Election Analysis for 2020
Also, For Current Elections, see X-Politics (Current Candidates)
Why is this happening in American? "No Fear of God." Warning to Leave Bablyon in Revleation 18:4-6 (ISV), we read, Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her, my people,so that you don't participate in her sins and suffer from her plagues. For her sins are piled as high as heaven, and God remembered her crimes.
All groups welcomed on GAB: Patriots, Conservatives, Libertarians, liberals, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, etc.. Please sign up for
Gab (the equivalent of Twitter, Facebook, etc. that is not controlled or owned by big tech--no censorship).
News Sites for Election Information
Infowars.com & Natural News & The New American & Gateway Pundit & O'Keefe Media Group & Mike Lindell (the election was stolen) & USA Watch Dog & #StopTheSteal & Gen. Flynn's site at America Project (U.S. election rigging) & Save Arizona Fund--Stand with Kari Lake -- Kari Lake is fighting to save Arizona and get answers for our botched election. ERIC: Election Fraud in Sheep's Clothing? (see video interview). And Trevor Loudon.com And Treason News and Dr. Shiva's 2020 Historic Lawsuit against a Social Media Company's Backdoor Portal to Silence Free Speech -- yes, the government was given a backdoor Portal
Freedom Index: Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Tulsi Gabbard Endorses President Donald J. Trump for President (2024)
Picture left: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (Children's Health Defense)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) suspends presidential campaign, will join forces with Trump to 'save millions of children' & MUST-WATCH: Alex Jones Responds To RFK Jr's Historic Endorsement of Trump (video)
Former Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard made an appearance at Donald Trump's Monday rally in Michigan to officially announce her endorsement of the 45th President (08/26/2024--Video); former Democrat presidential candidate and DNC vice-chair & Green Beret Colonel Ivan Raiklin joined Alex Jones on Tuesday to discuss the deep state links to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump (08/28/2024--TV Interview) -- Iran is not responsible for the attempted assassination of President Trump; this is a lie.
Is There Election Fraud and Rigging by the FBI, DOJ & CIA?
Former National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland warned that the intelligence agencies and the Justice Department rigged the 2016 and 2020 elections and are fixing to interfere in the 2024 election (2023) -- Video and comment from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Former National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland: FBI, DOJ, CIA Rigged Last Two Elections -- Will Interfere in 2024 (See Fox News Interview by Maria Bartiromo's Wall Street (05/21/2023) -- "Go back to 2020. It was the CIA this who got involved in the 2020 election with those 51 former intel agents who said the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation," she said.
CIA: Undermining and Nazifying Ukraine Since 1953 -- The recent declassification of over 3800 documents by the Central Intelligence Agency provides detailed proof that since 1953 the CIA operated
two major programs intent on not only destabilizing Ukraine but Nazifying it with followers of the World War II Ukrainian Nazi
leader Stepan Bandera. And DOCUMENTED PROOF: GEORGE SOROS IS CIA AND THE AGENT THAT RECRUITED (Video) & Rumble. And "Zuck bucks" staging the STEAL: Org funded by FB founder buying storage space for voting machines ahead of 2024"
FBI Make-Work Entrapment Schemes: Creating Criminals in Order to Arrest Them (2023)
U.S. Presidential Elections in 2024
Image credit: President Trump Addresses the Nation
Date 11 March 2020. Trump White House Archived. Public domain This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United
States Government as part of that person's official duties under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code.
President Donald J. Trump Running in the Republican Primary for President (2024)
Trump "Make America Great Again" 2024
Russia Calls Out "Overthrowing" of "Legitimately Elected President" Trump (03/03/2023)
Durham Report Reveals the Real Collusion
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (MIT, Phd) is Running for President as an Independent (2024)
Dr. Shiva (2024) -- Dr. Shiva understands what is going on in politics and exposes the fraud and the hypocrisy of both parties. We need him to put pressure on the candidates to do what is right.
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai--Big Pharma's Big Brown -- Noser: Vivek the Snake (08/24/2023--Video)
Dr. Shiva Destroys Joe Rogan & JFK Jr, Exposing Rogan as Controlled Opposition 6-19-2023
Election Fraud Round Table: Dr. Shiva and David Clements (Video, 2022)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Running in the Democrat Primary for President (2024)--He was Running as an Independent. He has Endorsed President Donald J. Trump with Tulsi Gabbard.
Picture left: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (Children's Health Defense (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.))
Robert F. Kennedy Jr (RFK Jr). Explains How Democratic Party Is Already "Rigging" 2024 Race
RFK Jr. Downloads On Durham Report: '50 Top-Level CIA Agents' Agreed to 'Collaborate in a Project to Fix an Election' (05/22/2023) -- Special Counsel John Durham's report, which was released last week after a 3-year investigation, concluded the FBI, CIA, and other intelligence operatives, along with the Hillary Clinton campaign and Obama administration, conspired to frame Donald Trump for treason with a phony narrative that he somehow "colluded" with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election. Robert Kennedy, ..."top level CIA agents who agreed to collaborate in a project to fix an election and to discredit one of the candidates," he added, clarifying that just because he never supported Trump as president, doesn't mean what the intelligence agencies did to him was acceptable."
The Kennedy family has been at war with the Deep State for decades, starting with John F. Kennedy, who was executed for planning to overthrow the intelligence agencies (Video) & RFK Jr. warns: "There is no time in history where the people censoring speech were the good guys"! & How LBJ Stole a Texas Senate Seat in 1948 -- Texas historian J. Evetts Haley wrote in his 1964 book A Texan Looks at Lyndon: A Study in Illegitimate Power. Late Associated Press reporter James Mangan did a series of interviews in 1977 with a Texas election official who detailed how the election fraud of 1948, which put Johnson in the Senate, was effected.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. According to Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai
Dr. Shiva Destroys Joe Rogan & JFK Jr, Exposing Rogan as Controlled Opposition 6-19-2023 -- listen to TV interview.
Dr.SHIVA™ INTERVIEW: Why Joe Rogan Fears A Real Scientist – Shatter the Swarm In this discussion, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist & Engineer, Candidate for U.S. President, challenges RFK Jr's contradictory stance on vaccines.
1962 Kennedy Vaccination Act. The Measles Vaccine came about in 1963--well, 99 percentange of Measles were already eradicated by hygience, sanitation, etc.
The real problem is having the government controlling our bodies. A new act based on personalized medicine is needed according to Dr. Shiva.
Comment: No one is perfect. Robert F. Kennedy has done great things to further health freedom and is now working with President Donald Trump and endorsed him.
U.S. Senate Races -- 2024
Jonathan Emord -- Virginia (U.S. Senate)
Election Fraud Reports
Trump Releases 2020 Election Fraud Report For Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan & Pennsylvania & Did CIA Operative & Former President Obama Commit Treason? (Video) & Emergency Broadcast! Democrats Prep National Martial Law With Deployment Of Troops In New York (TV-2024) & Hand of Soros: Georgian Prime Minister Denounces US Color Revolution Tactic (2024) --The United States frequently funds foreign activists, media outlets, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to spread US influence in foreign
countries...The US has specifically focused on former Soviet-aligned nations after the end of the Cold War, seeking to ensure leaders are elected who will
orient such countries
towards the West and away from Russia. What a disgrace!
ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Dem Michigan Sec. of State 'Coordinating' with 5 Battleground Secs. of State to Fight a 'Common Adversary' -- Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson remarks are especially ironic given numerous Democrat secretaries of state tried to unilaterally remove Trump from their respective states' primary ballots -- a move that was unanimously rejected and declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Benson has notably received campaign contributions from the Secretary of State Project, which is funded in part by billionaire leftist George Soros, who is a CIA Operative & a Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) member according to Dr. Steve Piecznik, MD (former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Nixon, Ford, and Carter while also working under Reagan and Bush senior).
Dr. Brian Ardis Reveals Findings about Reptilian Venom Peptides in Popular Weight Loss Drugs, and the Role of Nicotine in Healing Covid (Video Interview, Feb. 2024) & The Dr. Ardis Show & Free Patient Resources from Dr. Ardis. Note: Nicotine is being used to treat Covid, Austism, Parkinson's Disease & many other aliments. Lisinopril (Ace inhibitor) is derived from the snake venom (Dried) of the Jararaca Viper in Brazil according to Dr. Ardis. It causes tumors and cancer. Covid-19 has snake venom and that is why the spike protein targets nicotine receptors (see NIH paper in May of 2023). Nicotine is not addictive & stops Covid. Nicotine is not addictive--it is the additives such as pyrazines that is addictive (see Harvard study in 2015).
Important Interview: Russian President Vladimir Putin Interview by Tucker Carlson, Feb.06, 2024
Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse before the Great Reset SC by Dr. Peter Hammond (Video presentation) & Is The War in Ukraine Part of the Great Collapse Before The Great Reset? by Dr. Peter Hammond (2022) & Ukraine article: PDF Version & A Christian Perspective On The War In Ukraine (08/29/2022) by Dr. Peter Hammond & 11th Century Russian History -- Prince Yaroslav was grand prince of Kiev.
Historical note: Jacob Schiff, head of Kuhn Loeb, had given Leon Trotsky (born in the Ukraine as Lev Davidovitch Bronstein (1879-1940) & a Marxist & kicked out of Russia by Stalin in 1929) $20 million in gold bullion in 1917 and was sent, with the help of British Intelligence, to Moscow to trigger the Bolshevik Revolution with his 275 comrades, who Russianized their names and were from lower East side Manhattan. Ther German Warburgs independently gave Lenin five million dollars (Max Warburg, headed up the German Secret Intelligence). Even after the World War II, loans to Russia continued by the Anglo-American bankers. See the book entitled One World by Tal Brooke.
Note: Victoria Nuland's (real surname Nudelman), former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, family is from the Western region of Ukraine and her father's side is from Bessarabia, an historical region that overlaps Galichyna, the area controlled by the Waffen-SS during WWII--the Ukrainian nationalists fought with the Nazi regime (the 21st century Azov Battalion are neo-Nazi fighters working with the Ukrainian ultra-nationalists). Nuland is the main person behind the Maidan coup in Ukraine in 2014, and the installation of the current Ukrainian government, who is pushing the war against Russia, rather than making peace. Nuland's job is to go around subverting countries, organizing violent coups and instigating color revolutions. Even former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko admitted that his predecessor, Viktor Yanukovych, was overthrown by a coup in 2014.
