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Dr. Bob Morey, PictureMemorial Service for Dr. Robert A. Morey to be held Saturday, 11:00AM (01/12/19),Trinity Reformed Church, 2760 Lake Sahara Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89117. To sign memory book: Nevada Obituaries (Memory Book) For PDF Profile, click Memorial Profile for Dr. Bob Morey (01/12/19) -- PDF

Dr. Robert A. Morey (11/13/1946--01/05/2019) passed away on Saturday at age 72 and went to be with the Lord. He was born in Orlando, Fl, but grew up in New York City. His father and mother: Charles and Gloria (Salazar) Morey. Dr. Bob began preaching the word at age 16, and became a pastor in rural Pennsylvania soon after. On June 3rd, 1972, he married Anne Smadbeck. Anne passed away on June 3rd, 2012. Dr. Bob and Anne’s wedding rings were inscribed with “Together in Christ”, and this is now fully realized. On Earth, he will be missed.

Dr. Bob's roots were Southern Baptist--he was baptized at and joined Calvary Baptist Church in New York City under Dr. Olford's preaching for 8 years in 1963.

He was residing in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dr. Morey was considered your top apologist and theologian in the world--he was a Hebrew and Greek scholar and had an IQ of 185 and was selected by Yale University in the tenth grade of high school to become part of the School Mathematics Study Group (SMSG). Dr. Robert A. Morey was the author over 65 books and received his seminary degrees from Westminster Theological Seminary in PA and received PhD's from other universities. He studied under the top apologists in the world such as Walter Martin (NYC, NJ CRI) Francis Schaeffer (Covenant College, L'Abri in Switzerland) Dr. Gordon Clark (Covenant College, Dr. Clark earned his degrees from the University of Pennsylvania) Dr. Cornelius Van Til (WTS) Hans Rookmaaker (NYC, Holland L'Abri). Dr. Bob was also friends with Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (12/20/1889 to 03/01/1981)--the premiere evangelical preacher and theologian and medical doctor in London, Westminster Chapel and informed Dr. Bob that he confronted a well- known evangelist (see Witnessing Tab on NJIAT) in the U.S. and told him he had no authority to manipulate people, psychologically massage the audience and to emotionally overcome them to make all these false converts. Dr. Morey also knew Dr. John MacArthur and donated some of his library collection to his seminary, Dr. D. James Kennedy and was on his radio program many times, Dr. John W. Robbins, Trinity Foundation and Dr. John Ankerberg, which Dr. Bob did many programs with him that were video taped. He also knew Tal Brook that produces the SCP Journal. Dr. Morey was good friends with the late Dr. Gleason L. Archer, who told him his Trinity book would be etched in stone. He was also friends with Dr. Peter Hammond of Frontline Fellowship in South Africa, who is a missionary serving Africa.

Dr. Morey also debated some of the top scholars in the world who were against Christianity (cults, pseudo-Christians, Islam, new agers, atheists, etc.). He also wrote ground breaking books such as The Islamic Invasion (click the picture on the left) in the 1980s that was used by the FBI and Navy Intelligence. He also wrote Winning the War against Radical Islam and produced a DVD. Dr. Bob told me that there was an attempted assassination on him from Pakistani Intelligence in the 1990s (the FBI warned him). The intelligence officer took the identity of a Christian seminary student. Also, the FBI made Dr. Bob cancel a big lecture on Islam in the U.S. because there were radical Islamic snipers who were going to assassinate him there. Note: Dr. Bob worked with the FBI (informant) for many years and as a result, the FBI was able to stop potential terrorist attacks--when former President George Bush (a globalist) got into office just before 9/11, he was told by the FBI that they were given orders not to assist him and that certain high ranking government officials did not like any criticism of Islam--the truth about the religion of Islam was not allowed anymore. Dr. Bob's books on Islam were pulled from all the major book stores in the United States after 9/11--the order came from very high levels in government. His Islamic book was published in the 1980s!

Dr. Bob was persecuted because of taking a stand for the truth--many in the so-called Evangelical Churches refused to correct their doctrinal errors so they would rather curse a man of God then repent of their errors--this was especially true in the apologetic circles where Dr. Morey showed Biblically that Natural Law and Natural Theology (see his book on the left column entitled The Bible, Natural Theology and Natural Law: Conflict or Compromise?) were anti-biblical. I considered him an apostle (small "a")/prophet in the 20th and 21st century. Other examples of modern-day apostles with a small "a" and prophets are: Martin Luther(16th century--Calvin called Luther an apostle), Francis Schaeffer (20th century apostle and prophet), etc. Dr. Bob's roots were Reformed Southern Baptist, but always let the Bible be the final authority, not blindly following everything a denomination stood for--this why the churches he pastored over the years were non-denominational. He was one of the few exegetical theologians (exegeted from the Hebrew and Greek) in the world.

He leaves behind a son and daughter. Dr. Bob was a dedicated husband and father--his wife, Dr. Anne Morey, passed away in 2012--they both knew each other as teenagers in NYC. The President of NJIAT has personally known Dr. Morey for over 18 years and will surely miss him.

Dr. Bob's Personal Testimony

While I was visiting my grandmother in Orlando, Florida, she asked me to visit her church, North Park Baptist Church (Southern Baptist Convention). I did not believe in anything at the tie-as my father was an agnostic when sober and an atheist when drunk. But on Oct. 29, 1962, a Mr. Mobley witnessed to me. That might, I saw my need of salvation and asked the Lord to save me.

My father became so upset that he gave me an ultimatum to either give up Jesus or leave the family. So, I packed my bags and left home at the age 16.

Various Christians have helped me along the way and fulfilled Jesus' promise tht if you have to give up mother and father in this life, He would send you many mothers and fathers to take their place.

I was called to preach the same day I was saved and began preaching from the pulpit tow weeks after my conversion. I minister today in eternal gratitude to God for saving me. On Oct. 27, 1963, I was baptized at and joined Calvary Baptist Church in New York City, where I remained for eight years under Dr.Stephen Olford.

Note: Pray that Dr. Bob's books and material will still be made available because Dr. Bob told the President of NJIAT that there has always been people who were trying to shut down his ministry and his material would be censored--Satanic. Pray that his Son & the REF Board will stand firm and not allow this to happen. Taken from a lecture by Dr. Robert A. Morey orginally presented at KCEA's 20th Annual Christian Education Conference entitled Are We Losing Our Children?

Dr. Bob Morey receiving his D. Litt from University of America in 2017, Picture











Dr. Robert A. Morey receives his D. Litt at University of America in 2017.

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Dr. Robert A. Morey

In Memory of Dr. Bob Morey (11/13/46 -- 01/05/19)

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