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Audio Lectures from Dr. Robert A. Morey

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Audio Topics: Table Talk 01 (Questions 1 thru 34) below. Table Talk 01 (Index) -- PDF

standing on the cross with BK Campbell

Table Talk is a casual event in an intimate setting where Dr. Robert A. Morey takes a break from delivering an outlined lecture and passes you the mic to ask questions. He takes his best shot at giving a biblical answer usually in a much more full manner such his time is not so limited. With no topic restrictions, Table Talks can cover a wide range of subjects often resulting in a highly educational and spiritually refreshing fun time. The Table Talk conference consist of a five (5) part series--Series 1 is below. Dr. Bob's books can be purchased from


Table Talk 01 -- Q1: What should the origin, function, and nature of a Christian view of epistemology be?

Table Talk 01 -- Q2: The Freethought movement (C. Dennis McKinsey, Dan Barker et al), I was wondering what the background on those two were, and why does the Freethought movement attack the Bible and Christianity so aggressively even more aggressive that most atheists and agnostics that I know of that are very aggressive toward attacking and debunking the Bible and Christianity.

Table Talk 01 -- Q3: What is a transcendental argument, and how can it be used in the context of a Cristian apologetic?

Table Talk 01 -- Q4: I was wondering if Alvin Plantiga's view of "proper basically" corresponds.

Table Talk 01 -- Q5: What is the definition of "Thomistic?"

Table Talk 01 -- Q6: Regarding people that used to be great theologians but later truned liberal, were they ever saved?

Table Talk 01 -- Q7: Walter Martin said the majority of cult members used to be Christians, but were they saved in light of 1 John?

Table Talk 01 -- Q8: Is it true that in order for one to be a reprobate the person needs to be a professing Christian or can an unbeliever be a reprobate?

Table Talk 01 -- Q9: What is the difference between the fundamentalist doctrine of eternal security and the Reformed doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints?

Table Talk 01 -- Q10: I heard a Reformed Pastor once say that Jesus presently has a body. How can this be so?

Table Talk 01 -- Q11: But prior to him being born on earth he didn't have a body, so why would he choose to have one after he did come to earth since he didn't need it?

Table Talk 01 -- Q12: Where do you draw the line between being in the world and being of the world?

Table Talk 01 -- Q13: You said the Old Testament believers didn't have a concept of hell they just had a concept of the grave. So they didn't have the concept of destruction or bliss?

Table Talk 01 -- Q14: Inaudible--a controversial argument of some sort broke out on the floor.

Table Talk 01 -- Q15: How does the New King Version of the Bible stack up?

Table Talk 01 -- Q16: This is a two part question: #1 If God hardens whom He wills, did God harden Adam and Eve's hearts? #2 Does God choose certain people to go to hell before doing good or evil?

Table Talk 01 -- Q17: This is a two-part question: #1 If God is not the agent or the author of evil, then who or what caused the first actions or act of evil? #2 If evil has a beginning, how does that conform with the immutable character of God? How can God be merciful, forgiving, and be a God of justice without the existence of evil?

Table Talk 01 -- Q18: What do we know in reference to before Adam was created in reference to the devil and him on earth? Do we have anything that tells us what was transpiring on earth before Adam?

Table Talk 01 -- Q19: When you say there are other species of beings "out there" are you specifically talking about the angelic hosts and demons or are you talking about other species other than those?

Table Talk 01 -- Q20: Does immutability apply to spirits other than God?

Table Talk 01 -- Q21: I was wondering if you could share what you know to be the benefits and non-benefits of the Westcott & Hort traditon that came out in the last century. They indicate they have the most accurate manuscripts because they have the oldest manuscripts. Does having the oldest manuscripts indicate the most accurate manuscripts?

Table Talk 01 -- Q22: Is the Westcott & Hort tradition behind the modern English translations such as the NIV, NASB, etc.?

Table Talk 01 -- Q23: What's the best book recommendation for those of us that are not scholars to use to find what the Hebrew and the Greek says so when wer're studying the Bible we can go to it for further studies?

Table Talk 01 -- Q24: What about Dr. Spiros Zodiates?

Table Talk 01 -- Q25: I am trying to deal with some arguments I've received from Arminians that say that the words for "chose" and "predestined" in Ephesians 1 mean something different than what Calvinists say they mean. What do these words mean?

Table Talk 01 -- Q26: In Ephesians 1, does holy and blameless mean positionally, or that God wants to put us through sanctification, or both?

Table Talk 01 -- Q27: Is supralapsarian part of true Calvinism?

Table Talk 01 -- Q28: How do you explain to a brother or sister that thinks they hold to 5 point Calvinism, that evangelism and apologetics are essential to the Christian faith? In other words, if someone doesn't want to evangelize because they say that limited atonement prohibits it, how do you deal with such a person?

Table Talk 01 -- Q29: Does 2 Samuel 12:23 teach that David's baby went to heaven?

Table Talk 01 -- Q30: In terms of the concept of the eternal Son, Walter Martin used Proverbs 30 to deny Eternal Sonship. Can you explain this?

Table Talk 01 -- Q31: How would you respond to people who challenge the eartly records in Exodus of the escape of the Israelites from Egypt that say there is no other record of this other than the Bible?

Table Talk 01 -- Q32: How would you respond to those that try to draw parallels between ancient Babylonian stories or mythologies with that of Christianity?

Table Talk 01 -- Q33: Atheists will say that the Church chose Christmas just to compete against the celebration of the pagans and their holidays.

Table Talk 01 -- Q34: I Timothy 2:12 says that a woman is prohibited to teach. Is this now prohibiting a woman, or is it sinful for a woman to be a pastor of a church?

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Dr. Robert A. Morey

In Memory of Dr. Bob Morey (11/13/46 -- 01/05/19)

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[NJIAT (a NJ Nonprofit Education Corporation) is not affiliated with any political party. The information is to help students and non-students learn the truth.]