International Elections
It's Official! Bolsonaro Says He's Ready To Take Command of Brazilian Military in Disputed Election (Dec. 9, 2022) --
"The armed forces are the last obstacle to socialism. I am sure they are united. They owe loyalty to the people and respect for the Constitution. And they are responsible for our freedom," Bolsonaro told supporters, according to Brazilian news outlet Metrópoles. Note: Nothing happened in 2023--the coward or corrupt military did nothing. Another election rigged with the help of the U.S. intelligence agencies and now the illegimate President of Brazil (Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva) wants to force Covid bioweopen vaccinations on the citizens. Per Bible, the current President of Brazil is illegimate.
Stop That Steal! Brazilian Military May Invoke Article 142 To Stop Crooked Lula From Becoming President --11/27/2022 -- Brazil's military rallies behind President Jair Bolsonaro to prevent election being stolen from criminal communists -- tune in and share this link!
Mike Lindell Runs For RNC
MIKE LINDELL IS RUNNING FOR RNC CHAIRMAN (TV Interview on 11/28/2022) -- Mike Lindell is hoping to replace Ronna McDaniel as the RNC Chairman after a failed midterm election. Mr. Lindell stated that the RNC gave no money for election integrity. RNC raised money in 2020 for election integrity. 168 people vote for the RNC for chairman. 3 in each state. The big donors are not going to give any more money until the leadership is changed in the RNC. The RNC purposely did not back Republican candidates who wanted election integrity. Note: The people wanted Lindell, but the small committee of over a 100 did not vote for him.
Arizona Elections in 2022--Democrats & Deep State Stole Governor's Election
Save Arizona Fund--Stand with Kari Lake -- Kari Lake is fighting to save Arizona and get answers for our botched election. We will show the establishment elite that we're ready to fight back and we're here to stay!
Interim Report --Maricopa County November 3, 2020 General Election--PDF --Attorney General of Arizona Mark Brnovich recognized the validity of Dr. SHIVA’s scientific study that exposed the flaws in Signature Verification and Curing and recommends investigation. Out of all the election integrity work done in Arizona, only this work stood the scrutiny of the AG’s office. All others were ignored. And see Truth Freedom Health -- Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (MIT, Phd)
Bombshells dropped during Kari Lake's trial, revealing how corrupt Arizona elections actually were (Dec. 24, 2022) -- ...the Lake War Room added: "This Is how they disenfranchised Maricopa County voters on Election Day. The ballots were designed to be unable to be read through the machines. This wasn't an error. It was malice. The process worked exactly as they intended it to.. ."Separately, Trending Politics reported: There was a "bombshell" revelation divulged in court on Thursday in a lawsuit brought by Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake against Secretary of State and Governor-Elect Katie Hobbs. Maricopa County Elections Director Scott Jarrett confirmed in court that the ballot printer and tabulation errors that sowed widespread chaos in the Arizona election was caused on Election Day.
Kari Lake Trial Bombshell: Audit Reveals 42.5% of Ballots Randomly Sampled Were ILLEGAL Ballot -- A review of ballots cast in Maricopa County during the 2022 midterm elections found a one-inch discrepancy in ballot size could have been responsible for nullifying tens of thousands of votes.The revelation came during day one of Lake's lawsuit challenging the election results, which was allowed to head to trial this week by Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson.
More Arizona counties refuse to certify results following a scandal-filled election -- Other state Republicans cheered the counties' decisions not to certify the election, including Arizona Republican Party chairwoman and former state Sen. Dr. Kelli Ward. "Voters in all rural counties in Arizona are being disenfranchised by Maricopa County's incompetence/malfeasance. I'm happy to see that my county (Mohave) voted to delay certification," she said on Twitter.
The Sad News about the United States Election System and Solutions Below
Millions Of Illegal Voters Have Been Discovered And Removed From Voter Rolls (Video, 02/27/2023)
Interview withJim Hoft of the GateWayPundit.com. Massive election fraud (Dr. Oz, Kari Lake, etc. won their elections in 2022). 61% of the voting centers in Arizona did not work--the Asshole Rino's in the Republican Party do nothing.
Josh Barnett Exposes How Deep State Grifter "Professor" David Clements Sabotaged Forensic Audits (See TV interview, 2022)
America First Congressional Candidate Josh Barnett joins this episode of The Jeff Dornik Show to explain why he confronted "Professor" David Clements publicly at CPAC over the weekend, providing the proof that he's actually a Deep State operative that is sabotaging the Forensic Audits that Barnett and many of the other Election Fraud leaders are attempting to implement. Josh and Jeff also spend some time responding to President Joe Biden's State of the Union address. Dr. Clements needs further vetting. He might be legitimate?
A quote from a brochure entitled "Was Your Vote Counted? by Working Together for New Jersey - Election Integrity Coalition,
"All Primary and General Elections in NJ are under the direction of the Secretary of State, who is an appointee of the Governor and not politically independent. All law enforcement entities, including sheriffs in NJ, report to the NJ Attorney General, who is also appointed by the Governor and not politically independent. All justices are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the NJ Senate.
Management, operation and control of the State Voter Registration System (SVRS) has been contracted out to a vendor not located in New Jersey, known as "KnowINK." The 10-year contract is up for renewal in January, 2023..."
Rigged 2020 -- see trailer entitled "Rigged: The Zuckerberg Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump."
Election Fraud Update: Pennsylvania Steps Up the Steal – American Policy Center -- As we have been reporting, the Electronic Registration Information Center, (ERIC) adds millions of ineligible names to the voter rolls of its member
states, under the guise of voter roll maintenance. However, the voter rolls of every ERIC state are very
bloated – transparently so. See the numbers.
ERIC: Election Fraud in Sheep's Clothing? (see video interview) -- Kat Stansell is Grassroots Coordinator with the American Policy Center and is leading the charge in exposing what she calls one of the most nefarious election fraud organizations in the country. ERIC, which stands for Electronic Registration Information Center, ERIC – the Epicenter of Voter Fraud – American Policy Center is a membership organization for states that ostensibly helps them clean up their voter rolls. George Soros provided its seed money in 2012, funneled through the Pew Charitable Trust. Thirty-two states and the District of Columbia are ERIC members, which means that private organization has access to personal information about most residents past and present. Louisiana recently withdrew its membership because of "questionable funding sources" and because "partisan actors may have access to ERIC network data for political purposes," according to the secretary of state. Citizen activists made that victory a reality, and their cohorts in Wisconsin and Michigan are fighting back as well. Other states such as Pennsylvania are playing into the plot.
A NJ citizen can verify if their vote was counted in the last, or prior, elections -- visit Department of State, Division of Elections, New Jersey Voter Information Portal
Mike Lindell -- investigating election fraud.
Poll: 52% of Trump Voters And 41% of Biden Voters Support Secession by UVA Center for Politics and Project Home Fire in Sept. 2021
Global Exclusive: General Michael T. Flynn Lays Out Plan To Save America And The World (2021 TV Interview) -- also see Gen. Flynn's site at America Project (U.S. election rigging) &
UPDATE: Inside Twitter's Secret Files And The Attempt To Cover Up the Truth of What They've Done (2022) -- Jim Baker — now-former deputy general counsel at Twitter — had been FBI general counsel under Comey. Baker was involved with the Carter Page FISA & was the avenue for Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann to inject the bullshit Alfa Bank claims into the bureau. – Jerry Christmas. A recommended book entitled "Get Trump: The Threat to Civil Liberties, Due Process, and Our Constitutional Rule of Law" by Alan Dershowitz.
United States No Longer has Honest Elections--Globalist Democrats and RINO Republicans & The Deep State worked with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to Rig the Presidential Election
Image credit: President Trump Addresses the Nation
Date 11 March 2020. Trump White House Archived. Public domain This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United
States Government as part of that person's official duties under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code.
Yes, President Donald Trump won AZ and many other States such as GA and PA.
Note: 2000 Mules documentary by Dinesh D'Souza finally reveals PROOF that 2020 election was completely stolen from Trump (2022) -- this was actually how the election was stolen. To purchase go to 2000 Mules by Dinesh D'Souza & Covid Land: The Shot.
New Jersey Senator Tom Kean, Jr. was misled in the Senate Session on 01/11/2021
Senator Tom Kean, Jr. (21st District) did not understand what he said in the Senate Session on 01/11/2021--click NJ Senate Session - Monday, Jan. 11, 2021 (video--1:08 minutes). He made a statement that President Trump should resign (Kean fell for the propoganda). Watch Senator Mike Doherty (23rd District) speaking about what really happened (29 minutes into video) and setting the record straight and not supporting the asinine resolution and then listen to Senator Kean, Jr. (21st District) disgracing himself (1:08 minutes into video). Of course, you have many NJ Democratic Senators lying about President Trump not winning the election by a landslide such as Senator Richard J. Codey. See 2000 Mules by Dinesh D'Souza--it 100% proofs that President Donald Trump won the election in 2020. By the DVD at www.infowars.com (the store).
Live: Trump Holds 'Save America' Rally in Arizona To Expose Stolen 2020 Election (Jan. 15, 2022)
Guest Speakers
Kari Lake, Donald J. Trump Endorsed Candidate for Governor of Arizona
State Representative Mark Finchem, State Representative from Arizona's 11th District and Donald J. Trump Endorsed Candidate for Secretary of State of Arizona
Representative Paul Gosar, US Representative from Arizona's 4th Congressional District
Representative Andy Biggs, US Representative from Arizona's 5th Congressional District
Representative Debbie Lesko, US Representative from Arizona's 8th Congressional District
Dr. Kelli Ward, Chairwoman of the Republican Party of Arizona
Dr. Alveda King, Donald J. Trump for President 2020 Advisory Board Member
Boris Epshteyn, Donald J. Trump for President 2020 Strategic Advisor and Advisory Board Member
Mike Lindell, CEO of My Pillow
Wisconsin May Surpass Arizona And Be First State To Decertify 2020 Election -- The Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) knowingly and intentionally violated the State's election laws and instructed subordinate election officials
to do the same, according to the Racine County Sheriff, Christopher Schmaling. In a shocking press conference on Thursday, law enforcement officials
from the Racine County Sheriff's Office laid out their case of election fraud in Racine during the 2020 election.
