to Antifa, Black Lives Matter acording to CBP & Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp unloads on the shadow government, exotic weapons and covert budgets (07/24/20) & FRONTLINE DOCTORS DOUBLE DOWN ON HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE IN DEFIANCE OF BIG TECH CENSORSHIP (07/28/20) -- Physicians fight back against social media giants and fake news & Doctor who cured 350 coronavirus patients with 100% success rate speaks out passionately in Washington D.C. & DOCTORS ARE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT. BUT TWITTER, FACEBOOK & GOOGLE ARE PURE EVIL FOR NOT EVEN ALLOWING ALTERNATIVE VOICES ON COVID -- Are governments preparing for a global financial reset?

Martin Luther King Jr., Washington march on August 28, 1963EXPOSED: SOROS AND THE SECRET ORIGINS OF BLACK LIVES MATTER -- Globalists pushing America into a manufactured race war. An old white man oversees the largest African American movement in the country, what happened to the real leaders? Barnes breaks down how MLK and Malcolm X were actually promoting peaceful protests, which is why they were deemed threatening enough to be assassinated, and why their peaceful message is lost today. Larry Pinkney, a former member of the Black Panther Party, is interviewed by the David Knight Show (06/03/20) -- 24 minutes into the interview Mr. Pinkney condemned Joe Biden and called him a Jim Crow, KKK, piece of scum. Mr. Pinkney's website: Black Activist Writers Guild & COMMUNISTS LAUNCH COORDINATED ATTACK ON AMERICA: WATCH LIVE & A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism. The following are a few basic historical facts that every American should know. Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress. Fact: The 14th Amendment, giving full citizenship to freed slaves, passed in 1868 with 94% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress. The 15th Amendment, giving freed slaves the right to vote, passed in 1870 with 100% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress. & Candace Owens & Video: The Inconvenient Truth of the Democratic Party by Professor Carol Swain (African-American) & See BLM Protest in Flemington, NJ (06/06/2020) & Original Black Panther Party Member Declares Antifa Must Be Stopped (06/12/20) -- Original Black Panther member and Civil Rights activist Larry Pinkney joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the destructive disaster the violent agitators and looters are causing...and Black

Twyne persecutedRoosevelt Twyne, An African-American, Persecuted by the Prosecutor's Office in Union County over an alleged 'False Arrest' in Roselle Park, NJ (05/04/20) --Mr. Roosevelt Twyne, an African-American, 25-year-old security guard, alleged that an officer of the Roselle Park Police Dept. in Roselle Park, New Jersey made an illegal arrest on Feb.8, 2020. Looking at the allegations made in the above article and facts presented, it is a disgrace what this officer did and for the Union County Prosecutor's Office to move forward with charges. Update: Criminal Charges were dismissed against Mr. Twyne (03/13/20) & Recommendations for solving problems with police: Use the Sheriff's Office and decriminalize many of the drugs--the Pharma drugs are legal and in many instances more harmful to people than the illegal drugs. (Help Congressman Steve Stockman, a political prisoner at


Image Credits: Getty Images. Covid-19 Information (Click this link for information on the Coronavirus) -- Where it came from and What to do about it. Lockdowns Failed

Message to Governors in NJ, PA and other States: Singh pointed out to the example of Societies in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the Czech Republic, all of which are maintaining safe social distancing without crippling their economies. He specifically pointed out that Taiwan was exposed weeks before New York City and has a greater population than NYC and the North Jersey regions but has only a fraction of the COVID-19 incidents. "The U.S. should be leading. Instead, we have orchestrated a depression," said Hirsh Singh (NJ U.S. Senate candidate). Also, Click to read Dr. Shiva's Letter to President Trump and Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT, PHD

Dr. Judy Mikovits[Click to see Plandemic (a Video by Dr. Judy Mikovitz who wrote a powerful book entitled, Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science that questions vaccine safety and effectiveness, a big no-no.) -- The Documentary that the Government does not want you to see; the Documentary that also had its website hacked and defaced. Exposes & alleges payoffs for Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx and Redfield and others. Government workers in 1980s were allowed to patent vaccines.] Also, see Vaccine Impact

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.Children's Health Defense -- Director, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

POWERFUL STATE, CORPORATE ENTITIES USING CRISIS TO REMOVE BASIC RIGHTS, PROMOTE VACCINES & MORE SURVEILLANCE-- Full breakdown of the 'Brave New World' of Bill Gates and big telecom (05/11/20) by Robert F. Kennedy & Dafna Tachover And Facebook blacklists free speech video platform to silence humanitarian voices of pioneering women like Dr. Judy Mikovits --TAKE ACTION

chinese flag


InfowarsCONFIRMED: CHINA LAUNCHED COVID-19 TO TAKE DOWN THE WESTERN WORLD-- Get this exclusive report out fight back against the communist operation (04/03/20)

Medical Tyranny -- 2020 (Deep State Operatives Surrounding Trump Exposed, Video)

MUST WATCH, RESEARCH & SHARE REPORT: HISTORIAN EXPOSES BILL GATES' TIES TO NAZIS AND MORE (04/07/20) -- Truth is more horrifying than fiction, but it will set you free.

5G Exacerbating the Coronavirus because it lowers your immunity to viruses? Is it linked to cancer as stated by the LA Times? Let's see what the truth is by this interview.Naturalnews

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT, PHD , who sent a letter to President Trump, states that Dr. Fauci's "health policy" will result in the destruction of a citizen's immune system. There is no need to quarantine all citizens & Dr. Fauci is bought off by Bill Gates & Big Pharma and ventilators are killing people. Click to read Dr. Shiva's Letter to President Trump. Also, see Pandemic News & -- learn the truth.

Nuclear fireballCoronavirus (A Man-Made Bioweapon that has the HIV Delivery System According to U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee -- China Launches Biolgoical War Against The West, More To Come (04/01/20) & Dr. Fauci and Pope Francis are both opportunists who are corrupted by their own schemes and handlers by Dr. Pieczenik and Bill & Melinda Gates (Bill Gates said Vaccines will reduce your fertility) held a drill last year for a Coronavirus Outbreak & FDA Admits "Stealth Viruses" Routinely Found in Vaccine. President Trump, seal the Border & Arrest the "Deep State."

Financial Help with the Coranavirus: Coronavirus (COVID-19): Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources & Paycheck Protection Program -- SBA will forgive loans if all employees are kept on the payroll for eight weeks and the money is used for payroll, rent, mortgage interest, or utilities. (Effective 04/03/20.)

InfowarsDownload Infowars Free Google and Apple Application; To bypass search engine censorship such as (Google/YouTube), use Yippy ( the President is a Navy Veteran & Christian) or Good Gopher or DuckDuckGo or Follow NJIAT (just click the picture to go to Gab--it is equivalent to Twitter & Facebook; however, does not censor. See GAB Trends and Brighteon (alternative to YouTube). How to install a Google GAB Android App. on your Smart phone and GAB's alternative to Zoom coming next week.

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Alex Jones

Dr. Robert A. Morey

In Memory of Dr. Bob Morey (11/13/46 -- 01/05/19)

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