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Video & Audio Lectures from Dr. Robert A. Morey

Dr.Robert A Morey_Photo.jpg Defenders

Go to Faith Defenders 2.0 Videos & Audio Section & and hear the audio below under Audio Topics: 1. The Christian and War, 2. Debate between a Muslim Friend of Dr. Morey on a Pa Radio Station and 3. Winning the War Against Radical Islam and What about the Globalists in the United States and Video Interview of Dr. Robert A. Morey on the topic of "When Is It Right To Fight?" (2018). Dr. Bob has been debriefed by both the FBI and Naval Intelligence on his knowledge of terrorism--see his books on Xulon Press relating to those topics. Also, see Walter Martin and Dr. Morey together on Walter Martin's Radio Show (The Bible Answer Man) on the topic on "When is it Right to Fight" in the 1980s and Dr. Bob Morey on the Dr. D. James Kennedy radio show (10/11/1987).

Dr. Bob Morey is a guest on Walter Martin's "Bible Answer Man" radio show on the topic of "When is it Right to Fight?" and "Atheism"(1980s).

Dr. Bob Morey on the Dr. D. James Kennedy radio program (10/11/1987) on the topics: "Demonology" and "When is it Right to Fight?"

Note: The Faith Defenders Church is shut down, but the website is being kept up and paid for by close friends (the Board) of Dr. Morey as a courtesy and obedience to God. Let God's will be done.

Font Cover: When Is It Right To Fight?

Audio: "When Is It Right To Fight" by Dr. Robert A. Morey on" RemnantXRadio (5 part series)--Refuting the "Pacifists" with Worley And Bowling. The book entitled "In His Steps" is an unbiblical book that feminized Christianity (John Piper took an anti-2nd Amendment stand--stupidity).

Left: Dr. Bob's book entitled "When Is It Right to Fight?" has been republished through XulonPress. Recommended books: The Protector by J. H. Merle D'Aubigne, D. D. for a true history of Oliver Cromwell & Lex Rex and the Law of the Prince by Rev. Samuel Rutherford.


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Video Interview of Dr. Bob Morey on the topic of "When Is It Right to Fight?" (2018) in Las Vegas, NV. The Interview "When Is It Right to Fight? can also be heard on "" (EQ to YouTube, but does not censor).

Also, see the three (3) articles below by Dr. Bob.

Answering Questions from Pacifists--the article referenced the old Soviet Union, not current 21st century Russia that is promotong Christian values & Freedom (HTML)

Audio Topics

Moses and the second Amendment

Founding Fathers Militia had the equivalent of the M16








It should be mentioned when Dr. Morey gave this 9 series lecture it was during the cold war era (Russia is no longer communist; the Soviet Union does not exist). Just before World War II, Nazi agents manipulated various peace movements to disarm the Britians and Europeans because it was easier to invade them. Dr. Morey realized that things changed and now the real threat is the EU (based on Nazi Germany's model and the Nazi's promoted Globalism), the Globalists in the United States, and China, not Russia that has gravitated towards Christianity under President Putin's leadership. However, self-defense (Dr. Robert A. Morey was a "NRA" member) and just wars is still valid in the 21st century and all Christians should support the 2nd Amendment. Pacifism was never taught in the Bible or the Reformation and it unfortunate you have stupid ministers teaching pacifism, against self-defense and who are against firearms--stupid people. (See NJIAT's Second Amendment Tab for a history on the origin of the false teaching of pacifism in the church.)

The 1st MP3 tape begins 7:55 minutes into the audio--move to that spot.

The Christian and War -- PT1 -- Side A

The Christian and War -- PT1 -- Side B

The Christian and War -- PT2 -- Side A

The Christian and War -- PT2 -- Side B

The Christian and War -- PT3 -- Side A

The Christian and War -- PT3 -- Side B

The Christian and War -- PT4 -- Side A

The Christian and War -- PT4 -- Side B

The Christian and War -- PT5 -- Side A

The Christian and War -- PT5 -- Side B

The Christian and War -- PT6 -- Side A

The Christian and War -- PT6 -- Side B

The Christian and War -- PT7 -- Side A

The Christian and War -- PT7 -- Side B

The Christian and War -- PT8 -- Side A

The Christian and War -- PT8 -- Side B

The Christian and War -- PT9 -- Side A

The Christian and War -- PT9 -- Side B

The Islamic InvasionDr. Morey debates a Muslim friend on a Pennsylvania Radio Station

Islam Human Rights Debate -- Side A

Islam Human Rights Debate -- Side B

Winning the War Against Radical Islam and What about the Globalists in the United States Government

Listen to Alex Jones
from 12:00 to 3:00 PM EST (Infowars)

Alex Jones

Dr. Robert A. Morey

In Memory of Dr. Bob Morey (11/13/46 -- 01/05/19)

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[NJIAT (a NJ Nonprofit Education Corporation) is not affiliated with any political party. The information is to help students and non-students learn the truth.]