Left: When Is It Right To Fight? by Dr. Robert A. Morey
Click Ukraine: "Why it Belongs to Russia"
Video Presentations on the Ukraine War--what they are not telling you.
1. Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse before the Great Reset SC by Dr. Peter Hammond (Video presentation) & Ukraine article: Is the War in Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse Before the Great Reset? -- Printable PDF Version ;
2. HTML Article: Is The War in Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse Before The Great Reset? by Dr. Peter Hammond (2022);
3. Watch Oliver Stone's Bombshell Ukraine Documentary entitled "Ukraine on Fire" that was censored by YouTube (posted to Brighteon.com)--03/03/2022;
7. Interview with the director Igor Lopatonok -- Macron aid, "He [Putin] will, in his own words, carry out his operation to 'de-Nazify' Ukraine to the end," the confidant added ;
8. Documentary Film Exposed U.S. Bioweapons Labs in Eastern Europe in 2018 & Ukraine: A Deep State Wonderland (TV documentary by Alex Newman) -- Ukraine is a giant playground of corruption for the Deep State and Ukrainian President Zelensky is a leftwing globalist puppet of the Deep State. The left claims everyone to the right of Marx is a "Nazi", find out what it really means to be a Nazi in 2022 ;
9. Article: Western Media Clubs Together to White-Wash Ukrainian Neo-Nazis in Ukriane;
10. The Failure of Atheism and the Triumph of Faith in Russia or Audio (Video by Dr. Peter Hammond) & WHY ARE YOU CONTINUING TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT COMMUNISM?
Note: The U.S. State Dept. and globalists overthrew Ukraine in 2014 and installed a neo-Nazi government with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as a puppet and Obama sponsored the orange revolution coup and the immediate cancelling of minority (Russian) language rights, regions with an overwhelmingly Russian majority. Barack Obama came to hate Putin because he was against the LGBTQ agenda and Putin banned gay propaganda to childeren in Russia in 2013--so, Obama set up a series of provocative events. What about Kiev ordering scientists to destroy samples of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other lethal pathogens?
Issue of the New American magazine
Deep State-Nazi Hidden Axis
Vol. 38, No. 18
Thus what are now called "developing countries" were targeted by the bankrupt economic system after WWI. The plan was to place central banks in each country, and, by extending them credit, have them purchase industrial goods from Germany -- after which Germany would remit payment for its reparations obligations.
Since all parties concerned among the advanced economies seemed to benefit, the Schacht plan was put into action and the era of the "economic hitman" commenced.
The invisible government of the Deep State has long worked with the Nazis to accomplish its nefarious objectives, going back to the rise of Hitler.
This is, of course, a reference to John Perkins' book Confessions of an Economic Hitman. In the 2004 expose, he confided about how he, in his capacity as an economic development expert, was dispatched to Third World countries by the international banking system in order to get struggling nations into debt.
Comments Perkins, "I'm haunted by the payoffs to the leaders of poor countries, the blackmail, and the threats that if they resisted, if they refused to accept loans that would enslave their countries in debt, the CIA's jackals would overthrow or assassinate them."
Image credit: Ukraine Map above of East V. West (windowstorussia.com). The Tsardom of Russia 1547-1721 (Russia expanded). The Cossack Hetmanate emerged and prospered during the 17th and 18th centuries, but its territory was eventually split between Poland and the Russian Empire. After the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 (Wall Street and London Banks funded it), the Ukrainian People's Republic was declared; however, it was always part of mother Russia.
A quote from the New American magazine, 09/26/2022,
The Removal of Ukrainian Viktor Yanukovych by the United States
...In 2014, the United States helped engineer the removal of democratically elected leader Viktor Yanukovych from power in what many in the press framed at the time as a "right-wing coup." This characterization was due to shock troops being drawn from the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party. None other than Joe Biden was dispatched by the Obama administration to help set up the new regime. As Ukraine was turned into a money-laundering hub and beachhead for NATO, neo-Nazi brigades, with financial support from the West, shelled culturally Russian neighborhoods in eastern Ukraine as a form of ethnic cleansing...
The Ukrainian Role in the Cold War
Yes, Ukrainians. The Gehlenorg syndicate (that Dulles later absorbed into the nascent CIA) became the bedrock for the agency's network in Eastern Europe.
