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By Dr. Robert A. Morey


Why does the Christian Church lose 75 to 90 percent of its young people who go off to college? Even though they were raised in Christian homes, taken to church from infancy, and even sent to Christian schools, they often lose their faith after a year or two in college. Why?

1. It is not because of any intellectual or philosophical arguments against the Bible or
Christianity. Such arguments have been refuted many times by competent scholars.

2. The main reason we lose so many students is to be found in the churches and Christian schools they attended. The thousands of students who lose their faith in college every year are the unpaid bills of the Christian Church and its schools.

I. The Bankruptcy of Ignorance (Hos. 4:6)
Christian young people have never been more ignorant of the Bible, theology, apologetics, and philosophy than today. They do not know what they believe or why they believe it. They do not know anything about doctrine. Why?

a. Anti-intellectualism from the 1920s
b. Anti-creeds/confessions/catechisms
c. Anti-social/political concerns
d. The search for personal peace
e. Entertainment-centered services
f. Baby-sitting youth ministries
g. Stupid Sunday Schools (S.S.S.)

II. The Plague of Gullibility (1 Chron. 12:32)
Because we are sincere in our religion and tell the truth about what we believe, we assume that all other religious people have the same attitude. But Jesus warned us about religious deception (Matt. 7:15; 24:4, 5, 11, 24) and we are exhorted to be critical thinkers like the Bereans (Acts 17:11).

III. The Cowardliness of Wimpism (Eph. 6:10–18)
We have raised a generation of wimps who will not stand up for the faith when it is attacked. They “give way” to ridicule and peer pressure. They often feel inferior and helpless in the face of evil. They whine and complain, and then flee to self-centered pietism. We need young men and women with backbones who will be strong for the Lord.

IV. The Insanity of Isolationism (1 Tim. 6:12)
Instead of viewing college as a wonderful opportunity to win sinners to Christ and to take over school offices, clubs, newspapers, and activities, and then use them to teach the Christian view of things, too many Christian students retreat into isolationism.

V. The Wickedness of Mediocrity (1 Cor. 10:31)
Too many students ask, “What is the least I have to do and still get by?” instead of striving to be and do the best they can for the glory of God. We don’t need any more “balanced” people. What we really need are more fanatics for Jesus.

VI. The Cult of Popularity (Lk. 6:26)
Too many of our young people want everyone to “like” them. Thus, they do not stand up for Christ when push comes to shove. But Jesus warned that if everyone likes us, this is not a blessing, but a curse!

VII. The Curse of Spiritual Apathy (Rev. 3:15–16)
We face an apathetic group of young people today. They are not interested in doing or learning anything concerning the things of God. They are neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm. They need to be on fire for God.

VIII. The Happiness Syndrome (2 Tim. 3:1–5)
One of the greatest curses today is that too many students are seeking after happiness instead of holiness. If you seek holiness, you will get happiness as a by-product. But if you seek after happiness, you will end up with neither.

IX. The Deception of Wealth (1 Tim. 6:9–10)
Everyone wants to enjoy the lifestyle of the rich and the famous. Personal peace and affluence is their god. There is no concept of sacrificial giving to the cause of Christ.

X. The Problem of False Assurance (1 John 2:19)
1 John 2:4 tells us that if someone says he is saved, but he is living a disobedient life, he is a liar. Instead of confronting young people with the truth that they are probably on their way to hell, we make far too many excuses for them.

Young people need to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might; to stand alone and stand up for Jesus when all around oppose them. We need to go into the world as victors—not as victims; as overcomers—not underachievers.

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Dr. Robert A. Morey

In Memory of Dr. Bob Morey (11/13/46 -- 01/05/19)

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[NJIAT (a NJ Nonprofit Education Corporation) is not affiliated with any political party. The information is to help students and non-students learn the truth.]