DOJ letter: Democrat whistleblower in Arizona said fellow Dems added 35,000 votes to all party candidates during 2020 (12/16/2021) -- A letter written last year to the Justice Department by a Democratic whistleblower in Arizona claims that fellow Democrats in Pima County added as many
as 35,000 votes to the party's candidates during the 2020 election, and of course, nothing was done about it.
Uncovering the Coverup from The New American, Vol.37, No. 21, Nov. 8, 2021 -- Did Trump Really Win?
In his September 26 article "So Trump was right: the election was rigged. And our next one will be too," British journalist Ron Liddle of the progressive Sunday Times writes of the "ripple effects" of the Arizona audit, largely unreported and grossly mischaracterized by pundits and lawmakers spanning the U.S. media and political spectrum as "flawed," a "sham," and a "disgrace to democracy." "Soon the people will wake up to something more unpleasant and sinister," warns Liddle, "that the last presidential election was a fraud. Rigged by big business, the labor unions, and more than anything, the media and the tech companies." He continues, "if that election would have taken place in any other country it would have been called 'unfree.'"
According to Maricopa County Forensic Election Audit Volume I: Executive Summary & Recommendations, "the Auditors were never provided Chain-of-Custody documentation for the ballots for the time-period prior to the ballots' movement into the Auditors' care."
As Hyde notes, "If there was no documented chain of custody for ballots since the election, how can anyone be sure that the paper ballots weren't altered or the ballot box stuffed?"
What the auditors are sure of is that, as a result of the forensic review, tens of thousands of votes appear to be corrupted, with critical discrepancies including the following:
• 23,344 ballots cast from voters' prior addresses.
• 9,041 more ballots returned than received by voters.
• 5,295 voters that potentially voted in multiple counties.
• 3,432 official ballot results do not match who voted.
• 2,592 more duplicates than original ballots.
In addition, auditors found that files were missing from the election Electronic Management Server (EMS) system, a whopping 284,412 ballot images on the EMS were "corrupt or missing," and communication logs appeared to be "intentionally rolled over," resulting in the full deletion of election-related data on the EMS.
Georgia Theft
Georgia authorities announced they are investing video footaged obtained by True the Vote. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger confrimed to the media outlet Just the News that subpoenas may be forthcoming. True the Vote obtained geolocation data for cellphones of more than 200 liberal activists captured on the videotapes--it is alleged that they documented the dates and times of ballot dropoffs. Reffensperger disgraced himself when he refused the request by Trump to audit signatures of absettee ballots and evelopes during the recount of the 12,000 votes that separated Trump in final total tally.
VoterGa obtained a court order to inspect hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballot images. VoterGA review uncovered a stunning 60-percent error rate. Garland Favorito, GA's founder, told the New American tha Fulton County falsified tally sheets. Three days of chain-of-custody forms were missing and duplicate reporting of batches had occurred.
VoterGa has alleged 15 facts. Here are a few: 1. The U.S. District Court found on Oct. 11th, 2020 the Dominion Voting System that was used in the November 2020 election is unverifiable to the voter and in violation of two Georgia statutes. 2. Approximately 43,000 DeKalb Co. drop box ballots have no chain of custody forms to authenticate them. 3. All 350,000+ original in-person ballot images in Fulton are missing in violation of federal, state retention law. 4. All or large parts of 2,000,000 original ballot images from 70+ Georgia counties are missing. See article entitled Fighting For Free And Fair Elections,The New American Magazine (February 14, 2022 edition), pages 41 to 43.
Read all 3 Cyber Ninjas.com Election Audit Reports & 2 Presentations from the "Official Website of the Arizona State Senate" on the Election Audit -- a quote from Vol. 1,
None of the various systems related to elections had numbers that would balance and agree with each other. In some cases, these differences were significant. There appears to be [as] many 27,807 ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election. Files were missing from the Election Management System (EMS) Server. Ballot images 284,412 on the EMS were corrupt or missing. Logs appeared to be intentionally rolled over, and all the data in the database related to the 2020 General Election had been fully cleared.
Audit Cover Letter to The Honorable Mark Brnovich, Arizona Attorney General from the Arizona Senate --PDF. A quote from the New American,
Arizona Senate President Karen Fann and Judiciary Committee Chairman Senator Warren Petersen, who were presented with findings of "more than 100,000 hours of examining paper ballots, voting machines, and voter data patterns," by the Florida-based firm Cyber Ninjas... Fann declared this finding that the numbers of the two audits matched within a couple hundred votes "the most important and encouraging," penning a letter to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich stating that "the paper ballots are the best evidence of voter intent because they are under 24-hour video surveillance and physical security, and there is no reliable evidence that they were altered to any material degree." Additional results, however, suggest excessive evidence of significant and widespread fraud involving several times more votes than the number separating Biden and Trump in Arizona, and warranting a deeper investigation by AG Brnovich, per the recommendation of the auditors, and as formally advised by Fann in her letter below.
BREAKING: Arizona Attorney General Files First Letter of Criminal Indictment in Arizona Election Fraud Case (09/29/2021) -- Watch TV commentary in article. It is the ballots being feed into the machines, not the machine itself. 80% of Republicans and 46% of Democrats say the election was stolen. Gateway Pundit (TV): AZ candidate Kari Lake speaks out. 70,000 duplicated, fraudulent, illegal or Ghost ballots (7 times Biden's margin of victory according to Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, M.I.T. Ph.D.). 24 criminal operative caught on video stuffing dropbox with 1,900 ballots in 3 days. Bloomberg even admitted that there would be a red mirage in the 2020 election, but we will have the mail-in ballots.
MaricopaCountyForensicElectionAudit-vol.-iii -- PDF (Work Performed For: Arizona State Senate, 1700 W Washington Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007
Ann Vandersteel joins Mike Adams about the Forensic Audits and Rigged Elections
Ann Vandersteel joins Mike Adams to reveal what's REALLY happening with forensic audits and rigged elections (TV interview, 10/01/2021) -- 255,000 ghost voters--hundreds of thousands of votes that never existed and so on. Video evidence: Board of Supervisor employees going into the EMS room before the audit and deleted files. Governor Doug A. Ducey of AZ, according to Ms. Vandersteel, is corrupt and a RINO. Ms. Vandersteel alleges that Gov. Ducey was complicit in "Fast and Furious." See Ms. Vandersteel's website: Steel Truth
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Testisfied on the AZ Election Audit that showed Fraud
Kristi Leigh interviews Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an accomplished scientist (MIT) and entrepreneur currently spearheading the legal battle for the Maricopa County election audit (TV Interview KLIM.news on 10/14/2021) -- he says not to expect any changes to come from the legal system. Only working people's movement will bring change.
Arizona Audit Report Excessive Voter Fraud
Arizona Audit Reports Excessive Voter Fraud: Calls Mount for Decertification -- a quote from The New American (09/26/2021),
While the auditors reported "no substantial differences" existed "between the hand count of ballots provided and the official election canvass results
for Maricopa County," stunning discrepancies of mail-in ballots cast from unverified addresses, more ballots returned by voters than received, and
records of voters casting ballots in multiple counties, revealed significant and widespread irregularities that many claim warrant a decertification of
the state's 11 Electoral College votes for Joe Biden...On Friday, former Missouri Governor and current candidate for the U.S. Senate Eric Greitens issued this strong
statement: "Over 50,000 illegal ballots in an election separated by just over 10,000! Don't listen to the mainstream media, liberals, and
RINO's spin on the Arizona Audit. Arizona must decertify! We MUST have forensic
audits across the country!"
DECERTIFY: Arizona Audit Finds Trump Won State By Large Margin (09/25/2021) -- a quote from Infowars,
One of the most important findings from the audit was presented by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, who discovered over 17,000 duplicate ballots, as well as many other issues like "verified & approved" stamps on ballot envelopes printed behind the page. ..Over 9,000 more mail-in ballots were received and recorded than the official number of mail-in ballots sent out by the county. ...Arizona state Senator Wendy Rogers (R) revealed a letter signed by 41 state legislators calling for forensic audits in each state and urging for those states to decertify the 2020 if their audit results are similar to Arizona's.
Bombshell! AZ Audit Team Caught Maricopa County Deleting Election Files (09/25/2021) -- a quote from Infowars,
Digital forensic expert and analyst Ben Cotton reminded the audience at the audit presentation that election materials are federally mandated to be preserved for 22 months, but some of the materials examined in the audit showed they were either tampered with ordeleted entirely. ...Arizona Rep. Warren Petersen (R) noted the audit "numbers don't reconcile" with the certified election results, and said it appears Maricopa County "broke the law with duplicate ballots." ... "Where do we go from here? I think there's legislation and law enforcement that needs to be involved," Petersen said. "What I found the most unsettling through this whole process is the obstruction that we have seen from the county. The failure to comply with the auditor, of the brazen willingness to violate a legal subpoena – our Attorney General said that was against the law – it's truly alarming."
Note: If you vote in Ecuador, Twain, Japan, and around the world, a citizen has to show ID. But not in the United States? And United States wants Covid Passports? What a joke!