The inherited Gehlenorg has been used consistently since the end of WWII as a hedge against Russian power. Money from Washington has flooded quite freely into eastern Europe to fund neo-Nazi organizations such as the Ukrainian Azov Battalion today.
Victoria Nuland, U.S. undersecretary of state for Europe, stated that Washington had "invested" around $5 billion in political projects in Ukraine
over the past two decades. Prior to that, the Reagan administration had allocated funds to build a propaganda infrastructure in the region to cultivate
such "useful groups" in their fight during the Cold War. Financing took place, for instance, of Prolog, a nationalist publishing house in the
Ukraine, to which the CIA funneled millions. Even before Reagan, however, when Polish-born Zbigniew Brzezinski was President Jimmy Carter's
national security advisor, he engineered the increase in funding for anti-Soviet Ukrainian propaganda.
The U.S. citizens & the coward American churches will be judged by God. They have turned their backs on the True God--no fear of God! The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way And the perverse mouth I hate. (Proverbs 8:13, NKJV) Repent so God will have mercy on our nation.
Nuclear War Possible: And What is Really Happening in Ukraine?
President's Trump Anti-War Speech (Video:2023) & Highlights from President Putin's Speech (Video:02/21/2023)
For 15 Years Alex Jones Covered The US/Russia War (Video, 02/27/2023) -- NATO told Russia in early 2000's that it was going to move nuclear weapons on their border & take over the Eastern block countries so we (NATO) can preemptively strike you (see the NATO Plan; it is time for the U.S. to get out of NATO). The Globalists in the U.S. are Nazis. For further information and Oliver Stone's documentaries on Ukraine, see the Military Tab.
Image credit: Ukraine Map above of East V. West (windowstorussia.com). The Tsardom of Russia 1547-1721 (Russia expanded). The Cossack Hetmanate emerged and prospered during the 17th and 18th centuries, but its territory was eventually split between Poland and the Russian Empire. After the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 (Wall Street and London Banks funded it), the Ukrainian People's Republic was declared; however, it was always part of mother Russia.
2. Article: Is The War in Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse Before The Great Reset? by Dr. Peter Hammond (2022)
3. A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE ON THE WAR IN UKRAINE (08/29/2022) by Dr. Peter Hammond
4. MUST WATCH VIDEO: 33 years of history that led up to Russia's invasion of Ukraine that you won't see taught in U.S. schools nor hear anywhere in the Western mockingbird media -- (Article republished from LeoHohmann.com.)
5. CIA: Undermining and Nazifying Ukraine Since 1953 -- The recent declassification of over 3800 documents by the Central Intelligence Agency provides detailed proof that since 1953 the CIA operated
two major programs intent on not only destabilizing Ukraine but Nazifying it with followers of the World War II Ukrainian Nazi
Is there Election Fraud and Rigging by the FBI, DOJ and CIA?
1. Former National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland warned that the intelligence agencies and the Justice Department rigged the 2016 and 2020 elections and are fixing to interfere in the 2024 election (2023) -- Video and comment from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
2. Former National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland: FBI, DOJ, CIA Rigged Last Two Elections -- Will Interfere in 2024 (See Fox News Interview by Maria Bartiromo's Wall Street (05/21/2023) -- "Go back to 2020. It was the CIA who got involved in the 2020 election with those 51 former intel agents who said the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation," she said.
4. Millions Of Illegal Voters Have Been Discovered And Removed From Voter Rolls (Video, 02/27/2023) -- Interview withJim Hoft of the GateWayPundit.com. Massive election fraud (Dr. Oz, Kari Lake, etc. won their elections in 2022). 61% of the voting centers in Arizona did not work--the Asshole Rino's in the Republican Party do nothing. President Nayib Bukele: El Salvador's War on Crime is the Answer to Militant Murderous Criminal Gangs -- President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador is a honest & God fearing President and watches the Alex Jones show. The Globalists hate him. Max Kaiser is his financial advisor. President Bukele condemned the U.S. for rejecting Christianity. Note: The U.S. trained the MS-13 in the U.S. -- so these are military or terrorist combatants.
5. Election Fraud Round table: Dr. Shiva and David Clements (Video, 2022)
Gun Control Kills Kids! 
