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Audio Lectures from Dr. Robert A. Morey

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Audio Topics: Table Talk 04 (Questions 1 thru 31) below. Table Talk 05 (Index) -- PDF

standing on the cross with BK Campbell

Table Talk is a casual event in an intimate setting where Dr. Robert A. Morey takes a break from delivering an outlined lecture and passes you the mic to ask questions. He takes his best shot at giving a biblical answer usually in a much more full manner such his time is not so limited. With no topic restrictions, Table Talks can cover a wide range of subjects often resulting in a highly educational and spiritually refreshing fun time. The Table Talk conference consist of a five (5) part series--Series 5 is below. Dr. Bob's books can be purchased from


Table Talk 05 -- Q1: Can you give us an overview of church history?

Table Talk 05 -- Q2: Acts 13:48 says, "as many as had been appointed to eternal life." How would that be explained? Does that mean that some people are not pre-appointed?

Table Talk 05 -- Q3: Dr. Morey, 1 Timothy 2:4 says that God wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. If he wants all men to be saved, why does he only give grace to some and not all?

Table Talk 05 -- Q4: I was attempting to show my coworker, that won't eat certain foods, Mark 7:19 where it says Jesus declared all foods kosher, but it wasn't in his King James Version. How can this be?

Table Talk 05 -- Q5: 1 Corinthians 4:6 says don't go beyond what is written. But didn't other books like Revelation get written after the time this was written?

Table Talk 05 -- Q6: You mentioned friends of yours that have studied with you that later fell away from the faith. Is our salvation secure? Do we have security once we've come to the Lord and believed?

Table Talk 05 -- Q7: You mentioned Zwingli as an example of a manly Christian. But I saw a video about his life that depicted him as murdering Baptists. How can this man be used as a positive example of a Christian man?

Table Talk 05 -- Q8: Dr. Morey, I heard you on the radio saying that there isn't as big a difference between Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology. What did you mean by this?

Table Talk 05 -- Q9: Do you consider Rushdoony and others to be representatives of Covenant Theology?

Table Talk 05 -- Q10: I heard your lecture on evil and suffering and you mentioned that sin, death, and the second law of thermodynamics were operating before Adam sinned. Can you explain how this was operating prior to Adam's sin?

Table Talk 05 -- Q11: Was there death before Adam's sin?

Table Talk 05 -- Q12: How do you rebut the claims of Hugh Ross?

Table Talk 05 -- Q13: Does the death mentioned in Genesis 3 refer to spiritual death? I'am struggling with understanding this verse with a verse in Romans 8 where it says the creation was subject to frustration.

Table Talk 05 -- Q14: Can you please give and explanation of Middle Knowledge as expounded by individuals such as Dr. William Lane Craig?

Table Talk 05 -- Q15: I'am a Seventh Day Adventist pastor and I'am very much thankful for the book and the lectures on the Sabbath by Dr. Morey. Please pray for us Seventh Day Adventists that we should abandon the teachings that are cultic. One of the major reasons why many cults like Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and Seventh Day Adventists is the strong belief that their church is the true church. How do you present the Baptist or Evangelical church as the true church?

Table Talk 05 -- Q16: May I ask you several questions on the theme of the resurrection, the shroud of Turin, and the body of Jesus between the time of his death and his resurrection?

Table Talk 05 -- Q17: Regarding Jewish burial customs, do you know how it was done?

Table Talk 05 -- Q18: My question has to do with 1 Corinthians 14. It has to do with the grift of prophecy and tongues. Could you please discuss the role of the gift of prophecy and the gifts in today's church. And should we all desire the gift of prophecy and tongues according to this passage?

Table Talk 05 -- Q19: When you said that a prophet doesn't necessarily mean one who can foretell the future. I thought of Deuteronomy 18 where it tells us how to identify a false prophet based on whether his prediction comes to pass or not. How do you understand this?

Table Talk 05 -- Q20: In John 10:34, Jesus references Psalm 82 saying that it is written in the law that they are gods? Can you explain this?

Table Talk 05 -- Q21: Two-part question: 1. I need to know how we know the Bible is the word of God? 2. What is the criteria for knowing that the Bible is the word of God?

Table Talk 05 -- Q22: What is traducianism?

Table Talk 05 -- Q23: I have a question regarding the issue of cloning. If cloning is the duplication of physical matter, is it also a duplication of the soul?

Table Talk 05 -- Q24: Is cloning wrong?

Table Talk 05 -- Q25: What about artificial insemination?

Table Talk 05 -- Q26: A friend of mine read Norman Geisler's book, Chosen But Free, and he was using some of the arguments in the book in favor of free will as well as the problem of evil. Can you address this?

Table Talk 05 -- Q27: Dr. Morey, in your book "When Is it Right To Fight" you distinguish between lying and concealing the truth. And you refer to John 7 where Jesus tells his brothers that he will not go to the feast but afterwards does go to the feast. Could you explain the difference between lying and concealing the truth in that context?

Table Talk 05 -- Q28: Matthew 28:20, which is the Great Commission, is this addressed only to the disciples or to everyone?

Table Talk 05 -- Q29: My church has been thinking of starting a Sunday school class. Is it not good to have Sunday school in church?

Table Talk 05 -- Q30: My question refers to lying. Is lying right in any circumstance? If we're trying to smuggle Bibles into China and we're asked if we have Bibles, is it wrong to lie to get the word of God into China?

Listen to Alex Jones
from 12:00 to 3:00 PM EST (Infowars)

Alex Jones

Dr. Robert A. Morey

In Memory of Dr. Bob Morey (11/13/46 -- 01/05/19)

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