Situation Update, June 17th, 2021 (Video Update by Mike Adams) - National security apparatus in total panic as election audit results are near -- massive corruption in our federal law enforcement agencies. Pastor John MacArthur warns that "The role of government is to restrain evil, and when it functions to restrain evil, it is fulfilling its God-ordained purpose." MacArther explained by citing verses 1 and 2 of Romans 13. When the government fails to do what God created it to do, "it yields up its authority." The government forfeits its authority. For further information, see The Christian and War (9 Part Audio Lecture Series) & Dr. Bob Morey on Walter Martin's Bible Answer Man Radio Show
President Trump's Farewell Address
LIVE: President Trump Delivers Farewell Address To The Nation (01/19/2021)
President Donald Trump issued a statement on Tuesday praising retired Army intelligence captain Seth Keshel for a new report showing the 2020 election was stolen and warning about the current destruction of America (see video in article, 08/04/2021) -- Trump stated, "I don't personally know Captain Keshel but these numbers are overwhelming, election changing, and according to Keshel, could be even bigger in that they do not account for cyber-flipping of votes. They show I won the election—By A LOT!" Trump continued, "Now watch the Democrats coalesce, defame, threaten, investigate, jail people, and do whatever they have to do to keep the truth from surfacing, and let the Biden Administration continue to get away with destroying our Country. The irregularities and outright fraud of "
Keshel took the official vote counts in all 50 states and compared them with estimated numbers based on political trends, population growth/decline, recent voter history, and registration information to determine an estimated amount of "excess Biden votes" in each state. ...According to Keshel's data, Joe Biden was graced with over eight million excess votes, which is more than enough to reverse the election.
EXCLUSIVE: Top CEO Offers Real Proof of Election Fraud in 2020, Announces Court Filing Plan (TV Interview with Mike Lindell, 07/19/2021) --Elected Democratic officials admit that it is easy hack into the voting machines!
Trump vindicated! Massive voter fraud found in Fulton County, Ga., including evidence of duplicate voting and pristine, unfolded "mail-in" ballots (07/19/2021) -- He was right about the Obama regime spying on him. He was right that fired FBI Director Jim Comey was dirty. He was right that the 'Russian dossier' was fake. He was proven right when he said he never offered Ukraine a "quid pro quo." He was right when he said he never said there were "good people on both sides" of a deadly encounter between neo-Nazis and Antifa in Charlottesville, Va. And he's been proven right about his claims that there was massive voter fraud in the 2020 election — in Georgia, anyway, a state he is certain he won.
Deep Rig Film to be released on June 14th, 2021 by Patrick Byrne (who did not vote for Trump) -- He describes how his team of "cyber-ninjas" unraveled it while they worked against the clock of Constitutional processes, all against the
background of being a lifetime entrepreneur trying to interact with Washington, DC. Book already released entitled The Deep Rig: How Election Fraud Cost Donald J. Trump the White House, By a Man Who did not Vote for Him: (or what to send friends who
ask, "Why do you doubt the integrity of Election 2020?")
Former Democrat Vernon Jones Destroys CNN: Stands for "Control Negroes Network"
(TV, 07/01/2021) -- Georgia gubernatorial candidate Vernon Jones, an African-American, slammed CNN Thursday, saying an appropriate acronym for the race-pandering news org is the
"Control Negroes Network."
During a fundraising dinner in Atlanta, Jones called out how CNN scares black people about new election reforms by referring to them
as "Jim Crow 2.0," while at the same time refusing to investigate the suspicious happenings of the 2020 election, which he says violated the
Constitution and state statutes.
Censored by Jack.com & OAN & Newsmax (they are compromising--look what they did to Frank Lindell. No coverage with Dominion Software) & Oath Keepers & Every Legal Voting & Stop the Steal on Parler & Join the Caravan and Stop the Steal --Infowars and thousands of Patriots driving to the different states to protest. March For Trump--Women for America First (see for local events)
Mike Lindell Announces Dominion Lawsuit, Says Biden Will be Removed After Audit (TV, 06/02/2021)
Mike Lindell Presents: Absolutely 9-0 (TV, 06/01/2021)
New Election Audit in Pennsylvania Will Prove What We Already Know – Trump Won Baby! (2021)
Sunday Live: CDC Admits COVID Vaccines Don't Work + Mike Lindell and Roger Stone Join Alex Jones (TV, 06/27/2021) -- Alex Jones breaks down how the CDC is now admitting that the COVID vaccine doesn't work in light of the so-called "Delta variant". Also, My
Pillow CEO Mike Lindell and Trump confidante Roger Stone join the show to break down the Deep State's panic over President Trump's resurgence and
Joe Biden's daily decline.
Sheriff Clark, an African American, Speaks at MAGA FRANK Rally in New Richmond, WI about Election Integrity (Video, 06/14/2021)
David Harris Jr. Interviews Mike Lindell about Governor Bryan Kemp and Doug Ducey -- alleged cover-up of Governor Kemp (GA) and Governor Ducey (AZ)
President Trump tore into the Republican leadership, namely Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell, for refusing to stand up against the "greatest election fraud in the history of our country."
Dr. Steve Pieczenik, MD delivers hard hitting information about what went on behind the scenes leading up to the Arizona election audit (05/19/2021) --- how patriots within the government are fighting back against the globalist agenda
WATCH: My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell Releases Documentary on Election Steal (2021) -- Lindell also faced a hostile "interview" and censorship on the conservative network Newsmax on February 2, during which anchor Bob Sellers
repeatedly interrupted Lindell, then got up out of his chair and stormed off the set. Sellers insisted that Newsmax was not going to allow Lindell
to discuss election fraud...Newsmax may be drifting
the way of Fox. The hiring of disgraced former ABC/NBC pundit Mark Halperin...His father, Morton Halperin, is a notorious
far-left/pro-communist activist who has worked for the ACLU, the Carnegie Endowment, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the Center for
American Progress. Morton Halperin is currently a senior advisor to George Soros's Open Society Foundations and has been closely involved with
the subversive Institute for Policy Studies and the pro-communist
National Lawyers Guild...
Mike Lindell Presents: Absolute Interference - an Absolute Proof follow-up documentary. The Sequel to Absolute Proof With New Evidence Foreign & Domestic Enemies -- 200 Million streams in two-days.
See the warning from Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (Democrat, Hawaii) about the left's push to a KGB-style police force to monitor Americans (21st century Russia and Poland are trying to help and protect its citizens unlike America). Why did this happen? President Trump refused to use the powers of government to protect Americans from left-wing terrorism, so Joe Biden will be happy to use the powers of government to destroy Americans using government-sponsored terrorism. This means America, under Biden, has become a state sponsor of domestic terrorism targeting its own voters
States Audited (Arizona)
BREAKING: 'Significant Discrepancies' Discovered In Arizona Audit, Ballots Off Up to 17.5%, 'Likely Joe Biden Did Not Win' Arizona Senate President recently sent a letter to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, outlining the major issues discovered already in the audit, and offering to settle them without additional subpoenas or compulsory action. In the letter, says Epshteyn on Steve Bannon's podcast, it reveals, "Pallet five, batch 2976, 200 pink slip total, actual total 165. They are missing 35 ballots out of that batch." He added, "35 out of 100 is 17.5%. 10 out of 200 is 5%."
Toni Shuppe on Pennsylvania Audit and Massive Voter Fraud -- TV Interview, 06/01/2021
Sidney Powell: America is now a 'Communist regime' (TV Interview, 05/07/2021) -- Powell said the existence of "fractionalized votes" weighted in favor of Joe Biden, created by a computer algorithm, can be proved in multiple counties. And it could be proved across the country, she said, "if anybody would issue an order allowing inspection of "
EP 2404-9AM Sidney Powel: President Trump Is Still Our Legal President; Biden Is A Pervert Who Can't Tie His Shoes
Sidney Powell believes the audit in Maricopa County will reveal more than 100,000 fraudulent votes. That's what she told
conservative talk show host Rose Tennent during a recent interview. Tennent is a birther. Regardless, it's a good interview.
Democrats sent their top Attorney Mark Elias to stop the audit in Maricopa County. Americans have seen how corrupt the DoJ, CIA, FBI,
even the CDC, and other agencies are. Every rock you turn over exposes more corruption. It isn't hard to believe Ms. Powell is on to something.
She's obviously courageous and staked her career on this.
EP 2405-6PM "Literal Fascism" - 100 Major Corporations Align To Denounce Voter ID
CEOs from several top 100 corporations joined the first-of-its-kind call this weekend to discuss how to respond to proposed changes in state voting laws. At issue was the recent Georgia
voting law signed by Governor Kemp that makes it a requirement for voters to show a photo ID to vote. Over 70% of Americans, including black
Americans, support voter ID laws.
Former DNI John Ratcliffe confirms that China, not Russia, had a very large role interfering with our 2020 election (01/19/021) & Election Treason: Enemies Foreign and Domestic
Read All of The Trump Administration's First Term Accomplishments -- however, there was no call to repentance for the nation and true church. Paula White, a false prophetess and teaches the false prosperity Gospel, calling for "angelic reinforcements"? God did not honor it? President Trump the most naive in his hiring practices or he did not care. Gets misled again by the false Christians, but did not listen to the true born again/born from above Christians. Now there is judgment from God.
See the warning from Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (Democrat, Hawaii) about the left's push to a KGB-style police force to monitor Americans (21st century Russia and Poland are trying to help and protect its citizens unlike America). Why did this happen? President Trump refused to use the powers of government to protect Americans from left-wing terrorism, so Joe Biden will be happy to use the powers of government to destroy Americans using government-sponsored terrorism. This means America, under Biden, has become a state sponsor of domestic terrorism targeting its own voters. See Election Treason: Enemies Foreign and Domestic and Communist China Infiltrating Everything and Trump Declassifies FBI's Russia Conspiracy-theory Investigation.