Image right: Gun Control Kills Kids! Pamphlet published by JPFO
American Gun Facts & Binden's War on the 2nd Amendment & YouTube: Mass Muderers Agree: Gun Control Works -- 290 million killed by Democide & Gun Owners of America (GOA) & JPFO & See 2nd Amendment Tab & 2000 Mules by Dinesh D'Souza & Covid Land: The Shot.
What Can An American Do to Prepare Themselves?
Info: Nuclear War Survival Skills -- free PDF files & Free Audio Survival Books with PDFs & Russian top official tells the truth about Big Pharma and engineered bioweapons (while US officials LIE to protect pharma crooks) & mRNA vaccines targeting children for PERMANENT INFERTILITY and depopulation (Video) & Political Violence is Ukraine's Biggest Export: Embedded American Journalist Exposes Great Reset Collapse to Jumpstart WW3-- American journalist (George Eliason) in Donbas, Ukraine (now Russia) explains what is really happening. (Listen to TV/Video interview.)
The Great Reset and the War for the World by Alex Jones (can be obtained at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.) See video interview on Rumble with Patrick Barnes, top Constitutional attorney at VivaBarnesLaw.Locals.com, about the unconstitutional civil trial against Alex Jones.
Biblical Warning: United States can have energy independence; we have plenty of gas and oil, however, it was shut down by Biden. Russia has more oil and gas than the US, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela combined. So, Biden & EU throw Russia off of SWIFT? So, India is leaving the dollar and the Ruble is stronger. Dumb America has went with the Beast in Revelation (Chapters 17 &18, Babylon, the Prostitute on the Beast). Russia and China are not the Beast. Dissecting Ukraine Biolabs with Dr. Lee Merritt (TV interview--Dr. Lee Merritt) & 11th Century Russian History -- Prince Yaroslav was grand prince of Kiev.
Ukraine Belongs to Russia, not the EU
Image of Crimea below Owned by Russia. Author: Maximilian Dorrbecker (Chumwa). This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. Free to copy, distribute, etc. (https://en.wikipedia.org/)
History note: Crimea has been part of Russia for 500 years (Russia started there and has always controlled Crimea) and Eastern Ukraine is really Russian (ethnically they are Russian). Religion: Mostly Eastern Orthodoxy and the next largest group conists of a small percentage of Protestant/Evangelical churches (10%)). 5 years ago, Soros, United Nations, NATO & the State Dept. overthrew Ukraine and replaced it with an illegal Nazi government (yes, Ukrainian interim VP actually "Hailed" Hitler--they bragged about it on TV. Pesident Poroshencko wants to suspend elections because he is loosing per the polls). Former Vice President Biden's son was given control of a gas company in Ukraine and is making 100s of millions of dollars a year. Western Ukraine has the largest concentration of Roman Catholics in Ukraine and allied with Nazi Germany in World War II. The Western Ukraine was more closely allied with Poland and Germany (Ukraine was split between Poland and Russia in the 17th & 18th centuries). Russia should immediately seize Eastern Ukraine and annex it. Tell the EU to stick it up it's Butt. All Americans should speak up over meddling in the affairs of Ukraine because this is an illegal act by EU & U.S. that is a direct violation on what the Bible teaches about "Just Wars." Note: Putting US/ NATO troops in Eastern block countries is a violation of the agreement between Russia and U.S. and EU in the 1990s. Can you image Russia putting troops on the Mexican border? The U.S. would not accept this. See Ukraina.ru
Image credit: Moscow Kremlin, Moscow river at winter evening (17 December 2012). Author: Pavel Kazachkov from Moscow, Russia. Per author you are free to share to copy, distribute and transmit the work.
Advice for Eastern bloc countries: Do not join the EU or NATO. Nothing wrong with trading with the EU and the United States & other countries, but do not join them in any alliance. Keep close ties with Russia. The EU with the United States have become Fascist and totalitarian and anti-Christian. It is not the old United States and Western Europe we knew 50 years ago. The EU model was predicated on the Nazi Germany model. A quote from book entitled "The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism", page 34 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (former Reagan administration Assistant Secretary of the Treasury), "I will suggest that it is in Germany's interest to leave the EU, revive the mark, and enter into an economic partnership with Russia. German industry, technology, and economic and financial rectitude, combined with Russian energy and raw materials, would pull all of Eastern Europe into a new economic union, with each country retaining its own currency and budgetary and tax authority. This would break up NATO, which has become an instrument for world oppression and is forcing Europeans to assume the burdens of the American Empire."
