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Video: The Truth of Islam -- Parts 1 & 2 (Video)

Dr.Robert A Morey_Photo.jpg Defenders

Caesars Palace









Above: Picture of Caesars Palace, Las Vegas (Copyright © 07/13/17 by NJIAT)

What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas (Video;10/01/19) -- Multiple Shooters in Mandaly Bay & Tropicana (Active Shooter), Helicopters (shooters), Four Seasons, shooter seen, (owned by Bill Gates & Prince Alaweed Bin Talal) & Possible Saudi Civil War. Scenario: Saudi Arabia was having a "Saudi Military Airforce Joint Services" Covention and there were 10,000 nationals in Las Vegas. Floors at the Mandaly hotel are owned by the crown Prince. Various Middle Eastern terrorists (witnesses confirm seeing Middle Eastern looking men) were brought in (Al Qaeda, Isis, etc.) in order to embarrass President Trump (the Deep State helped). Prince Alaweed Bin Talal (hardliner & cousin of King) was against current King Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud (the king, an honorable man, is a moderate & took action against the people responsible for the attempted assassination against him & the brutal killing of Americans because of the coup).

It involved a "Saudi Civil War" and a "Deep State" operation & Paddock was a gun runner & his girlfriend Marilou Danley worked for the FBI. Also, Paddock was selling weapons to the Saudi's because they did not want them traced back to them. The recently released FBI report is a cover-up--see journalist for her investigation in the Las Vegas terrorist attack. It is alleged that Steve Paddock worked as a gun runner for Prince Talal and was a pilot--Paddock probably was involved with one of our intelligence agencies. Guns were being shipped to the cartels and then to the Middle East. Note: Do not blame Saudi Arabia or the Muslims for 9/11-- Interview of Dr. Steve Piecznik, MD (Dr. Piecznik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for 4 Presidents) Tells The Truth On 9/11 and More-(Video)).

Winning The War Against Radical IslamWinning the War
 Against Radical IslamIslamicInvasionWinning the War Against Radical IslamDVDJihadAccordingQuranandHadith.jpg

See books entitled Winning the War Against Radical Islam, (Enlarged Front and Back Cover with Russian FSB Officer--PDF) and The Islamic Invasion, (Enlarged Front and Back Cover of Islamic Invasion with Picture of Vienna in 1683 (Muslim Turks)--PDF) and DVD enitled Jihad According to the Qur'an and Hadith by Dr. Robert A. Morey. Books can be purchased from

Dr.Robert A Morey_Photo.jpg

Dr. Robert A. Morey gives a lecture on Islam -- Dr. Morey was also interviewed on "Frank and Friends" radio program on the topic of "What is Islam"? (11/15/2015). Tthe information is not intended to offend Muslims, but just to give an accurate history and background and explains that the Globalists are just using the Muslims to further their own Satanic agenda. 80% of Muslims worldwide just want to live peaceably. (Dr. Robert Morey was against any prejudice or mistreatment of Muslims--he believed Muslims (like many other religions, including Orthodox Judaism, Jewish sects, Hindus, Buddhists, the false Christian churches, cults, etc.) should be preached the Gospel of Christ as stated in the Bible and treated with respect. Humanity (all races) has dignity because they are made in the image of God--only born again/born from above Christians are children of God.)

This is not to say that other religions do not commit violence and mass murder. For example, the Roman Catholic Church killed over 3 million Bible-believing Christians and then Protestants during the inquistion; however, the Bible does not teach forced conversions. The Spanish Inquisition began in the year AD 1233 before the Protestant Reformation.  See WHAT EVERY CHRISTIAN NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THE INQUISITION. And The Christian and War (9 Part Audio Lecture Series) & Islam Human Rights Debate on a PA Radio Station). Note: 50 million Muslims support violent Jihad (2017) -- the EU Globalists are just using the Muslims to destroy Western Europe. The Globalists do not care about the Muslims.

For a geopolitcal analysis of the history of Islam, see Why We Are Afraid, A 1,400 Year Secret, by Dr. Bill Warner (Video) and Jihad vs. Crusades. There seems to be a misunderstanding or outright deception being propagated about the Crusades---see article entitled Crusades and Jihad and powerpoint on Crusades and Jihad and King Arthur--Rewriting History. Also, see The Failure of Atheism and the Triumph of Faith in Russia & The Failure of Atheism and the Triumph of Faith in Russia (video by Dr. Peter Hammond).

Video with Dr. Robert A. Morey: "Truth of Islam--Part 1"


Video with Dr. Robert A. Morey: "Truth of Islam--Part 2"


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Dr. Robert A. Morey

In Memory of Dr. Bob Morey (11/13/46 -- 01/05/19)

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[NJIAT (a NJ Nonprofit Education Corporation) is not affiliated with any political party. The information is to help students and non-students learn the truth.]