Note: No country has a big enough army to withstand the Supreme Ruler of the Universe--the world's armies are a pimple on a Dinosaurs' Ass compared to Yeshua Ha-Mashiach's military. He will remove the Globalists and God-haters from planet earth. ..."The Lord is angry with all nations; his wrath is upon all their armies. He will totally destroy them"...(Isaiah 34:2)
Click Election Analysis 2020 (all articles below on link) and Trump.News And Here is the Evidence (This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.) President Donald Trump's Official Election Defense Fund -- he won by a landslide & Sidney Powell's Legal Defense Fund & Sidney Powell's website -- exposing our corrupt justice system. President Trump delivered an epic 45-minute speech on Wednesday, detailing the Democrats' hijacking of the 2020 election. (TV, 12/02/2020)
Important Message Below for the United States and the World
Black leaders dare to tell the truth about vaccine depopulation GENOCIDE (audio & article 2021)
Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine killed 260 times more young people than the virus itself would have (2021) -- A re-analysis of data provided by the Israeli Health Ministry concluded that Pfizer and BioNTech's messenger RNA (mRNA) gene therapy injections have already killed "about 40 times more (elderly) people than the disease itself would have killed" during a recent five-week vaccination period. Piggybacking on research from back in January which found that Chinese virus vaccines are "not safer" than the virus itself, this latest study indicts the Trump vaccines for causing more death rather than preventing it. Dr. Herve Seligmann, a faculty member at Aix-Marseille University in France demonstrated using a full mathematical analysis that among "those vaccinated and above 65, 0.2% ... died during the three-week period between doses, hence about 200 among 100,000 vaccinated.""This is to be compared to the 4.91 dead among 100,000 dying from COVID-19 without vaccination," he added. Also, see Children's Health Defense -- Director, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Note: Dr. Tenpenny exposes Covid-19 vaccination--according to Dr. Tenpenny, the FDA & CDC violated the law: to grant the EUA it has to be safer than the infection (99.1% do not die from Covid). In December 2020, the first vaccines for coronavirus disease were granted an EUA -- Emergency Use Authorization -- by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).This is not "just another vaccine" and this is not "just like getting a flu shot." The ingredients are experimental and the mRNA is coded to produce a protein that CAN modify your genes. See Medical Doctor expose the Eugenics program with the Covid-19 Vaccination (TV interview)
PCR Testing (Dr. Fauci admits that PCR test run at 35 cycles or higher is useless).
July 16, 2020, podcast, "This Week In Virology": Dr. Tony Fauci makes a point of saying the PCR COVID test is useless and misleading when the test is run at "35 cycles or higher." A positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed. An excerpt from Dr. Fauci's key quote (starting at the 3m50s mark):
"...If you get [perform the test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more...the chances of it being replication-competent [aka accurate] are miniscule...you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle...even 36..."
What Dr. Fauci failed to say on the video is: the FDA, which authorizes the test for public use, recommends the test should be run up to 40 cycles. Not 35. Therefore, all labs in the US that follow the FDA guideline are knowingly or unknowingly participating in fraud. This is fraud on the highest level.
Also, see Jon Rapport blog reports at Official literature reveals their own lies ( PCR test)
CPAC 2021 was a joke (Feb 25-28; see Mike Adams video (43 minutes into the video) Situation Update dated audio on 03/01/2021)
Yes, President Trump gave a great speech; however, election fraud was never taken care of by the Republicans. So, for President Trump to state we are going to take back the Senate and Congress is a joke--the machines are rigged, ballot fraud, etc. and he did nothing as President to stop it--the swamp kicked Trump's ass for the last four years. Only six (6) U.S. Senators stood up against election fraud. Then President Trump is promoting harmful Covid vaccinations--he should shut up. What about health freedom? You had your chance President Trump and you did nothing. What about addressing the family/Biblical values? CPAC said nothing because maybe, as alleged by many people there, they support the LGBTQ+/ Abortion agenda. The Democrats want to pass a bill (the Anti-Family Equality Act) to castrate young boys?; this is child abuse. When the Republicans were in control, they did nothing. Republicans abandoned America and the Democrats destroyed America. On the State level, there are some very good elected officials that should be voted for. We will have a financial collapse in the United States and will be catastrophic and cities will fall in despair and chaos--the satanic globalists have multiple wicked plans that will be unleashed. Look at the Bio Weapon (Covid-19).
LIVE: President Trump Delivers Farewell Address To The Nation (01/19/2021). The inauguration was a farse on 01/20/2021--God does not honor tyranny and someone being put in office unauthorized because they stole the election (a rigged election with millions of votes stolen) with the help of globalists and paid off elected Democratic and Republican officials, rogue elements in the CIA (see Election Treason: Dominion-Smartmatic) and other government agencies and foreign governments such as China--this is an "Insurrection against the United States of America" and "Treason"--its a totalitarian model of Hitler's Third Reich. If the top brass in the military do not care, then we do not have a Republic anymore. God hates tryanny--see freedom fighters in the Bible (Heb. 11:32-40); see the book entitled When is It Right to Fight? & Interview with theologian on the Just War Theory and self-defense. The Apostle Paul tells us that the presence of the Spirit of God brings liberty (2 Cor. 3:17). Wherever the Spirit of God is present, there will be liberty. Of course, you have the imbeciles (Apostle Paul used this term in Hebrews 5) in the Evangelical/Protestant churches telling people to pray for Biden (he is eternally condemned with many other people in power from the foundation of the world and is not a legitmate leader per Bible and Constitution -- they have given themselves over to Satan and Apostle Paul said this about certain people). No, the real Church should be repenting of their sins (not witnessing, not applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life, heretical doctrines, disobedience, no dedication, no prayer meetings about the election, etc.) and should be asking God to lift His judgment on America with its gross immorality, abortion and the worship of false gods and the apathy of the Church and remove Biden from office and restore our Republic.
Presidential Election Fraud Documented
The United States of America has been totally taken over by foreign enemies (China, EU, etc.) and domestic enemies (Deep State (see What is the Deep State?), the globalist fascists, many are pedophiles)--both parties, GOP (Republicans and Democrats were complicit in destroying this country). This has been the biggest election theft in the history of the U.S. (see Election Analysis) that involved rogue intelligence agencies. The corruption goes all the way down to local governments (Domion Software is being used in Hunterdon County, NJ, a so-called conservative Republican area).
lEP 2404-9AM Sidney Powel: President Trump Is Still Our Legal President; Biden Is A Pervert Who Can't Tie His Shoes
Sidney Powell believes the audit in Maricopa County will reveal more than 100,000 fraudulent votes. That's what she told
conservative talk show host Rose Tennent during a recent interview. Tennent is a birther. Regardless, it's a good interview.
Democrats sent their top Attorney Mark Elias to stop the audit in Maricopa County. Americans have seen how corrupt the DoJ, CIA, FBI,
even the CDC, and other agencies are. Every rock you turn over exposes more corruption. It isn't hard to believe Ms. Powell is on to something.
She's obviously courageous and staked her career on this.
God's judgment is on the Church and Nation and the embeciles in most of the so-called U.S. Protestant/Evangelical churches said nothing (cowards & maybe the great apostacy as spoken of in the Book of Revelation--the Pope ,an anti-Christ, and apostate Protestant churches are supporting global government and wickedness)--most churches did not even call emergency prayer meetings. The Beast, Anti-Christ and False prophet are here. Remember the "Mark of the Beast? 666. No pre-trib, Christians will go through "The Tribulation," which could last a long time. The One-World government and religion is here. This has been going on for over the last 50 years.
For further information: Merry Christmas from President Trump: Election Fraud (Watch Video from President Trump at the White House on the Election Fraud (12/22/2020)) and Message to Trump and Roger Stone about what happened (01/09/2021) -- it is over for the Republic and President Trump. God's judgment is on America and the many imbeciles in the Evangelical community sat back and did nothing. Now the one-world government is here.
Note: President Trump never cleaned house and sat back while the big tech deplatformed all his supporters such as conservatives, Christians, libertarians, even classical liberals. He hired and appointed some of the biggest traitors, which stabbed him in the back --why was Dr. Fauci, a Jesuit Fascist, not fired? President Trump did not tell whole truth on the vaccinations (warp speed? the pharma industry came out with a harmful vaccine and shoved it up Trump's ass) and Covid-19 (a bioweapon from China with the help of the "Deep State", the Las Vegas shooting and so on). Now God's judgment is on the whole nation. (Yes, the President Trump did a lot good things and it seemed he really tried hard, but he did not surround himself with wise and God fearing people until recently.)
Warning: QAnon is a fraud & Psyop--the John Birch Society, NJIAT and Alex Jones said they are unreliable and put out a lot of false information. Some info is correct. Stupid and naive people followed QAnon blindly (the globalists & the rogue government agencies are running it). Many of your patriot movements have been infiltrated by the FBI or other agencies--do not go to any State Capitol rallies or be very careful. The Washington, D.C. was a peaceful rally for President Trump and you had a set-up with the help of left-wing Antifa, BLM and other rogue government agencies such as the black hats in the Secret Service (they tried to set-up Alex Jones) to charge the Capitol Building (very few people were involved). You had a few stupid "Q" people there. There was no "insurrection" by the Trump supporters. Your 21st Fascists/Nazis are your radical left and the Deep State, not your Trump supporters--see Holocaust Survivor Visits Hunterdon Central High School on 03/26/14 & Exposes the Ideology of the Nazis (HTML) and These 150-plus multinational corporations have CEOs demanding that Biden be made president immediately (01/09/2021) -- most corporations have sold out the country & are going with Babylon & How China and Walmart teamed up to crush the American dream
The "Fourth Reich": Nazis in charge of the United States -- the Third Reich researched and developed exotic technologies for the destruction of humankind (pharmaceuticals, pesticides, space weapons, etc.). In the aftermath of World War II, the United States brought hundreds of Nazi scientists to the U.S. via "Operation Paperclip." They were given new identities and job, put to work developing weapons technology with the Pentagon and NASA. See Jim Mars book entitled, "The Rise of the Fourth Reich," the late Jim Marrs warned about, "The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America."
Warning: The FBI, Antifa, BLM & other rogue agencies are planning to run false flag operations at state capitol buildings in order to further demonize conservatives and set the stage for nationwide gun confiscation according to Infowars & Intelligence & Federal agents who are patriots--do not attend.