Senator Mike Doherty (NJ, 23rd District) condemns NATO and U.S. for instigating war with Russia (Senator Doherty is a West Point graduate--see TV interview with Insider NJ, 01/24/2022) & Is Vladimir Putin a Christian? & The Failure of Atheism and the Triumph of Faith in Russia (article by Dr. Peter Hammond) & The Failure of Atheism an the Triumph of Faith in Russia (audio by Dr. Peter Hammond)and NATO's Long History of Agression toward Russia (2022) and "The "Maidan Revolution."
(NATO, EU, U.S. & the illegitimate White House are provoking War with Russia) & It's Time for the US To Stop Courting Conflict with Russia & Putin to Biden: Finlandize Ukraine, or We Will & Russian Tension and Covid-19 (TV interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who was former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Reagan, (2022) & Dr. Paul Craig Robert's website & Where Does NATO Enlargement End? by Patrick J. Buchanan Note: The Deep State in the EU and the United States sees Russia and its allies like Belarus as an obstruction to their New World Order (NWO) and wants them terminated. President Putin is smart and a God fearing man and knows the EU and US government is trying to coerse them into a bloody war--this is why they do not want diplomatic negotiations with Russia. The Deep State is paying off national saboteurs in Kazakhstan and wants to seize control so they can make it easier for them to invade Russia as the border between Kazakhstan and Russia is largely unfortified. The Beast in Revelation is here and the American Christians have their head in the sand.
Summary below and then Questions for United States and the Western Nations over their foreign policy. And TV interview with NJ Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District) who served in the Army and stationed in Germany when the Soviet Union collapsed.
Image credit: NATO/OTAN Logo. Unknown author. This work was first published in Belgium and is in the public domain because its exempt from copyright protection by virtue of the Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights (of June 30, 1994, as amended by the Law of April 3, 1995). See https://commons.wikimedia.org/
First, a Bioweapon (Covid-19) was developed with the help of powerful corporations and governments (Fauci, NIH) and then a deadly vaccine was produced (see SMOKING GUN: Genetic sequence in COVID-19 spike protein was patented by Moderna three years earlier). Second, there was the illegal removal of President Trump, who won by landslide, (see Bombshell study finds more than 200,000 ballots from 2020 election with "mismatched signatures" indicating widespread fraud) that occurred because of the globalist Democrats & Neocon Republicans & deep state. Third ,Ukraine was overthrown in 2014 ("The "Maidan Revolution" ) by our intelligence agencies and installed a neo-Nazis government controlled by the West (Soros, a CIA agent and CFR member, bragged about it on TV). Beware of a false "Cyberattack" by the deep state in the U.S. in order to blame Russia so they can invoke Article 5 of NATO.
Senator Mike Doherty (NJ, 23rd District) condemns NATO and U.S. for instigating war with Russia (Senator Doherty is a West Point graduate--see TV interview with Insider NJ, 01/24/2022) and When the Bush Administration announced in 2008 that Ukraine and Georgia would be eligible for NATO membership by Ron Paul -- I knew it was a terrible idea. Nearly two decades after the end of both the Warsaw Pact and the Cold War, expanding NATO made no sense. NATO itself made no sense. NATO is an organization whose purpose ended with the end of its Warsaw Pact adversary.
Questions: 1. Is Putin demanding Americans and Canadians be injected with spike protein bioweapons that have already killed over one million Americans right here at home? (see Covid-19 Information: Legal Help, Where to get Ivermectin, Are the Vaccines Safe?) 2. Has Putin stolen anyone's bank accounts in the USA or Canada? 3. Is Putin promoting via the school system to our young kids transgenderism, homosexuality, fornication, the LGBTQ agenda and every other sinful, anti-family and wicked lifestyles condemned by God? 4. Is Putin blocking treatments to Covid such as Ivermectin? 5. Is Vladimir Putin a Christian? 6. Did Putin overthrow Ukraine in 2014 and install a neo-Nazi government? 6. Is Russia anti-Christian? Or is United States and EU anti-Christian? See The Failure of Atheism and the Triumph of Faith in Russia (article by Dr. Peter Hammond) & The Failure of Atheism an the Triumph of Faith in Russia (audio by Dr. Peter Hammond).
