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Heaven Test: Are you going to Heaven? Free Test

Princeton Prayer Letter, Princeton, NJ
(Sept. 22, 2006)

Friday Night in Princeton. One of the slowest nights we’ve seen in a long time in Princeton. Six people were present to witness/evangelize on 09/22/06.

Elyse and Roberto – Two teens from Princeton area. Elyse took 2QT and flunked it. Then she admitted to breaking at least 3 of the 10C’s. When we discussed forgiveness being given by God, even after a life of sin, she balked. Thought that it was too easy for a murderer to get off the hook. She had trouble really accepting the idea of grace since she was from a R/C background. But she did not like the Catholic Church and had basically left it. But she still retained some of their “works” mentality. She took a Gospel of John and a More Than a Carpenter book with her. Roberto was very quiet and finally asked if he could worship Satan tonight and then tomorrow become Born Again, could he do it? I said yes, but that if persisted in sin his heart would get harder and harder. He wanted to wait until later to get this “good deal” of forgiveness. I asked him when he would die, and he said probably in the next two weeks since he smoked ten packs a day.  But he got my point that he has no idea of the time of his death. We gave him the Scripture that “now is the time of salvation,” and told him, “Don’t wait until it is too late.”

Courtney and her friend stopped to speak with us. Courtney is a young woman in her late twenties or early thirties and is from Montana.  She thought that our method of evangelism with the two-question test was a stumbling block to people. She explained how she had to study Buddhism before she came to Christ. (Courtney thinks that a person’s lifestyle is the way of reaching people for Christ, not preaching the Gospel.)  Her friend said nothing during the hour or so that we talked. I told her that evangelism is commanded in the Scriptures and she is being “politically correct.”  She had some leanings towards pluralism, but I explained to her this is not Scriptural. (Courtney also mentioned that the evangelism command was added to the Gospels according to her Baptist professor—I told her that this is absolutely not true and the professor was an ignorant liberal theologian.) Her brother in-law and brother are Presbyterians. I gave her a few tracts such as Buddhism to show her that it is not another way to the true God--there is only one way to the Father; and that is through Jesus Christ (I John 2:23).

Princeton Prayer Letter, Princeton, NJ
(Sept. 23, 2006)

Present: Four people were present to witness/evangelize—one in our group was a Princeton University Student and one was a TCNJ Student.

Matt and Michael—two Princeton University students—stopped to take the two-question test with (a Christian Princeton student) and “alias”. - Matt is an Economics major with a Roman Catholic background (but denies Roman Catholicism), and Michael is a philosophy major and also has a Roman Catholic background that he has since turned away from. Michael did not believe in the Biblical definition of a heaven and hell—he is more of a Zen-Buddhist (Bodhidharma, an Indian Monk who settled in China in the 6th century A.D., is supposedly the founder of Ch’an—Chinese Zen Buddhism). I told Michael that Buddhism (which came out of Hinduism) teaches the universe is eternal and does not define or acknowledge sin or evil, and the Christian Princeton University Student explained to him how humans have immaterial souls/minds (with two-way causation interactions with our brains) which allow for the continuation of a “self ” after physical death. I explained to him the inherent evils with the worldviews of Buddhism and Hinduism. Matt attacked the Bible by stating that it taught “slavery.” The Christian Princeton University Student refuted his argument and also gave his testimony. We gave them a few tracts on Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. Pray that the Christian Princeton University Student, Cody, can set up meetings with both students to talk more about the Good News of the Messiah.

Irisha, Swatia and another Indian woman—stopped to take the two-question test.  They were all Hindus, but Irisha and Swatia were very open to the Gospel. We explained to them that we came from Adam and Eve and that Hinduism taught the caste system (if you are born with white skin to Brahminparents, this was a reward in your previous life)—this is racism! We explained who “Christ” was. We asked if they ever watched the movie “The Ten Commandments” with Charlton Heston. They said, “yes.”  We told them that the “Messiah” was the one that spoke with Moses and that this “Messiah” created everything “ex-nihilo”. Christ is God and sacrificed Himself 2000 years ago. Their husbands came by and wanted to leave. We gave them two “Hinduism” tracts.

Jackie – About 30 and from a R/C background. Heard the Gospel but not real open. Seemed confused over the real Gospel. Pray for enlightenment from the Holy Spirit as to the simplicity of the Gospel.

Ernst – A young rapper with his pants about to fall off his hips. Said he wasn't Catholic but that he was Baptist. He said this as if being Baptist made him inherently better than a Catholic. He made a big deal about having been baptized. He thinks that he is a Christian. However, his doctrine was so “out of wack” that we had trouble following what he was saying. He admitted to fornicating and told us that he had no intention to stop. There was no repentance as evidence in his life. We told him to repent about 6 or more times, but he just seemed to talk all around the subject and appeared to be absolutely blind to spiritual truth. Pray that God will deal with him by convicting him of his sin and then granting him repentance.