'Q-Anon' Bears Striking Resemblance to Bolshevik Psy-Op From 1920s Known As 'Operation Trust' (01/16/2021) -- President Trump did a lot of good things such as great trade deals, tariffs on China, and so on; however, for four years he never drained swamp, no action on big tech, promoting a dangerous vaccination and appointed people around him that were traitors to this country. Praising Fascist Dr. Fauci? No God, no victory! & Arrested Suspected BLM 'Agent Provocateur' At The Capitol -- If John Sullivan is an FBI informant or an agent provocateur as many suspect that is very likely to come out in court & Situation Update, Jan. 15th, 2021 -- DECLASS begins, CNN complicit in capitol raid & Feds Admit Capitol "Siege" Was Planned in Advance by Trump Haters, Not Trump Supporters (01/15/2021) & Situation Update by Mike Adams, Jan 13th, 2021 --- there is a silver lining and what God might be doing in America Listen to the video. And Is This Dr. Steve Pieczenik's Last Appearance on Infowars? (01/14/2021) -- Dr. Steve Pieczenik triples down on his claims that the fraudulent election of 2020 will be exposed and Deep State criminals will be arrested, betting Alex Jones that if he is right, he wants to join the Infowars roster. Note: I think it is wishful thinking and nothing will happen except Biden being sworn in. The truth will be known on Jan. 20, 2021. Does not look good. May God help us.
Texas sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin for election fraud; EIGHT states join the lawsuit(12/08/2020) -- Eight additional states are reportedly joining the Texas lawsuit: Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina,
South Dakota.
Lt. General Michael Flynn's First Interview; Trump will win (11/28/2020)
Rudy Giuliani: Dirty Dems Stole Georgia Using This One Weird Trick (TV, 12/05/2020) -- -- President Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani breaks down the ongoing legal battle ensuing in Georgia over massive voter irregularities that effected the outcome of the presidential election, and how Trump is on the path to victory based on the trove of damning evidence uncovered.
Infowars.com (Live TV Broadcast on what is really happening)
Join the Caravan and Stop the Steal --Infowars and thousands of Patriots driving to the different states to protest. March For Trump (see for local events)
Trump Purging Deep State & Is "In Control," Expert Reveals -- 11/11/2020
See Dr. Steve Pieczenik joins The Alex Jones Show to break down Trump's actions against the corrupt Deep State (TV Interview).
Trump Set a Trap: 2018 E.O. Created Command Structure to Combat Election Fraud (11/13/2020) -- this was Tweeted by President Trump (click Trump Tweet 11/12/2020--PDF to see the original Presidential Tweet):
Donald J. Trump
This claim about election fraud is disputed
11:34 AM . Nov 12, 2020
Some of the bombshell highlights from this conference include:
* Sidney Powell confirming that Dominion servers in Germany were, indeed, confiscated.
* Rudy Giuliani saying that 682,770 mail-in ballots have been identified which have to be thrown out because they are uncertifiable.
* Sidney Powell declaring, "We are going to reclaim the United States of America!"
* Sidney Powell declaring that, "an algorithm was plugged in to steal votes from President Trump during the election"
President Trump on Fox News (11/29/2020)
Lt. General Michael Flynn's First Interview; Trump will win (11/28/2020)
MSM Ignores Trump's Testimony Laying Out Damning Election Fraud Evidencen 2020 (11/28/2020) -- Trump lays out the facts. President Trump on Fox News (11/29/2020) & Lt. General Michael Flynn's First Interview; Trump will win (11/28/2020)
Firm That Owns Dominion Voting Systems Received $400 Million From Swiss Bank With Connection to Chinese Government Before Election (12/01/2020) & THE KRAKEN: Retired Lieutenant General Thomas McInerneySays US Military Intel Group, Nicknamed 'Kraken', Seized Dominion Servers in Germany (11/30/2020)
Retired 3-star General McInerney calls for President Trump to invoke Insurrection Act, suspend Habeas Corpus, declare martial law and initiate MASS ARRESTS under military authority (12/01/2020) -- President Trump, with all due respect, it is time to pull your head out of the sand and take action! It is disobedience to God if you allow this election to be stolen. See the book entitled "When is it Right To Fight?"
& Full transcript of General Flynn. Message to President Trump: You have an obligation to the Biblical God (Yeshua Ha-Mashiach) & Country to use the "Insurrection Act" & the "14th Amendment" because the judges & government are corrupt, foreign interference (China), etc.-- this is treason.
Read & Listen to Mike Adam's Audio Presidential Updates below the CIA picture (President Trump will serve another term). There is an internal war in our government between "Deep State" CIA and other rogue agencies vs. DoD & DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) & NSA -- the patriots.
Important Situation Update Reports by Mike Adams:
;Dec. 10 ;Dec. 7--DNI & Bogus PCR Testing;Dec. 6 (Dominion Software Owned by China);Dec. 5 (Video, Vaccinations) ; Dec. 4; (Dec. 03 --Trump invokes foreign interference provision of his 2018 executive order) ;Dec. 02 (Video) ;Nov. 30; Nov. 29 (Video); Nov. 27 (Video); Nov. 26 (Video);
Important Situation Update reports for Nov. 24th, 23rd and 21st -- plus a new interview with General Thomas McInerney (Video, 11/24/2020) -- Here are the critical updates from Natural News for the last three days, plus a bombshell new video interview by Brannon Howse, talking with General Thomas McInerney about cyber warfare, election theft, HAMMER and Scorecard. President Trump will win against the fraud. False News Item: George Soros was not arrested. Deep State propaganda to mislead people.
As you know by now, the DoD launched a raid on a CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany, to secure servers that contain proof of CIA interference with the 2020 election (i.e. backdoor manipulations of election results via Dominion voting machines). But new information is now surfacing that indicates there was a firefight at the server farm facility, involving US Army Special Forces units, engaging with CIA-trained paramilitary units that were flown in from Afghanistan in an emergency effort to defend the facility.
One CIA officer was killed during the firefight, and he is now being reported across the mainstream media as being "killed in Somalia." Five US Army soldiers were also killed, and they are being explained away as dying in a "helicopter crash" in Egypt.
Overstock CEO Releases Evidence of Systematic Election Fraud America (11/24/2020) -- Former Overstock CEO Dr. Patrick Byrne of http://deepcapture.com joins The Alex Jones Show to present evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election.
Dominion Servers Seized In Germany -- Findings Will "Shake The Globalists to Their Core" (TV, 11/19/2020) -- During a Wednesday interview on Newsmax, Trump Recount Committee member Brian Trascher claimed overseas servers for voting machine company Dominion
have been seized.
Live: Trump Legal Team Holds "Path to Victory" Conference -- Massive voter fraud (election official fraud) proved (TV: Rudy Guiliani, Sydney Powell, etc. : 11/19/2020)
Attorney Lin Wood: Team has 'smoking guns' to prove Trump won '105% confident' that Biden will never be president (TV interviews such as Lou Dobbs (Fox News),11/17/2020)
The CEO of Smartmatic, Antonio Mugica, admitted in an Associated Press interview in August 2017 that his company's machines and software created at least 1 million votes for Hugo Chavez in Venezuela.
DON'T CONCEDE: Emergency Message To President Trump (Video message; 11/08/2020)
-- Alex Jones delivers an emergency message to President Trump breaking down how Biden and his handlers are planning to team up with the CDC to implement another oppressive 2-year lockdown protocol and then blame Trump's policies for the lockdown's devastating economic impact.
The video shows (2:21 minutes into video) the publications that spoke about Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates running the Wuhan Lab before Trump was President.
Left image: The Non-stop Effort to Take Down Trump and America
WARNING to the GOP: Stand up for Trump NOW or lose our support FOREVER! (Video)
CAUGHT! Election data analyzed, producing detailed list of over 500,000 votes SWITCHED from Trump to Biden via voting machine software theft, with heavy fraud focused on swing states (11/11/2020) -- Yesterday, sources told us that the CIA was in charge of running the vote theft operation, with Gina Haspel deeply involved in straight up treason.
HUGE: Trump fires deep state Defense Secretary Mark Esper, indicating a likely plan for military involvement in a declaration of insurrection (11/09/2020) -- excerpt from Mike Adams,
The election theft was conducted in real time on Nov. 3rd, using the Dominion software, created by a corporation partially owned by Nancy Pelosi. During the election, the real-time data were shunted offshore, where calculations were run to produce action lists for stealing the votes in swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan, and then Hammer and Scorecard (created by the CIA) were used to alter the votes in real time, in the voting machines...
Deep source insiders have been telling me for days that an "epic counter attack" against the deep state is about to be launched by Trump. We don't know the details about this counter attack, but we do know that Trump has two options which involve deploying the military to save the Republic:
Option #1) Invoke the Insurrection Act and declare the Democrats' blatant vote rigging and outrageous censorship to be a "rebellion" against the United States of America. Order military police to arrest the thousands of high-level traitors who tried to carry out a communist-influenced coup against the United States, including all the CEOs of Big Tech as well as the heads of the corrupt Democrat party. More details here.
Option #2) Invoke Sec. 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which calls for Trump to strip Electoral College votes from all states engaged in acts of rebellion against the United States, which of course includes rigged election theft and vote fraud. More details here. And here...
With election rigging via mail-in ballots, the real purpose of the COVID bioweapon now becomes clear (11/08/2020)
It's now abundantly clear that the real purpose of the engineered COVID-19 bioweapon was to allow Democrats to steal the election via mail-in ballot fraud.
It's now abundantly clear that the real purpose of the engineered COVID-19 bioweapon was to allow Democrats to steal the election via mail-in ballot fraud.
No wonder Barack Obama directed Dr. Fauci to funnel NIH money into the Wuhan Virology Institute to help build this bioweapon. It was created from the very beginning to be a weapon deployed against America (and the American people) in order to allow the treasonous, criminal Democrats to steal the 2020 election.
Now the question becomes: Will the American people allow this treason to succeed?
Hell no, we say. Fight for Trump like your life depended on it… because it does.