As Biden president complains about Putin's violation of Ukraine's "sovereign borders," the corporate media did not complian about America's invasions and military violence against Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria and dozens of other countries. (See The REAL aggressors attacking humanity are the vaccine pushers, covid propagandists and governments that terrorize their own citizens)
Warning of Judgment from the Supreme Ruler of the Universe on the United States: Globalists scapegoat Russia
See Interviews :Senator Mike Doherty (NJ, 23rd District) condemns NATO and U.S. for instigating war with Russia (Senator Doherty is a West Point graduate--see TV interview with Insider NJ, 01/24/2022) & Emergency Saturday Broadcast! Alex Jones Interviews Leading Russian Journalist, Arkady Mamontov, On Eve Of War (TV Interview, 02/12/2022) & Is Vladimir Putin a Christian? & The Failure of Atheism and the Triumph of Faith in Russia (Video by Dr. Peter Hammond) & The Failure of Atheism an the Triumph of Faith in Russia (audio by Dr. Peter Hammond). and NATO Backed Forces Launch Massive Offensive Against Russian Held Sectors of Eastern Ukraine (Feb. 19.) & Putin Speech: Russia Declares Formal Recognition Of Ukraine Separatist Regions As Sovereign States & NATO's Long History of Agression toward Russia (2022) & George Soros' Giant Globalist Footprint in Ukraine's Turmoil (2014) & Dr. Zelenko: Great Reset Plan for Forcing the Mark of the Beast System + Pastor Pawlowski Updates 2022
Image credit: Moscow Kremlin, Moscow river at winter evening (17 December 2012). Author: Pavel Kazachkov from Moscow, Russia. Per author you are free to share to copy, distribute and transmit the work.
(NATO, EU, U.S. & the illegitimate White House are provoking War with Russia) & It's Time for the US To Stop Courting Conflict with Russia & Putin to Biden: Finlandize Ukraine, or We Will & Russian Tension and Covid-19 (TV interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who was former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Reagan, (2022) & Dr. Paul Craig Robert's website & Where Does NATO Enlargement End? by Patrick J. Buchanan Note: The Deep State in the EU and the United States sees Russia and its allies like Belarus as an obstruction to their New World Order (NWO) and wants them terminated. President Putin is smart and a God fearing man and knows the EU and US government is trying to coerse them into a bloody war--this is why they do not want diplomatic negotiations with Russia. The Deep State is paying off national saboteurs in Kazakhstan and wants to seize control so they can make it easier for them to invade Russia as the border between Kazakhstan and Russia is largely unfortified. The Beast in Revelation is here and the American Christians have their head in the sand.
Search Engines: Yandex--a popular Eastern European search engine that does not censor; DuckDuckGo -- DuckDuckGo is a remote company of passionate people from over 15 countries; and Startpage -- it is based in the Neatherlands and does not adhere to U.S. Laws such as PRISM, Patriot Act, FISA, NDAA, etc. (Ukraina.ru)
How Are Hunter Biden, Klaus Schwab & CIA Connected To US Biolabs In Ukraine? Pt 2 --Infowars quote below, Biolabs operated under the Pentagon's Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) program from 2008 to 2017 were constructed and operated by Black & Veatch following an estimated $215.6 million of work. The DOD Black & Veatch project included the building of labs in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Cameroon, Thailand, Ethiopia, Vietnam and Armenia. In 2014, a firm called Metabiota, which specializes in detecting, tracking, and analyzing potential disease outbreaks, signed
an $18.4 million federal contract as a subcontractor for Black & Veatch in Georgia and Ukraine. ..In 2015, amid these clandestine projects, Google-funded Metabiota to the tune of $1 million.These well-connected "corporations" have more interesting ties as well. Metabiota was started with help from U.S. President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden and his investment firm Rosemont
Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP), which he founded alongside John Kerry's stepson in 2009.
Note: Google also has its ties with Metabiota, via the Central Intelligence Agency. Besides Hunter Biden, Google and the Pentagon, Metabiota is in a working relationship with known CIA front In-Q-Tel. Created by the CIA in 1999 as "the first government-sponsored venture capital firm," In-Q-Tel has been controversial since its inception."Metabiota provides capabilities to better understand infectious disease risk via open-source data fusion and sophisticated epidemic simulations," a top In-Q-Tel employee said when the groups partnered. Google was also spawned by the CIA, via Stanford University, and has carried out several contracts with the agency throughout its existence. In 2004, Google bought the firm Keyhole, which had originally been funded by In-Q-Tel.The 2019 Greg Reese special report posted below highlights the In-Q-Tel ties to Facebook, another outlet with reason to censor information on this topic. ( Dr. Steve Pieczenik, MD, PHD , who served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under 4 Presidents & Navy Officer & helped create Delta Force, etc., alleged in a TV interview that he was one of the key figures in having the CIA fund and create In-Q-Tel.)