Frankie and Juliette and 2 teen aged friends – Both are juniors in high school. Disillusioned with the
Catholic Church. Frankie has a lot of good questions. Asked about the existence of hell and the validity
of the Scriptures in light of their dual authorship. Before she left, Juliette took a More Than Carpenter book and said she would liked to read it. She goes to Lawrenceville Prep and wants to go to Columbia Univ. to join her older brother. Told her that there are great Christian fellowships there.

Niel - This man had an obvious mental disability. However, he followed what I was saying and could articulate what I had said regarding the Gospel. I don't know how God deals with those with mental disabilities, but I do know that he is a just and merciful God. That said, I know that Niel heard that glorious Gospel and that he was able to reiterate its major points, so, I am going to trust in God and leave the rest up to Him.

Princeton Prayer Letter, Princeton, NJ
(July 25, 2003)

Present to Witness: 1st Princeton University student  to join the Evangelism Team  on the Streets,  who was an athlete of Swedish origin, and was a member of  Athletes in Action (AIA) at  Princeton University and two students from the from The College of New Jersey and two Evangelists that  would go to Princeton on a weekly basis.

James and Tim - James  told me he had some Buddhist/Egyptian beliefs about heaven.  Although very eloquent, I was surprised by how little thought went into some of his remarks, such as, "King James wrote the Bible" and so on.  Both he and his friend (Tim?) were well read in philosophy, though had hardened hearts towards Christianity.  Tim was into Osiris and also into some legend of Aztec Gods who spread faith from America to the rest of the world.  Tim was absolutely scary-- not in touch with reality. James took information on Biblical prophecies and said he’d talk to us in the future.

Andy and his friend (can't  remember his name) - Andy and his friend (both students at PHS, appeared to be "believers," though not “ born –again”).  They thought they'd go to heaven because they "respected God" and obeyed the 10 Commandments.   I asked them if they had ever broken a commandment and they admitted they had.  We talked about sin and the need for a Savior, about Jesus living the perfect life, being a perfect sacrifice, and the confidence we can have in God's promise--I told them how wonderful it is to walk in the truth and not need to worry about what others think of you or that your secret sinfulness would be uncovered.   I challenged them to continue to seek God and to pray about it--overall a positive interaction.

Tracy and her husband, Michael - Talked to her for an hour and a half.  Liz had a lot of questions such  a s :  “ W h y  is  there suffering?” (we told her about determinism vs. free will that is a difficult subject with misunderstandings of what is actually taught; God's sovereignty and man's accountablility are both true in the Scriptures, however, man's finite brain cannot reconcile or fully comprehend this teaching), "Is God Sovereign and in control of the world or Man?", "Is the Universe by chance or does God have some choice about the creation He made?"), and “What about evil?”, “Why are we accountable for our sins?”, “What is the evidence that the Bible is the Word of God?”, and “What about the insufficiency of good works for salvation?”  She believed that since we cannot be 100%  certain about anything, that her belief was just as good as mine and you should not tell people they are wrong because you can't be certain yourself.   She believed that her belief was good for her because that was the kind of belief she needed at the moment, and yet she also claimed to believe in absolute truth, but she didn't seem to have much inclination towards finding that truth.

She found it hard to accept the fact that the “outside” truth can be contrary to her feelings and intuitions.  In the end, she was not open to Christianity because she could not reconcile her intuitions about who God was with the existence of divine judgment, heaven or hell. Her personal belief was that people got into progressively better “heavens” according to how good a person they were in this life.  Pray that she would escape the swamp of intellectual complications and receive clear insight into the Truth, plain and simple.  Also, that she would read Isaiah 53, John, Romans, and The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel as I recommended.   Michael told me that they had lived together for seven years (fornication) prior to getting married.   No shame shown at all.  They were married last August.  Michael was raised Roman Catholic (RIC), but doesn’t believe in Purgatory or lots of other beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church.   Still, he wanted to believe that most Roman Catholics would go to heaven.   We discussed the 5% born-again stat from  George Barna  ( t hat  also  i ncl u d es P r o t est an t ’ s)  and why we need a Savior.  He took the book More Than A Carpenter and a Gospel of John plus a book on Christianity by Max Lucado.  Seemed open!

Princeton Prayer Letter, Princeton, NJ
(May 30, 2003)

Present: Dr. M (who is from Hong Kong and graduated from Cambridge University and has a PhD in Physics) and his wife, who is from China (an Electrical Engineer graduate from Drexel University), and two Evangelists : M r. H . and M r. S ., who go t o P ri n c e t o n, NJ on a weekly basis.