Trump vs. Biden (2020) Non-Globalist Presidential Voter Guide -- PDF
Image Left: Trump Tent, Flemington, NJ (Copyright 08/30/20 by NJIAT) & Trump Tent, Flemington -- PDF
President Donald Trump's Official Website & Trump's Gab Account & Infowars.com & Information on President Trump's Positions & Other Topics
Trump Campaign: "The Election Is Not Over" (11/06/2020--watch President Speech) -- President Trump won by a landslide by legal ballots. Listen to his speech about the illegal activity and he had the most African-American and Latino votes of any Republican President and increased his women votes from last election. Message to President Trump: Trump needs to institute the "Insurrection Act." Do not put up with the treason President Trump and start arresting people. Forget the legal process--the court system is corrupt. President Trump needs to take over the media so he can tell people what happened. Too many cowards in the GOP. Biden is working for the Chinese government. Watch Live: Trump Campaign Holds Press Conference in Philadelphia To Expose Widespread Voter Fraud --Rudy Guiliani speaks with other women lawyers (11/07/2020)
Election Fraud Exposed
Polling company that predicted Trump's 2016 victory shows him leading in the popular vote and Electoral College (10/30/2020)
STRANGE: GOP Makes Huge Gains In State Legislatures Running On Trumpism (11/07/2020)
The Nevada Republican Party’s tweet noted that the organization has sent a criminal referral to U.S. Attorney General William Barr regarding the more than 3,000 instances of alleged vote fraud that have already been uncovered.
This is frightening. Nevada has allowed non-residents to vote.
Legal voters everywhere should be outraged. https://t.co/ZnM4EkfYy3
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) November 6, 2020
As for the president’s campaign, lawyers are preparing several lawsuits in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia, alleging even more voter irregularities and even outright voter fraud pertaining to mail-in balloting; just the sort of problems President Trump warned about for months ahead of Election Day.
REPORT: Wisconsin Election Clerks Tampered with Thousands of Ballots-- 11/09/2020)
Trump will ultimately win Pennsylvania, and here's why (11/09/2020) by Mike Adams
Just in time for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic, the legislature of Pennsylvania wrote into law a special bill known as 2019 Pa. Leg. Serv. Act 2019-77 that creates new rules for mail-in voting. It states unequivocally that: “No absentee ballot under this subsection shall be counted which is received in the office of the county board of elections later than eight o’clock P.M. on the day of the primary or election.”
Biden will not get away with stealing Pennsylvania, anyway
This “unambiguous” language, to quote Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, was essentially invalidated by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which overstepped its bounds and decided to allow ballots collected days after the election to still be counted, even if they were not properly postmarked or signed.
Now, we are learning from The Gateway Pundit that this same software was used in all swing states, including PA, GA, NV, MI, WI, AZ and MN.
The software is ominously named "Dominion." The project to deploy this software is called both "Project Hammer" and "Operation Scorecard."
As TGP reports:
Dominion Software is used in 47 US states including ALL OF THE BATTLEGROUND STATES.
The Dominion software "glitch" ONLY took votes from President Trump and Republicans.
TREASON: Joe Biden sold his office to communist China
America Is At War! Communist China Is In The Process of Overthrowing the United States & Installing a Puppet Government (11/05/2020) -- stopping voter fraud
TRUMP WINS 2020 ELECTION IN ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE & (Facebook & Twitter Censor Republicans & President--Zuckerberg and Dorsey are committing criminal fraud to rig the elections--10/14/2020) In order to circumvent Twitter, Facebook and Google censoring videos and searches that report true news, go to Censored by Jack.com. The media and social media has covered up Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden's criminal activity and the pedophile cover-ups. Natural News states: "Furthermore, we call on President Trump to seize all Facebook and Twitter bank accounts, assets and properties, as both tech companies are actively colluding with communist China to destroy the United States of America as part of a planned, illegal insurrection. Facebook, for example, is using Chinese nationals to run its "Hate speech engineering" algorithms which censor the voices of Americans...Trump must declare Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter to be in violation of the RICO Act, as they are waging a racketeering campaign to crush free speech and destroy this nation in order to allow communist China to overrun the United States."
Chicoms On Verge Of Stealing US Election (11/06/2020)
BREAKING: Intelligence expert Steve Pieczenik claims 2020 election was a "sophisticated sting operation" that has trapped the Democrats in the most
massive criminal election fraud in history...details (11/05/20520-TV Interview); to post to Twitter or Facebook you must use this link to avoid censorship: Breaking: Intelligence expert Steve Pieczenick claims 2020 election was a "sophisticated sting operation"...(TV Interview)
Note: NJIAT cannot verify if the above information by Dr. Pieczenik is true.
They have a voting judge in Detroit telling people how to cheat (see Project Veritas).
Many Local Union Ironworkers in NJ and other States & other Union Members support & endorse President Trump (who put a 25% tariff on steel imports). The Boilermakers Union Local 154 in PA has endoresed President Trump, not Biden, who lied at a ABC town hall event. The Ironworkers' union members are disgusted with the International Association & the leadership for endorsing Biden, a Free-Trader Globalist who voted for NAFTA, that ships jobs to China & other countries (Union members allege that the International Association leaders have been bought off by the Globalist Bankers. Ironworkers across the country have expressed their outrage over Eric Dean, Ironworkers General President, for his endorsement) Note: Revealed: President Trump Presided Over the Largest Manufacturing Boom in a First Term Since the 1970s
Founding Member, Larry Pinkney, Of the Black Panther Party Destroys BLM/Antifa (TV Interview). Larry Pinkney endorses President Trump and condemns BLM and states it is a Soros (not his real name), who is a Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) member and a Deep State CIA operative (according to Dr. Steve Piecznik.com--former Assistant Deputy Secretary of State & served under 4 Presidents) operation using black people as guinea pigs. BLM is a white run globalist, deep state intelligence organization. Rasmussen Poll has President Trump's black approval at a whopping 50% (10/24/2020)
Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump:
President Trump, with all due respect, it is time to pull your head out of the sand and take action! (The "Insurrection Act.") It is disobedience to God and Country if you allow this election to be stolen. God hates tyranny and Joe Biden per Bible is not the authorized or elected President--see the rebellion of Ahithophel and Absalom were Absalom appointed himself King. God killed Absalom because Solomon was the King God ordained to be successor to King David (II Samuel Chapters 15 through 17). Also, see Hebrews 11, I Sam. 13:19, Judges 3:9; 3:15; 3:31; 4:4, 6; 6:11; 9:53; 11:1; 14:1 & Acts 5:29, 4:17-20 and so on. See the book entitled "When Is It Right to Fight?" by Dr. Robert A. Morey. Also, read open letter from Oath Keepers (12/16/2020)
Click Election Analysis 2020 (all articles below on link) and Trump.News And Here is the Evidence (This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or update and #StopTheSteal & Project Veritas &Censored by Jack.com & OAN & Newsmax & Oath Keepers & Every Legal Voting & Stop the Steal on Parler.) President Donald Trump's Official Election Defense Fund -- he won by a landslide & Sidney Powell's Legal Defense Fund & Sidney Powell's website -- exposing our corrupt justice system. President Trump delivered an epic 45-minute speech on Wednesday, detailing the Democrats' hijacking of the 2020 election. (TV, 12/02/2020)
Petition asks President Trump to implement Insurrection Act to stop fraudulent election (12/19/2020) & Contact the White House (tell President Trump how irresponsible he has been by not taken action such as the "Insurrection Act"-- you have treason, foreign attack by China, corrupt officials, etc. and the President sits and does nothing when he won by a landslide? Mr. President, you did not tell the truth about what happened in Las Vegas (terrorist attack, multiple shooters) or the Covid-19 virus (it came from a bioweapons lab in China) and you know the vaccine is dangerous and you were misled by the Pharma industry--they came out with a beautiful vaccine that will kill you. No action on Big tech censorship, hiring deep state traitors in your administration and so on. Where is God in your decision making? Now we are left with illegimate Biden per Bible, who has given himself over to Satan.) Situation Update, Dec. 19th - China Engineering WAR between USA and Russia (12/19/2020)
IT'S WAR: Communist China successfully infiltrated vaccine giants Pfizer, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline as part of "unrestricted warfare" to
defeat the US military and conquer North America (12/13/2020) -- Communist China, in other words, has infiltrated Western nations, corporations and governments. The hour is already late. Communist China also owns
Dominion Voting Systems and used the rigged systems to recently try to steal the U.S. election and install their puppet candidate (Joe Biden) as the
U.S. President....President Trump appears to be on the verge of invoking the Insurrection Act and deploying Special Operations Forces (SOF) to carry out mass
arrests of treasonous operatives across America. Military tribunals are probably not far behind, and here's what Gen. Michael Flynn said just today
(via Maria Bartiromo / Fox Business)--see above article link.
See article by Mike Adams titled The Betrayal is now complete (12/12/2020). Excerpt: The betrayal is now complete: SCOTUS dismissal of Texas lawsuit illuminates final remaining option to save the Republic....America has been
plunged into
lawlessness by the US Supreme Court....Trump must now declare the fraudulent election to be an act of cyber warfare against America,
deploy the military to key cities, and initiate mass arrests of court judges, mayors, governors, election officials, complicit journalists," members of Congress and everyone else who has colluded in this criminal conspiracy to overthrow the United States
of America....Fortunately, this is precisely the option for which President Trump has been preparing since at least September of 2018.
I have been covering these preparations in my Situation Update podcasts, which bring to light activities of the DoD, DIA,
SpecOps forces and cyber warfare soldiers, all of which are preparing for Trump to give the green light on an operation that would take
down America's enemies with ferocity and determination. Also, see Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes urges Americans to prepare for TOTAL WAR Against Chinese Communist Takeover of America & President Trump must enact the "Insurrection Act." (TV Interview, 12/11/2020) & Stop The Steal: General Michael Flynn Speaks Publicly For First Time Since Trump Pardon in Washington, D.C. (12/12/2020)
Natural News: Mike Adams Updates
Read & Listen to Mike Adam's Audio Presidential Updates below the CIA picture (President Trump will serve another term). There is an internal war in our government between "Deep State" CIA & FBI and other rogue agencies vs. DoD & DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) & NSA -- the patriots. Note: There are some patriots in the other agencies.