Important Donation sites for Freedom of Press & Assembly (a Free Christian Crowdfunding Site): 1. Freedom Convoy 2022 (Give Send Go); 2. Genesis Communications Network Inc (Give Send Go); 3. Save Infowars Legal Defense Fund (Give Send Go) & Neoliberal Racism Is Bigotry In Its Purest Form, Says Minnesota Congressional Candidate Royce White (an African-American)--TV interview
What has happened in America? And what is the background of the European Union (EU)? The Real Story of Ukraine.
Natural News: The Third Reich never really ended. Although Hitler himself was destroyed, the Nazi regime of the 1920s / 30s / 40s simply went underground and morphed into a global movement of infiltration and influence that's now emerging as "globalism." ...The World Economic Forum is the training ground for modern-day Nazis, who include national leaders Macron (France), Merkel (Germany) and Trudeau (Canada). Notably, the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, named Chrystia Freeland, is the granddaughter of an actual Nazi collaborator and propagandist named Michael Chomiak. ...Under Operation Paper Clip the US government brought Nazi scientists to the United States and gave them new identities to run NASA and the Apollo program. Actual Nazis infiltrated NASA from the very beginning, and they slowly worked their way through the intelligence community and government regulators, to the point where a surprising number of those who have run the FDA, NIH or NIAID are working seamlessly with the Nazi agenda of mass extermination.
Legal Help for Not Taking the Bioweapon Covid-19, Rockefeller Foundation releases Lockstep documents in 2010 about the fake Covid pandemic, Jab. (Legal letters already written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Robert Barnes for University Students, Employees, Government Employees and Religious Exemptions for Military Personnel. )-- Click the Covid-19 link below.
Important Topics: Covid-19 Legal Help & Covid-19 Medications that Work (Information that will save your life--yes, Ivermectin and HCQ works & where to purchase--did you know that the "Secret Service" in Washington, D.C. is being given Ivermectin? Did you know that the Spanish Flu (listen to the audio at the 54 minute mark) is the name that was made up by the US military in 1918 and had nothing to do with Spain? It was a vaccine given to the military soldiers at the US Army Fort Riley Military Base located in Kansas--they were given an experimental vaccine that did not work and caused the outbreak. Wake up dumb Americans! Get the book entitled "Swine Flu Expose" by Dr. Eleanora McBean.) And REPORT: Peter Daszak Worked For CIA, EcoHealth Alliance Is A 'CIA Front Organization' -- Dr. Andrew Huff, PhD, MS, publicly stated on January 12, 2022 that EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak confessed to him that he was working for the Central Intelligence Agency, and further stated his belief that EcoHealth Alliance was a "CIA front organization."
The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. -- his book can be purchased at BrighteonBooks.com Also, see TV interview (11/15/2021) of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the Tucker Carlson Today (Fox News) and article on Natural News -- according to Kennedy, not one of the 72 doses (administered in a series of 16 shots) of vaccines that are given to
children "has ever been safety-tested against a placebo in pre-clinical trials." RFK Jr. Smashes Covid Narrative: "Nobody Has Ever Complied Their Way Out of Totalitarianism" & Dr. Robert W. Malone, MD -- website and original inventor of mRNA & DNA vaccines. Dr. Malone is on Gab.com located at gab.com/RobertMaloneMD
Other topics: The Truth about the Election (2020) -- Arizona Audit shows massive voter fraud. See official AZ audit reports and The Truth about BLM -- BLM members fight against forced Covid vaccinations; BLM members are starting to see that they were manipulated by the "Deep State" intelligence agencies and the White Globalist billionaires such as George Soros, who is a Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) member and a CIA operative according to Dr. Steve Pieczenick, MD (a former CFR member and intelligence operative), are funding the BLM.
What happened to American Christians? When is it Right to Fight?