John--an older man-- who stopped to take the two-question test.  He grew up in an Episcopalian Church.  John said the church  never emphasized that humanity was fallen  and depraved and that our only hope was the blood atonement of Christ.  John also asked if there are parallels  between  Islam and Christianity---I told him that  it was a totally different religion from Christianity except that they are both monotheistic religions  and both believe in creation.   Allah can lie--the God of the Bible cannot lie. The Qur'an contradicts the Bible.  Allah did not die for anyone. Also,  Muslims do not accept  the Christian God--they reject  the Trinity. It is stupid  for liberals and the liberal churches to teach that all religions worship the same God—this is not only  an insult  to Bible  believing Christians, but also to Qur’an  believing Muslims. John said he learned something.  I gave him three tracts entitled  Is the Qur’an the Word of God?, Will Islam  cause World War II and a Chick Tract The Law.  John specifically asked for information on Islam .

Jennifer and friend were two young Jewish persons who took the two- question  test. Jennifer asked why the Jewish people do not accept Christ/Yeshua as the Messiah.  What was behind  this question was that she thought most gentiles have accepted Christianity and are going to heaven  and the Jews are not.   We told her that America only has 5% to 7% born-again/born from above Christians and there are more Jewish people in this century that accepted  Christ as the Messiah  than in the previous centuries.  We explained to her that Christianity was considered a sect of Judaism 2,000 years ago-Christianity is actually "Messianic Judaism."   They even met in the synagogue (James  2:2).   We told her that there were ma n y sects of Judaism when Christ walked  the earth in Israel.  (The Pharisees, Herodians, Zealots, Essenes, etc. are a few examples.) Jennifer also asked why the present day synagogues are not teaching this view-we told her t h at  many people do not want  to look  at  t he facts  and therfore reject the truth.   We gave her the following three tracts:  1. How Would You Recognize the Messiah?  2. The God of Israel: One God Or Three; and 3. Who Owns  the Land of Israel?   The reason she took the tracts is because I told her that the tract entitled  "Who Owns the Land of Israel" is used
by some top government officials  in the Israeli government--her eyes lit up with joy!

Funkion--a young male who might have been a Warlock--asked us why Exodus  22: 18 states that a sorceress should be put to death and stated that the New Testament does not have the death penalty for witches.  We told him that witchcraft is still condemned in the New Testament; however, Christians cannot decide such matters without government authority to execute an individual (self-defense is allowed).  Israel was a theocracy--the laws, both moral and ceremonial, were given directly by God to be administered by a Judge or King.   We told him the New T estament does teach the death penalty (Rom. 13:1-7). This is not personal revenge—it is justice administered by civil governments. Funkion  was confused over "thou shall not kill" and the relationship between  How the Old & New Testaments Relate to Each Other (see book at by Dr. Morey). The Church should not be viewed as State and Church where the church has authority  to institute physical punishment (including death) for discipline of its members. (The Roman  Catholic and Protestant Churches were guilty of this in times past—most Protestant Churches saw the Biblical error of this policy in the Roman Catholic Church and no longer adheres or teaches this doctrine.) After further dialogue with Dr. M.,  he understood our explanation. Christians are allowed to be in the military and join the police force and are allowed to defend  themselves using lethal force if necessary and to go to war--Christ never condemned these professions.

A husband and wife who were Mormons stopped by and spoke with us.  He recently graduated from Virginia Tech.   They initially sounded very Biblical and would agree with you on many issues; however, when you asked specific questions, then  t he differences came out. They thought that t he Book of Mormon existed 2000 years ago—I told them there is absolutely no evidence that Book of Mormon existed 2000 years ago.   I told them there are no prophecies in the Book of Mormon and anything written after the New Testament is a fraud. He was historically incorrect to state that a body of men in the 4th century decided the books of the New Testament. They were telling  me how I should evangelize—they stated, “I should not put other religions down.”  Can you imagine a cult, which lies, telling me not to discredit other religions! They did not accept that Christ was God from eternity that did not have human offspring. They also did not accept  justification by grace alone thru faith alone. Works
were a determining factor in deciding if one went to heaven.   M r . H . approached them and showed them the false prophecies of Joseph  Smith. Mr. H. also asked them about God once being a man and the fact that M o rmo n s as men will become Gods.  The husband got angry with Mr . H. and said that the false prophecies were half-truths, etc.  M r. H . stated that he had taken them from Mormon publications and stated the references.  The husband refused to take them and commented to us where they were incorrect but instead stated that this approach is mean spirited.  They did take a few of my tracts!

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