Important Situation Election Update Reports by Mike Adams:
; Jan. 05 ;Jan. 02 ;Dec. 31st ;Dec. 29. ;Dec. 25 (important) ; Dec. 23 ;Dec. 22 (a message to our coward President & his rejection on obeying God) ;Dec. 21 (Pence & Raiklin Maneuever);Dec. 20 ;Dec. 19, China Engineering WAR between USA and Russia ;Dec. 18; Dec. 17 ; Dec. 16 (Epic counterattack readied against "Cyber Pearl Harbor" by Trump) ; Dec. 15; Dec. 14 (Trump says to states that its is illegal to certifiy votes) ;Dec. 13 (Trump readies evidence to leverage against Biden) ;Dec. 12 (SCOTUS betrayal allows Trump to invoke military tribunals and Fourteenth Amendment) ;Dec. 11 ;Dec. 10 ;Dec. 7--DNI & Bogus PCR Testing;Dec. 6 (Dominion Software Owned by China);Dec. 5 (Video, Vaccinations) ; Dec. 4; (Dec. 03 --Trump invokes foreign interference provision of his 2018 executive order) ;Dec. 02 (Video) ;Nov. 30; Nov. 29 (Video); Nov. 27 (Video); Nov. 26 (Video);
Situation Update, Jan. 5, 2021--Congress will betray; patriots will need to RESCUE the President
Situation Update, Jan 4th -- President Trump, you either take the election on Jan. 6th or you are full of shit. It looks like all theater. You have the authority. So, what are you going to do? Disobey God? Mr. President, you could have stopped this a long time ago. You talk the talk and you never win the war. You have no choice than using the military--the government is too far gone (wicked, corrupt from the top down). The 10-day is investigation period is a ploy to disarm patriots.
Important Situation Update reports for Nov. 24th, 23rd and 21st -- plus a new interview with General Thomas McInerney (Video, 11/24/2020) -- Here are the critical updates from Natural News for the last three days, plus a bombshell new video interview by Brannon Howse, talking with General Thomas McInerney about cyber warfare, election theft, HAMMER and Scorecard. President Trump will win against the fraud. False News Item: George Soros was not arrested. Deep State propaganda to mislead people.
As you know by now, the DoD launched a raid on a CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany, to secure servers that contain proof of CIA interference with the 2020 election (i.e. backdoor manipulations of election results via Dominion voting machines). But new information is now surfacing that indicates there was a firefight at the server farm facility, involving US Army Special Forces units, engaging with CIA-trained paramilitary units that were flown in from Afghanistan in an emergency effort to defend the facility.
One CIA officer was killed during the firefight, and he is now being reported across the mainstream media as being "killed in Somalia." Five US Army soldiers were also killed, and they are being explained away as dying in a "helicopter crash" in Egypt.
Firm That Owns Dominion Voting Systems Received $400 Million From Swiss Bank With Connection to Chinese Government Before Election (12/01/2020) & THE KRAKEN: Retired Lieutenant General Thomas McInerneySays US Military Intel Group, Nicknamed 'Kraken', Seized Dominion Servers in Germany (11/30/2020)
Full transcript of General Flynn. Message to President Trump: You have an obligation to the Biblical God (Yeshua Ha-Mashiach) & Country to use the "Insurrection Act" & the "14th Amendment" because the judges & government are corrupt, foreign interference (China), etc.-- this is treason.
Trump Set a Trap: 2018 E.O. Created Command Structure to Combat Election Fraud (11/13/2020) -- this was Tweeted by President Trump (click Trump Tweet 11/12/2020--PDF to see the original Presidential Tweet):
Donald J. Trump
This claim about election fraud is disputed
11:34 AM . Nov 12, 2020
Black Friday LIVE: President Trump States He Won Election, Plus Democrats Caught in Massive Voter Fraud (11/27/2020) -- listen to President Trump and the PA testimony & Must See: Pennsylvania State Legislature Holds Public Hearing on 2020 Election --- Trump Weighs In (11/25/2020)
Overstock CEO Releases Evidence of Systematic Election Fraud America (11/24/2020) -- Former Overstock CEO Dr. Patrick Byrne of http://deepcapture.com joins The Alex Jones Show to present evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential
HUGE: Trump fires deep state Defense Secretary Mark Esper, indicating a likely plan for military involvement in a declaration of insurrection (11/09/2020) -- excerpt from Mike Adams,
The election theft was conducted in real time on Nov. 3rd, using the Dominion software, created by a corporation partially owned by Nancy Pelosi. During the election, the real-time data were shunted offshore, where calculations were run to produce action lists for stealing the votes in swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan, and then Hammer and Scorecard (created by the CIA) were used to alter the votes in real time, in the voting machines...
Deep source insiders have been telling me for days that an "epic counter attack" against the deep state is about to be launched by Trump. We don't know the details about this counter attack, but we do know that Trump has two options which involve deploying the military to save the Republic:
Option #1) Invoke the Insurrection Act and declare the Democrats' blatant vote rigging and outrageous censorship to be a "rebellion" against the United States of America. Order military police to arrest the thousands of high-level traitors who tried to carry out a communist-influenced coup against the United States, including all the CEOs of Big Tech as well as the heads of the corrupt Democrat party. More details here.
Option #2) Invoke Sec. 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which calls for Trump to strip Electoral College votes from all states engaged in acts of rebellion against the United States, which of course includes rigged election theft and vote fraud. More details here. And here...
Circumvent Censorship
In order to circumvent Twitter, Facebook and Google censoring videos and searches that report true news, go to Censored by Jack.com. The media and social media has covered up Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden's criminal activity and the pedophile cover-ups. Natural News states: "Furthermore, we call on President Trump to seize all Facebook and Twitter bank accounts, assets and properties, as both tech companies are actively colluding with communist China to destroy the United States of America as part of a planned, illegal insurrection. Facebook, for example, is using Chinese nationals to run its "Hate speech engineering" algorithms which censor the voices of Americans...Trump must declare Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter to be in violation of the RICO Act, as they are waging a racketeering campaign to crush free speech and destroy this nation in order to allow communist China to overrun the United States."
Supporters of the President
Many Local Union Ironworkers in NJ and other States & other Union Members support & endorse President Trump (who put a 25% tariff on steel imports). The Boilermakers Union Local 154 in PA has endoresed President Trump, not Biden, who lied at a ABC town hall event. The Ironworkers' union members are disgusted with the International Association & the leadership for endorsing Biden, a Free-Trader Globalist who voted for NAFTA, that ships jobs to China & other countries (Union members allege that the International Association leaders have been bought off by the Globalist Bankers. Ironworkers across the country have expressed their outrage over Eric Dean, Ironworkers General President, for his endorsement) Note: Revealed: President Trump Presided Over the Largest Manufacturing Boom in a First Term Since the 1970s
Founding Member, Larry Pinkney, Of the Black Panther Party Destroys BLM/Antifa (TV Interview). Larry Pinkney endorses President Trump and condemns BLM and states it is a Soros (not his real name), who is a Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) member and a Deep State CIA operative (according to Dr. Steve Piecznik.com--former Assistant Deputy Secretary of State & served under 4 Presidents) operation using black people as guinea pigs. BLM is a white run globalist, deep state intelligence organization. Rasmussen Poll has President Trump's black approval at a whopping 50% (10/24/2020)
Honorable U.S. Candidates running for Office (All Candidates Listed on X- Politics):
1. Laura Loomer for Congress--Florida, District 21, General Election is November 3rd, 2020). 2. Joe Collins, Congressional 43rd District candidate in CA --he is a Black American and military veteran. 3. Senator Martha McSally (Arizona, R) is a lot better on the issues then her opponent -- her opponent Mark Kelly (D) likes to dress up like a Nazi (see his pictures) & is anti-gun (anti-2nd Amendment) and will destroy the economy. 4. John James (R) for U.S. Senate in Michigan -- he is a Black American, a West Point grad & aviation officer and Iraq veteran; he has been endorsed by the Detroit News that Twitter censored; 5 . Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai U.S. Senate Candidate in Massachusetts (Sept. 1, 2020 is the primary) -- a MIT graduate and brilliant scientist. And New Left-Wing Tyranny
Left image : Click the picture to order the President Trump Trillion Dollar Gospel Tract (it is not an endorsement & can be handed out in schools, churches, etc.)
Find out why Union members, Black Leaders such as Dr. Alveda King, Larry Pinkney (Former Founding member of the Black Panther Party that has condemned BLM & Antifa & (Who is Funding BLM?), Black Rappers, etc. support President Trump.
Trump's "secret weapon" revealed: Fourteenth Amendment allows the President to strip Electoral College votes from states supporting censorship
"This bill will actually encourage states to stop this practice that's ripe for fraud, and that poses a serious threat to the integrity of our elections"
Coronavirus (A Man-Made Bioweapon that has the HIV Delivery System According to U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee --
China Launches Biolgoical War Against The West, More To Come (04/01/20) & FORMER MI6 HEAD: CORONAVIRUS IS MAN-MADE, RELEASED FROM A LAB -- Ex-MI6 chief Sir Richard Dearlove says China could be forced to pay 'reparations' to the rest of the world & We are War with China: PRESIDENT TRUMP DECLARES ANTIFA TERRORIST ORGANIZATION FOLLOWING CHINESE-FUNDED LEFTIST INSURRECTION
Banned from YouTube: America's Frontline Doctors Hold 2nd Summit in DC (10/19/2020)
New documentary explains how lockdowns and contact tracing don't stop the coronavirus and are a complete waste of energy -- Doctors around the world have seen bizarre symptoms with covid-19, including blood disorders, low blood oxygen levels and blood clotting factors. Is SARS-CoV-2 strictly a viral illness? Could it be the consequence of electromagnetic radiation poisoning or underlying parasitic infections? If the current pandemic is caused by a virus, why have anti-parasitic drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine been so effective at stopping the infection? Why have these treatments been censored online, and the fear of infection perpetuated by the media?
The gain-of-function research that was conducted in China was conducted on coronaviruses, and Dr. Anthony Fauci warned in 2017 at a Georgetown University speech that there will be a "surprise outbreak" during the Trump Administration. Dr. Fauci supported this gain-of-function research on coronaviruses through the National Institutes of Health in cooperation with China.
ent getting viruses. " Apoptosis and mitochondria. It has recently become evident that mitochondria play a pivotal role in both the life and death of the cell" (Green & Reed 1998; Kroemer & Reed 2000).