Pastor Matthew Trewhella says cowardice among American Christians is a huge problem -- Brighteon.TV -- recommended book: When is it Right to Fight? by Dr. Robert A. Morey & hear his lecture series entitled The Christian and War (9 Part Audio Lecture Series & TV Interview in 2018 on When is it Right to Fight? -- Also, Dr. Bob on the Walter Martin's Bible Answer Man Radio Show & Dr. Bob on Dr. D. James Kennedy Radio Show.
Store Links
Products: 1. My Pillows (high quality--Promo code for Discount: Alex ); 2. My Store -- a revolutionary platform to help Patriots & God fearing people market their products. 3. Infowars Store & Healthy Happy Bodycare -- Infowars Superblue toothpaste; 4. Health Ranger Store; 5. Cabela's and so on. Also, see your local gun stores in your area. Download a free audio book and transcript on "Survival Nutrition" from Mike Adams (Natural News.com).
FSF Raritan/Flemington Powerpoint Presentation on 08-11-2011 by Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District) -- PDF
'Mute His Microphone': Senator Ruiz and Senator Doherty Clash over Diversity Bill (12/07/2020) -- Senator Doherty & opponents of the bill said they detect an effort by the forces of secular humanism to undermine Christianity. LGBT is a wicked organization & is pushing this bill (S-2781) to pervert the minds of the young and Senator Ruiz is a God-hater and a disgrace.
Health update: Covid Vaccine dangerous & Johns Hopkins published:COVID-19 had no measurable effect on deaths in the United States (12/01/2020) & Situation Update, Dec. 7th -- DNI John Ratcliffe, the bogus science of PCR testing and China's GMO super soldiers & Ten Year Study Shows Unvaccinated Children Healther than Vaccinated Children (12/13/2020) & DEPOPULATION VAX: Trial subjects injected with coronavirus vaccines suddenly test positive for HIVs & Asymptomatic Covid-19 spread isn't real, so why are people still wearing a mask?
New Jersey Candidates
Jack Ciattarelli refusal to vote for Trump in '16 slammed in new Steinhardt video and see "Politics Tab" for information on Jack Ciatterelli. Also, see Chris Christie Sabotaged Donald Trump With Christopher Wray Recommendation
Note: Many of the Republican County Committtee Chairs or VP Chairs are compromised because they are either lobbyists or have Democratic clients or Globalist/RINO Republican clients and thus cannot post any issues or positions on their website. However, the Democrats will post their issues and positions on their website. For example, see Hunterdon County Republican Committee and compare it to Hunterdon County Democratic Party.
Also, see TV.Gab.com (equivalent to YouTube and Gab.com (equivalent to Twitter) and President Trump goes on GAB (04/07/2021) to demand Election Integrity). You have idiots, liars & senseless Asses such as Texas Governor Greg Abbott making false accusations against Gab because it believes in freedom of speech and the CEO is a Christian. Free-speech social media platform Gab, and its CEO Andrew Torba, have been banned from four banks in four weeks, due to media smears (lies) and a so-called Evangelical Christian Credit Union (ECCU) closed Gab's account for no reason according to Mr. Torba
--cowards and sellouts to Yeshua Ha-Mashiach (who is the Supreme Ruler of the Universe).
Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District) makes National News exposing Governor Murphy's bad policy based on false PCR Tests.
NJ state lawmaker Senator Mike Doherty (23rd): Mask mandates are based on questionable coronavirus test results-- In a statement, Doherty pointed out Murphy's continued silence "even as concerns linger that overly sensitive PCR tests are driving bad policy decisions, including the re-masking of K-12 school students." The GOP lawmaker wanted to find out if the state government allowed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests with a high cycle threshold (CT) to be counted. Based on evidence, many people who test positive for COVID-19 at higher CT levels were "asymptomatic, no longer sick, or past the point of being contagious."
Senator Mike Doherty's Letter to Governor Murphy over Covid-19 Testing & Reporting Practices in NJ (HTML)
When Is It Right To Fight? And why NATO and U.S. are violating Scripture with Russia and Ukraine (many American Christians are too stupid to understand what is really happening)
Left: When Is It Right To Fight? by Dr. Robert A. Morey
Click Ukraine: "Why it Belongs to Russia" and Click: Russia and Ukraine: What is the Truth? (HTML)
Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse before the Great Reset SC by Dr. Peter Hammond (Video presentation) & Ukraine article: Is the War in Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse Before the Great Reset? -- Printable PDF Version & HTML Article: Is The War in Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse Before The Great Reset? by Dr. Peter Hammond (2022) & Watch Oliver Stone's Bombshell Ukraine Documentary entitled "Ukraine on Fire" that was censored by YouTube (posted to Brighteon.com)--03/03/2022
Products: 1. My Pillows (high quality--Promo code for Discount: Alex ); 2. My Store -- a revolutionary platform to help Patriots & God fearing people market their products. 3. Infowars Store & Healthy Happy Bodycare -- Infowars Superblue toothpaste; 4. Health Ranger Store; 5. Cabela's and so on. Also, see your local gun stores in your area. Download a free audio book and transcript on "Survival Nutrition" from Mike Adams (Natural News.com).
Deep State-Nazi/Hidden Axis
Issue of the New American magazine
Deep State-Nazi Hidden Axis
Vol. 38, No. 18
Thus what are now called "developing countries" were targeted by the bankrupt economic system after WWI. The plan was to place central banks in each country, and, by extending them credit, have them purchase industrial goods from Germany -- after which Germany would remit payment for its reparations obligations.
Since all parties concerned among the advanced economies seemed to benefit, the Schacht plan was put into action and the era of the "economic hitman" commenced.
The invisible government of the Deep State has long worked with the Nazis to accomplish its nefarious objectives, going back to the rise of Hitler.
This is, of course, a reference to John Perkins' book Confessions of an Economic Hitman. In the 2004 expose, he confided about how he, in his capacity as an economic development expert, was dispatched to Third World countries by the international banking system in order to get struggling nations into debt.
Comments Perkins, "I'm haunted by the payoffs to the leaders of poor countries, the blackmail, and the threats that if they resisted, if they refused to accept loans that would enslave their countries in debt, the CIA's jackals would overthrow or assassinate them."
Image credit: Ukraine Map above of East V. West (windowstorussia.com). The Tsardom of Russia 1547-1721 (Russia expanded). The Cossack Hetmanate emerged and prospered during the 17th and 18th centuries, but its territory was eventually split between Poland and the Russian Empire. After the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 (Wall Street and London Banks funded it), the Ukrainian People's Republic was declared; however, it was always part of mother Russia.
A quote from the New American magazine, 09/26/2022,
The Removal of Ukrainian Viktor Yanukovych by the United States
...In 2014, the United States helped engineer the removal of democratically elected leader Viktor Yanukovych from power in what many in the press framed at the time as a "right-wing coup." This characterization was due to shock troops being drawn from the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party. None other than Joe Biden was dispatched by the Obama administration to help set up the new regime. As Ukraine was turned into a money-laundering hub and beachhead for NATO, neo-Nazi brigades, with financial support from the West, shelled culturally Russian neighborhoods in eastern Ukraine as a form of ethnic cleansing...
The Ukrainian Role in the Cold War
Yes, Ukrainians. The Gehlenorg syndicate (that Dulles later absorbed into the nascent CIA) became the bedrock for the agency's network in Eastern Europe.
The inherited Gehlenorg has been used consistently since the end of WWII as a hedge against Russian power. Money from Washington has flooded quite freely into eastern Europe to fund neo-Nazi organizations such as the Ukrainian Azov Battalion today.
Victoria Nuland, U.S. undersecretary of state for Europe, stated that Washington had "invested" around $5 billion in political projects in Ukraine
over the past two decades. Prior to that, the Reagan administration had allocated funds to build a propaganda infrastructure in the region to cultivate
such "useful groups" in their fight during the Cold War. Financing took place, for instance, of Prolog, a nationalist publishing house in the
Ukraine, to which the CIA funneled millions. Even before Reagan, however, when Polish-born Zbigniew Brzezinski was President Jimmy Carter's
national security advisor, he engineered the increase in funding for anti-Soviet Ukrainian propaganda.
The U.S. citizens & the coward American churches will be judged by God. They have turned their backs on the True God--no fear of God! The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way And the perverse mouth I hate. (Proverbs 8:13, NKJV) Repent so God will have mercy on our nation. Also, see The Zelenko Report: Putin denounces US, Western allies for undermining sovereignty of other nations – Brighteon.TVs Biggest Export & Joe Rogan & Dave Smith Break Down The Real Reasons Russia Invaded Ukraine In Viral Clip
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